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File:GfDKZW5XQAA75X_.jpg (169.67 KB,2044x1148)


This may be a bit too meta for /maho/, but there's a Serial Experiments Lain exhibition in VRChat until the 19th of January, 2025.



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A Lain exhibit?
In the present day?


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In the present time.


Official or a fan project thing?


i wish vrchat still worked on my linux machine


vrchat works for me, i am using https://github.com/SpookySkeletons/proton-ge-rtsp for video playback since directshow is broken on stock proton/wine

you also can use https://github.com/ShayBox/VRC-MPV but has sync issues

i DO have issues getting https://github.com/vrcx-team/VRCX to work, but that's my wine fault. or rather, using wine in a limited arch linux container. i will setup multi-lib soon for wine-tkg ;^^ i'm curious about trying wine/proton in flatpak, seems like different experience and helps with compatibility issues. but is it placebo? i must find out...


does anything actually work on linux?


Linux support for games is better than ever. The only things that don't work are things intentionally gimped to prevent running them outside of Windows. NT kernel level "anti-cheat" is the one that is the most trouble and the intrusive DRM.

wine is great. If you don't want to manually set it up there are front ends that do all the work for you. Steam's version of wine (proton) is really great too for most games. For games it has small issues with there are usually good work arounds and guides for them and those fixes typically get rolled into later versions of proton.

The only trouble I've had with games I play is one of them has a mod that requires a .dll file. Which won't work in proton no matter what I try. I probably need to put the .dll within the actual container. But I haven't been able to figure it out yet. It's no big deal most of the time. It's just an overlay and some extra features for only play like number of people on the server and being able to use custom pallets in-game that they can see.

For a lot of my games they actually run better in Gentoo+Steam+Proton/wine than they run on Windows 7/10 bare metal on the same machine. You don't even have to do a lot of leg work to pirate games for Linux now. Lots of groups offer bundles with everything you need already included.


the problem with my linux machine is im on linux mint debian edition... FOUR.... so my wine version is 7.17
been kicking around the idea of doing a linux from scratch on a spare computer to get more comfortable with setting up linux boxes beyond daily usage and ricing of mainline distributions
after LMDE4 i think i will go for normal linux mint based on ubuntu cause its not like debian-based one is better i only used it to change things up


>i think i will go for normal linux mint based on ubuntu
Use Arch.
Used to use Debian before because I was paranoid that anything else would just break every other update. Switched to arch thinking I'll fix it if it breaks, hasn't broken since the first time I installed it maybe 4 years ago. Get all the latest stuff too.


i like having a conventional desktop environment and i get that for free with linux mint


i mean in general its recommended to use rolling release distro if plan to game heavily on linux
>the problem with my linux machine is im on linux mint debian edition... FOUR.... so my wine version is 7.17
consider using https://github.com/Kron4ek/Conty
i am thinking about trying out debian sid for desktop usage as debian itself is quite flexible, i dislike systemd but apparently you can switch out the init on no x netinstall? its tempting


I've also had the same Ubuntu Mint install for 4 years without breaking too and everything is relatively up to date. I did upgrade it once, it went fine and I haven't bothered to do it again even though there's a newer Mint version and a newer kernel too, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to upgrade until I have to since I'm still getting security updates. Most distros that aren't niche are pretty good and stable. Anon should just use whatever they want.


i saw the lain exhibit but i couldn't find two of the hidden clues. i guess ill just watch a yt vid on it


File:[anon] The Idolmaster Cind….jpg (317.12 KB,1920x1080)

It's a mystery exhibit?


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