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/spg/ - Spring

Seasonal board for the Spring Season

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It's Fathers Day. Post girls who love their papas.
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They are called canards. They act as additional control surfaces. Think of them like a tail but at the front instead.


The obvious purpose are handle bars.


They make her go fast


since this thread has no topic, I guess I can say it here: I miss /nah/ threads like you wouldn’t believe. I can’t really post in the happenings thread and blogs are a no-go too. /nah/ was just perfect for the minuscule venting about little shit that has no where else to go.


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Ehh, what is it that you want to talk about? It sounds like you want to blog if you want to rant or vent about stuff. You could make throwaway threads on /jp/ or /secret/

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It's not quite summer yet, but the heat really sucks. Gonna turn into a puddle if it gets any hotter
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Summer is already over where I live.


Some tips I learned growing up on a farm where I was forced into slave labor;

Wear long white sleeve shirt and pants. The baggier the better. Same concept at desert nomad clothing. Except I live in humid environment so I actually want the wind to wick away sweat when possible. You'll feel much cooler like this than you will in short sleeves. Long sleeves and pants keep the biting flies off of you as well.

Sounds counter intuitive but heavy ankle length boots are best. Keeps feet dry and the steel toe will cool down much faster when you do manage to get out of direct sunlight or into an AC cooled room. Wear breathable diabetic white socks for the same reason you wear baggy clothing. You want your feet cool and dry so they don't form blisters.

Smoking or being new a fire of green wood will keep away biting insects. You don't have to inhale. Puff on a cigar to keep it lit and smoldering. This is one of the main reasons why people smoked in the old days along with the fact that it allowed them to carry an ember that wouldn't be forgotten. If you aren't okay with smoking I find a fire horn/bundle works almost as well. Smoking works better because biting insects are most annoying on your face. Which is well protected by something like a cigar.

Try to work near large bodies of water preferably running water like a creek or river. Temperature can drop by as much as 10F simply by going down to the creek bank. Can store beverages and food in a cooler in the creek to keep them cool for relief from the heat. Can build basic swamp cooler along creek bank and keep a small space like a tent cool.

Wear a large hat. I have a large straw hat like you see people wearing when they're working in rice patties. Keeps the sun off your head and neck. If you can keep your head cool your body can get rid of the excess heat better.

Force yourself to work in the heat for a few weeks. After awhile your body will adjust and you'll feel comfortable in temperatures in the 95+F range. Only issue is once your blood "thins" and you become used to it you'll feel like you're freezing come winter time. I'm all screwed up in this way and no amount of exposure to cold will undo it.

Wet a rag and keep it around your neck during the day. Change it often. You want lukewarm - warm water. Never sock your system with cold/icy water if you're working in high heat. You can pass out from the shock and hurt yourself. Seen it happen more than onPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>Only issue is once your blood "thins" and you become used to it you'll feel like you're freezing come winter time. I'm all screwed up in this way and no amount of exposure to cold will undo it.
Same... I used to be able to wear shorts during 40-50F weather, but since moving south, I've acclimated to where ~80F with a breeze no longer feels hot, and temperatures below like 60F feel really cold. Sucks.


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>Wear long white sleeve shirt and pants. The baggier the better.
Do you not have mosquitos there? I forgot to tuck my pants into my socks and shirt into my pants and I have a dozen mosquito bites after being outside for 15 minutes. No exaggeration, sadly. I wish I knew why they liked me so much.
I think I need a beekeeper outfit


>I wish I knew why they liked me so much.
interracial harem protagonist

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 No.1213[Reply][Last50 Posts]

A thread for interesting news, like the invention of new springs to the discovery of new sponges!
News that makes people upset is great for clicks, but not a good fit for this thread.
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At a glance I saw that as a penis and butt...


kimo quads.


I am surprised that Christians in the west are so fond of Apple products considering their logo is based on Satan tricking Eve into taking a bite out of the Apple. I notice a lot of products reference the Genesis story. For example, the language learning service Babble is a reference to the tower of Babble.

>Musk being pro-free speech
He's just a face and has a long history of being a paid troll. Most public figures are. Once you see it's a TV show you can't unsee.


>according to Musk


Moved to >>>/qa/127237.

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I saw a bumper sticker today that said "birds aren't real" and it made me realize I'd never actually seen a bird in real life before. Why did you trick me like this, kissu?


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i have to say >>3308 is a very creepy example of how far AI has come
used to be that humans would be the ones to think them up... like elephants


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Every bird is a potential Precure


ah blblblblbblb
ah fpppppttt
ah mfffmfmfppmmtppttmtmmmffff


If birds are not real, then what other force could possibly stop witches from achieving total aerial superiority?

Being able to walk the streets without having to dodge any malevolent magics flung at you from high above, or suffer the smug insults of airborne airheads, is the best proof that birds are out there and looking out for you that you could ask for.

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cute piccie of a bird i found on twitter




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Very bird-like. I give it a 9 out of 10 in birdness


hello are you a bird and why


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cute piccie of a bird i found on jaypee

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How warm does it have to get before swimming becomes viable?
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community centers have pools going year round


I'm pretty sure he was joking, what with the implication being that he doesn't know that in-house locker rooms exist.


I know I wanted to post about it anyways because it's also relevant to OP's question


>Except this one was closed a few years ago
Pool's closed?... due to AIDS?...

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Or is it still spring? I my area summer comes first day of june. So its summer.
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What about Dragonabll? Is it spring orfall?


Temperature-wise it's summer here. I think if people were to do a localized climate thing here summer would start in June and end in uhh... September probably.


Temperature is an unreliable metric.


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If we're going on temperature, then it's been winter here for a while now. Bloody cold May this year.


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Seasons are not about weather conditions. It's about common sense. You took a year. You slice it like a pie. Now its not a circle but piece of food for ya. Time is dead and vertigo is over. And summer starts 1st of june.


spring is basically just animal season

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Death to wasps
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wasp caught in a web


when i was living abroad i remember crawling into bed after a night shift, it was 8 am and i had been up for over 30 hours. all of a sudden my right big toe stings but i figured it was a random occurence. it didn't get better and the pain continued, so i lifted my blankets up to see what's happening.
there was a huge fucking wasp in my bed under my blankets, i had no idea how it got in or got there. not gonna lie, it was a bit of a shit day.


I fear this so I always have a mosquito net deployed over my futon so nothing but myself can get in.


some might find something like that overprotective, but it actually makes perfect sense

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 No.1359[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Have you been surfing the information superhighway and found a video that you don't want to make a thread for, but it doesn't fit anywhere else? You can post it here
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Yep, that's Montreal


nice comedy


real life creepypasta stuff


This thing is really cool. There's one near me for a reasonable price, but I'm broke. Would absolutely snatch one up if I could.


Moved to >>>/qa/127496.

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Why play something competitive if you are not going to be the best? or among the best, at least.

¨For fun¨ is the obvious answer but then you have a big skill gap between players. I don't play competitive online games anymore because I haven't been able to find an answer to this. I don't want to be a pro or anything, just good enough to think of myself as ¨good at the game¨. Whatever that game might be.

Instead, I've been playing Prominence Poker and MahSoul because those games are luck based and I can listen to a video or do something else while playing.

What do you think?
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>It isn't really considered a glitch since pausing is a normal part of the game.
It's a glitch if the manipulation of your falling speed is unintentional behavior, or if the availability of the route was an oversight on the part of the developers.

But yeah, the important thing is that the community agrees on a specific set of rules, and if somebody discovers a new trick, the community needs to come together and come to a consensus on whether or not that is part of the accepted gameplay or cheating. That's what playing games is about: a shared set of rules.


It isn't considered a "glitch" in Mega Man 2 because they have what's called a "zipless" category. Which basically means any glitch outside of zipping through walls is okay. It's by far the most popular form of the world record.

The pause trick was so well known most people don't even bother to argue it since it isn't a massive advantage and people have discovered ways to get into those areas without it (excluding where it helps you zip). It's basically just re-starting your fall. It halts all momentum you've already built up and makes it so you're falling off an invisible platform. Most people avoid it now because it's much slower than just jumping normally. Since now we're down to timing this stuff by frames instead of seconds.


Yeah, they exist. It seems like it's a mixed bag and most people simply want the "best" at events and such, which leads to stuff like THIS where they enter a debug room and just teleport around scenes and it's the most boring thing imaginable. FF7 has been a buggy mess in these events for a long time, but this is a new low if you ask me. Yeah, it's faster than the runs where they actually play the game, so congratulations to them I guess.
Glitchless runs seem like a niche when compared to people simply wanting to beat it the fastest way possible.


I can't find it anymore because they take down old TAS runs off youtube now. But there used to be a really cool run of Rockman 1 where you're literally reprogramming the ASM as you play. It's almost impossible to do it on a real console because 9 times out of 10 it'll lock up. But with save states you can try thousands of times and sometimes get through.

By the time you get to Wily 2 the game is so fucked up it can't even render sprites anymore.


Moved to >>>/qa/127020.


I learned from Police in a Pod that this is what a sketch artist is supposed to do - prioritize getting the details right over realism. Glad to see quality art get the respect it deserves!


double thread


Drawing real people is an interesting talent, especially if you're doing it quickly or with limited information. It's strange to think that this stuff actually works.
I also find those people that draw inside courtrooms to be quite impressive. I wonder if it counts as "creative" work. I think it does.


singled thread about singling out


No beard, no hat
No moustache, no eyebrows (why?) and shape of face is absolutely wrong, its not about quality, its a different person here. But i kinda feel someone is sad really cause why it comes to them personally artist gonna be a whole Richard Diebenkorn and gonna do everything right.

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cute squish


I like the heat


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If Koruri can handle the heat, so can you!


Moved to >>>/jp/77053.

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How is your sleep routine? I'm thinking I need to improve mine. Strangely I've found that having my little tablet thing playing a youtube speedrun history video helps me get sleepy faster. My theory is that it interrupts my thinking and allows my brain to turn off faster. It doesn't increase the amount of sleep I get, but at least it starts earlier so there's less wasted time doing nothing in bed.
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>accident involving my bed
did you wet it?


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It's awful.


Used to do the same with playing a YouTube video in the background trying to sleep. Recently though, feel like I've come to a realization on (my) sleep.
1. As long as I'm not thinking about something that's plausible in the future or a regret of the past, it does not count as a thought that keeps me awake; have been able to fall asleep within ~10 minutes of turning off my phone recently.
2. Used to think alarms didn't work for me, but seems like as long as I haven't accumulated any "sleep debt" the past 2-3 days, and as long as my sleeping hours for that session is >=6 hours, the alarm wakes me up. Have had cases where only sleep debt was the factor; but haven't tried that theory because sleeping <6 hours is already a cause of sleep debt. Also, have somehow trained myself to wake up after exactly 6 hours.
Think I've been getting my sleep schedule under control recently, 10 minutes give or take.
For waking up, the 90 minutes cycle seems to be true/working; hence my sleep time of 6 hours (90 * 4 minutes).


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Well, if you're able to choose what you think about you're far more advanced than me. It would require conscious effort on my part which is probably even worse. I've been doing the youtube nonsensical documentary/review thing now for a while and I think it's working pretty well. The key is that it can't be too exciting or interesting, which I guess does count for most of youtube.


Moved to >>>/qa/127052.

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