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File:1628709616354.png (1.01 MB,1200x733)


¥ new "single sign-on" service gets implemented
¥ now have to go through six (6) login screens to access my workstation
¥ same password everywhere
¥ have to enter two soft tokens, tied to the same device, same app, same screen even
¥ have to wait for them to refresh and then enter them again to access the app portal even when hardlined into the intranet
When did "security" and "inconvenience" become synonymous? Are they just hoping hackers will decide this labyrinthine series of credential checks and verification pages aren't worth the data behind them and give up?


pretty much
i'm forced to use a yubikey now but it doesn't work if i'm connected remotely to my desktop, so there's several things i can only access from the laptop now
connecting remotely itself of course requires a different password + authenticator code before i can access the pc
the client's platforms use okta, which requires its own password on top of windows hello's several times a day, and sometimes an authenticator too
this is not the future i chose.....


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (416.15 KB,1920x1080)

>When did "security" and "inconvenience" become synonymous?
I think it's been that way forever.
I think these days companies are just trying to shield themselves from human stupidity since most "hacks" are just workers making dumb mistakes. I don't think it will have any effect.


>which requires its own password
At least using multiple different passwords theoretically increases security since there are more things to break through. Having a service meant to sync passwords means that having to enter passwords multiple times is nothing but hassle. In fact, that, combined with the constant time-outs forcing you to redo the process every time you take a piss, just increases the risks of >>1894. Having scripts that fake activity to prevent timeouts is not secure, but I can't get anything done when I need to relogin every 30 goddamn minutes so I've got no choice but to create vulnerabilities.


The trick is to be a senior engineer so you can use root passwords that haven't been updated since 2004.


whoops we're implementing a new layer and you have to reset your password once a month haha what a shame can't be helped that's how security standards work

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