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Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

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R:59 / I:17


There's been a lot of chatter lately about Deepseek. In the online circles I'm in, people have a politics-colored understanding, more or less saying "American tech companies couldn't do this, but an opensource Chinese company could and American tech companies are in 'damage control'". Which... I really don't understand. If it's an open source model, like Llama was, for example, I don't see how this doesn't just cause there to be a proliferation of much more efficient and performant models -- the same way after Llama became available, sudden there was Phi from Microsoft, Gemma from Google, Mistral, and others.

What does /maho/ think?
R:162 / I:25

Generics Thread

A thread for random tech chatter
If your talk ends up being well thought out and has lots of replies, consider crossboard-linking your discussion into a thread
R:34 / I:11
I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................
R:3 / I:1
Best keyboard
R:391 / I:167

Let's talk to AI Characters

MORE AI STUFF! It's weird how this is all happening at once. Singularity is near?

Alright, there's another AI thing people are talking about, but this time it shouldn't be very controversial:
Using a temporary email service (just google 'temporary email') you can make an account and start having conversations with bots. (Write down the email though because it's your login info)
But, these bots are actually good. EXTREMELY good. Like, "is this really a bot?" good. I talked with a vtuber and had an argument and it went very well. Too well, almost. I don't know how varied the stuff is, but they're really entertaining when I talked to Mario and even a vtuber.
Sadly, it's gaining in popularity rapidly so the service is getting slower and it might even crash on you.

It says "beta" all over the site, presumably this is in the public testing phase and once it leaves beta it's going to cost money, so it's best to have fun with this now while we still can (and before it gets neutered to look good for investors or advertisers).
R:90 / I:41

Cool Software?

Do you use any software that other people may not know about that you like?
I started using (and eventually even bought!) this thing called Wallpaper Slideshow after trying a bunch of free ones and getting frustrated. https://www.gphotoshow.com/wallpaper-slideshow-pro.php
Basically, you give it folder(s) of your choice and it will assemble a collage image of them and make it your background. You can configure it with a timer that changes it and I have it set to 15 minutes. I had originally used John's Background Switcher that someone thankfully linked to me a few months ago: >>91800 https://johnsad.ventures/software/backgroundswitcher/
I liked this one more because there's less wasted space, more options, and it just generally seems to assemble the image better. I turn it off before I go to bed each night though because I'm worried that it's keeping my hard drive active all day, which probably isn't good. I should maybe research that sometime...

This pairs well with something like Grabber ( https://github.com/Bionus/imgbrd-grabber ) that can bulk download tags from booru sites.
Of course, this stuff is kind of wasteful if you don't have an extra monitor with a wallpaper that's largely visible, but I find myself like that sometimes so it's pretty nice.
R:48 / I:18
Are you planning on buying anything for Black Friday/Cyber Thursday?

I think I'll get another big hard drive for storing stuff and my sister is planning to buy a TV so I guess I'll look around at those, too.
R:16 / I:4

Is it possible to use the repos here to reprogram and create a Taiga that works on linux? I'm asking because I don't think I can possibly go back to keeping up with anime using just a notepad anymore after how convenient Taiga's been for me this whole time, and I'm not switching to Win 11 or the subscription-based 12 in the future. If I need to learn to code myself to do this then so be it, I want my convenience.
R:360 / I:189
Anyone else been messing around with the stable diffusion algorithm or anything in a similar vein?
It's a bit hard to make it do exactly what you want but if you're extremely descriptive in the prompt or just use a couple words it gives some pretty good results. It seems to struggle a lot with appendages but faces come out surprisingly well most of the time.

Aside from having a 3070 i just followed this guide I found on /g/ https://rentry.org/voldy to get things setup and it was pretty painless.
R:9 / I:2

crotchety old bloggers

I like Rachelbythebay. Woman who gravitates towards the underappreciated sysadmin/glue code role in tech companies and always has a bad time of it. She's built cool things in software and hardware, such as her own monitor of her city's police radio communications that listened to all of the public channels and archived the activity. You can learn about various 'gotchas' by poring over her blog backlog. For example, empty files in unix systems marked as executable still run to completion and giving an exit code of 0 (success). Or certain numbers that come up repeatedly in log files.
R:4 / I:2
How come there don't seem to be any majorly successful crypto payment processors? Is it because of the fact it's easy enough to send crypto already? I was pondering this and that seemed like it shouldn't exactly be the case, since I don't think I've really seen any crypto cards being accepted anywhere major like in retail stores and whatnot. Crypto transactions themselves are already mostly secure enough, but I guess you'd still need a framework for making sure the recipient and amount to send from an address is correct, also that you're the one who is initiating the transaction.

Are there other barriers that prevent their mass adoption, or is the rest mostly that people are scared of crypto?
R:5 / I:1

Crypto Curiosity

I wanted to create a scam crypto whose purpose and design was to be rugpulled at an indeterminant but publicly announced point in which a random number generator that generates a new number each day landed on a certain number. At first I was thinking purely cynically in that I wanted to pull an open scam on people that they would willingly buy into knowing its a scam but try to beat each other out to cash out when the number hit anyways, but then I started thinking about it some more and someone on #qa linked me litecoin's github and I started wondering more than that too.

What resources would one need to create a cryptocurrency entirely from scratch? Obviously some coding knowledge would be beneficial, but what languages do people use to make them? Also I think it'd probably be good to read up on cryptography since the security of mining and transactions is built around that, but don't know what books are good reads for that sphere of math. That's what I think the two things one would need to make a coin are, but is there more to study up on? I was also thinking that a coin in which there was a way to figure out how to just mine infinitely by cracking the algorithm would be cool too, but not sure what that would even entail or if it's possible without making mining entirely meaningless.

I'll probably spend a year on this and then at some point finish when nobody cares about crypto anymore. But I think understanding crypto at a fundamental level would be fun.
R:20 / I:4
Why did they design the Switch 2 like this? Are they stupid?
R:17 / I:1
¥ new "single sign-on" service gets implemented
¥ now have to go through six (6) login screens to access my workstation
¥ same password everywhere
¥ have to enter two soft tokens, tied to the same device, same app, same screen even
¥ have to wait for them to refresh and then enter them again to access the app portal even when hardlined into the intranet
When did "security" and "inconvenience" become synonymous? Are they just hoping hackers will decide this labyrinthine series of credential checks and verification pages aren't worth the data behind them and give up?
R:5 / I:2
I'm getting really turned on....
R:9 / I:4
So you think your so elite zomg cool hax0r uh? Well then let's hear YOUR genius strategy for hiding all traces of yourself from the glowies and other people that wanmt to spy on you?
R:17 / I:4

VRChat Lain Exhibition

This may be a bit too meta for /maho/, but there's a Serial Experiments Lain exhibition in VRChat until the 19th of January, 2025.

R:8 / I:3
Every day that bitcoin crashes a wave of bliss washes over me. It's been a blissful week.
R:16 / I:5


i want to game.. a pc is unlikely in this moment. i like anime games that’s wut i would play.. PSP? in 2025.. is that good? What about a steam deck? I’ve had only nintendo 3ds, gameboy and ipads becuz gaming is supposed to be a boy hobby.. (~_~;) WHATS THE BEST?!?! plz
R:5 / I:0

Looking at how gikopoi does some of it's media functionality...
It's been a while since I looked at how extensive browser APIs have become.

>Screen Capture API
>CSS Painting API
>Geolocation API

Browsers are practically mini operating systems.
R:8 / I:4

Uninterruptible Power Supplies

I think it's time I invest in a UPS. I lost power this morning and my uptime got reset on 3/4 machines. Does /maho/ have any recommendations?
R:29 / I:5

What do you want in a multimedia OS?

Been working on an Linux distro for the last 2 years off and on. Will probably be ready to release it to the wild at some point early next yet. I was wondering what people wanted out of a desktop/laptop OS geared toward the creation of content like audio production, video editing, programming, drawing and other forms of content creation. As we all know it's a huge pain to set-up systems for this currently.

I plan to provide a lot of things out of the box geared towards these hobbies (both production and consuming such content). A list of applications you use on the regular especially those you're forced to get from git repos and compile from source would be very helpful to me.

Current plans/status;
-Will run on Linux kernel. AMD64 is the only supported platform at the moment but should be easy to port to other archs. Technically, can run on them now with some simple config file changes.
-Kernel tuned for realtime scheduling along with many other performance tweaks
-Package manager that supports both using binaries and compiling from source. Ability to custom compile/run-time options. GUI to manage it if you don't want to use command line
-Multi-monitor support out of the box with GUI application to manage them
-New light DE based on Openbox along with some modifications I've made to it (can use most other DEs though if you want)
-A simple WM for "fall back" admin tasks when you need to fix something and the regular DE doesn't work. Or for people that just prefer a WM (ability to replace with anything you want of course)
-Consistent look and feel across Qt/gtk/other applications
-All dev and multimedia tools installed by default (but you can exclude stuff if you really want)
-ffmpeg/MLT/vapoursynth installed by default with a nice GUI application for editing and encoding video
-Various audio tools installed by default
-other misc. things like pre-installed applications for viewing and managing stuff like your manga, doujin and media collection
-Support for running Windows software out of the box (pre-configured wine) and support for running them in VM out of the box like native applications. GUI to manage both
-blah blah blah

The most important thing;
-A small base system that you can install on most anything.
-An installer for less technically inclined (my grandmother should be able to use it to browser the internet or play an old Windows game)
-Ability to manually install for people that want that and to strip it down in the "suckless" way

I could go on but I'll stop. I really need ideas about what applications to include for people that mainly archive and consume content and from people that create it.

I'll spare you the details of the base system. Just going to leave it at this isn't going to be a Fedora/Ubuntu clone. It'll be Linux but more akin to how a *BSD works. It won't limit you (can run Docker/Flatpak and such) but it'll also attempt to avoid some of the bad things that's been happening within the Linux world lately. At least in the base/default install.

Please let me know if anyone is interested in helping out with testing or in time helping me host repo mirrors.

Oh one last thing: I plan to support adding third party repos that could do things like host your favorite VNs, old games, legacy abandonware and warez in general. Not on offical repos of course. But if someone wanted to do it I won't stop them. In fact, I couldn't because I plan to add a way to host repos that aren't on ftp/git/http.

Basically, I'm looking to make a modern Amiga OS running on the Linux kernel.
R:2 / I:0
With LLM AIs being the big new badass rockstar tech, when are we going to see some sort of implementation of them into games for enemy AI? At least for stealth games, the adaptability to different situations seems like it'd be able to reduce the gamey feel of sneaking past enemies and keep the player on guard more.
R:35 / I:3
MV3 just killed Ublock Origin
Now what, chromebros?
Are we screwed?
I don't want to download firefox
R:3 / I:0
Have you ever wondered why all the AI coding demos always use things like "Create the game of snake" or "Create a todo app"?
R:19 / I:5

R:2 / I:1

You mean government backdoors can be a bad thing??? Color me shocked.
R:16 / I:4
Thinking about buying one of those "Samsung, The Frame 55'' " TVs. There's nothing better of quality.
Good speakers and the picture quality is nice too. I watched some kissu yukkuri streams on it before my bro took it away from me.
R:49 / I:15

MacBook unboxing


They might make you pay a lot but at least it is something that makes it easy
R:15 / I:0
Has anyone here used MacBooks for software development? What issues did you encounter in practice?
R:11 / I:4

cybernetic types of technology

what are some human cybernetics types of technology you use to augment your powers
ill start with a strong example

everyday i use anki to help remember things, because of how memory works using space repetition is the most efficient way ever to remember things that you can put on a flashcard

its commonly used by medical students that need to remember lots of random symptoms and words and anatomy for medical school, but its also used for learning kanki, or vocabulary. I have a 'jeopardy' style deck with 10,000 trivia questions in, a professional development deck, decks for my school classes, decks for famous art pieces, and famous buildings

i have lots more technologies to talk about not just anki
R:12 / I:5


What kind of speaker setup do you have for your computer/room/whatever? I need a new set.
My old logitech set is about 20 years old now and I hate how bulky it is and sometimes the copper wires have an interference thing that makes a big thump randomly which freaks me out.
When doing the requisite "[thing] +reddit" google search to see what humans are saying, I heard people say that speakers are so good these days that you no longer need surround sound, which seems strange to me. I really like the idea of having music all around me, and the rare game or anime with surround sound is really cool with it (Delicious in Dungeon and the crappy Geass remake were the most recent things with surround I've watched). But, I guess if most people have left 5.1 behind then maybe I should, too. I absolutely hate bass so it'd be nice if I could get rid of the subwoofer since it's so big and bulky. I'm definitely not an audiophile so I have no interest in the gold-played anti-virus cables.
So how is your setup and how do you like it?

I guess you could talk about headphones if you want, but anything placed on my head gives me a headache so I'm not a fan.
R:5 / I:1
So I'm trying to get Ootake to work here for playing Rondo of Blood and I'm getting stuck. I installed the bios for the PC Engine and supposedly I have the CD properly mounted, but when trying to run the game I just get "Load Error" on Ootake. Is there something else I need to be doing here to make it work?
R:1 / I:0
stuff I would like in my image viewer

- way to quickly edit a lot of pictures
- by censoring out parts of a picture
- basic filters and image adjustments
- adjust levels
- red eye removal
- temporarily reflect pictures so they look new
- move pictures to new folder
- without a face
- with only male, furry faces

I'm too scared to open up issues for them though.
R:2 / I:0
Oh no... Mahiro's pregnant with a Rust binary...
R:10 / I:3
I was without computer for a couple days and had to subsist on "smart TV" youtube and it was awful. The ads pop up like every 15-20 minutes and they are LOUD. I can tolerate annoying ads, but I was pretty sure governments instituted rules about equalizing the volume of commercials? I remember this being a thing people complained about back in the 90s on cable. Maybe it doesn't apply to the internet?
All those relaxing "___ to sleep/study" whatever videos and then WEE WOO WEE WOO CLEARANCE SALE ON FURNITURE THAT HAS JUST GOT TO GO TODAY
Also it was an old TV when the "smart" stuff was just coming out so half the time the commercial (which somehow always rendered in 1080p despite the youtube video itself being like 240p to 480p) would crash the yotube "app".
I'm so glad to be on the computer again. Truly ignorance is bliss because that was a terrible way to experience things and yet it's the default for billions of people.
R:12 / I:0
What the F*** is Mint doing????
R:11 / I:4

Hardware Reparation

For the price of some switches, new soft pads, and a soldering iron I fixed my doubleclicking mouse. I now have a functioning mouse and a soldering iron. It's like getting a free toy. Gave the entire body a deep cleansing while I was at it, it's a lot easier to clean something properly when you've taken it apart.

Now what else I can I do with this toy...
R:32 / I:2
Remove all C code from the world
R:3 / I:1
When people know you code so they start asking you about Excel functions and formatting
R:1 / I:0
I'm not good with OS stuff. What's this merger for realtime linux about in less than 10 minutes?
R:54 / I:24

Jisaku Keyboard

Jisaku-ing a keyboard.
Following the video, tried creating a 3x3 "keyboard" with switches on a breadboard, was pretty simple to connect and program. Won't be doing much software though, mostly just soldering diodes and wires from the switches to a micro controller.
Thinking of making some compromises with the keyboard body and switches/keys by scavenging an old keyboard I have lying around. Right now, my goal is to create a working model and implement a custom layout for the keys. Maybe if this works out, I'll look into CAD-ing a proper case for a new board, and installing some good switches (the ones I have right now are off-brand reds).
All in all, the project is looking pretty doable so far... So long as I don't mess up during the soldering phase. Going to have to do a ton of practicing before I'm confident enough to work on the switches, don't want to be ruining them. Want to spend as less as I can on this.

*Will drop the project if I deem it financially unfundable (because I'm broke)
R:37 / I:11

CSS Programmers Thread

If you've gotta program an algorithm you've gotta use CSS

R:8 / I:3

Computer security

How do you manage computer security in your devices?

I feel that just common sense isn't enough nowadays, because of several reasons:

- Browsers especially (even if you disable JavaScript, which is often not feasible in many sites), but also email clients, torrent clients... can all be exploited somewhat easily.
- Some games require kernel-level anti-cheats, which have complete access to your computer. Even if you trust the developer, these kernel drivers are often buggy and can be leveraged by malware.
- Legitimate programs or Steam games might receive malicious updates if the developer or their supply chain is compromised.
- If you use third-party dependencies for development, you might also be compromised if any of them (or their recursive dependencies) are malicious, not uncommon in ecosystems like npm.
- If you play doujin games or eroge, you often have to download them from random untrusted sources.

I've concluded that it's not really possible to trust a computer if you use it for activities like these.

I'm thinking about getting a second device only for sensitive stuff, like banking, shopping and managing passwords. It seems a bit of a hassle, but I can't think of any other way.
R:20 / I:17

Desktorp Backgrounds

R:2 / I:0

Imageboard without database made with php

I found this imageboard on Github https://github.com/brodyking/Openchan As I said in the title, it works without a database and I am taking the time to make a connection with a MySQL database to be able to integrate functions such as reply and others. If you were looking for a basic project to start your own imageboard I think you should give this software a try.
R:41 / I:8
Install Linux on your personal computers.
R:15 / I:3
Thoughts on KDE?
R:16 / I:3
I'm gonna give one of these gay ergonomic mice a shot. I just wish there was one that had that Logitech free-spinning mouse wheel thing...
R:1 / I:1
So there's some windows exploit thing that needs to be patched? https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/en-US/vulnerability/CVE-2024-38063
I kept my windows on an old version since updates break various things (like the pirated copy) and adds new microsoft spyware stuff so I never update my windows 10. So uhh... can I selectively patch this thing without breaking my windows installation? I need help from nerds.
R:25 / I:11
How's your storage looking?
I think I need to buy another hard drive with at least 10TB when Black Friday comes around again. RAID stuff seems like a good idea, but buying two of every drive is too expensive.
R:1 / I:0
Are there any better alternatives for keying out anime in video editors/software besides polygonal shaping out what you want to cut and going from there? Doing all the work to adjust the model for each frame kills me.
R:14 / I:2

Direct Streaming

You know I was kind of thinking about this. How long do we need to wait before we can start streaming to each other directly from our home networks? Surely with rhe increased availability of gig speeds and higher this should be possible to pull off for streams with lower viewcounts of like a couple dozen. Or is the required speed far and above what's capable of the average residential user?
R:53 / I:41
Last year I did a bunch of experiments with Stable Diffusion image generation stuff and of course one of the first things I did was create Kuon and Aquaplus LORAs for my own personal use. Well, now for SDXL (specifically Pony which is a finetune of SDXL so that it's actually usable for this kind of thing) is now something I wish to try, I have begun the process of getting Kuon in higher quality. By that I mean, higher quality AI generations! Kuon could not be any higher quality herself!

The first step of the SDXL Kuon LORA process has begun after a week of careful image cropping, editing and tagging! Yes, you don't need to be this specific about it, but it's worth doing. I've started the style training thing before going to bed, but I still need to create a curated set of Kuon-specific images to train the concept of her appearance for the second part! It will take me another week or so to gather all those and carefully curate them, but since I'll be looking at images of Kuon the entire time it won't feel like work.
Well, assuming this first style thing works. Who knows what I'll wake up to? It could be a huge mess since I'm not quite accustomed to this SDXL stuff.
R:7 / I:2


>Eagle Mode is a zoomable user interface (ZUI) with file manager, file viewers, games, and more. This project is about a futuristic style of human-computer interaction, where the user can visit almost everything simply by zooming in.

R:9 / I:2
Linux and Audio.
Not a pairing that was meant to be.

I'm playing audio on two speakers and they randomly get latency on them that I can't predict
R:14 / I:5
Do you want to pick Linux1, Linux2, Linux3, Linux4 or Linux5
R:54 / I:24
I spent a really long time trying to get this working recently, so I figured I'd document what I did to get GPU passthrough working on my laptop. The steps I went through might be a bit different on other distros given that I am using Proxmox, but the broad strokes should apply. Bear in mind, this is with regards to using a Windows 11 virtual machine. Certain steps may be different or unnecessary for Linux-based virtual machines.

First, why might you want to do this? Well, the most obvious reason is that virtual machines are slooow. So, by passing through a GPU you can improve its speed considerably. Another possibility would be that you want to use the GPU for some task like GPU transcoding for Plex, or to simply use it as a render host, or you may want to use it for something like AI workloads that rely on the GPU. Alternatively, you may just want to use this to have a virtual machine that you can host Steam on or something like that (bear in mind, some games and applications will not run under virtual machines or run if you are using Remote Desktop).

0. Enable Virtualization-specific settings in the BIOS such as Intel VT-x and VT-d or AMD IOMMU and AMD-V, and disable Safe Boot (After installing your OS of choice if it requires UEFI)
1. Create a virtual machine
- BIOS should be OVMF (UEFI)
- Machine type should be q35
- SCSI Controller should be VirtIO SCSI or SCSI Single; others may work these are just what I have tested
- Display should be VirtIO-GPU (virtio); other display emulators will not work for Proxmox's built-in console VNC, or otherwise cause the VM to crash on launch.
- CPU may need to be of type host and hidden from the VM
2. Edit GRUB config line beginning with "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT"
- These settings worked for me: "quiet intel_iommu=on iommu=pt pcie_acs_override=downstream,multifunction nofb nomodeset"
- For AMD CPUs, change 'intel_iommu' to 'amd_iommu'
- Save the changes and then run 'update-grub'
- Reboot
3. Run 'dmesg | grep -e DMAR -e IOMMU'
- You should see a line like "DMAR: IOMMU enabled"
4. Add the following to /etc/modules :

5. Run "dmesg | grep 'remapping'"
- You should see something like the following:
"AMD-Vi: Interrupt remapping enabled"
"DMAR-IR: Enabled IRQ remapping in x2apic mode" ('x2apic' can be different on old CPUs, but should still work)

5.1 If not, run "echo "options vfio_iommu_type1 allow_unsafe_interrupts=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/iommu_unsafe_interrupts.conf"
6. Run "dmesg | grep iommu"
- You need proper IOMMU groups for the PCI device you want to assign to your VM. This means that the GPU isn't arbitrarily grouped with some other PCI devices but has a group of its own. In my case, this returns something like this:
5.398008] pci 0000:00:00.0: Adding to iommu group 0
[ 5.398019] pci 0000:00:01.0: Adding to iommu group 1
[ 5.398028] pci 0000:00:02.0: Adding to iommu group 2
[ 5.398038] pci 0000:00:08.0: Adding to iommu group 3
[ 5.398054] pci 0000:00:14.0: Adding to iommu group 4
[ 5.398062] pci 0000:00:14.2: Adding to iommu group 4
[ 5.398076] pci 0000:00:15.0: Adding to iommu group 5
[ 5.398088] pci 0000:00:16.0: Adding to iommu group 6
[ 5.398097] pci 0000:00:17.0: Adding to iommu group 7
[ 5.398108] pci 0000:00:1b.0: Adding to iommu group 8
[ 5.398120] pci 0000:00:1c.0: Adding to iommu group 9
[ 5.398136] pci 0000:00:1c.2: Adding to iommu group 10
[ 5.398148] pci 0000:00:1c.4: Adding to iommu group 11
[ 5.398160] pci 0000:00:1d.0: Adding to iommu group 12
[ 5.398172] pci 0000:00:1d.4: Adding to iommu group 13
[ 5.398197] pci 0000:00:1f.0: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398207] pci 0000:00:1f.2: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398215] pci 0000:00:1f.3: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398224] pci 0000:00:1f.4: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398233] pci 0000:00:1f.6: Adding to iommu group 14
[ 5.398245] pci 0000:01:00.0: Adding to iommu group 15
[ 5.398256] pci 0000:01:00.1: Adding to iommu group 16
[ 5.398267] pci 0000:02:00.0: Adding to iommu group 17
[ 5.398279] pci 0000:04:00.0: Adding to iommu group 18
[ 5.398290] pci 0000:05:00.0: Adding to iommu group 19
[ 5.398313] pci 0000:06:00.0: Adding to iommu group 20
[ 5.398336] pci 0000:06:01.0: Adding to iommu group 21
[ 5.398358] pci 0000:06:02.0: Adding to iommu group 22
[ 5.398382] pci 0000:06:04.0: Adding to iommu group 23
[ 5.398415] pci 0000:3b:00.0: Adding to iommu group 24
[ 5.398427] pci 0000:71:00.0: Adding to iommu group 25

6.1 If you don't have dedicated IOMMU groups, you can add "pcie_acs_override=downstream" to your GRUB launch arguments if you didn't already do that.
7. Run lspci to determine the location of your GPU or other PCI device you want to pass through. It should generally be "01:00.0"
8. Run "lspci -nnk -s 01:00"
- You should see something like this:
01:00.0 3D controller [0302]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104GLM [Quadro P4000 Mobile] [10de:1bb7] (rev a1)
Subsystem: Lenovo GP104GLM [Quadro P4000 Mobile] [17aa:224c]
Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
Kernel modules: nvidiafb, nouveau
01:00.1 Audio device [0403]: NVIDIA Corporation GP104 High Definition Audio Controller [10de:10f0] (rev a1)
Kernel driver in use: vfio-pci
Kernel modules: snd_hda_intel

- The first 4 characters designate the Vendor ID, in this case "10de" represents Nvidia. The second 4 characters after the colon represent the Device ID, in this case "1bb7" represents an Nvidia Quadro P4000
9. (Proxmox-specific, but generally applies) Add a PCI Device under Hardware for you virtual machine
- Select the ID for your Device, enabling "All Functions", "Primary GPU", "ROM-Bar", and "PCI-Express"
- Fill in the Vendor ID, Device ID, Sub-Vendor ID, and Sub-Device ID. In my case, the Vendor ID and Device ID are: "0x10de" and "0x1bb7" and the Sub-Vendor ID and Sub-Device ID are: "17aa" and "224c"
- If you edit the virtual machine config file located at "/etc/pve/qemu-server/vmid.conf" (replace vmid.conf with your Virtual Machine ID, like 101.conf), that would look like hostpci0: 0000:01:00,device-id=0x1bb7,pcie=1,sub-device-id=0x224c,sub-vendor-id=0x17aa,vendor-id=0x10de,x-vga=1
10. Run the following, making sure to replace the IDs with the IDs for your specific GPU or PCI device.
echo "options vfio-pci ids=10de:1bb7,10de:10f0 disable_vga=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf
11. Disable GPU drivers so that the host machine does not try to use the GPU by running the following:
echo "blacklist amdgpu" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist radeon" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
echo "blacklist nvidia" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

12. (Nvidia-specific) Run the following to prevent applications from crashing the virtual machine:
echo "options kvm ignore_msrs=1" > /etc/modprobe.d/kvm.conf
12.1 You may want to add "report_ignored_msrs=0" if you see a lot of warnings in your dmesg system log
12.2 Kepler K80 GPUs require the following in the vmid.conf:
args: -machine pc,max-ram-below-4g=1G
13. Run the following:
echo "softdep nouveau pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
echo "softdep nvidia pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
echo "softdep nvidia* pre: vfio-pci" >> /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf

14. [Skip this step unless you have errors beyond this point] Note: At this point, you may read that you might require dumping your GPU's vBIOS. In my experience, this was completely unnecessary and above all did not work. Specific instructions in other guides may be like the following:
cd /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:01:00.0/
echo 1 > rom
cat rom > /usr/share/kvm/vbios.bin
echo 0 > rom

In my experience, attempting to run "cat rom > /usr/share/kvm/vbios.bin" would result in an Input/Output error and the vBIOS would not be able to be dumped. If you really do end up needing to dump the vBIOS, I would strongly recommend installing Windows onto your host machine and then installing and running GPU-z. GPU-z has a "share" button that allows you to easily dump the vBIOS for your GPU.
To add the vBIOS to your virtual machine, place the place your vBIOS file that you dumped at "/usr/share/kvm/" and then add ",romfile=vbios.bin" to your vmid.conf for your PCI device (replacing vbios.bin with the name of your vBIOS file you dumped). That would look something like the following:
hostpci0: 0000:01:00,device-id=0x1bb7,pcie=1,sub-device-id=0x224c,sub-vendor-id=0x17aa,vendor-id=0x10de,x-vga=1,romfile=vbios.bin
15. Reboot. At this point, when you start your virtual machine you should be able to see in Windows Device Manager that your GPU was detected under display adapters. At this point, try installing your GPU device drivers and then reboot your virtual machine once they've installed. If all goes well, you should have a functioning GPU passed through to your virtual machine. If not... You'll likely see "Code 43" under the properties for your GPU in Device Manager.
16. Going back to your vmid.conf add the following to your cpu options ",hidden=1,flags=+pcid", you should have a line that looks like this:
cpu: host,hidden=1,flags=+pcid
17. Nvidia drivers can be very picky. You may need to add an ACPI table to emulate having a battery. You can do this by downloading this and then adding it to your vmid.conf by adding a line like so:
args: -acpitable file="/root/ssdt1.dat"
18. If you're still having a code 43 issue, you can go back to step 14 and try adding your vBIOS.

At this point, you're done. Your virtual machine should be successfully detecting your GPU or PCI device and you should be able to use it mostly normally. For obvious reasons, you may still not be able to run all programs as you would like due to running them under a virtual machine, however, the main core functionality of the GPU or PCI device should be fully accessible to the virtual machine.

A few of my resources:
R:8 / I:1
Should I turn off my computer using the power switch?
R:6 / I:1

Ideal programming discussion site

So I was going through some of my notes and I found one where I put down some thoughts and ideas about a site specifically for discussions about programming.
I'm sort of biased towards the imageboard format of discussion, so in my head the ideal site would work sort of like an imageboard, except with no images (posts are just formatted text with code blocks and stuff and can also have images embedded in the text).

Also I really like the anonymity of imageboards, but it sucks constantly getting spam and stuff, so I think the ideal system is something like this:
>1. a system where you need to create an account (you still show up as anon when you post) and you get special privileges, like being able to post if your account is over 2 days long, being able to create threads if you've made over 10 posts without a warning, etc.
>2. allowing OP to prune posts in his thread, this way he can moderate it and stop off-topic flame wars from constantly bumping the thread
(copied from my notes)

I have some more ideas but anyway what about you? I think there's a lot to talk about when it comes to something like this
R:11 / I:3


Why do you make your programs take logs of activity?
R:10 / I:3

The Centralized Internet Is Inevitable


I think this article makes a good point. Many people here miss the "old internet" not realizing that period is destined to disappear from the start, since the inherent cannot be anything else: the inherent property of the internet leads to the eventual centralization of control:

> One of the core functions of the internet is to record material of human interest in digital format.
> This information is not made available to us as individuals. Even if it were, it would not be the kind of information we could use. It’s only useful en masse—in other words, only insofar as it makes us legible and visible to centralized institutions.
> The centralizing trend that we have seen over the lifespan of the internet is not a fluke to be corrected as we learn to properly harness the power of this new technology. Rather, the internet cannot be anything but a centralizing force, so long as there are groups that are situated to disproportionately benefit from that which it renders visible.
R:4 / I:1
I was looking at some torrents today and thinking about how when it comes to fansub and release group I'm always amazed by the ones using brazenly using discord for their activities. Do they not realize that discord keeps logs of all their conversations and information about their system/account? I'd always be scared that it's a ticking time bomb and it's only because they're not going after you that you're not caught, since you're putting so much information out there in a place easily obtainable by authorities if they wanted access to it.

What's so bad about IRC in comparison, or if it's because no images and filesharing directly or whatever how come there's no open source discord alternatives for people to use? Or am I just missing out on something here.
R:3 / I:0
Why do japanese website urls always start like http://www82
R:3 / I:2
i was trying to install jschan on a ubuntu vps via ssh. im stuck at installing mongodb. its says mongodb.services not found. linux is so difficult bruh.
t.windows user
R:20 / I:7
What would the ideal media server setup be? I've been considering it sort of recently with how much data I've collected over the years but setting up one always seems to come with its own issues.

For one, Plex is a piece of shit that requires you to go and rename all of your files to be compatible with its media detection and you need to be extra careful with anime so that seasons don't mesh together. Also when you do the renaming, if you're not manually setting it through your torrent system then you're using a script that will absolutely fuck up all the torrents you're seeding. Then once that's dealt with you need to have a nice compatible anime database since I've found the default Plex one to be lacking at points with what I can't put onto it.

The player for Plex isn't really all that ideal either, but for others I'd imagine they don't care as much. However, for myself I always want to use my mpv I've customized to be the way I want it to be and I'm used to since the viewing experience (and screenshot/webm creation) is so much better. But if you have a separate PC is there any way to directly load up media conveniently onto yours by connecting the two somehow? Ideally so that Taiga would still work? Feels like that would be next to impossible though...
R:6 / I:2

A* Search Algorithm

An old example of How computers find out how to go from point A to point B in a map with obstacles.
The A* algorithm is an optimization which ignores certain situations unless required
R:8 / I:1
how to allow webm and disallow webp, mp4 in vichan?
R:2 / I:1
Look at this neat OS
R:4 / I:1
I wonder when the successor of the LLM will come out. People like Lecun are very adamant in disagreeing with companies like OpenAI in that LLMs are the path to "AGI". I tend to agree with the naysayers, as it does seem like it needs an entirely new framework to even approach such territory. Really powerful tools, but people expect too much from them.
It bothers me that we now need to say AGI to mean what AI used to mean. I don't think we actually want AGI, though, if you ask me. Robot maids with free will? Ehhhh, wouldn't you prefer an idealized artificial personality, albeit one with some randomized freedom protocols or something?
R:20 / I:3

Computer Networking

I've been researching computer networking and there's still areas which feel a little muddy to me. My basic understanding of how a computer network works, is you have a computer (client), switch (optional), router. The client has an internal IP address which cannot be routed over the internet. So the client sends a packet to the router, destined for the internet, and the router uses NAT to translate the IP address to its external interface address, ie public address. Now you can access internet.

This is simple enough, but my question is when proxy servers come in. I've often seen people say "just use a proxy bro" and I'm left wondering how that would help. From my understanding, proxies (in this case I'm talking about forward proxies) are placed in the internal network, on the LAN side. What happens when a client requests a webpage would be something like this: CLIENT ( requests kissu page > kissu page request goes through router/switch and forwards it to proxy server (, proxy server handles kissu page request for CLIENT > proxy ( forwards request for kissu to the router (, router translate to public ip address using NAT > kissu back to the router (public ip) > to the proxy server ( > finally is handed off to CLIENT. (

Maybe I'm completely wrong in this, but if the whole point of using a proxy was hiding your connection on the internet, isn't it useless? Because at every point your connection leaves the router, it's still using your public address, which is tracable by law enforement. The only use I can see is that it would make it difficult to determine WHICH client on the LAN network was responsible for the kissu request. (Assuming you had a large number of devices on the LAN and a large number of people) So why do people say you should use a proxy over a VPN?

Do correct me anywhere I am wrong, would love to learn more about the subject.
R:3 / I:0
do you really NEED those extra frames?
R:207 / I:62

Real numbers

Today I begin a programming project to construct real numbers and various operations on them. I don't mean the wimpy limited precision floating point numbers that you've probably used if you've ever written a program in your life. Nor do I mean arbitrary precision numbers which can have as many digits as you like (until your computer runs out of memory) but still have irrecoverable rounding error because the digits end at some point. I mean exact representations of numbers that can be queried to any precision (which in practice may be limited by time and memory constraints).

This has been done many times before and probably much better than I will manage, so I don't expect to create anything really novel or useful. This is primarily for my own edification, to learn more about numbers and the computable/constructive reals. In this thread I will blog about what I'm doing and discuss the philosophy of numbers with anyone who's interested.
R:72 / I:7
Although I haven't done much development on 4chan X lately, bugs still crop up, and eventually I want to get around to making it work with the new Kissu UI. This is a thread where you can discuss problems with or suggestions for 4chan X. I'm thinking about linking this from the bug reporting page if Verniy's okay with it.
R:2 / I:0

Desktops and everything

So I asked AI to paint me a screenfetch and this is how AI sees it, lol. If enyone fancy to share their desktop looks, well here goes
R:14 / I:6
programming no /mahou/
R:1 / I:0
R:8 / I:6
PC-98 is very important

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