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File:teamspeak.jpeg (375.38 KB,2048x1500)


What ever happened with the teamspeak revamp? I remember hearing people make a bunch of noise about it leading up to its release and theorizing that it could be the discord killer, but it's been a few months now I think and all that talk seems to have faded away. You'd think that with it being a private alternative that groups could run outside the purview of some top level moderation that more of the piracy/privacy and such groups would move over to it instead of relying on discord, but I don't think I've seen any change in how TL groups advertise themselves.


File:1669143275133272.jpg (1.06 MB,2694x2012)

ts has been engaging in self-deprecating humor on xitter as a form of advertising


File:[enm] Medalist - S01E05 [W….jpg (303.7 KB,1920x1080)

Ahem. kissu is a proud ventrilo site.
I can't imagine anything being a discord killer, it's just too big. Specialization is what's needed, and I don't think privacy is enough on its own. It's kind of the problem of discord in that it tries to be everything, as true of most tech companies these days.


I assume anyone strongly against Discord simply never migrated over from IRC in the first place. Discord has been around about a decade now, anyone who has been using it begrudgingly all that time can't actually mind it that much.


People don't just switch what they've been using daily, simple as that. I still have a Facebook Messenger because my family wont(cant) switch to anything else.
Has there been any discord server of the piracy kind being raided/banned? I don't know of any incentive from discords side to move to teamspeak.


I'm pretty sure Discord deleted a few Switch freeshop and emulator servers when Nintendo got bloodthirsty a while back.

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