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They might make you pay a lot but at least it is something that makes it easy


oh that's pretty reflective, whatever


hm, so they actually prompt you a lot about setting up keychains, disk encryption


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People need to stop designing screens that get cut off by aux features


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Nice beard.


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More privacy stuff


HM. So they only added window tiling in 2024 on Version 15 and this is 14.6
So I'm just before when their OS enabled it. But maybe I can upgrade OS to 15 to get it


yeah. So they just install that stable OS and let you go up to the current version as opt-in


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Kissu isn't design for Mac it seems. Lots of white being placed onto black themes.

Something else nice is that they use the ShareX shortcuts to make screenshots so I can do that really quickly.
It doesn't't clipboard it so probably will want a dedicated App for that


The nekomimi and Lala themes are pretty nice though


also the built in autocorrect sucking with my typo heavy writting style


OMG it comes with live wallpapers by default!!!


pretty cool. It also comes with sudo. I'm not sure how to refresh my path file though so I can run programs I install via terminal


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Unfortunately I can't see what directory I'm in when doing sudo su. A few small strange things vs linux, but seems basically identical after using it for an hour with the benefits of an actually real GUI. But it definitely lacks some of the nice things that linux build into its terminals.


I have an older airbook but almost never use it.


what's the lack of motivation from


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I have an M1 Airbook that was bought only to watch anime on.
It has a nice screen, good sound, and long battery time. I hate using the operating system, but for using a webbrowser and watching videos it does the trick.

A mild annoyance with the M lineup is the lack of programs you can run in crossover and even though Asahi Linux is bootable and somewhat usable apart from some graphical glitches here and there that will definitely bother you, there's a lack of programs that can be easily installed there too due to the architecture. Will probably change in the future. Low power laptop chips are the future.

What does a Mac GUI offer that Linux doesn't? I like using Ubuntu+Cinnamon on my desktop a lot more and seldom touch anything in the terminal.
The lack of customization on Mac OS kinda bothers me since I'm not fond of their design, but it's the best animebooks on the market so I'm willing to overlook it.


better stability. I can tell in the first hour of using it. The customization seems to be good. Not sure what the problem is yet. It seems like a linux distro so far.


>The customization seems to be good
Try to turn the dock into a taskbar. It's not the worst OS at least.


>better stability.
I'm also not sure what you meant by this.
My Linux installation is stable. They're both fine really. A few years ago the M1 was actually a bit unstable though and would pink screen shut off every few months, but they fixed that issue fortunately.


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Trying to make an Apple an orange... I would argue this is a good thing. instead of having things be chaotic the developers can standardize things to fit all laptops.

Putting it to the left is like what my Mint os has. In fact I ditched windows11 because they prevented you from doing this


i should pick that highlighter up...


>Trying to make an Apple an orange... I would argue this is a good thing. instead of having things be chaotic the developers can standardize things to fit all laptops.
For customization to be good I would like to be allowed to customize things, but the customization isn't good. It's functional and pretty nice to use overall, but customizable is not a good description in my opinion.
>Putting it to the left is like what my Mint os has.
I put it to the left too, but it's still a dock and not a taskbar.
How hard can it be to make a dock also function as a taskbar? It's already in the right position with the right behavior, all they have to do is make it flat and fill the whole line like the menu bar up top. It's a taskbar, it's not rocket science. They're a trillion dollar company. They can make a taskbar if they wanted to, but they want all Linux and Windows users to suffer sadly. At least it's not Windows though.
>In fact I ditched windows11 because they prevented you from doing this
Does Windows really? So glad I jumped ship early on after trying Windows 10. No vidya games is worth the humiliation of using modern Windows.


First time seeing a mac unboxing, lol'd at you trying to open it from the back heh.
That terminal is ugly, is there no way to change it to at least be able to differentiate the prompt and the output by colors or something? Looks like a notepad.


Rude sage.


I set the system theme to light. I imagine you can change it to whatever. This zsh they use isn't too different otherwise. I just diunno where the bashrc equivalent is and stuff


didn't know they made them in black now. looks tacky compared to grey


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macbook doesn't look appealing to me anymore after seeing how tiny m4 mac mini is
i don't think there is any reason to buy a macbook over mac mini at this point unless you plan to program in starbucks


Silly you, the reason to buy a macbook is because they're good animebooks. If you buy a mac mini how are you going to use your animebook in bed or while taking a bath? Being able to eat or make food in your kitchen while watching something on the animebook is also a plus.

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