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I wanted to create a scam crypto whose purpose and design was to be rugpulled at an indeterminant but publicly announced point in which a random number generator that generates a new number each day landed on a certain number. At first I was thinking purely cynically in that I wanted to pull an open scam on people that they would willingly buy into knowing its a scam but try to beat each other out to cash out when the number hit anyways, but then I started thinking about it some more and someone on #qa linked me litecoin's github and I started wondering more than that too.

What resources would one need to create a cryptocurrency entirely from scratch? Obviously some coding knowledge would be beneficial, but what languages do people use to make them? Also I think it'd probably be good to read up on cryptography since the security of mining and transactions is built around that, but don't know what books are good reads for that sphere of math. That's what I think the two things one would need to make a coin are, but is there more to study up on? I was also thinking that a coin in which there was a way to figure out how to just mine infinitely by cracking the algorithm would be cool too, but not sure what that would even entail or if it's possible without making mining entirely meaningless.

I'll probably spend a year on this and then at some point finish when nobody cares about crypto anymore. But I think understanding crypto at a fundamental level would be fun.


>when nobody cares about crypto anymore
nobody cares about shitcoins now unless it's endorsed by multiple super famous celebrities, it doesn't matter how original your idea is


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Yeah but now I just want to do it for fun


Well... If you do it, you should see if you can launch your scam coin on Coinbase somehow. Every now and then they do "learn and earn" things where, for completing simple quizzes about the coin, they'll give people some of that coin for free. Could give temporary liquidity and convince retards to buy it and then you can rug pull and cash out.


>launch your scam coin on Coinbase
Exchanges are pay to play. It costs millions.


or at least a market cap of a million. the initial holders have to put in a lot of initial money to make it seem like a real hype coin.


Idk how to make a shitcoin, but that sounds very similar to crash gambling

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