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File:Medalist.S01E01.A.Genius.o….jpg (327.23 KB,1920x1080)


I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................


.flip it


File:Medalist.S01E02.Prelim.Bad….jpg (524.73 KB,1920x1080)

Do NOT say that about Inori!


... no I meant flip a coin for it, you can either follow results or see vid related.


I might buy a used 4090 since everyone's dumping them on the secondary market locally and the 5090 is shit.
I'll only give the envious green AI snake oil company money indirectly at this point.


why are you buying an nvidia card. nvidia is an AI for buisness company


Couldn't you get like two 3090s or two 4090s (or some other combo) used for the price of a new 5090? that would probably be better for AI than a single 5090. Or maybe a quadro and the likes. I wouldn't trust the 50 series cards just on principle that they lied about the performance metrics of the 5070, saying it's better than the 4090 at half the price.


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Is there any way to do 3D modeling from the kissu pc because I'm already for sure getting a 5090 for that.


There's a kissu pc?


Yeah it's what the Palworld server is hosted on


I believe there are ways that it's used in LAN. The latency would probably be pretty bad by network


Really it's about rendering rather than as a studio. Rendering for 3d is only ever done by distributed systems




File:[SubsPlease] Salaryman ga ….jpg (269.89 KB,1920x1080)

Two GPUs unfortunately have a hidden cost to them. I'd need a new motherboard and if I need a new motherboard then I need a new CPU. I might already need a new PSU if I'm getting a 5090, so the costs are absurd. Bleh!

Not really, or at least I doubt it. That kind of setup is for rendering farms, once you have a complete scene and you send the data over to be processed, like a Pixar movie. The performance I'd want is for rotating the camera around without stuttering in a complex scene while having other 3D programs open or even a game window. You know, "live" stuff. Multi monitor setups are less impressive when you can't make use of them for everything.


i don't even know if multi-gpu is a thing that works. when I tried to do it for video games it always had issues and the data had to be mirrored across both cards.


Don't know about gaming, but that's how they do it at the big AI training servers with 100*s of GBs of VRAM.


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The 5090 doesn't seem dramatically better compared to the 4090, like the 4090 was compared to the 3090/Ti. It's mostly just a generational improvement. Real world performance seems to be about 30% higher. That performance increase seems basically identical to the increase in TDP; 450W on the 4090 compared to 575W on the 5090, or ~28% higher. The efficiency in terms of FPS per watt more less bears this out, with the 5090 being around the efficiency of the 4090, or slightly below.

In Gamers Nexus' testing (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWSlOC_jiLQ), for reference, the 5090 had an FPS/W of 0.34, and the 4090 at 0.35. The 5090 drew 538.4W, and the 4090 drew 391.7W.

Not exactly very impressive. It basically looks like the 50-series is going to be a refresh generation.


What about for AI, like most people have been touting it for?


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Hard to say. AI compute could be anywhere from 1.3x to 2.5x greater than the 4090. You'll likely have to wait until the release date on January 30th when regular people get their hands on one.

If you believe Nvidia's marketing, it should be 2.5x the speed of the 4090, going by their reported Tensor core TOPS. But... Well... They also said the 5090 would be twice the performance of the 4090, which it very obviously isn't (>>2309)...


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Yeah, I'm on at 3080 with 12gb of VRAM at the moment. It's a massive upgrade for AI just based on the VRAM alone. For a lot of the AI stuff you need a certain threshold of VRAM just to run it, like the video stuff I've mentioned before would take me 30 minutes to do what a 4090 does in a minute, and that's with making a lot of sacrifices. You can either store it in speedy VRAM or you can't.
>January 30th
Nice, I still have some time to think it over.


File:Screenshot 2025-01-24 2134….png (425.28 KB,1920x1080)

Aha! One of my favorite tech YouTube channels I watch did an AI benchmark. It looks to be between a 1.3x and 1.45x improvement over the 4090, similar to the gaming uplift. The review did mention something interesting, however, which was that if the model in question leveraged INT8, then you would see a 2.5x improvement over the 4090 like you would expect just by looking at the AI TOPS, but they didn't show any benchmarks for this.



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Nice, thanks. The two yotubers I look at once in a while (gaming nexus and jayz2cents) just looked at the gaming side of things. I'm generally more interested in image/video AI more than text since text has such absurd VRAM requirements for the better models. I'm sure the efficiency there is increasing over time, or at least I hope.
I'm leaning towards getting the card, but I just learned that it's a PCIE 5 thing instead of the 4 my motherboard has. 5 is backwards compatible, but I won't get the best possible performance. I guess I could buy the card and get a new motherboard in summer or so.
No reports of its performance in 3D programs, though. I'm sure it's good, but I'd like to hear more about it.


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Yeah, I'm going to do it. I've got one life to live and blah blah blah. If this goes wrong then at least my corpse will have a smile on it.

But it's going to be more expensive than I thought, but thankfully I can do it in two increments. I need a new power supply for this and that has to happen now. However, my motherboard is PCIe 4 when the 5x series is PCIe 5. They are thankfully backwards compatible, but performance suffers. I guess I can see how bad it is, but if it's BAD then that means I need a new motherboard which means new CPU and new RAM. These are about 4-5 years old so I guess it's not unreasonable for them to be upgraded, but I don't feel like I need them so it's a bummer.


oh wait, now I see that I said something similar 2 days ago
being sick is fun


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It seems like Best Buy is only selling them online on the site itself which means I'm forced to compete with bots and everyone else on the planet. Yeah, this isn't looking good. I'm just going to assume I won't be able to buy it, but I'll check every hour.
Maybe this is for the best.


File:[SubsPlease] Jibaku Shoune….jpg (353.48 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah. I hit the 'add to cart' button easily within the first minute it was up, but the scalper bots got them all first. Well, I guess the decision was made for me then.


Update: I think a lot of people had the same reaction to Blackwell being shit, all the local 4090's disappeared just a little after the official reviews broke.


You can't even buy graphics cards nowadays without business connections or bots


Yeah, he's not the first to call it a paper launch. I'm not even sure what my plans are now.


if you've got 1000 dollars to burn buy a vr set and get a better idea of what you can do with 3D models+inspiration.


VR is something I looked into for easy money once, but it's not something I'd want to deal with. The first thing is that it's Unity and I don't want to learn an engine whose primary focus is phone games. The second is that I'm not generally good at talking to new people and making ERP avatars for people is very personal.
Has anyone said anything about more 5090s coming in at any point? Quarter 2 or summer or anything?


also Unity is the engine with that guy that wanted to monetize it further and everyone rallied against online. If possible people should avoid Unity since he's just biding his time.


sounds like a minor issue


It really isn't a minor issue that a game engine seeks percentages of all your profits and wants to attempt to retroactively change things. It's a massive liability.


it's minor because there's UE, or directly interacting with the XR APIs with software.

https://vroid.com/en/studio is where models are uploaded and "supports Web (API), Unity, and Unreal Engine."


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (298.8 KB,1920x1080)

I think I'm going to buy the other parts now.
I picked a great time to do this apparently since the 9800XD is a very popular CPU that came out recently and... it's out of stock everywhere.
Man, I just want to upgrade my computer to something that will last a good 5 years.


File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 04 ….jpg (228.73 KB,1920x1080)

I think I picked the worst time in years to upgrade my computer. This is just dreadful. GPUs are completely out of stock. CPUs are completely out of stock.
I'm hesitant to look at motherboards or memory right now because my assumption is there's something going on with them, too, and I can't really get those without a CPU.


I mean, pretty much everyone and their mother was waiting for the 50 series to come out before upgrading...


File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (286.9 KB,1920x1080)

New computer parts come out every year. This one wasn't any different, apart from nvidia bringing 500 GPUs total to market.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (312.12 KB,1920x1080)

Actually, does anyone have recommendations on how I go about finding a good motherboard and RAM? It's a lot easier to do CPUs and GPUs, but this stuff has a lot more options from many different brands. I've never really felt like I've done enough research when buying them.


There's a table for comparing MHZ and cas latency. There was some other things about the number of chips on them or something.idk.
For boards... I think transfer speed is pretty fixed and it's down to stuff like ddr and pcie versions. And picking the best of a few brands..


File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (352.93 KB,1920x1080)

If somehow anyone else has been refreshing sites hoping to get the 9800X3D, it's on amazon! And it's directly available from amazon instead of mysterious chinese shops created days earlier.


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Saw this on /v/, so a /v/ post about a reddit post about a twitter post.
I think I can trust it. "Bap" is in the name


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I'm going to turn this into 'assembling a new computer' blog.
The CPU arrived.


Seems like it's taken seriously enough to appear on some hardware news sites. So, 5090 next month before economic uncertainty.

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