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File:Dead Dead Demon's Dededede….jpg (643.91 KB,1418x1335)


So you think your so elite zomg cool hax0r uh? Well then let's hear YOUR genius strategy for hiding all traces of yourself from the glowies and other people that wanmt to spy on you?


File:1617534385011.jpg (128.22 KB,1080x1564)

I just buy everything in bitcoin


File:monero xmr.png (176.85 KB,512x461)


File:[CsS] Jashin-chan Dropkick….jpg (314.01 KB,1920x1080)

How much longer until Monero is completely banned everywhere because it respects people's privacy in a world where everyone wants to sell your data?


I’m always behind at least 7 skeletons


have you tried upgrading to power liches?


File:R-1737073350271.jpeg (533.04 KB,1300x1096)

Get on my level dorkmisers, I’m behind an army of death knights


just use tor and you’re good


>Haunted photos
I think this is genuinely the first time in my life I'm going to say something like this, but why didn't they translate it as "cursed images"? It's one of the rare cases where that kind of localization would've made sense.


thinkin bout using monero more, is it best to move between multiple wallets just to make sure your tracks are covered

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