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/secret/ -Kuon Culture

Everyone loves Kuon!

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R:0 / I:0
R:18 / I:4
R:391 / I:67
Halo is moving to the Unreal engine. Halo is not important enough to post about on /qa/ or /jp/ so I will post about it here. The announcement video they made isn't important enough to post either so I will post this nice song instead.

I'm not sure what the point of the thread is if the topic isn't important at all but I hope people appreciate the song that I posted and I hope people appreciate the time and effort I spent watching the Halo Unreal engine announcement video and the time and effort I spent in making this thread. I hope people appreciate the effort I went to in selecting this song as well, I wasn't sure what song I was going to choose to post but I thought long and hard about it and in the end I felt that this song was the best song to post. I hope that the people of this board appreciate this thread that I have made.
R:784 / I:382
Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
R:1 / I:0
(should I start randomly adding animal precures since it's over, or exclusively keep it to Sky?)
R:4 / I:1
Get used to using here and #newdesk
R:65 / I:10
Rev up those coal plants because you're not going to have nuclear on short term
R:91 / I:14
R:3 / I:0
I hate... this... narration... style.
YET I want to listen... to his research
R:3 / I:2
¥vermin 'invites' /secret/ to talk politics
R:2 / I:0

R:2 / I:0
This girl (Picnicker Liz) calls me every time I unpause the game.
She is relentless.
R:8 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
R:58 / I:13
R:7 / I:4
I saw the deleted thread.
R:2 / I:1
/secret/'s reminding me of real life so I quit
R:15 / I:11
Americans on /secret/ right now:
R:1 / I:0

Find it funny that this anime seems to be remembered so well when I found it kinda forgettable. As in I forgot it, but I definitely watched it.
R:1 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
"what" is the best booru tag
R:2 / I:1
R:5 / I:0
3d bitches out here trying to swindle my money but don't know I got shabs for days
R:4 / I:1
R:0 / I:0
now that's compression
R:10 / I:6
Please have a conversation with me.
R:4 / I:0
the true hidden price of remakes
R:4 / I:2
Just realized all political positions I've ever held have been a direct result of my philosophy on anime and video games
R:0 / I:0
Call in a devil to deal with all the 'holy' men up high
R:10 / I:0
that's a big drop
R:0 / I:0
R:24 / I:0
how can I hate quebec when the alternative in every other province is the choice between home ownership or dealing with scummy landlords abusing rental contracts...
R:97 / I:32
naturia cherries
naturia cherries
check the heck out of these chubby cherries
the chubbiest cherries around
R:1 / I:0
snoof SNOOF
R:12 / I:5
It's over. Canada is finished
R:8 / I:0
width="672" height="504" src="https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1738021909694.mp4" >
R:25 / I:1
dokkoishoo~ dokkoisho.
R:11 / I:2
I cant wait for transwomen to ascend enough in society to magically #metoo 'real' women
R:2 / I:0
Remember who you are
R:0 / I:0
R:1 / I:1
R:0 / I:0
pretty nice revision
R:27 / I:4
/g/ containment thread for talking about conspiracies and der juden and whatever the fuck else people were doing in the deepseek thread instead of talking about deepseek
god forbid people are allowed to talk about their hobbies and interests undisturbed
R:86 / I:35
R:1 / I:0
Several young ice skaters passed away from the plane accident...
R:4 / I:0
when the FUCK did twittersoyjak memes become acceptable on kissu?
R:16 / I:12
it moved
R:2 / I:0
R:2 / I:0
R:5 / I:2
Official notice of warning to /secret/:

Please remember to keep all content on kissu in adherence to US law. The new administration's been at it endlessly signing god knows how many executive orders and some of them might affect posters here. Make sure to be mindful before posting.
R:7 / I:2
Polution map over europe
R:0 / I:0
R:4 / I:0
Name a more iconic duo.
R:2 / I:0
R:12 / I:3
Hey mod
Delete this if you're REDDIT
R:14 / I:6
yummy fresh girlpissssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssssssssssssss
R:5 / I:1
We must destroy #qa for the good of kissu
R:3 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
i sleep to spooktubers
R:14 / I:0
R:2 / I:0
I'm cold and hungry.
R:11 / I:5
You have to wonder what a properly managed country would do with such land. Although Alaska exists so who knows
R:27 / I:1
crappy chat AI exchanges
R:0 / I:0
R:0 / I:0
R:10 / I:0

Vidya Sloptuber renounces all their videos to become a monk

What can change the nature of a man, /secret/?
R:24 / I:4
I'm glad that Trudeau resigned in acknowledgement that Canada's leadership is insufficient. Now the failed experiment can go on and get run by America like it should have been a hundred years ago when we buy it.
R:1 / I:1
R:5 / I:1
R:4 / I:1
kissu and /secret/
R:19 / I:2
R:1 / I:0
that's a really bad fire
R:2 / I:0
we freak
R:5 / I:0
tobers are redditshit
R:0 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
R:2 / I:1
R:22 / I:4
Hey, it's the Asafag. I haven't posted in a while (since she won) because I kind of slipped off of imageboards in general but returned to them for /a/utism.

How have you been holding up in the last 6 months or so?
R:5 / I:0
R:4 / I:0
R:27 / I:18
post brainrot shabs
R:0 / I:0
R:6 / I:1
He flossin'! style> /* Top Frame Area and Board Subtitle */ .main-sections.thread-window { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-repeat: repeat; background-position:top #background-size: 300px 300px; } #lowercontents, .main-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: bottom right; } /* OP */ .post, .post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat; } /* REPLIES */ .reply>.post-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-position:bottom right; background-size: contain; background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-right: 115px; } /* side-segment is lower area | text color carries over to RSS feed */ .side-segment, .sidebar-container { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-position:bottom; background-size: contain; background-repeat: repeat-y; } .thread-contents { background-image: url(https://haiji.kissu.moe/test/src/1734818090963.webp); background-size: fill; background-attachment: fixed; background-position:center; background-repeat: no-repeat; } /style>
R:4 / I:2
I hate imageboards.
R:7 / I:4

Nice Bunker

This is the /secret/ nice bunker.

Nice posters, please take refuge here when things are looking bad outside.
R:7 / I:1
They should have an AI kiosk at Walmart where you ask "Where are the toothbrushes?" and it says "Aisle 12, next to the condoms!"
R:5 / I:0
my deer friend niggatan
R:0 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
R:2 / I:0
R:2 / I:0
R:7 / I:3
long McDonald's order
R:2 / I:1
R:49 / I:25
real gamer grindset
R:6 / I:2
R:2 / I:2
Ivory soap doesn't float anymore
Florida's Natural uses oranges from Mexico, from concentrate
R:0 / I:0
sometimes i see something random on the street and think "yeah, i guess brainrot is real"
R:20 / I:4
you know glitch, the guys that are making the digital circus? well they have another big show that just ended, murder drones, and it's been a very long time since i've seen something so clearly aimed at teenage girls
¥snarky outsider mc seeks to destroy humanity as she struggles with her satano-vampiric possession powers alongside her puppy-brained not-bf and the bad bitches she befriends with whom she ventures into lampooned horror scenarios alternating with badass action scenes while exploring their tragic past with lots of meta humor and nostalgia throughout
it says in their site its demographic is 13-24
anyways i found it fairly fun to watch and the animation is spectacular
R:1 / I:0
small loli feet
R:3 / I:0
R:6 / I:0
R:2 / I:1
Cunny is really selling for cheap these days!
R:6 / I:1
don't think it don't say it
R:9 / I:1
When you think about it, those holding office don't really do much in the way of actually working or staking out well defined positions on anything. Their answers are vague at best with some feel goodness to them, or too specific without any care for how people feel. It seems that just like with people at any other job they're only half-assing it with luck being the primary factor that landed them where they are today.

I could go and be President. In fact, I bet I could if I laid out the proper groundwork for it.
R:14 / I:1
A, well here we go.
A psycho is in charge of what's considered illegal for internet companies to do
R:4 / I:1
R:2 / I:1
unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf unf
R:7 / I:4
R:50 / I:19
Syrian civil war showing border changes again
R:11 / I:6
R:1 / I:0
Have you thanked the true prophet yet?
R:2 / I:1
R:25 / I:4
R:21 / I:5
The rebrand worked!
R:3 / I:0
owned those 'artists'
R:8 / I:1
This phishing scam almost got me to put down a single line https://kdlud.com/info/
Because a storefront a ship from has some really poor UI that it might be possible
R:4 / I:0
verm in a decade
R:0 / I:0
geez i gotta die
R:9 / I:2
R:16 / I:0
pop in
R:6 / I:2
R:1 / I:1
I am a friend of REAL Lancashire.
R:3 / I:2
>/secret/[s glowgold][/s]
R:2 / I:1
I'll have my eggs cunny-side-up, thanks.
R:103 / I:66

Wonders of AI

I need a thread for posting funny AI mishaps. I should stop deleting them and instead archive them. Although, I'll spare you guys from seeing the disturbing stuff without using spoilers
R:1 / I:0

Kissu reads Taimanin Asagi

Going to do it, fuck you, screenshot thread don't know how this shit works.
R:0 / I:0
R:1 / I:0
R:3 / I:1
kuon avatar spotted
R:0 / I:0
This ain't your mommy's school glue...
R:2 / I:1
Wow look at this Nina.
R:24 / I:3
Complimentary ninas for every nina voter! Take one and pass the box along
R:59 / I:14
Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
R:1 / I:0
I'm moving on from the sph lifestyle. I hope you can all forgive me.
R:11 / I:0
>What's it called when a guy dressed up as a girl
> I think it's called drag king
> Have you seen draft kings? They have the best ads
R:0 / I:0
R:2 / I:1
*logs into /secret/*
R:2 / I:1
R:107 / I:2
Hate how liberals are all good people who have want stability and not to care about politics while maintaining their ideals of egalitarianism.
Meanwhile christfags are millitant about their positions and will resort to violence if you impede on their belief systems.

Pacifism and apolitical thoughts don't belong in systems that promote egalitarianism. Freedom has only ever been earned through acts of immorality
R:18 / I:4
Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!
R:43 / I:6
If you read Berserk you are an NTR fan.
Go jerk off to your faggot tragic hero with a mindbroken sloppy second bitch.
R:0 / I:0
too much negativity
someone make a Nina thread and I'll sticky it
R:6 / I:0
I'm EXTREMELY disappointed with American and extremely proud of my country.
R:1 / I:0
tubers give me strength
R:1 / I:0
try not to cum
R:21 / I:2
I did my monthly search for kissu mentions on 4chan and found https://boards.4chan.org/jp/thread/48050503
It's kind of interesting that moderation is lax enough to allow that thread. I wonder if we'll get anyone from that place, although the comment of kissu being "too /a/" is a bit concerning to me. But, I'm just not as big on Touhou as I used to be...
More Kuon converts?
R:0 / I:0
R:4 / I:1
What determines the "strangeness" of different fetishes? I say the main factor is whether it is supplementary to regular sexual act or if it supersedes them. Which is why romance plots involving vampires/monsters are relatively mainstream, while things like scat or baby rp are not.
R:2 / I:0
It happened again. I opened a new tab for a thread where I wanted to reply to someone, but didn't have the time to write an appropriate post. Lazed around all day and by the time there was free time the will to post was no longer there. So the tab was closed.
R:9 / I:2
Shoved a vibrator up my ass and I'm feeling rather ambivalent about it... I get the feeling buttsex may not be all it's cracked up to be, even with hats on.
R:1 / I:1
so... I'm non-binary.
R:1 / I:1
R:2 / I:1
what if instead of the men who stare at goats
it was the men who post about cunny
R:8 / I:5
What pen and paper RPGs would Kuon play?
R:10 / I:1
What would Kuon think of Spanish DBZ lolidom eroanimation?
It's an important icon of cultural exchange, which I'm sure she would appreciate in her own way given her various experiences in Tuskur and Yamato.
R:4 / I:0
I did it!
R:7 / I:0
how come she doesn't produce just mist
R:29 / I:4
Trump working at mcdonalds
R:38 / I:15
Kuon will make her return...
R:6 / I:4
If only Kuon was here...
R:47 / I:10
I saw the deleted thread.
R:50 / I:15
R:8 / I:2
/secret/ then
R:204 / I:116
R:66 / I:56

cursed higurashi images

R:19 / I:10
Kuon will keep your secret, because that's the kind of girl she is
R:22 / I:9

Secret Club

I know I've mentioned this a few places tonight so I wanted to post a thread to gauge interest and get some opinions on the matter. I don't mean to be all doom and gloom here I'm trying to be proactive. I've discussed this with some people through e-mail already but not I'm seeking other opinions as I value anon's input in all matters.

With that in mind I'm going to copy/paste something I wrote in an email a few months ago. I'd love to hear your opinions. I'd like to work together with some like minded people to make this a reality. It's a long email so I'll need to break this over multiple posts are usual.


The <TBA> Media Club Proposal. Requesting input from all possible
founding members. Please share with your friends that you think would
make good founding members!

Goal of this project is to replicate the feeling of the early comfy
anime/manga college clubs I participated in while living in America in
the 90s. Along with very early digisub community that spawned on IRC
in the late 90s-early 2000s before it went "mainstream".

In addition the goal is to merge the English speaking
and Japanese speaking otaku communities. Which I feel
is more possible now than in the past due to good on-the-fly translation software and so many people eager
to learn Japanese or English as a second language. As such all parts of the website will be bi-lingual.

R:19 / I:4
In this thread I post updates about fansub projects I'm working on and beg for free labor.

We started working on MahoAko yesterday. We thought the Chihiro TL would be good enough to use but we're going to end up making a lot of modifications and removing most of the styling they used (karaoke is awful). They did make some impressive signs. The 2nd episode's .ass file is 44.5MB.

Transformation scenes in episode 1 have bloated up file size to 900MB-1.4GB. We may attempt to make it smaller but right now we're more concerned with timing and the translation.

Will post public QC version soon if anyone wants to help. x265+Opus as usual. Anything beyond that can be done by request (like FLAC). Last time I asked no one spoke up so I've not been doing lossless audio or x264 releases anymore.

We had to slightly bump up requirements for play back devices to 4.1 high profile because transformation scenes kept running up against bitrate buffer. Will probably use that profile going forward. Since it gives us a little more head room and most modern devices support it just fine.

If anything bothers you about existing TLs of anime speak up now or forever hold your peace. We'll be back to working on older stuff soon™. Thanks to whomever provided some good raws for older stuff like BPS I haven't forgotten you. Just been busy.

Encoding notes: The JPBD for MahoAko is really bad. Horrible upscale by studio. Lots of banding. Did what I could to fix it. Can't descale to native resolution because it's a hodgepodge of different resolutions even within the same scene. Went with mild AA+minimal line darkening instead. That's it.
R:24 / I:9
I have zombie'd the few /secret/ threads that aren't related to youtube(rs) or rude and/or ugly things. Let me know if I missed any
R:16 / I:15
R:60 / I:15

Post your /secret/s!

At times I used to say that I didn't get any satisfaction out of cleaning /qa/, but in actuality I did like to post a bunch of threads at once and see all the bad ones disappear after perfectly lining them up like dominoes.
R:31 / I:6
what's the point of a secret board that's mostly used for meta. why not just make /meta/?
R:39 / I:8
saw a lot of this being posted everywhere and even saw a bunch of antifans on /co/ thought to myself "huh guess this is a series that's really taking off" but i looked at the pilot and it's not even 2 weeks old and has 40M+ views holy shit it's moving through the popularity cycle at warp speed (good for the creators though for making something original people liked)

R:44 / I:6
The loud mayodog
R:12 / I:5
R:19 / I:10
R:7 / I:3
Bide your time wastrels and scoundrels! An army ordained by Kuon approaches to wash away the blight upon the degenerate and desecrated land of /secret/! >>8907
R:5 / I:3

New Rule

All Kuon Culture threads will be made permanent
R:33 / I:19
i can see it
R:19 / I:3
I've been waiting YEARS to post this, and I think it's finally time to do so:
April 2003, A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy
Phenomenal title, wouldn't you agree?

>Now, this story has been written many times. It's actually frustrating to see how many times it's been written. You'd hope that at some point that someone would write it down, and they often do, but what then doesn't happen is other people don't read it.

Shirky's speech draws from a book called Experiences in Groups by W. R. Bion. He starts off by comparing the internet to a group of neurotics that Bion was taking care of, which were "conspiring to defeat therapy," spontaneously and without obvious coordination. You see, dear >>19472, the topics of /r9k/, politics and youtubers are actually part of a basic group of topics that groups naturally drift towards. It's, I would say, a mixture of salacious talk and an attack on the outsider, two of the three topics Shirky brings up.
But you know what? Today I don't feel like writing an essay, I simply don't. So, I'm just gonna leave here some of its beautiful quotes (without green):

The first is sex talk, what he called, in his mid-century prose, "A group met for pairing off." And what that means is, the group conceives of its purpose as the hosting of flirtatious or salacious talk or emotions passing between pairs of members.
You go on IRC and you scan the channel list, and you say "Oh, I know what that group is about, because I see the channel label." And you go into the group, you will also almost invariably find that it's about sex talk as well. Not necessarily overt. But that is always in scope in human conversations, according to Bion. That is one basic pattern that groups can always devolve into, away from the sophisticated purpose and towards one of these basic purposes.

The third pattern Bion identified: Religious veneration. The nomination and worship of a religious icon or a set of religious tenets. The religious pattern is, essentially, we have nominated something that's beyond critique. You can see this pattern on the Internet any day you like. Go onto a Tolkien newsgroup or discussion forum, and try saying "You know, The Two Towers is a little dull. I mean loooong. We didn't need that much description about the forest, because it's pretty much the same forest all the way."
Try having that discussion. On the door of the group it will say: "This is for discussing the works of Tolkien." Go in and try and have that discussion.
Now, in some places people say "Yes, but it needed to, because it had to convey the sense of lassitude," or whatever. But in most places you'll simply be flamed to high heaven, because you're interfering with the religious text.

And then, as time sets in, difficulties emerge. In this case, one of the difficulties was occasioned by the fact that one of the institutions that got hold of some modems was a high school. And who, in 1978, was hanging out in the room with the computer and the modems in it, but the boys of that high school. And the boys weren't terribly interested in sophisticated adult conversation. They were interested in fart jokes. They were interested in salacious talk. They were interested in running amok and posting four-letter words and nyah-nyah-nyah, all over the bulletin board.
And the adults who had set up Communitree were horrified, and overrun by these students. The place that was founded on open access had too much open access, too much openness. They couldn't defend themselves against their own users. The place that was founded on free speech had too much freedom. They had no way of saying "No, that's not the kind of free speech we meant."

Geoff Cohen has a great observation about this. He said "The likelihood that any unmoderated group will eventually get into a flame-war about whether or not to have a moderator approaches one as time increases." As a group commits to its existence as a group, and begins to think that the group is good or important, the chance that they will begin to call for additional structure, in order to defend themselves from themselves, gets very, very high.

The web turned us all into size queens for six or eight years there. It was loosely coupled, it was stateless, it scaled like crazy, and everything became about How big can you get? "How many users does Yahoo have? How many customers does Amazon have? How many readers does MSNBC have?" And the answer could be "Really a lot!" But it could only be really a lot if you didn't require MSNBC to be answering those readers, and you didn't require those readers to be talking to one another.
The downside of going for size and scale above all else is that the dense, interconnected pattern that drives group conversation and collaboration isn't supportable at any large scale. Less is different -- small groups of people can engage in kinds of interaction that large groups can't. And so we blew past that interesting scale of small groups. Larger than a dozen, smaller than a few hundred, where people can actually have these conversational forms that can't be supported when you're talking about tens of thousands or millions of users, at least in a single group.
R:79 / I:24
Do you think it's possible for a lifelong NEET to have a romantic relationship? How does one even find a partner with aligned interests?

I'm halfway to wizard age and I've been thinking about at least trying to turn things around for myself, but actually doing so seems incredibly difficult. I can financially support myself and fulfill boyfriendl-y duties, but I can't drive because of a disability. I'm not even sure how someone like me would find a partner.
R:79 / I:17
Hmm, why was the blog thread brought back?
R:10 / I:2

Say this ten times fast

Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs. Smash some shabs.
R:26 / I:7
R:22 / I:4
I tried to tell you cars were the problem and that the lack of walkability in cities leads to worse health outcomes, but you didn't listen. Do you really think people would still be obese if they had lived somewhere where they could get in a healthy amount of walking or biking, or otherwise take public transportation to get where they need to go? I'm sure the fact that most Americans get in their 4000 lbs vehicle to go to their local Walmart that is 1 mile away, and work in a job that is completely sedentary, and then come home and live a sedentary life in from of their computer has absolutely no impact on anything~.

>The number of U.S. adults who died of heart disease and whose death record cited obesity as a contributing factor was three times greater in 2020 than in 1999, according to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.

R:7 / I:0

Brains and Consciousness

I think the research thus far has been overly focused on subjects who have had surgical intervention to split the hemispheres of the brain, rather than subjects that have had no connections between the hemispheres from birth. To my knowledge, and very cursory searching, no similar studies have ever been attempted to be replicated in these persons. I'm personally inclined to believe that in absence of any direct connection between the hemispheres, the hemispheres are still able to communicate effectively, but at lower bandwidth through obscured pathways which might result in difficulties with more abstract perception. I'm personally acquainted with one person who has this condition and they're pretty normal, albeit with the caveats mentioned in the links below. The concept of "split consciousness" has always been questionable to me.

R:20 / I:15
. . .
R:2 / I:1
R:31 / I:7

blog thread

I made a thread here a few months ago in which I said the blog thread was teetering on the precipice of my tolerance levels due to the harm it was doing to kissu. People were beginning to treat it as an all-purpose general thread as if this were one of those /a/ boards with one active thread at a time.
Well, how have things gone since then?

Going back 50 posts (may have messed up counting) starting with >>>/qa/112367
Number of blog posts: 4.
Because of the following posts I did not lock that thread immediately, so good work on using the blog thread as a blog: >>>/qa/112384 >>>/qa/112428 >>>/qa/112459 >>>/qa/112534

It is my opinion as a mod/demi-admin/whatever that the time has come for kissu to spend some time without the blog thread again. And yes, we've done it before, although I can't remember when.
There are multiple discussions that could have been new threads and multiple posts that would have been good additions to existing topical threads. I don't want to fight against people and spend each day moving a dozen posts into existing or new threads. Contrary what you may think, your new thought or opinion of something does deserve a new thread. Don't sell yourself short. You can even make a new thread on /jp/ with no comment at all if you want, or no file at all.

The blog thread persists so long as it is not actively detrimental to kissu's functionality as a site with multiple boards dependent on people creating new threads, and people seeing them and commenting in them. Once people start congregating into one thread the rest of the site starts to atrophy. The sooner action is taken to curb this behavior the less betrayed people will feel when it's gone. I already worry that people have become accustomed to creating non-blogs in it because they think it's better than making a thread.
So, at some point in the near future I think kissu will be spending some time without the board-within-a-board thing known as the blog general.
R:146 / I:69

word of the day

today's kissu word is: cunny
R:1 / I:1
clap that ass
R:19 / I:5


I'm on Threads as @echibiki. Install the app to follow my threads and replies. https://www.threads.net/@echibiki
R:22 / I:9
Kuon has left and the rule is gone. Perhaps she'll return one day...
R:24 / I:5
I expect to see it on 4chan and other sites with close cultural ties to it, but kinda sucks to see the /qa/ name depicted this way on a "retro anime" imageboard: https://wapchan.org/meta/res/866.html
Is this something to "correct" or do we just accept that /qa/ is forever associated with the stuff that we would have spammed off the board back in the day
R:5 / I:2
Q: Who is the /secret/ idol?
A: The cutest idol, of course!
R:95 / I:26

Money Thread

Money is best saved and never used

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