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/maho/ - Magical Circuitboards

Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

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File:R-1739573959716.png (27.39 KB,499x501)



Code is below:

import hashlib

salt = "719C971F82429E8AA448AB9DCC73F"
hash = "171abaa40d35465f75c59b13df2903086b5802b764a9d9e30b47f1c26ba347d74847842304f0842fb74a8db705acab9d56a3462e8e403c830ec850963498a0c0"

while True:
guess = input("What is your guess?\n")
s = hashlib.sha3_512()
s.update(guess.encode('ascii') + salt.encode('ascii'))
if s.hexdigest() == hash:
print("Wrong password. Hash for that (salted) guess is: \n" + s.hexdigest())


File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (215.43 KB,1920x1080)

I hit 'run' and all my windows closed and my fan started moving really fast???


It runs fine on my 10 year old laptop... You can use this instead. They're just online Python interpreters.



Oh, now I feel bad. It was a joke about viruses/trojans/whatever


File:waterfox_UxSXkzgvpG.png (28.63 KB,934x413)

Anyway, I'm not actually sure what to say. I'm typing guesses and it says 'no', so... yay it works?
But I'm not sure if I can recommend this game to others. I think it needs something else, like platforming or explosions or something.


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Uh... are you trying to get me to mine you bitcoin...


Wait a minute... 512 is even more than SHA256... How long would it take a bitcoin miner to crack that...


what are you trying to get me to do here? There's no way I can get some sort of pattern out of a salted hash.


If you do though, you'll become a billionaire.


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Thank you for the replies. I am happy to see that the program is working. In case you were curious, The answer is
Have a nice day.


/maho/ just got played in some way and we shall never know

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