Anonymous 08/20/24 (Tue) 05:08:45 No. 1608
I guess I'll blog here after I start working on kissu css themes soon. But right now I'm paralyzed with trying to organize colors into sets so I can more easily create more themes. The last one I was working on was a Miku one and I guess I'll start from there... I guess if anyone wants to look at it (it's incomplete and has lots of extraneous lines and stuff I was testing) you can copypaste this in the Style Tab of the [Options] thing of the Kissu UI. Bleh, I hate spending time staring at text like this. Making stuff is fun, making stuff with text (programming) is not. Miku :root { -- --primary1: #23262b; --primary2: #f7f7f7; --primary3: #e6f4f7; --primary4: #d2f9ff; --primary5: #d2ffee; --primary6: #d9e3e2; --primary7: #; --primary8: #; --secondary1: #c2ccd5; --secondary2: #95d2d3; --secondary3: #83b1d2; --secondary4: #5cb0b4; --secondary5: #047e83; --secondary6: #0a7893; --secondary7: #606467; --secondary8: #23262b; --gradient1: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(230,36,122,1) 8%, rgba(233,81,127,1) 12%, rgba(246,174,102,1) 27%, rgba(241,226,33,1) 40%, rgba(160,209,134,1) 55%, rgba(99,178,207,1) 70%, rgba(139,147,194,1) 85%, rgba(166,103,167,1) 100%); --gradient2: ; --gradient3: ; --gradient4: ; --gradient5: ; --gradient6: ; /* PRIMARY STUFF */ --primary-text-color: #23262b; --primary-text-shadow: 1px 1px 3px #9bd4db; #--primary-text-font: font_goes_here; --primary-bg-color: #d2f9ff; /* SECONDARY STUFF */ --second-text-color: #d2f9ff; --second-text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #000000; #--second-text-font: font_goes_here; --second-bg-color: #83b1d2; /* TERTIARY STUFF */ --tert-text-color: #23262b; --tert-text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #e6f4f7; #--tert-text-font: font_goes_here; --tert-bg-color: #9bd4db; /* QUATERNARY STUFF */ --quat-text-color: #e6f4f7; --quat-text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px #000000; #--quat-text-font: font_goes_here; --quat-bg-color: #b6ddde; /* LARGE TEXT */ --large-text-color: #047e83; #--large-text-shadow: 0px 0px 1px #41464a; #--large-text-font: font_goes_here; } /* MOUSE CURSOR STUFF GOES HERE */ /* WINDOWS */ /* all windows */ .object-window, .react-draggable { color: var(--darkcolor8); text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000; background-color: var(--lightcolor2); border:3px solid; border-color: var(--darkcolor7); } /* main window. Text color also used on sidebar (or not?) */ page-details, body { color: var(--darkcolor8); text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #f7f7f7; background-color: var(--lightcolor6); } /* window when hovering over OP on Catalog/Home */ /* --DISABLED-- Top Bar --DISABLED-- */ .preview-container { color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); background: var(--tert-bg-color); border-radius:10px; border:1.8px solid; border-color: var(--secondy-bg-color) } .preview.reply .post-contents, .preview-thread { color: var(--quat-text-color); text-shadow: var(--quat-text-shadow); background: var(--quat-bg-color) } .preview-container>h4 { border-bottom:1px solid #3d284f } /* IS THIS USED??? */ .pv-ommitted { color:#ff0000; font-weight:700 } /* --DISABLED -- Used by Video Player and Options --DISABLED--*/ #.handle { background: rgb(7,57,71); background-image: url(; background-position:center; color:#d9d9d9; border-bottom:3px ridge #fedf50 } /* Icons */ .svg-icon, .media-player-icon { filter: invert(26%) sepia(54%) saturate(2351%) hue-rotate(301deg) brightness(85%) contrast(90%); #background-color: #ffcc00; } /* Updater is the thing on left below New Thread button */ .updater:hover { color:#d2ffee; text-decoration:underline } .updater:active { color:#f589c0 } .updater { cursor:pointer } /* --DISABLED-- Download icon below image --DISABLED-- */ { color:#d084ef } /* TOP */ /* Top Frame */ .main-sections.thread-window { background-color: var(--quat-bg-color); } /* Board Title */ .center-meta { #font-family:"bubble shine"; letter-spacing: 3px; color: var(--quat-text-color); text-shadow: var(--quat-text-shadow); } /* Top banner */ .banner-wide, iframe { border:0px solid #003941 } /* SIDEBAR */ /* text color carries over to RSS feed */ .side-segment, .banner-cover, .sidebar-container { color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); background: var(--tert-bg-color); border-right:2px solid #3d284f; } /* Sidebar Headers */ .sidebar-title-header, h2 { color: var(--quat-text-color); text-shadow: var(--quat-text-shadow); } /* Sidebar Links */ a, a:visited { color:var(--primary-text-color); text-shadow: var(--primary-text-shadow); } /* Sidebar Board Page Brackets */ .pagelist { color: #b12e70; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #1f1f1f; background: var(--tert-bg-color); } /* Sidebar section borders */ .break-li { border-top:1px outset #02686c } /* Sidebar Special Links */ .options-opener, .updater, .filter-toggle { color: var(--primary-text-color); #font-size:16px; text-shadow: var(--primary-text-shadow); background-color: var(--second-bg-color); } /* New Thread/Reply button */ .button { background: var(--second-bg-color); border:2px solid #02686c; border-radius: 0%; text-decoration:none; font-weight:600 } /* RSS and Hide Sidebar buttons */ .toggles { color: #b12e70; background-color: #41464a; } /* RSS, left to right */ .summary-time { color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); background: var(--tert-bg-color) } .summary-container, .summary-swiper { background: var(--quat-bg-color) } .summary-board { color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); background: var(--tert-bg-color) } /* HOME PAGE */ /* Post stats (posts, unique IPs, storage) */ .stats-table { color: var(--primary-text-color); background-color: var(--primary-bg-color); box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #000000; } /* 'active thread' OP text */ .popular-thread-comment { color: var(--primary-text-color); text-shadow: var(--primary-text-shadow); background: var(--primary-bg-color) } /* Headers for Active Threads, Friends */ .home-section { background-color: var(--tert-bg-color); text-align:center; color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); padding:5px 16px; margin-left:-12px } /* Home page board title above each thread OP */ .popular-thread-board { color: var(--tert-text-color); text-shadow: var(--tert-text-shadow); background-color: var(--tert-bg-color) } /* Area around Active/Featured threads */ .active-threads>ul>li, .featured-threads>ul>li, .banner-wide { border:unset; } /* Area around 'Friends' links */ .colored-writeup, .friend-item, .error-img-container, .category-container { border:unset } /* HOME MENU END */ /* Context menu from right clicking arrow by post number */ .context-menu { border-top:8px solid; color: var(--second-text-color); text-shadow: var(--second-text-shadow) } .context-tab { background: var(--quat-bg-color); border:1px solid #26d3f3 } .context-tab:hover { background:#21af75 } .blank-context, .blank-context:hover { background-color:#073947; border:1px solid #477580 } /* Context menu END */ /* >Quoting (greentext) */ span.quote { color:#019234; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px #000000 } /*arrows at bottom of page */ .similar-rotator { color: var(--quat-text-color); text-shadow: var(--quat-text-shadow); border:0px solid; #border-color: var(--second-bg-color) } /* Thread stuff, visible from index too*/ .thread-contents>ol { border-bottom:1px dashed #eacb3e; } /* Left click menu next to post number */ .user-action-container { background:#073947 } /* Thread subject */ .subject { color: var(--large-text-color); text-shadow: var(--large-text-shadow); background: var(--large-bg-color); font-weight:bold; font-size:130%; } /* OP background when OP is highlighted */ .highlight.op>.post-contents, .hover-box.op>.post-contents { background: var(--quat-bg-color) } /* Reply background when reply is highlighted */ .highlight.reply>.post-contents { background:radial-gradient(circle, rgba(0,103,117,0.75) 0%, rgba(14,71,159,0.75) 100%); } /* POSTING NAMES AND EFFECTS */ /* Default Anonymous name and tripcode */ .no-opt, .trip { color:#047e83; } .trip { font-style:italic } .sage, .sage:visited { color: #b12e70 } a.sage:hover { color:#f589c0 } /* 'Repo' option */ .repo, .repo:visited { color: #5a89aa; } a.repo:hover { color:#f589c0 } /* Email "name" */ .email, .email:visited { color: #0093ab; } { color:#f589c0 } /* Reply chain thing if toggled on*/ .chain-container { border:2px inset; border-color: #83b1d2 } .chain-number { background:#21af75; color:#e6e6f1; border:1px solid #9f4cb7 } .selected.chain-number { background:#019ab0; color:#e6e6f1 } .post-chains>li { border:1px ridge #019ab0; border-radius:10px; border-bottom-right-radius:5px; border-top-right-radius:5px } .hover-box.reply>.post-contents { border:5px solid; border-color: var(--tert-bg-color) } /* Background color in 'show hidden posts' mode */ .thread.hidden { background:linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(230,36,122,1) 8%, rgba(233,81,127,1) 12%, rgba(246,174,102,1) 27%, rgba(241,226,33,1) 40%, rgba(160,209,134,1) 55%, rgba(99,178,207,1) 70%, rgba(139,147,194,1) 85%, rgba(166,103,167,1) 100%); } /* Reply background color during 'show hidden posts mode' */ .hidden.reply>.post-contents { background:linear-gradient(#191ab7 0%,#5e38e9,#06078a) }
Anonymous 08/25/24 (Sun) 09:08:29 No. 1626 >>1627 >>1628
ohh wait a minute, yeah here it islala.css :root { --thread-bg-col: #fedf50; --catalog-highlight: #fedf50; --catalog-text-hl-color: #fedf50; --catalog-text-hl-sdw: #fedf50; --catalog-text-url: #000000; --catalog-dash-color: #fedf50; --hover-fname-color:#fedf50; --score-bg-basis: #11ff27; --main-score-bg-border: #000000; --main-score-main-bg: radial-gradient(circle,var(--score-bg-basis) 0%,#404040 100%); --main-score-text-color: #dbdbdb; --hover-score-bg-border: #797979 .1em; --hover-score-main-bg: radial-gradient(circle,var(--score-bg-basis) 0%,#fedf50 100%); --hover-score-text-color: #dbdbdb; --submit-score-bg-border: #b77b7b .1em; --submit-score-main-bg: radial-gradient(circle,var(--score-bg-basis) 0%,#404040 100%); --submit-score-text-color: #dbdbdb; #--standard_url_col: #ead5e8 } @font-face { font-family:'bubble shine'; src: url(; } #@font-face { # font-family:'baby doll'; # src: url(; #} /* Mouse cursor */ * { cursor: url(/test/src/1657138315386.png), auto !important; } i, a > img, input[type="text"], input[type="search"], input:not([type]), select { cursor: url( , auto !important; } /* Animated Lala BG. Taller image = faster movement */ @keyframes lala { 0% { background-position: 0px 0%;} 100% { background-position: 0px 30000%;} } /* Animated backround's actual location */ /* changed from "#lowercontents, .main-contents" to carry bg over to side and top */ #lowercontents, .page-details, .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(, url(/test/src/1657131441571.png), url(/test/src/1657131434876.png); background-repeat: repeat; animation-timing-function:linear; background-attachment:fixed; animation-name: lala; animation-duration: 30000s; animation-iteration-count: infinite; } /* Top Frame [DISABLED FOR ABOVE] */ #.main-sections.thread-window { #background:url( #} /* some subtitle fix for /poll/? */ .center-meta > h1, .center-meta > .subtitle { width: 507px; } /* main window. IMPORTANT! */ body { background-color:#00082b; background-image: url(/test/src/1657131444151.png); background-attachment:fixed; color:#fedf50 } /* Board Title */ .center-meta { font-family:"bubble shine"; letter-spacing: 3px; font-size: 120%; color:#fff; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(255,21,124,1) 39%, rgba(255,56,116,1) 42%, rgba(254,159,64,1) 45%, rgba(246,229,12,1) 48%, rgba(164,255,114,1) 51%, rgba(96,205,244,1) 54%, rgba(146,159,242,1) 58%, rgba(202,98,204,1) 61%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; } /* Left Panel Titles */ .sidebar-title-header, h2 { color:#eefbff !important; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(20, 20, 20, 1) } /* Sidebar stuff, text color carries over to RSS feed */ .side-segment, .banner-cover, .sidebar-container { color:#ebebff; text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px rgba(33, 16, 0, 0.5); background:radial-gradient(circle, rgba(0,90,103,0.5) 0%, rgba(0,9,51,0.5) 100%); border-right:0px solid #3d284f } /* Sidebar board page brackets */ .pagelist { color:#da80ff; } /* Lines between sidebar sections */ .break-li { border-top:1px dotted #5e38e9 } /* Video player */ .page-frame, .error-frame { background:#000; border:2px solid #0e002b; border-radius:2px; border-top:1px solid #191ab7 } /*bottom line in video player */ .image-frame { background:#e6e6f1 } /* The RSS and hide sidebar buttons */ .toggles { color:#49c5d7; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(251, 139, 201, 1) } /* Some Links on Left Bar */ .options-opener, .updater, .filter-toggle { color:#5bf6b7; font-size:16px; text-shadow: 1px 1px 6px rgba(1, 154, 176, .75); /* ??? */ } .style-option { color:#c4c4c4 } /* Post stats on home page (posts, unique IPs, storage) */ .stats-table { text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(30, 23, 0, 1); color:#ffe467 } /* Popular thread comment is homepage 'active thread' OP text, summary time and board is from RSS feed*/ .popular-thread-comment, .summary-time, .summary-board { color:#f5f285; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(33, 16, 0, 1); background: rgb(7,19,71); background: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 200px 200px, rgba(15,0,28,0.4) 0%, rgba(0,11,54,0.4) 25%, rgba(0,11,43,0.4) 50%, rgba(9,0,32,0.4) 75%, rgba(0,13,32,0.4) 100%); } /* RSS background */ .summary-container, .summary-swiper { border:1px solid #797280; background: rgb(8,9,88); background: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 500px 200px, rgba(8,9,88,1) 15%, rgba(7,9,100,1) 35%, rgba(6,7,70,1) 50%, rgba(5,37,82,1) 65%, rgba(6,7,80,1) 85%); border-right:1px solid #3d284f; } /* Post time on RSS */ .summary-time { border-right:1px dotted #d1f4fa; color:#fb8bc9 } /* Board group titles at bottom of home page */ .category { padding:0; text-decoration:unset; color:#d1f4fa } /* Search box on left bar and Friends subtitles on home page */ .friend-description, .global-search-label { color:#efc8ff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px rgba(61, 0, 86, 1); } /******* Home page stuff START ******* / .featured-section, .friend-section { background: rgb(0,90,103); background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0,90,103,1) 15%, rgba(1,134,154,1) 50%, rgba(0,90,103,1) 85%); text-align:center; color:#f2f2ff; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px rgba(0, 56, 64, 1); padding:5px 16px; margin-left:-12px } /* Home page board title above each thread OP */ .popular-thread-board { color:#d084ef; text-shadow: 1px 1px 4px rgba(185, 70, 217, 1); } .active-threads>ul>li, .featured-threads>ul>li, .banner-wide { border:unset } .colored-writeup, .friend-item, .error-img-container, .category-container { border:3px offset #3d284f; background-color:#071347 } .head-item { border:1px solid #6c4c88; background:#00ff1e; color:#9e9ed9 } .tabs-header>.head-item:hover { color:#fedf50 } .active, .top-content { background-color:#000000 } /******* Home page stuff END? ******* / /* ??? */ .news-header { color:#ece46f /* ??? */ } .top-bar { border:1px solid #655c6c } .top-bottom { color:#fedf50; } .top-segment { opacity:.9; background-color:#4a4a4a } /* Top banner */ .banner-wide, iframe { border:1px solid #003941 } /* New Thread/Reply button */ .button { background:linear-gradient(0deg,#880c4a 5%,#b9216e 18%,#ec6cb3 100%); border:3px solid #880c4a; border-radius: 25%; text-decoration:none; color:#fedf50; font-weight:600 } .mobile .fas { color:#5e2b26 } /*The popup thing when you click [Options] on left */ .options-window { background:#073947; border:1px solid #3d284f } /* Used by video player and Options */ .handle { background: rgb(7,57,71); background-image: url(; background-position:center; color:#d9d9d9; border-bottom:3px ridge #fedf50 } /* OPTIONS POPUP END */ /* ??? Where is this stuff used? */ .preview-container { background:#4a4a4a; border-radius:10px; border:1.8px solid #3d284f } .preview.reply .post-contents { background:#1e1e1e } .preview-thread { background:#1e1e1e } .preview-container>h4 { border-bottom:1px solid #3d284f } .pv-ommitted { color:#ece8b4; font-weight:700 } /* >Quoting (greentext) */ span.quote { color:#5bf67f } /* Download icon below image */ .download>.fas { color:#d084ef } /* Context menu from right clicking arrow by post number */ .context-menu { border-top:8px solid #26d3f3 } .context-tab { background:#073947; border:1px solid #26d3f3 } .context-tab:hover { background:#21af75 } .blank-context, .blank-context:hover { background-color:#073947; border:1px solid #477580 } /* Context menu END */ /*arrows at bottom of page */ .similar-rotator { color:#fedf50; border:px solid #ead5e8 } /* Thread stuff, visible from index too*/ .thread-contents>ol { border-bottom:1px dashed #eacb3e; } /* Left click menu next to post number */ .user-action-container { background:#073947 } .user-action-container>button { color:#fff; text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); background: rgb(16,144,92); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4a9b66 0%,#359183 50%,#007a5d 51%,#2886a0 100%); font-size:15px; border:1px solid #073947 } /* [POSTING NAMES AND EFFECTS] */ /* Default Anonymous name and tripcode */ .no-opt, .trip { #font-family:"babydoll"; color:#fff; background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(59,149,255,1) 0%, rgba(21,255,51,1) 100%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; #font-size:110% } .trip { font-style:italic } /* SAGE */ .sage, .sage:visited { #font-family:"baby doll"; background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(38,243,39,1) 0%, rgba(246,211,91,1) 100%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; text-shadow: unset; #font-size:110% } a.sage:hover { color:#f955a8 } /* 'Repo' option */ .repo, .repo:visited { #font-family:"baby doll"; background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(251,139,201,1) 0%, rgba(208,132,239,1) 100%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; #font-size:110% } /* Email "name" */ .email, .email:visited { #font-family:"baby doll"; background-image:linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(195,160,0,1) 0%, rgba(245,242,133,1) 100%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; #font-size:110% } /* Thread subject */ .subject { #color:#bba668; font-family:"bubble shine"; font-weight:100; letter-spacing: 2px; background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(230,36,122,1) 8%, rgba(233,81,127,1) 12%, rgba(246,174,102,1) 27%, rgba(241,226,33,1) 40%, rgba(160,209,134,1) 55%, rgba(99,178,207,1) 70%, rgba(139,147,194,1) 85%, rgba(166,103,167,1) 100%); -webkit-background-clip:text; -webkit-text-fill-color:transparent; font-size:140%; } /* Reply chain thing if toggled on*/ .chain-container { background-image: url(/test/src/1657131444151.png); border:1px solid #06078a } .chain-number { background:#21af75; color:#e6e6f1; border:1px solid #9f4cb7 } .selected.chain-number { background:#019ab0; color:#e6e6f1 } .post-chains>li { border:1px ridge #019ab0; border-radius:10px; border-bottom-right-radius:5px; border-top-right-radius:5px } /* Updater is the thing on left below New Thread button */ .updater:hover { color:#fb8bc9; text-decoration:underline } .updater:active { color:#f5f285 } .updater { cursor:pointer } .hover-box.reply>.post-contents { border:1px solid #8c818b } /* Background color in 'show hidden posts' mode */ .thread.hidden { background:linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(230,36,122,1) 8%, rgba(233,81,127,1) 12%, rgba(246,174,102,1) 27%, rgba(241,226,33,1) 40%, rgba(160,209,134,1) 55%, rgba(99,178,207,1) 70%, rgba(139,147,194,1) 85%, rgba(166,103,167,1) 100%); } /* Reply background color during 'show hidden posts mode' */ .hidden.reply>.post-contents { background:linear-gradient(#191ab7 0%,#5e38e9,#06078a) } /* OP background when OP is highlighted */ .highlight.op>.post-contents, .hover-box.op>.post-contents { background:radial-gradient(circle, rgba(0,103,117,0.75) 0%, rgba(14,71,159,0.75) 100%); } /* Reply background when reply is highlighted */ .highlight.reply>.post-contents { background:radial-gradient(circle, rgba(0,103,117,0.75) 0%, rgba(14,71,159,0.75) 100%); } /* ??? */ .preview { background:transparent } /* The "No." ahead of post number */ .post-highlighter { text-decoration:none; color:#ff98d1 } /* post number */ a.qr-number { text-decoration:none; color:#e094ff; letter-spacing:.5px } /* ??? */ a.qr-number:visited, { text-decoration:none; color:inherit } /* ??? */ .select-container>select { background:#313435!important; color:#c4c4c4 } /* on /poll/ */ .poll-expander>a { color:#f5f285; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px rgba(91, 246, 127, 1); } /* Text color in posts but not OP */ p, .preview { color:#e6e6f1; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 1); } /* reply citing >123 */ .cite { color:#efc8ff } .cite:hover { color:#fb8bc9 } /* Reply Boxes */ .reply>.post-contents { background: rgb(7,19,71); background: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 200px 200px, rgba(15,0,28,0.7) 0%, rgba(0,11,54,0.7) 25%, rgba(0,11,43,0.7) 50%, rgba(9,0,32,0.7) 75%, rgba(0,13,32,0.7) 100%); border:0px solid #0e002b; border-radius: 3%; } /* sidebar page numbers */ { color:#fedf50 } .page-list-item { color:inherit } .page-list-item.current-page>.page-number { color:inherit } /* Quick reply hover box */ .qr-comment, .helper-item-container { background: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 100px 1px, rgba(15,0,28,1) 0%, rgba(0,11,54,1) 25%, rgba(0,11,43,1) 50%, rgba(9,0,32,1) 75%, rgba(0,13,32,1) 100%); color:#e6e6f1; border:unset; font-size:120% } .qr-comment.dnd-visible { background-color:transparent } /* Quick reply frame, BG is line above typing area */ .qr-frame { background: radial-gradient(farthest-corner at 100px 1px, rgba(15,0,28,1) 0%, rgba(0,11,54,1) 25%, rgba(0,11,43,1) 50%, rgba(9,0,32,1) 75%, rgba(0,13,32,1) 100%); box-shadow:0px 0px 25px #21af75; border:2px solid #686363 } /* Quick Reply bottom frame */ .textarea-container { background:#5e38e9 } /* Posting queue in Quick Reply Box */ .queue-item:hover:not(.current-bud) { color:#5bf6b7 } .modifier-on, .current-bud { color:#fedf50; text-shadow: 2px 1px 1px rgba(79, 50, 0, 1); background:linear-gradient(155deg, rgba(208,132,239,1) 50%, rgba(32,39,163,1) 100%) !important; } .queue-item:last-child { border-right:2px outset #b946d9 } .queue-item { border-left:1px solid #06078a; border-bottom:1px solid #06078a; text-shadow: 2px 1px 1px rgba(79, 50, 0, 1); border-radius:40%; background:linear-gradient(155deg, rgba(1,154,176,1) 50%, rgba(32,39,163,1) 100%); 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