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Is it possible to use the repos here to reprogram and create a Taiga that works on linux? I'm asking because I don't think I can possibly go back to keeping up with anime using just a notepad anymore after how convenient Taiga's been for me this whole time, and I'm not switching to Win 11 or the subscription-based 12 in the future. If I need to learn to code myself to do this then so be it, I want my convenience.


Does it work with wine?


I don't know what you're asking...
>If I need to learn to code myself to do this then so be it
Then, yes...? It is possible to create the program.


have you tried wine... I'm not sure what makes it windows only but unless it specifically uses windows libraries then you probably can just build it for linux..


Wine supposedly works, but in a weird and annoying way where it will only recognize video if the video is also running through wine and everything needs to be using wine to work.

I'm mostly wondering why Erengy never ported it over to linux, or what makes it such a difficult task in the first place. If there's something that differentiates linux from windows that makes just porting it over not possible.


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doing this type of project in pure C++ is kinda lame... apparently there's some things about it that don't run through Wine. This tab.

If he just did it in electron instead

>never ported it over to linux


https://github.com/erengy/taiga/wiki/How-to-Compile#windows I think you can build the early V2 UI engine remake


>This won't be an issue in v2, since it uses Qt and is going to run natively on Linux.

Oh wow, cool. I guess I spoke too soon in thinking that development on it was dead.


he's not working on it at a very fast pace, it seems. But yes. There is some hope >>2425 and you might be able to rope some QT loser on sageru into talking you through it


What's a Qt...


it's basically a set of tools that lets you build viewports(windows) for applications


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Kuon is a QT


wow.. that's so weird... in his 1.0 version he's directly calling the windows API to generate windows. I have no idea how this sort of thing even works... I guess this is how C# does it's UI builder or something...


What does taiga have that trackma doesn't?


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Uh, hm. I'm not sure actually. Didn't really know of its existence, but it tracks manga/vns as well? That's pretty neat.


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trackma nuts


>Win 11 or the subscription-based 12 in the future.
omfg what

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