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A very tough choice.


Also, consider watching both before making the choice:


i mean, disco is more varied, but temple is straight to the point and focused, so i'll go with that one

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You're lumping multiple people into a single entity. Considering the reason for the veto was purportedly a presumed lack of interest, it seemed prudent to make clear that more people wanted it in than three of the shows that actually did go to voting so the streamer can update his assumptions going forward.


The process of approval is one of two things. It gets endorsed by a small circle who manage it or someone streams a few episodes on their own time.

Even in the case of Eminence of Shadow did someone in the small circle have to really protest for it and I'm not sure we even did it before he streamed some on his own time.


>This thread will disappear in a couple hours
sigh... why does anonymous do this... seasonal stream announcements I can understand, but why a poll...


at least put them into the dumb fake archive that deletes itself after 7 days instead of deleting them to nowhere, not even trans...


ohhh man i forgot about that huh

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How many cats do you have?
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holy flip... christmas came early...


When I lived with my friend who has 20+ cats at one point we had some odd balls. Here is a list of those that I remember;

1) Name: Tagz
Brown stripped cat. Couldn't meow or speak. Instead he'd stand on his hind paws and "pray" using his front paws. Which was basically stretching them out above his head then quickly pulling them down in an down->up motion. Loved pets. Loved eating. Would regularly jump on top of fridge and pray to the overhead light for some reason only he knows. Died of cancer about 10 years ago.
2) Name: Otep
Small black and white female cat. This was my cat (everyone in the house had at least one). Liked to sit in my lap all day. Found out she was female when she first got pregnant and ballooned into a fat cow. Tried to give birth in my lap. Ruined my pants. Got hit by a car not long after that.
3) Name: Momma cat
Small grey cat that sired many children. Kept all the cats in line. No one fucked with her. Lived to be over 20 years old
4) Name: Tom Boy
Mama's cats husband. Sired many children. Got in a lot of fights with neighborhood cats because he was always looking for fresh poon. Got hit by a car. Once sprayed my leg to be an asshole.
5) Name: Funny Face
A small grey cat with a funny face. Pretty chill. Ate my friend's girlfriend's hampsters after we told her not to bring them in the house. They lasted about a week.
6) Name: Sebastian
A large grey cat with a puffy tail and massive balls. So we named him a corny male name. Then one day he freaked out and was obviously in pain. We couldn't figure out wtf his problem was until he started having kittens. Turns out he was a hermaphrodite and somehow managed to give birth. His kittens didn't make it.
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only have one and she is sometimes an asshole, i have scars due to her


0 gomen


Op here, I also have zero cats :(

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What do you feel are the better ways for users to post on a site comfortably while addressing the problems of spam.

To clarify on the last one:
It's like what Youtube does where a video goes through, you have no disruption but after a few minutes they scan through your content and see it's copyright disputed. Posts might show up as being marked as suspicous or maybe just a shadow ban type thing.
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yes but >>4023 is wrong in saying that in general ibs would benefit from this since it's only in specific circumstances that they'd benefit in all others they get fucked


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Yeah, all 4 working in tandem, really. I think for imageboards a unique-ish captcha and filters do well enough on their own, though. Computers are unfortunately already better than humans on any captcha has anyone has bothered to train for it, so for basic ones (click the image) you need a unique one.
Maybe some sort of 'trusted user" situation where specific people can temporarily hide posts until a mod approves or disapproves of it?


spam is free speech


On private websites, free speech doesn't really apply.
The only reason twitter gets into free speech territory is because the fucking POTUS posted there about his policies.


sperm is free speech

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If you watched MahouAko and didn't masturbate to it, you wasted your time.


back to philistia with you


no frieren?


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Started in Fall


consider this wanderful anime

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Please keep in mind that this isn't really about the modern versions of /a/ or /jp/.
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The people who post in that general are mostly from the last era of /qa/ and are hostile to the rest of the board


>it's almost infamous for being stale
That was specifically why I used it as the extreme end of the spectrum. I think it was even banished to /jp/ for a short time because it is just ritualposting memes from five years ago nonstop forever without anything resembling series discussion.

The point about number of posters is valid, though, since the manga was translated through those threads for two or three volumes, which was honestly quite frustrating because the handful of people inclined to discuss new chapters would immediately get drowned out by the memers.


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>There's not a lot of discussion of actual anime/manga and the appreciation tends to be very surface level, with more focus being on the memes and culture around it
I think this is changing recently though. It used to be true back then, but anime discussion is getting a lot more replies now. Examples:
Most of these threads were posted by berun and he is quite passionate about it. The last four ones are by other anons I think. Last one is me.

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I don't usually look at those all-encompassing threads because the topics are so broad they have a hard time really focusing on any one thing. Maybe that makes my viewpoint a bit inaccurate, but looking at the seasonal thread I see a ton of posts about D&D systems and religion which, while interesting, are not anime or manga discussion so I don't think it's unfair to discount them somewhat.

I do really hate how /jp/-sphere altchans all use that format. I understand feeling the need to consolidate things on super slow boards, but pushing all seasonal discussion into one thread kind of shuts down other threads from being made. Kissu is actually a lot better than most at balancing the /a/ with the /jp/ in this regard, it's just that it still has an obvious slant towards /jp/.


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As far as topic broadness is concerned, it really irritates me how sterile 4chan/a/ has become. They can barely step out of their lane at all anymore.
That's not a /jp/ thing though. It is standard for image boards to just explore lines of discussion wherever they might lead you, and it was the catalog and generals that put an end to it.
Pic related. /a/nons used to be proud of their ability to just nerd out at the slightest opportunity.

You don't have to follow people into every weird rabbit hole that they dig for themselves. But following the "discussion" of just a specific title gets boring after a while.

This may just be prejudice speaking, but I think that old /a/ was more knowledgeable about anime&manga because they got to talk about random /a/-related stuff more often, as the conversations happened to veer that way.

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When should the kissu april fool's event start? This is in Eastern Standard Time which kind of officially became official kissu time although I don't think we have many people in it. Just a tradition, I guess.
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Poll closed with the worst possible outcome. Going to be 12-12.
original.kissu.moe will be retained


you shouldn't have posted a reminder for me to vote :)


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Remember: original.kissu.moe if needed!


Moving feedback into a new /jp/ thread

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Frieren's animation quality (especially the magic) is really good and the story is fun, especially Fern and Frieren's interactions. My personal favorite is Undead Unluck for many reasons, but it's mostly just me talking about it so I can't really vote for that one.
Its later subplots were very bizarre (and took away from it I think) but I have to go with 16-bit as the /qa/ show of this season because it easily generated the most interest and activity. Also it's tangentially related to Aquaplus since some staff was involved so it's the Kuon vote.



Kusuriya may not have had a shot here, but there's always a next time.


Huh, I wasn't expecting that. Not the show I was hoping to get a sequel this season, but good news for the people that like it.


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Can't believe Kissu would rather some elven hag than this time traveling otaku dork.

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At what time of day do you have the most focus and energy? I'm using hours instead of literal time of day because people like myself have unusual sleeping cycles.
I wonder if other people here are annoyed by when they want to have energy and when they actually do.


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I was thinking after 4-8 hours but then that's usually when I take a nap or pass out so that's not it.. Pretty awake near the end of the day though but not past that so 8-12 for sure.


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Very interesting. It seems most people are like myself and more 'active' 8-12 hours in. I wonder if it's something I've unconsciously trained myself for since I would talk or play games with people who had jobs or school and that was when they were available. Although, on the other hand I remember being very sleepy in school so maybe I've just been this way forever.

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no fair you can't choose both


She blows


I figure injury means she will step on me a bit so injury it is...

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Has ME!ME!ME! changed your outlook on otaku culture?
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im battler
i battle


battler... my brother in norwood...


Do you think an /ss/ or tall girl femdom sorta-nukige as a metaphor for porn addiction is a good idea


There should be a poll on if people have actually watched the rest of the Nihon Animator Mihonichi besides ME!ME!ME!


I wonder how many people even know about Imaishi's little project that was inside of it.

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Then Helck sparked discussion too because of the flashbacks that kept discussion present into Frieren


Luckily, I voted for Helck too!


But Helck wasn't liked for that very reason, it'd be like putting Destroyers as /qa/nime. I think it has to be not only popular and impactful, but also well regarded. Also compare Oshi no Ko's 4 votes vs Kaminaki's 6 and Im@s' 7 in Spring.
There's something about Mushoku that doesn't convince me, I don't associate it with good memories.


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This season was kind of weak in retrospect, but I guess that makes it more obvious on what to choose. Honorable mention to Eiyuu Kyoushitsu for having belly, although the girl unfortunately burned it off quite fast. Maou could have been great if it didn't throw away its premise for politics that no one cared about. Helck's first half was good. Mushoku Tensei got good after about 7 episodes. Temple was fun, but ultimately not very memorable. The others I don't really have much to say about. I guess I should watch Bleach one of these days since I saved it for later to marathon.
Oh, Unique Skill had cute girls.


reppin Helck, with Dark Gathering for a close 2nd.
also, wtf did we really watch jjk?

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the silent majority


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Personally I like a good round, it feels very warm. Normally 2D girls have heads shaped like stretched eggs, so I think a good round makes the character look more grounded and empathetic. Mashiro was prone to roundness in her reactions. I think her normal head shape was only a bit more rounded than Sora's, but exaggerated for effect at times.


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Potato in Abyss
Girl's Last Potato
Potato Simulation

The great rotund trinity.


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The reverse bowling pin.


including tkmz twice is unfair, maybe hakumei to potato or mitsupoteto instead

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>And image board users are abnormal by default. I'll bet some of you don't even have facebook accounts.

That's such a weird indicator of normality


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I would not have sex in a car.
I would not have sex in a bar.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with a hag.
I would not have sex with tits that sag.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with bare feet.
I would not let her lick my cheek.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


Would you have sex with one fat?
Would you have sex with a cat?


I would not have sex with anyone fat.
Even you wouldn't a cat.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


You do not like men, so you say.
Try it, try it and you may!
Try it and you may, I say.

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You homosexuals wanna watch Gurren Lagann again?
Maybe chunk it out over the course of a couple of days?
I'm thinking watching the anime, then the two movies.
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Okay how about we do the movies first and then the anime if anyone feels like marathoning it over the course of a couple of days?
Of course. I don't know what week would work though.


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I am in the process of converting the files to mp4.


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So... is the stream still happening or?


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Yeah it's still happening.


Tits too big

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