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File:zunda and raccoon.jpg (2.07 MB,2000x2500)


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If the Kemono Friends met Zundamon, what sort of Friend would they think Sie is?


So in this case the zunny would be a girl?
How the hell does this even work?


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Heh, she put a pea-pod between her thighs. Such a little troll.


I don't think there are any vegetable friends, so I'll go with caterpillar.
...although I don't think there are any bug friends, are there?

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40 minutes until the stream!!!! I'm gonna get whiskey to celebrate.


15 minutes! If you get in now I'm playing some next fest demos until 7.


stream starting now!!!!


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it should go 0,1,2,3,5
skip 4 because that's bad luck


hot & erotic boy


File:2024_06_06_21-58__hUm.png (1.61 MB,960x1378)

And yet he's ignored in the voting...


looks totally KIMO on a phone due to the entries all being centre-aligned


Ah, this was 2 weeks ago already... My brain's a mess..

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Simple question.
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File:[houraisan kaguya patchoul….jpg (1.09 MB,1200x840)

That sounds like a lot of work. I think I'll stay in bed


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But in bed is where you can do your learning as well!


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for me its juddy


File:[Anime Time] Hellsing Ulti….jpg (294.61 KB,1920x1080)

'ATE prots


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You don't 'ate prots.

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Good ol' gimp comic filter backgrounds


easily kill self, it's too dishonorable to ask


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It's my right to have more tickets.

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If ZUNDAMON had two-tone hair what colour would the inner hair be?


Pink and purple for that menhera look.


hmm I think light green fits the best


File:Blauhilde.jpg (58.13 KB,795x530)

Would choose a color like this since this species of beans is easy to grow and delicious. Very nice tegaki by the way.


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The question is vacuous, ZUNDAMON is not a two-toned devil.
This is like asking how toaster does a fast toliet? Doesn't make sense.

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I am trusting you to tell the truth here.
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Which do I choose if I'm part cat part person?


On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog.


but they all know im a pussy :]


Nine of you liars need to repent.



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Which transformation line do you prefer
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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (241.25 KB,1920x1080)

Is that SSG description accurate?


Where are your eyebrows, miss?

Super used SSJ2 as the basis of its main palette swap transformation for a reason.

Yes. That is literally what happens in Super.


File:[SubsPlease] Dragon Ball D….jpg (Spoiler Image,304.92 KB,1920x1080)

So which form is this that was just in the last Daima episode?




>UI is literally a shitpost that somehow became canon
And it was fucking awesome, everything about the finale of DBS was oozing with dumbass manly energy and it was great.

The theme too was an epic romp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHVqoiG0CUU

A shame about the rest of it though.

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Please keep in mind that this isn't really about the modern versions of /a/ or /jp/.
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The memory of /vg/ may stem from the presence of a couple problem /vg/ generals in old /qa/. I remember /gw2/, /gsg/ and /kspg/ having multiple meta threads over their antics, even having the problem posters themselves come say hi.


saw it


You reminded me to go checkup on /gsg/, looks like it's been banned from /vg/ and is limping along on /vst/. The /gsg/ infopic and template OP is gone, kinda sad.
But otherwise the place seems to be the same shit posting as ever, they're still posting about grandi, the HPM author, even.


>, looks like it's been banned from /vg/ and is limping along on /vst/.
/vst/ did not deserve this.


This, kissu reminds me a lot of wapchan which is also otaku but not really /a/ or /jp/ because they kind of do their own thing. It's better honestly for other independent imageboards to not just be clones of 4chan boards.

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Just want to get a feel for where everyone would feel best watching


I watched Eraserhead and goddamn was it headache inducing.
It was an okay movie, Dune (1984) is probably his stronger work.


Is there nudity or something like that? Kissu theater seems like less effort


I couldn't finish Eraserhead and have no desire to.

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I think the re-enable is mostly the fact that the characters using the hypnosis aren't the kind of people who would actually do the rape unaided (eg, they'd only start off with her hypnotized already), or at least without the safety net of being able to have the girl not say anything.

Either way, sensei really is a fucking moron for noticing that he fucked up, then doing it anyway.


Body modification is obviously the best one. You won't need hypnosis and aphrodisiacs if you can make yourself look like a star. As a bonus, you'd be able to live your life as a loli, maybe even a loli futa who preys on other lolis.
When you eventually get caught doing bad things, you can just turn yourself into a flat blob and escape jail.


Being an amorphous thing does sound pretty good.

It does sound like much more work vs hypnosis if you're just after sex.
However, if you're intending to be a decent person that doesn't just take what he wants and damn the sapience of anyone in your way, it's a good choice!


You could also make yourself strong and forcibly take what you want if you're into that, but that's probably thousandfolds more cruel and horrible than what the hypnosis and aphrodisiac superpower users are interested in.


>you should know that >>5084(Cross) is actually incoherent
I've been confused by this post ever since I read it. Why should I know this about some other post? And is it even true in the first place that it's incoherent? There's a reasonable explanation of the meaning of >>5084 from >>5103.

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this guy looks like an annoying faggot and i dont want to see him pop up anymore


Does "yes" mean "I like his writings" or "I agree with your hot opinion"?


then adblock the image


i dont have an adblocker i try to support kissu


it's been there for like years now.. it's kind of part of the background noise. People don't make very many clickable link banners since it's hard to interesting things


kissu has ads?

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straight 5s


File:c3995b33fcbbe0ccba2ab9e037….jpg (550.1 KB,1080x1080)

Nearly agreed, but small Miku is just a bit more equal.

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No it's not, it's divisible by 2 and 7.


File:[Satiricon] Nisemonogatari….jpg (207.3 KB,1920x1080)

The only thing that's going to be dividing is Nadeko's egg cell after I blast it with sperm.


Year of the snake.

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Vote for shows to keep! More points = more gooder. You need at least one post to vote.
It's using the new tiered system so give more points to shows you like the best and 0 to shows you hate!
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i think you just don't like the protagonists for not being stereotypical good guys...


99% of anime aren't isekai quite yet.


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it hasn't really established any interesting setting, protagonists, antagonists, or anything much
so far it's a generic fantasy world where the bad bugs are coming to eat them but the incredulous mc can defend them once per episode by drawing some cool shit and that's ehhh
having itano himself bring the circus to town is impressive, and i don't doubt the production quality one bit, but everything else is rather plain to put it midly


It's story is better than sakamoto though and the art is better


>story is better
barely, not really, no, and sakamoto isn't even plot-heavy
it's a shonen jump action show that doesn't waste its time, not the best comparison

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