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File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 04 ….jpg (286.91 KB,1920x1080)


What video players do people use these days? I've been using mpc-hc, but the final version was released in 2017 so maybe there's something newer and better out. I know there's one some people here use with a similar name, but it has basically no UI so I don't like it.


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zoom player


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>I know there's one some people here use with a similar name, but it has basically no UI so I don't like it.
You're talking about mpv. I use two players based on it. One comes default with my Linux installation and is called Celluloid ( https://celluloid-player.github.io/ ), it's a GTK frontend for mpv. Another I have on my animebook for Japanese subs and instant lookups for unknown words is called Memento ( https://ripose-jp.github.io/Memento/ ).

I'm also a former mpc-hc fan. It just worked. All I really need in a video player is covered by the two I mentioned earlier. A basic UI and plays the files I give it.


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Hmm, that kind of seems like it's lacking a UI, too. What do you like about it?

Seems like neither of those are that appealing to me since I'm staying on windows and don't care to learn a language. That's pretty cool, though. Wonder if I would have tried learning Japanese if all this stuff was around when I was young.


I'm not particularly young. I got bored of doing nothing and anime is more fun again with all the dialects and voice acting details.


smplayer but I also use vlc


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I'm using the clsid2 fork of mpc-hc with madvr.


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I use mpv in a way that it looks very much like mpc used to, and my hotkeys are mostly accommodated to how I used mpc. It's also pretty easy to get the same quality as mpc if you just copy someone's script for it. The only issue I have is that you need to do some extension stuff to get same folder playback working, but once it is, you're fine. Uses less resources than mpc too I'm pretty sure.


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forgot to clip what my bottom panel looks like


also i made it trigger when my cursor is this far down


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and not higher, because it annoyed me


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Scripts? Extensions?
Man, that seems complicated. I do like how you made it look, but yeah I'm not going to become a programmer to watch anime.


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I don't even know how to code... I just copy the scripts off others' githubs. Like https://github.com/mpv-player/mpv/blob/master/TOOLS/lua/autoload.lua

And then for mpv itself, I just have this written into my main file that makes it appear the way it does.

# backend
# scaling
# motion interpolation
hwdec = auto-safe


It's really simple, and a lot easier to set up from scratch than going through the whole mpc+madvr and whatever else rigamarole again that would take me a day to set up each time.


Oh yeah, I use this script too for simple webm creation.


Maybe I can give it a try in a week or two. Thanks for the info.


there is also mpv.net which is a gui frontend for mpv on windows


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.NET Framework was a Microsoft conspiracy with ICANN to sell more .net domains, fortunately the creators of mpv.net the program didn't fall for the scam.


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Currently using mpv, love it. I don't think there's anything better than MPC-HC. I'd say mpv is on-par, but that's about it.
>but it has basically no UI so I don't like it
I was also put-off by the "no UI" part of mpv in the beginning, but that was the only good video player that compared to MPC-HC for me after I made the switch to Linux. Now the simplistic look has grown onto me. I'm not saying you should use mpv though, if you can use MPC-HC then you should probably stick with. I mean, what is there to innovate in the video player world that was not already there by 2017.


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Hmm, it does seem to have a menu thingie. This might work, but as >>2570 said maybe I'm just going to stick with mpc-hc. I don't know whether to be disappointed or not.


If you really want menus check out mpc-qt which clones the mpc-hc interface but with mpv at its core


Oh I passed over this post. Smplayer is something I'm going to try out since I see a UI in the screenshots on google. Can you hide those large icons?
VLC... I have mixed feelings about. In the past when I'd pan around to get a good screenshot the pixels would explode.


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Hmm... someone forked it and is maintaining it?
I'll do some comparisons with old version and new one later


>Can you hide those large icons?
Preferences > Interface > GUI > either Mini GUI or Mpc GUI. And there are also additional style customizations immediately below. (Icon_set, Style)

This is an annoyingly hidden setting, but if you right click on the bottom bar itself, you can customize control bar and floating control.

Unfortunately, it seems that floating control is only available for fullscreen mode.

I haven't used this, but you can find config settings files if you go to Help > Open configuration folder.

I'm on Linux, sorry if my instructions differ on Windows.


I use VLC. I know people have problems with it, but it's always worked for me.


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The updated mpc-hc codec thingie https://codecguide.com/download_kl.htm seems to look pretty good!
I plan to try other players, but this seems nice.


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Potplayer is quite good. I use it for watching tv sometimes


isn't MPC a dead project though


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The MPC-HC's original maintainers, yes, which is why in the OP I was looking elsewhere. However there's a fork I mentioned here >>2587
and the 'K-Lite Codec Pack' actually includes it and modifies the program itself and it looks more modern. The original does still function fine.


used to use VLC, now I use mpv


The guys who released Kimi no Iro recomends https://mpv.io/


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Yeah, mpv has been mentioned in the thread and it's what I was talking about in the OP. I don't like the minimalist approach to things and prefer having buttons instead of scripts or launch arguments and stuff. If my hobby was looking at text and troubleshooting I'd move to linux.


does potplayer still have adware in the installer?
might give it a chance again if its safe


I don't think so, they removed all that stuff a few years ago.
I wondered why a company like Kakao would have a quality video player but apparently the Korean version does have ads (as well as Korea specific features but whatever)


>not using MPV the best player ever
your old granpa fucks need to wake up


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If it's so good why doesn't it have buttons or a dropdown menu? Too convenient?


Buttons is a social construct, it's all specific areas on your screen, and mpv does have that. What do you use the dropdown menu for? I don't think I've ever needed a dropdown menu.


I use mpv for everything except iso which i use vlc for. I like mpv because its just plug and play and its a very simple media player. I had problems before with mpc-hc i think it was called. I think there was something wrong with the program causing my audio to be delayed. Very strange.
Here is my mpv config. It starts the media files at the volume 100 and at the end of the media file it loops it because otherwise mpv would just stop it which i dont like. And then the sub filter which someone else on kissu recommended to me. It removes the SDH stuff from subtitles.


>otherwise mpv would just stop it which i dont like.
You can use keep-open=yes instead.
If you prefer your subtitles to be in English with Japanese honorifics, also consider adding slang=enm,eng because some groups use the label "enm" (Middle English) to indicate an alternative subtitle track with honorifics.

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