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File:[Commie] Call of the Night….jpg (303.55 KB,1920x1080)


There's now a way to play Xbox 360 games on PC. Seems pretty cool? What kind of games are there?
This is all thanks to Sonic fans apparently. If it's not bronies pushing technlogy then it's the Sonic autists. Other weirdos need to step up!


I mean there was already a 360 emulator but a lot of stuff doesn't run great on there so if this method will run stuff better that's cool. Maybe it will give me an excuse to finally play Lost Odyssey. I think most good games of that gen I already played on PS3 and a lot have PC ports these days.


Ace Combat 6 is the only game on my list of 360 games to play when emulation gets better. I guess there's Nuts and Bolts if you still care after Tooie. The gritty brown FPS era may be better than what we get these days, but it still didn't produce much that calls to me years later.

It wasn't a console with lots of exclusives and the stuff it did have has mostly made its way to PC long ago.

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