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File:02763-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.17 MB,1024x1024)

 No.78319[Reply][Last50 Posts]

post a pic, receive a free Kuonification (within reason)
it's time to test this stuff out
139 posts and 95 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:03558-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.2 MB,1216x832)

This pout was a lot more successful! But, stuff like this shows that it's really trained on real life faces because it's nearly impossible to generate a face like this without more realistic face shading showing up.


File:03555-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.35 MB,1216x832)

and... boom! Regional prompting! Kind of a big headache to set up, but I'll save some images with it so I can just copy it when needed. No luck getting the side pouts to work. But... Kuon and Nekone!

Yeah, but the faces are so small there that it's probably not going to look very good. I'll try it...


super cute pouts


File:03560-score_9,_score_8_up,….png (1.3 MB,832x1216)

Yeah, kind of a mixed result. It's there, but ehhh


File:scared laala thighs.jpg (133.93 KB,1280x720)

kuon it


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (377.41 KB,1920x1080)


Title: Quest-spawned Zakan Hoimoidragons get stuck walking into cliff face

Category: NPC-AI, Art-Terrain

Reproduction rate: 1/10

Impact: 4 - Low

Have the "Hoimoi in Luisa!" quest unlocked, token [quest:homoattack3]. (Can also apply the attached account state.)

1. Approach the cliffs south of Luisa village ([tp -31.2 80.7])
2. Wait for the dragons to spawn
3. Observe dragons chasing villagers
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File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (3.24 MB,1921x2369)

It's doing a great job at focusing on the wonkiness of videogames over bog-standard numbers and classes and the like, and with the new quest it'll keep going in that direction. It's also nice to have a protagonist who's able to get by because he knows his stuff while everyone else has their turbocharged powers.
The death loop is neat, because it in good part depends on how the cheat has been programmed: some will make it so your health can't go beneath 1, or that nothing will occur if it reaches 0, others that you won't lose HP from attacks but still be affected by statuses, it may be that hits won't have any effect at all, maybe that you simply cannot die in any way, and these will give different results when it comes to instakill attacks, animations, falling into instadeath zones and out of bounds, it really is possible to get stuck like that but sadly these guys can't alt+f4.
No matter who they are, they're gonna get posed on.


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (358.32 KB,1920x1080)

It does a good job of making "normal" video game stuff creepy and alienating. Even the T-posing in your pic was depicted as unnerving instead of silly. It's like an attempt to show video game bugs from the perspective of an NPC that can't make sense of them, so it's kind of horrifying. I have a feeling things will only get even weirder, which sounds good to me!


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (254.61 KB,1920x1080)

AI wants you to kill your fellow debuggers because they are slacking on work. Do you accept this request? You do, of course, you're a good employee after all, right?


File:[SubsPlease] Kono Sekai wa….jpg (291.46 KB,1920x1080)

It is my duty to professionally pester those around me in a most thorough way.


Oh yeah and about this, I saw someone comparing it to a part of Dante's Inferno where sinners are doomed to stay stuck in holes head-down. It certainly has a certain amount of horror in general, it's for the most part not being depicted as fun or, in the case of the libertines, morally correct. But I wasn't expecting a bug to be actually fixed in today's episode, that changes the game.


File:erururururu.jpg (376.32 KB,640x480)

 No.95318[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Do you read them? I started reading .jpg related because of that one anon who loves it so much. I find it very soothing so far.
However this is not a thread for only this one, but for visual novels in general. I thought the board was kind of missing one.
277 posts and 109 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


It isn't my favorite controller ever but I've found PS4 controller to be a pretty good all-around PC gamepad. The touch screen is really helpful for when you need a mouse. I re-programmed the PCB in my joystick to emulate the PS4 touchpad. So now I can hold down the start button on it and navigate with the mouse pointer using the joystick itself.


I've found these PCBs to be really good for PC support on *nix and they're easy to work with. If you get one with the headers you don't even have to solder. I'd like to get a large shell and build a custom gamepad out of one of them. They're just small enough that they could fit in something comfortable.

You can force it to identify as dinput, xinput, switch/Wii controller and about 4 different other things. It works with both PC and every console since the Xbox 360 era. Steam support is really good.

Steam keeps taking over more of my gaming stuff. At first I really didn't want to rely on it for controller support. But it simplified configuration of all my fighting games when we're using more than one controller. So I've defaulted to it now for most stuff. I haven't used joy2key for anything in a long while.


File:ATRI-MyDearMoments-_jKrCPP….png (758.21 KB,1600x900)

I was surprised to see Atri survive voting in the seasonal stream, so now I must read it before the anime really gets anywhere!
It's quite interesting to see the options in a modern VN. It has some option to send information to external TTS software for unvoiced lines? Huh. Japanese TTS might be better (Zundamon, etc) but this still seems like a major immersion breaker to me.


zundamon narration??? i think that could be fun


File:ATRI-MyDearMoments-_arg8wF….png (1.17 MB,1602x952)

I'm also surprised to see that you can choose to display multiple languages at the same time. Good for language learners, I suppose. (For those 3 people on the planet learning Japanese for VNs). My assumption is that this was a feature made for the international release as there's also Chinese, but in theory I guess it could help Japanese people learn English if they wanted to for some reason. (I think those people would be playing FPS'd or something)


File:__zundamon_voiceroid_and_1….png (654.69 KB,810x1080)

Yeah, the reason Zundamon was originally brought up on kissu back in early 2022 was because it was a TTS voice used in some Japanese streams. >>90430
Sadly it's too difficult to use it in English, but you can use that thread if you want to try it.


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 No.130867[Reply][Last50 Posts]

423 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


oh yeah just remembered in akagi they turned over new dora/uradora when there was a kan
is that the only time that happens


Well you should know what kan does pretty well from what mahjong soul does. You flip over the next dora indicator on the dead wall. When you declare riichi, you look under the dora indicator for bonus points. Then you draw a tile that is otherwise inaccessible to the other players. AKA the dead wall are the set of tiles at the top in this image >>131529

As for the terminology.. it's all pretty straightforeward... if you have no tripplets and no dragon pair and you win on a 2 or 3 sided wait you probably have pinfu
Ipeiko is when you have 234 234 of the same suit


File:C-1722050202620.png (3.47 MB,2560x1440)

You see that most baiman hands all look the same.

Pinfu, Ippeiko and tanyao with multiple dora


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You don't have to worry about the complicated ones


I messed up the word order... when you kan you get a tile from the dead wall...

Adding new dora indicators only happens from uradora due to riichi or kan


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¥I got run over by an armored truck and was reincarnated into another world as the Fed???


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using the pinnacle of ancient chinese alchemy, maomao will DESTROY inflation


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (355.48 KB,1920x1080)

I see that you're gangsta. I'm a bit gangsta myself


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For some reason I saw that NatGeo was having their annual shark week and decided to watch a bit of it because sharks are the coolest lifeform out there. It made me think while I was watching about how if there's one thing I don't appreciate about Japan its their massive overfishing problem, especially finning. It just feels so wasteful for us to drive populations of species closer and closer towards extinction without at least trying to make an effort towards allowing them to grow out their numbers so it's possible to sustain fishing them for generations to come. Not blow our load now and then in the future be shit out of luck because we got rid of all animals we were eating/making goods out of.

Anyways, aside from that little bit of irking I was enamored by all the various different shark videos and they really cemented themselves as one of my favorite animals. Can't go backwards, just straight, but if you were to try and take advantage of that to try and outswim one you'd be sharkfood faster than your clever brain would be able to process getting chunked. These guys can swim over 20mph (Olympic swimmers can only hit around 5) so any disadvantage they have with maneuverability is easily made up for through turning around charging you extremely fast for a proper chomp if they were going for you. In a way it's what scares me about some of the better beach spots in the world since a whole lot of them have a good bit of sharks inside of them, Australia and South Africa in particular being quite populous. And the strategy of punching them in the face doesn't really seem like the best deterrent either unless you hit them in the eyes, but from what I've seen they actually have their eyes retreat into their sockets when feasting so it's not as easy as people would have you think.

Also what's /qa/'s favorite shark? Mine's the great white because it's just so utterly massive and emblematic of what you think of when people say 'Shark', huge teeth and way more aggressive than most of its genetic siblings. The colors on it and the more rugged look too earn it numerous cool points. If we were living some several million years ago though, I'd probably say Megaladon since it's basically a dinosaur shark which is the most epic you can get. Need some way to bring them back or resurrect them Jurassic Park style....
7 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The Bluntnose Sixgill? That one's been around supposedly longer than most dinosaurs.


File:Greenland_shark_profile.jpg (127.78 KB,1500x1001)

Yeah, I guess so? This 'Greenland shark' that google kept giving me seems kind of ancient, too. Unfortunately the google kept giving me lame trivia results like "the world's oldest living shark" which is a member of this species so I can't really search around...


File:bss3.png (142.35 KB,850x479)

damn this one has some suprisingly big eyes
i'm seeing the 200 million year claim (which would indeed make it older than the dinosaurs) in several sites, but none of them have any sources for it, i only managed to find this one which dates it to the miocene (only 23Ma max, nearly 1/10 of the time):
neat that it's viviparous i didn't know sharks could do that


>what's /qa/'s favorite shark?
fuck sharks my favorite is the orca, otherwise known as the killer whale


also here's an idle game


File:It can't be helped.jpg (476.02 KB,2560x1437)


It can't be helped
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They're called cow licks


i just licked this cow


File:guugle.png (2.03 MB,1920x1080)

[A kouhai's favorite senpai = someone who can ask them all sorts of questions!]
[Whenever you speak with your kouhai, do you properly consider the sorts of things you ask them about? Any kouhai will find themselves seeking out someone "who is personally invested in their issues" and will ask them about themselves. Be the one who asks your kouhai, "What are your hobbies?" and you'll...]

[[Please respond!] I want to become better friends with my kouhai, but...]
[Posted 3 days ago - [Please respond!] I want to become better friends with my kouhai, but...
A few days ago, I finally became a senpai myself, and yet I really just don't know how to interact with my kouhai! I really want...]

["I don't want to be that senpai that everyone hates!" Here's the handbook on how to avoid that and become one they'll admire, instead!]
[(1) As soon as they need your help, give it to them. (2) Come up with some jokes to tell them and make yourself appear lighthearted. (3) Make sure to talk with your kouhai when they need it. (4) Tell them about when you were in their shoes. (5) Always pay them proper mind, but...]

People also ask :
[How to make friends with your kouhai of the opposite gender]
[How to make friends With your middle school kouhai]
[How to make friends with your kouhai on social media]
[How to make friends with your kouhai at work]
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File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (228.43 KB,1920x1080)


File:phone.mp4 (3.23 MB,1920x1080)

this one's for the pausers


File:summer 2024.png (7.19 MB,2152x5121)

 No.129059[Reply][Last50 Posts]

The scorching heat of summer has arrived and it's time for a new round of shows to distract us from our bodies melting!


What are you going to watch?
Will Oshi no Ko give Kana official main character status as she deserves? Is the time of /qa/ belly anime finally here? Will the fansubs of Dedede save us from mediocrity?
182 posts and 85 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


saturday midday and saturday evening and saturday midnight


Completely forgot if tensura was still airing or not... and turns out it was, I just forgot to carry it over to the new season's RSS watch list. At this point I'm just watching it for the sake of watching it.


funny maou in isekai shikkaku is maomao


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (339.39 KB,1920x1080)

Is stuff releasing differently this season or something? Taiga keeps downloading 720p for some reason when it should be 1080p. I guess that's more of a software/torrent question, but maybe it's happening to someone else here, too.


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Seems like it's just a you problem, all my stuff is downloading in 1080.


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I just marathoned every skibidi toilet thing. It's not bad. I think the absurdist humor towards the beginning was better, but the 'serious' stuff is kinda neat. It just looks like a tech demo for SFM or something. I think people are too hard on it because kids like it, but it's just kind of cool to see mecha stuff and lasers, even if the toilet stuff seems like a vestigial part of its origins.
It should be made into a video game
10 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


Idiot box didn't bleed into real life culture, that's the issue.


Pokemon or Spongebob (and probably others) really dwarfs anything seen by this shibidi stuff when it comes to breaching the social consciousness as far as I'm aware


the horror is really quite overt: there's an ooga booga monster with three spider legs, crude scrap armor, and a smile that'd make the joker blush coming towards you to crush/impale/burn you, decapitate you at lightspeed, vomit acid on your face, or zombify your colleague to make him rip you apart limb from limb, and every time it seems you have gained the upper hand not long after they'll be swarming you again with some novel menace
the survival rate for POV cameramen used to make ww1 look like a walk in the park, but now that its focus has shifted from regular infantrymen to elite units duking it out in way longer fights it's not nearly as common as it was before
and whereas previously you had tons of fuckugly variants, the newer designs are prettier and more sleek, with regular human faces, especially the astro toilets and particularly the duchess of the last episode
i think that having zero dialogue and no plot was one of its strengths and what enabled its super fast pace, which is a good thing for an action series, now that it's straying away from all of this it seems to be getting kind of generic in my opinion

your marbles have been flushed down the pisser


nevermind, you meant the gmod series


>also the experience for the earlier episodes is noticeably worse these days since the audio has been copyrighted and muted, in the recent episodes he's not using it anymore
oh bullshit


555 Anonymous[Lucky Remix - High Rez.swf][J]5.1 MB 0 [Reply]


File:[SubsPlease] 2.5-jigen no ….jpg (64.86 KB,1280x720)


Glasses are a 3DPD trait, remove them to become a 2D angel.
14 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[SubsPlease] 2.5-jigen no ….jpg (80.99 KB,1280x720)

To allow her to transform from 3D pig to someone worthy of love and attention.


File:20240726_164110.jpg (1.88 MB,4000x2252)

Glasses are an expensive trait




File:01 - Strawberry, Appear!.m….jpg (268.48 KB,720x540)

Glasses are quite cheap in Japan from what I have heard, so there is no excuse for girls to not wear them.


glasses for students are going to be cheap, but adults tend to buy more expensive ones because it's not assumed that they'll take a volleyball to the face very often.

Those ones I posted come out to ~500$


File:Sachiko Happenings Thread ….png (597.51 KB,900x735)

 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
595 posts and 110 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


In practice places like guca had three "threads" and total heat death.
Those who want chatrooms want chatrooms.


File:VID_20240318_113309_985.mp4 (536.93 KB,432x432)

I know this happening happened awhile back and was probably discussed then, but I can't believe Wizardchan didn't even survive until my 30th day.

I've never seen a board come back from the dead so I guess it's gone, even though Allchans still lists it as active because they barely update anymore.


>30th b-day


It's a certificate issue. Just click on enter site anyways. Besides, Wizchan is a kuso IB plagued by trolls.


One of the great ironies of Wizardchan is that I don't think any wizards ever posted on it. Back when hotwheels admin'd it I think he was like 17 or something and that was probably about the average age. Of course these days an imageboard where everyone is at minimum 30 years old might just the default for the older ones...


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File:[Chihiro] Watashi no Yuri ….jpg (260.99 KB,1920x1080)

Shobon gets what he deserves for participating in that dumb Mahou Shoujo anime....


I'm fairly sure that's Mona and not Shobon.

 ( ´∀`)
 (     )
  │ │ │


File:[Chihiro] Watashi no Yuri ….jpg (278.6 KB,1920x1080)

I can't believe Shobon would do this...


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You can kill the nyan, but not the nyaidea.





not bad
this is one of those songs I feel like I know because I've seen it in edits but I really have no clue about


i like it


she's saying that su casa is tu casa


that's some good 音MAD material


hmmm I should go looking at... wait.. is nico working again? I haven't checked


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 No.95721[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Didn't have any basil for my pizza so I put thyme on it instead.
It's not a bad substitute. It's pretty good in its own right.
308 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (202.94 KB,1920x1080)

Is omurice actually that good? Or rather, isn't it just an omelette with the addition of undetectable rice?


I've had asian scrambled eggs a lot. They're super dense, so white rice offsets the strong flavor of the eggs.


i put some of the boiled chicken from my chicken broth onto a pizza to use up that boiled meat but it kinda just sucked


What's a good recipe/method for making refrigerator pickles? I just got a bunch of cucumbers from my garden, but they're fuckhuge and not really the ideal size for pickling.


File:Mission - Yozakura Family ….jpg (321.04 KB,1920x1080)

Can't say I'm aware of any. I think you just add dill and uhh... maybe some other herbs? Salt probably? Uhh... yeah. Oh, and vinegar of course.

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