I was thinking that imageboards are good candidates for
columnstore indices but who wants to use SQL Server for that. Was thinking that each thread deserves it's own database table perhaps, but something like that increases the issues vichan has with table searching.
hm, i guess that's not needed anymore with the big engines... MySQL excluded of course
>>387What userscripts do the people here use?
>>4814chan X and yentext functionality, so I can
¥ yenwith impunity
i had fun with my the primeagen mascot going in front of everything on the site using the custom CSS
#mascots {
z-index: 9999;
position: fixed;
}with its time to retire him
>>481I made a userscript for this site that loads full threads instead of having pages. Seems to work well
>>481User scripts are hard to get working on ReactJS sites. I set up an application API so you could send some custom events in to modify the SPA's state, but they're not really fleshed out or tested
following documentation to the letter but feature not working. I hate APIs
Got myself a token, got myself a URL, put em together and get thrown onto the HTML log-in page!
ugh, in the token authentication step you can get a valid looking token by not filling out the URL properly and it never tells you
>>387Are client-side rendered webpages the end game? Since having the power/flexibility to render your own contents using simple networking to the server (json) allows you to do anything you want.
>>1203I think the blame has been misplaced - the problem is these slow as fuck frameworks. They promise speed but any real projects using them are slowwwwww
>>1203For most cases, just caching a page on the server and serving it is not a big deal.
The problem I've found is that each tab on a webpage is actually, for whatever reason, sharing the same thread so if one locks up it can cause the entire site to freeze. Not always though. Haven't looked that hard.
So by putting too much stress on the client you can cause bad site performance. You could throw in service workers and the like, but it will hit similar bottlenecks in rending the page.
>>1204>They promise speed but any real projects using them are slowwwwwwI think the real killer is first the webpage must load, then the javascript must load if it's not cached already, then the javascript must connect to an API and load stuff, and frequently it will even have to do yet another connection to grab more after the initial API fetch so suddenly you got 3-4x the latency for seemingly no reason and unlike in the past where you watched a white screen for half a second you now get to watch a bunch of spinners everywhere.
I'm in favor of always generating the full page and delivering it as such, even with millions of concurrent visitors it is not that hard to setup multiple servers to generate the webpage for the users. They did this in the past and only stopped because they believe saving money is more important than building a decent product and because most users use apps they can therefore just ignore the computer part of their website and let it rot on mobile oriented tech debt.
>>1206I believe this site is client-side rendered. However, the initial html includes a script element in the head with json data including window.thread_json. Only the thread updates (including auto updates) fetch new json. A simple solution to the latency issue.
>>1207It's as you say.
A nodeJS service handles the requests for the site. At one point I experimented with server side rendering and hydration, but it had no benefits for the added complexity. Instead the server prefetches the JSON data it will use to build the site.
The slow part is still the generation and such, but it doesn't have to wait for data at least.
>>1208Do you cache the generated json for each post? I would expect so
>>1210Well it would have to be regenerated whenever the "cites" json array changes but still.
>>1210they're cached the vichan way. As json files stored to the file system
>>1207I would also like to say that this made it reasonably easy to load full threads by redirecting /0.json to /full.json >:)
>>1213that's a bit of a tricky thing to do I think, but I guess that is a benefit of dyanmically generated websites. Just use the software to render whatever you want
TDD is so damn exausting
What's your role, TC, and YOE?
>>1218>TDD is so damn exaustingits a fun self-gamification but if you're trying to go for like 100% coverage of code from tests it gets annoying
>>1220might just be the problem i'm tackling. going at it in the same intensity as you might in mission critical software... so exausting
React keys are shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
vs code crashing all the time now...
[verniy@arch-verniy ~]$ sudo pacman -yS pulseaudio-equalizer pavucontrol
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
multilib is up to date
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
:: pulseaudio and pipewire-pulse are in conflict. Remove pipewire-pulse? [y/N] Y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: removing pipewire-pulse breaks dependency 'pipewire-pulse' required by pulse-native-provider
I hate arch and the people who recomended it
>>1359Just use Mint or Debian or something like that. It's not cool, but it works.
>>1218just do TDD they way I do it, make the tests after you've finished coding the feature and don't do TDD
>>1359I didn't migrate to Pipewire yet but going back to PulseAudio seems a bit more complicated. By the way, I don't know which DE you run but some of them like GNOME seem to require pipewire even if you use PulseAudio.
>>1360It all depends on what you wanna do with your OS. In some cases, choosing rolling release distributions over stable ones with old packages is better.
Die pacman
the pacman, the
vecna lives
Been trying to get audio to output Firefox to HDMI and line-out. Timing is a mess though and I'm not sure how to do it in pulse audio. The suggestion I found was quite depressing.
I need to figure out how to cause a delay between the two sources so they sink
>it works but the timing is a mess. i understand now why no professional wanted to write software for linux. the complete audio architecture is a bit of a mess. pulseaudio being more network oriented and jack single audio device. it is hard to create tight sync between multiple audio devices. The synchronisation issues are simply not easy to solve.
'pavucontrol' might be the toolkit I need to do it, but it really seems like audio dev on Linux is a bit of a dead horse
I'm not replying to anyone btw. I just like the image
amazing. You have to compile everything for gento
>>1442You don't. They started offering binaries for most packages. They've always offered them for the stuff that takes longer than 3 seconds to compile (browsers, Rust and a few others).
The end game: You install Gentoo on all your machines. Then you use your home server to compile packages for the rest of them. It churns away unnoticed and provides updates for everything from your workstation to your puny 15 year old thinkpad.
Gentoo is the best desktop OS because you can configure it any way you want and it stays out of the way after the initial 2-3 day manual install. You can have anything from a autism WM where you run everything from command line to a full blown KDE bloated desktop abomination with stupid useless screen effects. Need a patch? Drop it into a directory and let portage handle it. Don't like pipewire or systemd? No problem, set a USE flag or two and everything else just werks. No hacky work arounds. No backports.
Anyone that complains about compile times or it being hard hasn't tried it. Gentoo is the great filter. It's really too bad that RedHat has taken it over and is slowly killing it from the inside by bribing the council and people that seized control of the repos about a decade ago. Thankfully, Funtoo is a thing and gets better with each passing year and Gentoo can still be unfucked for the moment. But I expect to see it go systemd only at some point in the next few years. It's already effectively systemd by default. They just invoke everything from OpenRC instead of systemd itself.
I personally use s6 init and have removed all traces of potteringware from my config. It took a couple of days to set all that up like 4 years ago. But since then it just works. I run nightly updates with portage from the ~amd64 repos. Unlike Arch systems I've maintained portage doesn't break itself without my direct input. I probably have to manually do something for updates like twice a year.
¥haven't played video games in months
¥no real desire to
¥play mahjsoul finally
¥get a double kan in a row and nothing came of it
¥do terrible in bronze
¥close the game
¥open world of warships with my old clan
¥terrible games there too
¥leave and just go back to browsing
i should just work on drawing
you have to get angry to like multiplayer games which have luck... like warships and jong
¥ open up text document
¥ closes text document
man it really be like that in this bitch of a kali yuga.
Lately my mouse has been freaking out a bit and being inaccurate when making precise movements. Usually this means there's a cat hair in the little optical enclosure thing, but it LOOKS clear. I guess I need a better flashlight or something...
>>1462I bought myself a can of compressed air to blow out any dust in my mouse wheel. Helped a bunch
>>1463Ohh, compressed air. Yeah, that could work. Guess I need to buy one...
There's this relatively new Game Maker competitor created by RPGMaker which seems kind of promising. More games have been popping up by Japanese people using it's still a "No Programming Required" type product, but it seems more flexible in what it allows.
Is there a file explorer that uses a tagging system? For example: There's a directory for all your anime songs with each anime having its own directory and what not, but creating a OPED directory for each anime, then having to go through all those anime to create a playlist of only OPEDs is a pain. So you tag files as "OPED" and when you want just the OPEDs you can bypass the directory barrier and show all the files tagged as OPEDs inside a certain parent directory.
Directory view:
Filter by OPED tag:
fan that came with my case started rattling so I took it out. Apparently the ballbearings aren't infinite
Is it possible to convert PSG subtitles into SRT?
To spend 4 years making an RPGMaker game, and 3 years making a prior game in the same system. If this is what it takes to make a legendary indie game and they're not even tackling programming related problems...
Not to forget that whoever probably spent prior years learning to draw or coordinate a team for a product..
>>1533>>1550It's bad and requires local software. PGS subtitles are image files. Meaning they have to be OCRed which is never perfect process and will require a lot of manual editing on your part to the resulting SRT (text) files.
What show are you trying to convert? You might be better off searching for existing SRT conversion by someone else. I can help you (maybe do it for you) if you really need it for something hard to find though.
PGS -> text file is why the most popular release for Moon Phase on nyaa right now has tons of errors in it. I was correcting a lot of them a few months ago. But then I got busy on other things.
Bit off topic but: I'm working on a new subtitle format that doesn't kill toasters while allowing advanced typesetting. Well it isn't my format (it's W3C standard) but hardly anyone uses it right now even though it has been around for years. I'm basically working on Aegisub replacement.
>>1564the kaiji subs from last friday were PSG and handbrake couldn't burn them in so I figured something was odd about them.
I imagined that it was something about OCR
>>1566PGS is the subtitle format native to DVD. They had to make them image based because most DVD players lacked the ability/power to decode advanced subtitle effects in real time and they wanted more advanced subtitles than a format like SRT (SubRip) could offer.
If you see PGS in an .mkv file it came from a DVD 9 times out of 10. That said it should be possible to "burn them in" (hardsub them) provided you have the right software. I'm sure ffmpeg could do it. Although I wouldn't go through the trouble.
Can you source .ass/.srt from somewhere else for this show? If the timing is a bit off that's an easy fix.
i'm sure I can, but I was wondering if there were a way around it. For some reason handbrake should be able to do it, but it can't. Maybe it requires text for something, but it's supposed to not require it
>>1571>allit only takes one episode
>>1574Seems like it worked. You just have to make sure it's not on the 'foreign audio scan' since that never works. I have no idea what that even entails because in reality it means "select this if you don't want subs".
But, it's interesting to see "Burn in" greyed out on this default option titled Official Subs. There's definitely something unusual about these subs when compared to most of the ones I've seen in Handbrake.
>>1575>>1575This is why I don't like frontends and I'm working on one. In general I try to stick with working with codecs directly or through ffmpeg at the CLI. Causes less issues once you know your way around.
Happy you got it to work.
>In Handbrake, the setting was of limited use, as it relied on the subtitle being correctly tagged. You'll now see Foreign audio scan in subtitle settings, where Handbrake looks at the lines in the subtitle track to work out if it's likely to be a forced / foreign audio subtitle track, but it can and does get it wrong.
>>1578Oh, huh. Yeah, I've never had it actually do anything. And weird that the 'forced only' thing was what broke it. Huh. Yeah, I try not to mess with these settings as long as what I have works.
>>1579It may be (without looking closer myself) that there are two subtitles. One is dialog+signs while the other is signs only. Assuming the DVD had a dub of any kind the "forced" subtitles would be the ones that play along with dubbed audio. Kind of like the "forced" subtitles in a movie where certain characters are speaking another language and subtitles are needed for the English speakers to understand what's been said. Think of movies like Dances with Wolves and things of that nature.
I should never have started using .unwrap() in my Rust code. Now there are 480 occurrences of it and some of them are cause undetected crashes in a tauri app.
nevermind... AetherSX2 is stupid and rescans all files every time you open it if they're GZ by decompressing them instead of checking filenames. how stupid... fortunately, it seems that there's an alternative in CHD which should have the same compression level.
>>1797Well, you would at least remove Windows 11 from it, right?
I don't know laptop-only hardware like onboard GPU stuff so I can't comment on that. I also don't see the price there, but the resolution and RAM is absurd and probably indicates an expensive laptop with high specs that people won't use. 16 inch screen and the resolution is 4k? What is the use case for that? If you open an old program that doesn't scale you're going to have a program window that's 4 inches across. Fonts in most programs will be a nightmare.
It's been the common wisdom to not buy 4k monitors unless you're getting the ones that are like 90 inches and you have specific usage in mind, it's not a technology involved with "future-proofing" at all since we're still actually waiting for 4k content to be something other than a gimmick.
>>1798Oh, a possible resolution exception is a drawing pad screen, but that one is "non-touch" so you're not going to need that much pixel density.
>>1798Really? Can't see the price?
Save $2,470.00
45% off
Est Value
>>1800I use noscript and after enabling a few domains and still not getting functionality I figured something was just not working. Yeah, that price is quite absurd but about what I'd expect.
Yeah. The screen stuff is a good take. I'd like a laptop that can double as a desktop so the actual quality of screen, keyboard, weight, etc. isn't a big deal. Someone's brought up the possibility of Linux install laptops which save 150$
>>1802The latest thinkpads are starting to have worse Linux support. But if you get one 1-3 years old they usually come with decent CPU+GPU. The T14 gen 1 AMD laptops are really nice, have full support in Linux and you can pick up a dock cheap. Pretty much tailor made to function as a desktop. If you're going to be desktop-only most of the time and don't care about more than 4 hours of battery life the P14s are the "performance" of the T14s and come with slightly better hardware at the cost of less battery life. But they are still a laptop so the CPU/GPU can only do so much before throttling kicks in.
If you go with a T14/P14 thinkpad make sure to get one with maxed out RAM (32GB). They come with soldered RAM and a RAM slot. So you'll want to make sure to get one with 16GB soldered RAM and add a 16GB stick to the slot to get dual-channel RAM which greatly helps performance by allowed the CPU to take advantage of the dual channel support.
You can install an extra M.2 SSD in the WWAN slot on T/P14s. So you can expand the storage or run a dual boot without having to partition the NVMe SSD that comes with it. It's picky about what kinds of SSDs it'll accept though. They're pretty cheap now.
I've had no issues with the AMD version of the T14 gen 1 when it comes to linux by the way. It ran both Gentoo and Arch fine. Other people say it runs all the major distros like Debian and Ubuntu with no issues. The driver support is really good now on the latest kernels. Even the fingerprint reader works for logins. You just need to change a couple of things in the BIOS to ensure hibernation works (although I rarely use that feature).
Other people report problems with their keyboard after extended use. Hasn't happened to me yet. But the keyboard is pretty easy to replace and parts are both cheap and available.
Mine is the touch screen model. I suggest getting it because the screen is better than some of the others that were offered. Usually they cost a bit more. If you end up getting one with the lower quality screen they are easy to replace. Thinkpads are good because of the aftermarket support.
Just be warned that models after the T14s/P14s/L14s are getting less friendly to modify and work on. I'm not well versed in models that came out after the one I have. But a lot of people complain about them. One important thing you might want to know is every model after the T14s no longer came with an Ethernet port. That's something to consider if you plan to use it as a desktop. Also the T14s like I have require taking the case apart to replace the battery. Earlier models allowed you to do that by simply popping it out. Later models are even harder to take apart for battery replacement since the trend in thinner and harder to work on these days. T14 is probably the last laptop I'll buy unless another company comes along that offers something similar and it gets good aftermarket support.
I looked at all of the companies selling pre-installed Linux laptops when I comparing models for my next laptop. None of them seemed very good. The hardware was typically older than a used thinkpad, they had less aftermarket support and they were priced much higher. The system76 or whatever it is called seemed like a huge scam. A company that talks a big game but delivers bullshit. The hardware is really old and the OS they offered is basically Ubuntu+a bad DE. The only people that buy something like that are the same people that are terrified of the command line and installing their own OS. It feels like such companies only get popular due to shilling campaigns and they don't really contribute anything of value back to the Linxu ecosystem. Most of the users seem like they have buyers remorse once they find out they could have gotten a better laptop for 1/4th the price. I'd avoid them.
>>1803By the way. Don't buy through Amazon re-sellers there still have T14 Gen 1 listed upwards to $1k. If you wait on Ebay sales you can get them pretty cheap. I just found this one: paid about $400 for one with maxed out RAM and the touchscreen last Christmas. You'll want to be mindful of the screen listed and the RAM. Avoid all of the 8GB soldered RAM offerings. I'd also avoid the Ryzen 5 models since you get the Ryzen 7 one for usually the same (or cheaper) price. Avoid the Intel ones as well (worse GPU support in Linux).
I can't remember now why I avoided everything after the Gen1 models. But I want to say it has worse Linux support and the hardware updates weren't worth it.
>>1805Wait sorry that's the T14S. Again, can't remember why I avoided those but I do know the regular T14 was a better laptop. Anyway, keep an eye on Ebay and buy a used thinkpad. You can't go wrong as long as you do your research.
>>1804>>1805>>1806I found the one I bought. Different sellers and around the same price I paid last holiday season;$50 more than the $400 it was during Christmas. Still not a bad deal. CPU+GPU is powerful enough that it should last you until the end of the decade as long as you aren't doing something crazy. You can pick up the dock pretty cheap. But you don't really need it. You can run external monitors and such without it.
>>1804When you say bad linux support on newer models what does that mean? If they run AMD they have good linux support
>>1808Typically, things like webcams, fingerprint readers, the mobile modems and parts of the chipset aren't supported. So it will run but you may not be able to do things like hibernate or suspend to RAM. The battery life might be really bad etc.
The T14 was like that for the first several months-year of its life span. The processor ran fine but you couldn't change the frequency even from the command line. So it ran at the highest speed possible the entire time it was on. Thus the battery life was really bad.
>>1797>>1800People spend upwards of $5500 on laptops these days??
>>1810I'm gonna assume it's just misleading marketing and they always intended to sell it for $3k which is insane, but now it "looks like a good deal" when it's obviously not worth it.
>>1810A lot of that pricing comes from the fact that companies that buy laptops for their employees upgrade on a 2-3 year cycle. So everything is overpriced because they know they'll pay it. That's why you wait and buy used stuff off ebay. When those companies upgrade they dump all their old stock for cheap attempting to recoup some of the costs.
>>1808>>1809I forgot to mention: One of the main things about new laptops and linux is the fact that a lot of the time the wifi driver is no good of half working. Which makes modern laptops pretty useless considering they don't have ethernet ports. At least with the ethernet port you can do the install while wired into the LAN and maybe hack the driver into working reliably (or using the Windows driver through WINE).
Rule of thumb is 6 months-year after release before a laptop is 90-100% functioning on Linux. Longer if you don't run bleeding edge kernels. Most exotic stuff might never function at all. For example, even the T14 has a huge issue with secure boot. If you delete the default keys by mistake you'll brick the machine and the only fix is to send it back to the vendor for motherboard replacement.
Archwiki is the best place to check for this kind of stuff. Here is the page for the laptop I linked above: Linux is your goal you have to be really careful and do your research. Least you end up with something that had great hardware but forces you to run an OS you dislike. Lenovo is one of the few companies that even cares about Linux support and even they release laptops all of the time that aren't working with Linux correctly. Some things can be excused because they have no control over the kernel. But stuff like the secure keys issue is 100% on them. At least they'll respond to your help requests on their own forum and it's filled with people actively trying to debug and fix issues in Linux.
Please do not pay over $1k for any laptop. You'll regret it.
>>1807I looked at the PSREF for this, unfortunately it doesn't have USB4 (which I could use for external GPU) and there are configurations with bad screens not covering 100% sRGB unless you go with higher resolution.
Newer generations do support USB4 but with all RAM soldered, and still have the screen problem. Might as well go with X13 with 32GB soldered RAM, which don't have trash screens available.
>>1814What's the problem? Get a display port adapter for your external screens. Why are you attempting to get top of the line screen in laptop anyway? This isn't the use case for such computers.
>external GPUReal waste of money. Why not build a desktop and save yourself a big headache?
For what you're going to spend for a laptop that doubles as both and checks all these boxes you could have had nice used laptop and decent desktop. A 12 year old desktop/cpu/gpu can run all AAA games at 60+fps at acceptable resolutions. A 6 year old desktop can do 60+fps with 4k. There is little point in what you're attempting to do. By the time you've paid for the top of the line laptop and external GPU you'll have spent more money that you would have spent on a decent desktop+laptop combo with sane system specs. If you do what you're thinking about doing you're just going to want to upgrade in a couple of years.
Trust me. Trying to make a laptop into a gaming PC is a _very_ bad idea due to CPU throttling. My laptop has a much better CPU than my desktop that I use to render/encode video. But it can't take advantage of the increased speeds because of the heat. It can only do short bursts at 100% at its top speed because the fans can't keep up and it's forced to throttle down to save itself.
I made the same mistake you're able to make in the mid-late 2000s. I tried to use laptop as my primary desktop. All that happened was I destroyed the battery twice by leaving it plugged in and charging while at 100% and the bottom of the case melted from the constant 100% pegged out CPU. It sucked for gaming. It sucked for video work. It sucked for everything that wasn't web browser, watching videos and text editing. When it finally needed parts replaced it was a big pain in the ass to fix because it wasn't designed for being serviced by anything but small chinese children's hands.
Save yourself the trouble and buy a proper desktop and decent used laptop. You don't have to drop thousands on a desktop with a decent CPU. You can get good deals on 1-3 year old desktop computers with plenty of SATA and PCIe ports for cheap. They used to be even cheaper before youtubers started shilling them and running the prices through the roof.
>>1820Have had similar experience with laptops.
Had to get a "gaming laptop" (gaming laptops are a scam) for class work when I was in college, the throttle with the heating problems was so bad that I could never make full use of the specs. Every laptop in class either had heating problems or had the loudest fans, or both. Eventually had to get a desktop because I couldn't get any work done. The desktop I got for the same price as the "gaming laptop" was leagues better than the laptop; better GPU, better CPU, more storage, and most importantly better cooling. You could have the same CPU/GPU combo in a laptop and a desktop and the desktop will always win. You'll probably get performance comparable to a latest laptop with a decade old desktop minus heating problems.
Any laptop rated for anything other than web browsing is a scam, you're better off buying a desktop instead which will cost you a fraction of the laptop's price. The laptop space is absolutely saturated with marketing jargon, it's all bullcrap.
>>1820>Why are you attempting to get top of the line screen in laptop anyway? This isn't the use case for such computers.Because I go outside, unlike you it seems.
>Real waste of money. Why not build a desktop and save yourself a big headache?I already have a desktop with a powerful GPU, which replaced an older one (still powerful enough with 8GB VRAM to run lots of games and AI models). The old GPU is just sitting there collecting dust. Why are you so against utilizing it for something useful?
>For what you're going to spend for a laptop that doubles as both and checks all these boxes you could have had nice used laptop and decent desktop. I already have them. I have like 6 used laptops at the moment and I recently got another one for free. But none of them have a good GPU, and any "gaming" laptop with a discrete GPU would have much more thermal problems than having an external desktop GPU that I can use with my laptop.
>Trying to make a laptop into a gaming PC is a _very_ bad idea due to CPU throttling. I go outside and travel and I'm not going to carry a full desktop with me. An external GPU is the best thing I can have on the go. Games and especially AI models are GPU-bound anyway.
>>1804For various reasons second hand won't compare with new at 7/10 the price. That one also doesn't ship past the north border.
But it's interesting because I could buy new and get reimbursement on SSDs and RAM to upgrade to required. I'm not a huge fan of laptop disassembly though.
>>1822Fine go ahead and waste your money. If you're resorting to
>I go outside unlike youI know you aren't worth the time of day. They never listen.
Let us know how hauling around your external GPU when you go outside works for you.
>>1824Not my fault if you can't comprehend that not all people have the same need as you. I expected the exact non technical nonsense response like this from you. The only reason that I bothered to articulate my response at all is to shine light on your self-ignorance for everyone to see. It's not the first time you did something similar here.
Let us know how hauling around your desktop when you go outside works for you. Hard mode: don't cope with "i'm so adult that don't need to play game when i travel lol".
>>1825Where do you take your laptop outside that you want to play games? Normally a laptop functions as a mobile work computer. I don't understand your usecase for external GPU unless it's to use GPU processing
>>1827>I don't understand your usecase for external GPU unless it's to use GPU processingML models. Otherwise you have to rely on external services that are paid, hoard your data, unsuitable for customized setups, and have to use network which isn't good for traveling.
>>1826I'm not worked up. I tried to give him good advice and he accused me of
>never going outsideif I'd known I was dealing with an idiot I wouldn't have bothered in the first place. Let him waste his money. He'll just double down on being stupid when he finds out it was a bad idea. Don't bother trying to help people that piss into the wind then wonder why they got covered in pee.
going outs*de is what the norms do
>>1828Let me ignore my own advice and try this one more time; A sane person would build a home server. Which could house multiple GPUs and you could run your little ML model on it then access it from anywhere in the world with an internet connection using your laptop. This is spending your money and time wisely. We even have this nifty and well proven piece of software called Xorg that will allow you to directly interact with any GUI application running on said server as if it was natively running on your lower end hardware. Been used for years by professionals and hobbyists alike. Of course. If the software is pure CLI screen and tmux works fine to.
You will regret this. If you want to find out the hard way be my guest. But there is a reason everyone that attempts them never buys another one.
>>1831>I tried to give him good advice and he accused me of>>never going outsideLet me ask you: do you? If you do extensively, you would've known how these advice you blindly reiterate from what you saw other people taking on the internet actually work out.
>>1833>A sane person would build a home server.>This is spending your money and time wisely.Sure, let's ignore the money and time needed to get a suitable internet connection without the typical ISP restrictions, setting up domain/DNS and UPS, 24/7 AC to cool the server room, fending off attackers, and keep maintaining this infrastructure, while hoping your dog doesn't eat the Ethernet cable while you're out.
>then access it from anywhere in the world with an internet connection using your laptopI see, you didn't even bother reading my post about internet connection. Have you ever tried using internet "anywhere in the world" outside your home? You have no idea how spotty these kinds of connections can be.
>We even have this nifty and well proven piece of software called Xorg that will allow you to directly interact with any GUI application running on said server as if it was natively running on your lower end hardware. Another nonsense clearly from some who has only surface understanding on this matter. Native X11 forwarding is literally unusable outside of LAN setups due to outdated design, and you have the audacity to talk about "anywhere in the world". Do you even have any idea what Xpra is? And good luck with any gaming attempt with the internet latency.
>You will regret this. If you want to find out the hard way be my guest. But there is a reason everyone that attempts them never buys another one.Projection of your mind isn't reality. What does "another one" mean anyway? An eGPU box doesn't need to be changed when upgrading GPUs.
Apparently I need a UPS because my power keeps cutting out ...
>>1835>Apparently I need a UPS because my power keeps cutting out ...i got one after a few blackouts/blips and after that only experienced one power outage
i think when its autumn and there are thunderstorms thats the biggest risk of power outs so in a few months itll be handy again
A Google breakup is seriously being considered now
>>1848What's a Google breakup...
well, not the stuff that you try to use words to generate code. But use it as a tool for text complete
To kind of clarify after watching. He's saying it's as good as a fresh graduate from a CS class who only did things for homework assignments and prepared for interviews. Basically for the entry level positions that existed solely to onboard juniors
do not update to windows11
why am i not allowed to extract multiple files from 7z at once...
going to attempt to learn python again
sometimes I'm shocked that computers even work
what are my choices for a decent vr set that's good quality?
>>2312My recommendation would be: Quest 2 if you just want something cheap and don't mind buying used, Quest 3s if you're getting into VR for the first time and want something new but decently priced, Quest 3 if you're okay spending a bit more but want the best standalone headset, and Quest Pro if you have more money than sense and get really into VR and want face and eye tracking for some reason. You can consider Pico if you don't live in North America, but I'm frankly unsure if they'll continue selling in Western markets because their sales have been quite poor; they also have a reputation for dropping support for their last headset as soon as they release a new one. If you buy used, I would caution that you don't end up buying the headset by itself. With the Quest headsets, I'm fairly certain you can only enable hand-tracking after you've set the headset up using the controllers.
Below is a more in-depth comparison, with dropdowns, for the headsets I mentioned.
Quest 2: Good quality, very cheap ($100 - $150 used)
+++ Lots of third-party accessories
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
+++ 120Hz displays
+++ Very wide selection of standalone apps & games
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ AA battery-powered controllers (30 hours or more with a single rechargeable AA)
+ Fairly high resolution (1920 x 1832 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Can use either the default controllers or the Quest Pro controllers (Quest Pro controllers are self-tracking)
+ WiFi 6
+ Good microphone
~ Decent FOV (97° horizontal, 93° vertical)
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ No longer in production; You will have to buy used.
~ Controllers have a tracking ring
~ Single LCD display
- Black and white, low-resolution passthrough (Uses the IR tracking cameras)
- Controllers need to be within line-of-sight of the tracking cameras, otherwise they lose tracking
-- Uncomfortable to use with glasses (Prescription lens inserts available from third-parties, such as VR Optician)
-- Fresnel lenses (high glare in contrasty scenes, slight chromatic aberration at lens fringes, "low detail"; easy to get used to, however)
-- No manual IPD slider (3 notch settings; may be an issue if your eyes aren't a "normal" distance apart)
-- FOV dependent on IPD (FOV ranges between 85° and 97° depending on IPD)
-- Poor default comfort (You likely will want to buy a third-party headstrap, replacement facial interface, controller grips, glasses protectors so your
glasses don't scratch the lenses, etc.)
-- Requires a Meta account, and need to use the Meta/Oculus app to setup headset (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)
-- Still receiving updates, but slated to lose support eventuallyQuest 3s: Good quality, decent price ($300 new, ~$250 used) -- minor upgrades over the Quest 2
+++ Lots of third-party accessories
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
+++ 120Hz displays
+++ Very wide selection of standalone apps & games
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ AA battery-powered controllers (30 hours or more with a single rechargeable AA)
+ WiFi 6E
+ Fairly high resolution (1920 x 1832 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Can use either the default controllers or the Quest Pro controllers (Quest Pro controllers are self-tracking)
+ Currently in-production. Can buy either new or used.
+ Actively receiving updates.
+ Color passthrough (passthrough quality is highly dependent on indoor lighting; higher brightness will look better)
+ Controllers do not have a tracking ring
+ Good microphone
~ Decent FOV (97° horizontal, 93° vertical)
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ Single LCD Display
- Controllers need to be within line-of-sight of the tracking cameras, otherwise they lose tracking
-- Uncomfortable to use with glasses (Prescription lens inserts available from third-parties, such as VR Optician)
-- Fresnel lenses (high glare in contrasty scenes, slight chromatic aberration at lens fringes, "low detail"; easy to get used to, however)
-- No manual IPD slider (3 notch settings; may be an issue if your eyes aren't a "normal" distance apart)
-- FOV dependent on IPD (FOV ranges between 85° and 97° depending on IPD)
-- Poor default comfort (You likely will want to buy a third-party headstrap, replacement facial interface, controller grips, glasses protectors so your glasses don't scratch the lenses, etc.)
-- Requires a Meta account, and need to use the Meta/Oculus app to setup headset (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)Quest Pro: Good quality, over-priced (~$900 new, ~$800 used)
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
+++ Very wide selection of standalone apps & games
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ Controllers are self-tracking and do NOT need to be within line-of-sight of the tracking cameras
++ Pancake lenses (minor glare in contrasty scenes, "high detail" and very clear to see through)
++ Manual IPD slider (55-75mm)
++ Comfortable to use with glasses (Prescription lens inserts also available from third-parties, such as VR Optician)
+ 90Hz displays
+ WiFi 6E
+ Some third-party accessories
+ Fairly high resolution (1920 x 1800 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Eye-tracking
+ Face-tracking
+ Can use either the default controllers or the Quest Pro controllers (Quest Pro controllers )
+ Currently in-production. Can buy either new or used.
+ Actively receiving updates.
+ Controllers do not have a tracking ring
+ Good FOV (106° horizontal, 96° vertical)
~ Color passthrough (uses a mix between the black and white tracking cameras and the color passthrough camera, which results in color-fringing similar to an analog TV station that has poor reception)
~ Rechargeable controllers (~8 hours of usage; does not use AAs)
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ Independent displays per eye (Displays use LCDs with local dimming, which can cause bloom)
~ Ability to remove light blockers so you can see downwards and slightly within your peripheral vision
- Poor microphone (Tends to have popping)
- Tends to get noticeably warm with usage
-- Poor binocular overlap (May be more nauseating and harder to adjust to that usual)
-- Integrated headstrap (There is no real availability for altering the default comfort)
-- Requires a Meta account, and need to use the Meta/Oculus app to setup headset (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)Quest 3: Very Good quality, decent price ($500 new, ~$350 used)
+++ Lots of third-party accessories
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
+++ Very wide selection of standalone apps & games
+++ 120Hz displays
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ AA battery-powered controllers (30 hours or more with a single rechargeable AA)
++ Pancake lenses (minor glare in contrasty scenes, "high detail" and very clear to see through)
++ Manual IPD slider (58-71mm)
+ WiFi 6E
+ Fairly high resolution (2064 x 2208 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Can use either the default controllers or the Quest Pro controllers (Quest Pro controllers are self-tracking)
+ Currently in-production. Can buy either new or used. (128GB model discontinued)
+ Actively receiving updates.
+ Color passthrough (passthrough quality is highly dependent on indoor lighting; higher brightness will look better)
+ Controllers do not have a tracking ring
+ Good FOV (110° horizontal, 96° vertical)
+ Good microphone
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ Independent displays per eye
- Controllers need to be within line-of-sight of the tracking cameras, otherwise they lose tracking
-- Uncomfortable to use with glasses (Prescription lens inserts available from third-parties, such as VR Optician)
-- Poor default comfort (You likely will want to buy a third-party headstrap, replacement facial interface, controller grips, glasses protectors so your glasses don't scratch the lenses, etc.)
-- Requires a Meta account, and need to use the Meta/Oculus app to setup headset (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)Europe/Asia Only:
Pico 4: Good quality, fairly cheap (~£200/~€200 used)
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ AA battery-powered controllers (20 hours or more with a two rechargeable AAs)
++ Pancake lenses (minor glare in contrasty scenes, "high detail" and very clear to see through)
++ Manual IPD slider (62-72mm)
++ Comfortable to use with glasses (Prescription lens inserts also available from third-parties, such as VR Optician)
+ 90Hz displays
+ WiFi 6
+ Some third-party accessories
+ Fairly high resolution (2160 x 2160 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Actively receiving updates.
+ Good FOV (104° horizontal, 103° vertical)
+ Fairly good comfort
~ Decent selection of standalone apps & games
~ Decent microphone
~ No longer in production; You will have to buy used.
~ Controllers have a tracking ring
~ Color passthrough (Non-depth corrected; Appears like a 2D image rather than stereoscopic 3D, causing difficulty picking up items or interacting with things IRL)
~ Rechargeable controllers (~8 hours of usage; does not use AAs)
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ Independent displays per eye (Displays use LCDs with local dimming, which can cause bloom)
~ Integrated headstrap (There is no real availability for altering the default comfort)
-- Requires a Pico account (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)
--- Questionable long-term support (Pico also isn't doing well in the VR market)
--- Not available in North America (Pico is owned by the ByteDance, owner of TikTok)Pico 4 Ultra: Good quality, over-priced (~£440/~€500 new)
+++ Usable for PCVR via local WiFi streaming (does not use internet)
++ Wireless (Battery life ~2 hours, extendable to ~10 hours with a 10,000 mAh USB C PD battery pack or longer with a larger battery)
++ AA battery-powered controllers (20 hours or more with a two rechargeable AAs)
++ Pancake lenses (minor glare in contrasty scenes, "high detail" and very clear to see through)
++ Manual IPD slider (58-72mm)
++ Comfortable to use with glasses
+ 90Hz displays
+ WiFi 6E
+ Fairly high resolution (2160 x 2160 per eye)
+ Hand-tracking
+ Currently in-production. Not really any used headsets available.
+ Actively receiving updates.
+ Controllers do not have a tracking ring
+ Good FOV (104° horizontal, 103° vertical)
+ Fairly good comfort
~ Decent selection of standalone apps & games
~ Decent Microphone
~ Color passthrough
~ Standalone (OS built into the headset itself, does not require a PC to use)
~ Independent displays per eye (Displays use LCDs with local dimming, which can cause bloom)
~ Integrated headstrap (There is no real availability for altering the default comfort)
-- Basically no third-party accessories
-- Requires a Pico account (Only required on first setup; headset can be used without internet)
--- Questionable long-term support (Pico also isn't doing well in the VR market)
--- Not available in North America (Pico is owned by the ByteDance, owner of TikTok)More Technical Comparisons from VRcompare:
Got a SIM card for my laptop. Only took a few minutes for stuff to update and to find cell service and direct me to a portal to active service, but then actually having my laptop receive internet from my cell provider took like 12 hours. It genuinely makes me wonder if there's just some guy somewhere that has a dashboard like "+1 (555) 555-5555 has activated their service plan. Enable data? Y/n" because it seems incomprehensible why it should take so long and it seems like a pretty standard issue. When I set up my phone a few years ago the same thing happened where it was taking forever, and just calling some number to complain caused my phone's cell service to activate a few minutes later. I don't understand why this isn't a faster process -- and if it is automated, what's the issue that's causing it to take so long?
>>2314Very detailed post. I'm thinking that i would want the pro because there won't be much improvement in the tech besides easier use
I'm also a glasses wearer and slightly hypertrophic (astigmatism) so i need glasses
>>2318>>2319I honestly think the Quest Pro would be a bad first choice for VR... Maybe I should have been more forceful in my rhetoric, but genuinely, the
only reason to buy a Quest Pro is for the face and eye tracking. The Quest 3 is a significantly better all-around headset. If you need to wear glasses, I would recommend getting
a pair of lens inserts from VR Optician. Lens inserts just snap onto the lenses of the VR headset so that you don't need to wear a pair of glasses inside the headset. Not having to wear glasses within the headset also improves FOV because your eyes will be closer to the displays and is significantly more comfortable for longer usage.
>>2317Internet speeds seemed oddly bad compared to my phone, but then I remembered that when I was installing the antennas in my laptop, there were these copper pads connected to the antenna wires. I didn't thinking much of it, and just put the copper pads on top of some foam padding that was where the copper pads needed to go. Turns out, maybe those copper pads need to be completely flat and not bumpy to get good reception... Thankfully, I was able to lift the foam padding with their adhesive still attached, and then press those copper antenna pads flat, and then put the foam padding on top of the copper pads. And, well... Now things seem to be working a lot better. I was getting like 1-4 Mb/s before, and now I'm getting closer to 12-20 Mb/s, so big improvement.
>>2322From what their store website says they won't even ship a pro to me in Canada. So idk. I might just need to pay the sort of premium on lenses after I get a 3 and see what the problems are.
But my other point was is the technology actually going to get much better?
>>2327>is the technology actually going to get much better?VR hardware, for all intents and purposes, has the potential to improve, but I don't believe any mass market devices --
at competitive and affordable prices -- will significantly improve within the next few years.
If I really had to guess, I would say that within the next 2-3 years it's possible that Meta will release a 2560 x 2560 per eye headset, likely running at 90Hz. 120Hz if you're optimistic. It's unlikely that it would include face- and eye-tracking since Meta has said that they cancelled their plans for a Quest Pro 2. FoV would likely remain the same as the Quest 3 at 110° HFov x 96° VFoV. Price would likely be the same as, or potentially higher than the Quest 3. General design is likely to follow the trend of the Quest having removable facial interface and headstrap, allowing for third-party accessories, as opposed to having an integrated battery counterweight headstrap (like seen on the Quest Pro). I would expect that Google/Samsung, Lenovo, and potentially Apple are all targeting similar specifications.
To understand VR development, you first have to understand that there are two philosophies of VR: mobile SoC powered standalone VR, and PC powered wired VR. The hardware exists for >=150° FoV, for >=120Hz displays, for high contrast uOLED displays, for 4K x 4K per eye resolution, for face-, eye-, and hand-tracking, inside-out tracking, and wireless VR. Putting all of that into a single headset, however, has various challenges.
The PC side of things is currently much closer to that than standalone is, but everyone can see that base station SteamVR tracking is a dead-end and that inside-out, wireless VR is the future; particularly as Valve has ceased production of SteamVR 2.0 base stations and given HTC full rights to produce them in their place. PCVR, as a result, is currently in a hardware lull, waiting for Valve to release the headset they've been working on for the last few years to see what they do. Valve, and SteamVR, is really the linchpin that PCVR relies on for hardware direction and software support, which is why the rumors about what they're doing with their next headset are so significant. Regardless, PCVR tends to appeal to more niche, high-end users so they can easily charge >=$1K for a headset by itself. The options are essentially Bigscreen Beyond ($1000, headset only, ~$600 SteamVR basestation and controllers setup required in addition), Pimax ($1000-2000 range, headset only, requires SteamVR setup), and Varjo ($1-4K, enterprise subscription required for some headsets, SteamVR setup required), and Valve Index (completely out-of-date -- nearly 6 years old -- overpriced at $1K, and now completely outclassed by the Quest 3).
Standalone, by contrast, is much more mass market focused, and price conscious. Currently, the biggest thing holding it back is mobile SoC performance: high resolution displays are available currently, but there aren't many SoC's available that can do much more than around 2160 x 2160 per eye. Apple's Vision Pro is standalone and runs at ~3660x3200 @ 100Hz, but to do so they essentially put a desktop class M2 processor and a co-processor inside and the headset itself costs $3500 -- but in typical Apple fashion, they refused to design the headset with controllers so it's unusable for gaming. As a result, if you wanted to use it for PCVR and have controllers, you could potentially integrate it into a PC SteamVR-tracked setup, but that would cost somewhere in the range of an additional $750. Standalone, wireless PCVR is also limited by WiFi development. By my hazy calculations, 2160 x 2160 @ 120 Hz per eye would require 31Gbit/s, which... That's a far cry even for WiFi 7 6GHz, which tops out at 5.8Gbit/s. So, naturally, wireless standalone PCVR is based on transcoding on the PC and decoding video on the headset. The primary app for which is Virtual Desktop, which tops out at 200Mbit/s. You can at least use HEVC 10-bit encoding, or AV1 10-bit encoding, but either way standalone PCVR streaming is certainly compressed compared to wired PCVR. It's a bit better than YouTube compression, I would say, and it's something one can get used to and ignore. At most, you may notice color banding. Wired PCVR snobs will say the compression is unbearable, but I wouldn't put much stake in their opinions. The one truth, however, is that all of that transcoding and decoding and wireless sending and receiving does add some additional latency. For a typical WiFi environment, at the maximum bitrate and resolution, it's somewhere in the 50ms range. For a very poor WiFi environment (like in a multi-story apartment with overlapping WiFi signals), and using the 2.4GHz band as opposed to the 5GHz or 6GHz band, it could lean towards 120ms of latency -- this would be an usual, worst-case scenario, however. So long as you have at least a WiFi 6 AX router, and the access point is located in the same room as you want to play VR, you should get more towards the 50ms latency range. Having an access point in the same room is very important. If you have a house, for example, and your access point is on the second floor and you want to play in the basement, that would be more akin to a worst-case scenario because of WiFi attenuation through multiple walls.
As far as the development of standalone VR itself is concerned, Meta is the biggest and most influential company in this space, but there's been a lot less VR news since the AI boom. The Quest 3 was in the pipeline for a while and released a little over a year ago, but since then there's basically been a drought in terms of new hardware news and releases, with the exception of the Quest 3s which is essentially just a Quest 2 revision. Again, lots of people are putting their faith in rumors that Valve is working on a VR headset and hoping it gets announced some time this year to introduce more interest in VR. The biggest shakeup in standalone VR is that Meta has said that they'll allow other manufacturers to use their Horizon OS, which is the OS that the Quest headsets use, for their headsets going forward. We know that Lenovo is working with Meta to release their own VR headset using their OS. Meta's Horizon OS is Android-based, but Google has previously announced that they were working with Samsung to design their own headset using their own Android-based OS. Prior to the release of the Apple Vision Pro, there were rumors that Samsung was designing an Apple Vision Pro competitor, but since the Apple Vision Pro release I haven't heard any follow-up news on this front, especially since their announcement that they were working with Google to design a headset. Presumably, they've likely scrapped their Apple Vision Pro competitor headset and are now working on a Quest 3 priced headset in the $300-500 range. Apple has also said that they're working on a lower-priced more mass market VR headset, but it's anyone's guess what that will take the form of.
>>2322I'm actually quite curious about how glasses will be needed because I don't do things right up in my face normally and I dunno if it's normal for me to not be able to read something up against my nose.
This VR stuff is very difficult to judge on a first time if you don't have perfect optical.
I assume most people buy the glasses for AR, but if I need actual astigmatism lenses I'm going to need a custom order. Conveniently my sister can do custom orders on prescription lenses for me and possibly make them herself but this is quite a nightmare.
OH WOW so the VR set uses lenses inside and these conflict with your eye's focal length if you have myopia(nearsight) worse than 20:20 vission. This is so fucking stupid. So I guess I don't need to worry about any farsighted issues related to myopia astigmatism. So I could probably just get standard minus lenses.
PROBABLY because there's like zero information outside of Reddit anecdotes for a very common visual acuity issue
Jesus christ. what the fuck are they doing
>>2344>I dunno if it's normal for me to not be able to read something up against my nose.It's not. Most things are done at approximately arms length or farther. Because the screens and lenses are a fixed distance, regardless of how your brain can interpret flat images as having depth, the fixed focal length makes it hard to clearly see things that are held at extremely close distances. You can only generally clearly see things clearly beyond about 10-20cm from your face. Your eyes will struggle to focus any closer.
A few years ago there was much hope about this issue being resolved because one company had developed solid-state "vari-focal" lenses that were extremely thin (consider, to otherwise adjust focal length you need would an additional, secondary lens that moves between the primary lens and the screen, which would add considerable bulk; think about an adjustable 1-4x gun scope, for reference). Combined with eye-tracking and 3D depth information, you could therefore dynamically adjust focal length, which would greatly improve comfort. Unfortunately, it seems that technology is going to be stuck in the lab.
>I assume most people buy the glasses for ARNo. They buy they lense inserts because it is generally still the case that if you cannot clearly see something at X distance IRL, you will not be able to clearly see it in VR at said distance either.
>these conflict with your eye's focal length if you have myopia(nearsight) worse than 20:20 vissionYes, but consider the resolvable detail within a VR headset. Most headsets are in the range of 20PPD (pixels per degree). Typical human vision is approximately 60PPD, with younger people closer to 80PPD. 40PPD is seen as the baseline for "close enough" to human vision. As such, because the resolved detail of displays and optics is so much lower than what your eyes are capable of resolving, diopter corrections within ±0.5D are likely insignificant enough to not need any correction. Greater than ±1D would likely benefit from corrective lenses. 30PPD is apparently approximately equal to 20/40 vision for reference. The Quest 3 is approximately 22PPD. The Apple Vision Pro is around 33PPD.
You can mess with these sites for a rough idea of things:'s a shame, but there's no one site that provides PPD to 20/X vision measurements.
>>2408>It's a shame, but there's no one site that provides PPD to 20/X vision measurements.Sorry, I'm stupid and tired. The approximate PPD to diopter equation is probably something like:
Diopters = 1 - PPD/60. For the Quest 3 at around 20.7PPD, that's like -0.65D. This is not a correction factor. This a rough equivalence in visual acuity between Diopters and PPD in terms of the ability to resolve detail.
Alright. I got the Q3 and I'll see about ordering some lenses in my typical prescription
>>2410If you want to play PCVR, a word of caution: buy Virtual Desktop on the Quest store, NOT from Steam. The Quest store one is the one that lets you do PCVR streaming. The Steam one is for people who have a VR headset that connects directly to the PC.
I wonder if tarrifs will be applied retroactively. I maybe bought it too late, but i think our retaliatory tarrifs will be lighter
dumb retaliatory tards.
>>2413Tariffs are typically applied when the item entries into the country, not whenever an item was purchased.
>>2415so is meta going to add another X% to my bill when it crosses the border... assuming it's crosssing the border
>>2416Forgot to mention, buy a lens cover and
always put it on the lenses when you're not using the headset. Helps prevent scratches, but more importantly, if you accidentally leave the headset out and it's facing a window,
it will prevent the displays from being burned by the sun. Indoor lights aren't powerful enough to burn the displays, but the sun absolutely is.
It's pretty cool. You can actually adjust it for glasses but it's a bit awkward. I thought it came precharged so it died on me when I was setting wifi password.
Looking at the world through monitors feels very mecha. It's neat
>>2456it's fine. I'll just stick it into my filing cabinet when not using
I'm a little surprised how there are no paper manuals and only a walkthrough programmed into the device.
what I didn't anticipate is how much it's geared as a console and less of a peripheral. Have to get various applications and such to connect to PC. Not just a simple blutooth system
So if i wanted to project a video fully into my device how would i do this? Do you need specialized apps or what?
Like if there were a video that is designed to be used with vr, how does it get used in the device
Man, this thing really burns your eyes with glasses. You definetly 100% need lenses if you have myopia.
I'm super disoriented now too.
I was wondering now how I can make a more immersive AR space, because currently it just throws you into a wide area with some walls, but I was hoping that Meta would use AI (for all their hype around it) for this potentially useful situation of interpretting space and placing objects around it... building a room. Sadly not, I guess there's a manual way to do it somehow
>>2463>>2464>>2465Disregard. I found out enough about it
the battery life is also kinda sad. But I probably wouldn't want to wear it for 4 hours anyways
>>2465>video that is designed to be used with vryou're watching porn arent you
thou shalt not commit sin with technology
doujin games are hard to get working. They distribute APKs to side load in USB debug or .exe that are supposed to be run in SteamVR and all sorts of format differences. No monopoly has formed yet. Meta link is mostly compatible luckily
>>2468The first-party solution for this is the
Elite Strap with Battery (there's a cheaper one,
without a battery, so watch out). Personally, I would recommend just getting a
10K mAh USB C PD battery bank and either velcro the battery to the headstrap to provide a counterweight, or put it in your pocket and stream the USB C cable down your back. I wouldn't recommend tethering yourself to a physical outlet to stay charging. You can wear out the USB C port, and some people have reportedly had the USB C port melt from an internal short forming due to the port loosening.
Already tired of glasses with this
so how do you go about creating applications for this
There's some interesting ideas like Engineering creating parallel lines for Installing Items On walls
dumb dutard
got my lenses. it just seems way more comfortable