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File:Medalist.S01E01.A.Genius.o….jpg (327.23 KB,1920x1080)


I'm feeling really, really tempted to get a 5090 even though it's a massive scam and it's months worth of savings. It's not the rational thing to do, but I do AI stuff a lot and it brings me joy. (no I don't condone AI shitting up the internet and art)
There's also 3D modeling I want to take more seriously after Palworld reignited my passion for building stuff. Obviously you don't actually need a top of the line card to do this stuff, but it does allow more geometry to be active and speeds up rendering massively. More VRAM means you can have more processes open so jumping between programs is smoother.
AAA gaming sucks apart from Capcom so that doesn't really enter the equation at all. I guess ironically retro pixel filters are known to be VERY demanding if I decide to do that. Might be more demanding on CPU, though, I can't remember.
I'm in that CG tracker that went private 5 years ago so software and assets are no issue, but man this is still such a huge amount of money.
What to do...................................................................................................................................................................


.flip it


File:Medalist.S01E02.Prelim.Bad….jpg (524.73 KB,1920x1080)

Do NOT say that about Inori!


... no I meant flip a coin for it, you can either follow results or see vid related.


I might buy a used 4090 since everyone's dumping them on the secondary market locally and the 5090 is shit.
I'll only give the envious green AI snake oil company money indirectly at this point.


why are you buying an nvidia card. nvidia is an AI for buisness company


Couldn't you get like two 3090s or two 4090s (or some other combo) used for the price of a new 5090? that would probably be better for AI than a single 5090. Or maybe a quadro and the likes. I wouldn't trust the 50 series cards just on principle that they lied about the performance metrics of the 5070, saying it's better than the 4090 at half the price.


File:1462665516599.jpg (8.28 KB,178x178)

Is there any way to do 3D modeling from the kissu pc because I'm already for sure getting a 5090 for that.


There's a kissu pc?


Yeah it's what the Palworld server is hosted on


I believe there are ways that it's used in LAN. The latency would probably be pretty bad by network


Really it's about rendering rather than as a studio. Rendering for 3d is only ever done by distributed systems




File:[SubsPlease] Salaryman ga ….jpg (269.89 KB,1920x1080)

Two GPUs unfortunately have a hidden cost to them. I'd need a new motherboard and if I need a new motherboard then I need a new CPU. I might already need a new PSU if I'm getting a 5090, so the costs are absurd. Bleh!

Not really, or at least I doubt it. That kind of setup is for rendering farms, once you have a complete scene and you send the data over to be processed, like a Pixar movie. The performance I'd want is for rotating the camera around without stuttering in a complex scene while having other 3D programs open or even a game window. You know, "live" stuff. Multi monitor setups are less impressive when you can't make use of them for everything.


i don't even know if multi-gpu is a thing that works. when I tried to do it for video games it always had issues and the data had to be mirrored across both cards.


Don't know about gaming, but that's how they do it at the big AI training servers with 100*s of GBs of VRAM.

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