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Do you think it's possible for a lifelong NEET to have a romantic relationship? How does one even find a partner with aligned interests?

I'm halfway to wizard age and I've been thinking about at least trying to turn things around for myself, but actually doing so seems incredibly difficult. I can financially support myself and fulfill boyfriendl-y duties, but I can't drive because of a disability. I'm not even sure how someone like me would find a partner.


>I'm halfway to wizard age
...You're 15?


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That's what I thought too...


It depends on what you're like


But you should if you actually want a relationship and not just a spermer fantasy


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Romantic relationships, a significant other you must dedicate time to and are expected by society to be with and then procreate to create more miniature distractions that you are then obligated to spend a great deal of time and money on for at least 20 years.

The appeal and desire for such a thing is really beyond me.


Also depending on how you are disabled, there are may be clubs or orgs to meet others like you at


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My generous interpretation is he started the count at 18, so 12/2=6 and he's 24. But a 15 year old worried about impending wizardhood would be pretty funny.


What do you even want out of a relationship? If you just want rid of your virginity just pay for that


I am retarded and worded it wrong. I'm 25, I was thinking of it as 5 years having come and gone since I turned 20, and only another 5 to go until I'm 30. 30 seemed like such a far off thing that never'd happen just a few years ago, but now it's rapidly creeping up on me.

I don't really know how most of you guys did it. After so long of NEETdom, the days get lonely without anyone to share joys with I guess, it's become pretty depressing. 2D girls are nice and the ideal of course, but they can also never return your affection or share in the things you like together.


Because a lot of NEETs are on the spectrum or schizoids and genuinely dont understand


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Romantic love would have been wonderful, and I fantasized about it tremendously as a teenager and young adult as I wanted to experience the things I saw in RPGs and such (Lunar...), but sometimes things just don't work out in life for various reasons. (and real love isn't that fantasy ideal anyway)
Humans, like any other animal, are experts at adaptation. You manage to live with or without something because you've accepted it as your default state of being. It's like asking a guy how he manages to live his life with only one leg. He would prefer having two legs, but in his day-to-day life having one leg is how life works. He does ___ because he has one leg, he avoids ____ because he's missing a leg. In the eyes of two-legged people he does things differently, but to him it is the proper and only way to do things.
You should definitely try to find love as it's such a beautiful thing, but I can't give you any advice on it.


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>Romantic love would have been wonderful, and I fantasized about it tremendously as a teenager and young adult as I wanted to experience the things I saw in RPGs and such (Lunar...)
That's more or less how I think, too. I guess the way I see it is that I'd like to at least experience it once before I can't anymore. Past a certain point, you lose out on that opportunity for innocent youthful romance and your dating pool starts diminishing to people who already have kids or are relatively desensitized to love.

It used to be easier to deal with when I was younger, and I used to complain about normalfags and waifu for laifu and so on just like most other NEETs do, but through my mid 20s the feelings of longing to make someone happy and to be able to share and do the things we like together have made my heart heavy. Surely there are people of equally sentimental mind out there. Do we truly all just while away the years alone and slowly get more bitter and older?

I'd originally intended my post as just an empty thought before it got moved to it's own thread, but I guess my point was is that for NEETs, romance feels like a hole that progressively gets harder and harder to climb out of. Your interests won't align with people out in the real world, and online, legitimate relationships are basically impossible to establish. It feels impossible to break this cycle. And yet you'd think it wouldn't with the number of people that are probably similarly like-minded.


>The appeal and desire for such a thing is really beyond me.
doesnt that kill a lot of the appeal of anime too then


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I guess maybe I'm wrong then since I can understand romance in anime and games and enjoy them too. Although maybe that's just a byproduct of being able to empathize? While I can appreciate it in fantasy, I don't really desire it at all in the real world. There's specific scenarios I think would be nice to experience and both the practicality of which alongside their sometimes fantastical nature of those desires means they're either too impractical/strenuous to achieve or downright impossible.

Even then I don't feel like I'm missing out in life because I haven't experienced those. I'm perfectly satisfied as I am now, and looking is enough for me. Unless you somehow figure out how to make sorcery real so I can go around disintegrate ray'ing people with my goth loli wife as we conquer the world and rule it with an iron fist.


I recommend the book "No More Mr. Nice Guy


And also looking into a noporn plan if yoy're addicted... both of those should get you in the right headspace to date.

You're in your mid-20s, not mid-40s; and you are disabled, you dont have the same NEET stigma socially.

Women aren't all mindless drones, you will find common ground if you just talk to enough!


Im in the same boat about wanting to try it before its too late to.
Get off SSRIs if you are on them, you cant feel love on them really


Conversely not wanting to have children is one of the few things I despise in people at a frankly instinctual level.
It's on the level of telling me you torture cats for fun. Revolting.


weird instinct


with you on the cat torturer question though


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Why should I bear children? Does the world somehow receive a net positive impact from me doing so, that I deprive it of by not partaking in procreation?

From what I understand bringing more children into this world would be actively doing harm to it, so detest me all you want I'm doing my part to heal the earth.


>Why should I bear children? Does the world somehow receive a net positive impact from me doing so, that I deprive it of by not partaking in procreation?
not the despiser but in my case it would. hell, I'd raise multiple genetic clones of myself BY myself if that was an option, and say to the rest of the world your welcome



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>Why should I bear children?
Consider the following:


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Ok, maybe I lied a bit about having no desire for children. I would like my own Risa that fawns over me and I spoil to the point she obsesses over me and becomes my daughterwife, but everything beyond the youthful stage of wonder and genkiness is a bit more boring to me.


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I like to believe it's possible for everyone to find love. As long as YOU believe that you can, and are willing to put in the commitment a relationship entails. I think that's the part that most people don't consider. A relationship is a two way street, and requires effort from both parties to maintain.

Heck, my brother met his wife on FFXIV. Nobody in my family thought he would ever get married. It just takes effort. A significant other isn't going to just fall into your lap from the sky. I knew a lot of couples from my MMO days that actual met through them. You could try game nights at your local comic book/game store too. Or any other place related to some hobby or interest you have where people congregate. It doesn't even have to be a direct connection. Maybe it's a friend of a friend from one of the places mentioned above. But you're never going to meet someone if you don't meet anyone.

>I can financially support myself and fulfill boyfriendl-y duties
I don't know what you mean by this, but by the use of "duties," it makes it sound negative. I think that's the wrong way to look at a relationship. You should do "boyfriend duties" not out of some obligation, but because you want to do them for your significant other.

>I can't drive because of a disability. I'm not even sure how someone like me would find a partner
There's tons of people who can't drive and have still found relationships. Unless you live out in the boonies, I don't think it should be too much of a hindrance.

But of course, what do I know? I'm only a few years away from my robes, myself. I sure talk a lot for someone who has no experience with anything I just gave advice on. So probably best to just ignore the whole thing.


No interest in raising a son?


you sell your sons to farmers and you keep your daughters


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What would I do with a boy?


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sell your sons to your daughters


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I am in my early 20s, its not too late to change my hikki ways.
But, is the attitude I have of: "She can do whatever, as long as she doesnt cheat or leave me." Bad?


If the "she can do whatever" is more in reference to just having a girlfriend to have one and show her off as a status symbol while in actually she's completely independent from you, then yes that's a bad mindset. If it's more you wouldn't care what a partner does as long as at the end of the day you're together and put each other first, then yeah that's probably healthy enough.


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Will people think im weird that the only social media I have is telegram and XMPP



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I dont think most of the advice applies to imageboard users, most take pride in not caring what others/society thinks, especially women. It does have some good advice on being less passive but it needs to be combined with anxiety resources.

Unless you're a total doormat, books on how to be charismatic and make people laugh are better and more applicable to anonymous


Should I become a moonie to get into a random marriage


Do you get to see her beforehand


Yes but its not as easy to do after the guy who liked match-making died. Now you actually have to join and show commitment and stuff like that. I normally wouldnt mind but I know the reaction from my family would be incredibly negative and I dont consider that trade worth it


I went down the rabbit hole of cults, and people whine about everything being cultlike or a cult, to the point where it is becoming a bigoted mindset towards thing people just use to socialize like fandoms, come on


Do I need a facebook


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Never really had any romantic urges in life but I have desired to flip my imouto on many occasions


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>to flip my imouto
You want to throw her??


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competitive imouto throwing


flip EVERYBODY'S imoutos


how cute is she


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Sadly not as cute as she used to be ever since she became a teen.


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I read one of those "how to quit porn addiction" books, and a lot of what it says is true but im farther gone than I thought. I dont even try to avoid shocking content anymore


is that /pol/ thread screencap about autogynephilia also true


Probably but it shouldnt be used against all or most trans people, rather a cautionary tale about doing it for the right reason


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dunno but this one's right on the money


I like how this is more anti-Lain than transphobic


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People tell me not to normalize /secret/ as the shit board while people think it's shit enough to post redpill /pol/ spiel screenshots.
Is it really, truly so difficult to not do that?


Dude, not all discussion of autogynephilia is /pol/. It's a conversation the trans community needs to have


That being said, me the main blogger of this thread is a supporter of that community so please do not kill this thread


>People tell me not to normalize /secret/ as the shit board while people think it's shit enough to post redpill /pol/ spiel screenshots.
At least it's text, not some kuso youtube video.


>Probably but it shouldnt be used against all or most trans people, rather a cautionary tale about doing it for the right reason
theyre actually the variety of trans people i have the least objection to


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If you're a trust fund baby who is too rich to work, definitely.

>Does the world somehow receive a net positive impact from me doing so, that I deprive it of by not partaking in procreation?
Yes, actually. It's true that pumping more kids into already overpopulated third-world countries is a drain on global resources, but neutering the first-world workforce that is trying to reach a sustainable balance isn't going to help the situation. You are a part of things that are bigger than yourself; a nation, a race, a culture, a value structure, etc. Those entities need replacements if they are to survive and some Tibetan farmer having 12 kids isn't going to keep the things you care about alive. Do you want anime to stop existing because Japs stopped breeding?

Also, kids are super cute and make the world a brighter place. Just a shame you can't have them with anime girls yet.


For what it's worth, Japan is a very populous country and maybe it's just overpopulation correcting itself? I know this is very optimistic; also despite westerners going herbivore male this and feminist that the main reason seems to be the workaholic culture causing widespread exhaustion


yeah they have over triple my country's population with like a tenth of the landmass
and it's not tundra or a desert!!!


Overpopulation only corrects itself when you run out of resources and people start starving to death, and when that happens it reduces the population to well under the sustainability level. With globalization and charity-minded populations this won't happen to any western nation until it happens to the entire planet and we're forced to start letting others die. The last thing we want is for overpopulation to reach a point where it corrects itself. And any attempts to artificially reduce their own population would need to be managed better than what we're seeing in the west to avoid demographic crises.

It's a complex issue, but it seems to primarily come from economic conditions making children an ever more serious burden on parents' financials in developed countries whereas in developing economies they are a source of additional labor and income. And even if you can afford to have kids sit around using your disposable income for 20+ years before they start supporting themselves, the full integration of women into the workforce means the time cost of just having them is a major speedbump that, along with other factors, makes people put off the issue until biological problems come along that make it even more expensive and time consuming to have. That's why maternity/parental leave benefits have been getting better in the west.


work isnt actually hard and theres no reason kids couldnt start working c*mpany jobs at 15


is this a wordfilter
it's a very good one if it is


Maidenless isnt filtered I think


Oh it is


Yes, that is why bramaidenlessls happened once. That happened because someone forgot the space between brain cells


mfw I cant date bra-makers


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How do I figure out if I'm being creepy, not just with women, how do I realize what "vibe" I'm giving off to others


Body language. Facial expressions, posturing, and awkward silences are how you know you've done something you shouldn't have. It's not hard unless you have actual, honest-to-god autism, but just knowing you fucked up doesn't necessarily mean you can stop being creepy right away. Like with any other skill, it takes practice to present yourself the way you want.


If you want to mate with girls off of one day relationships then you might as well immitate one of those NTR studs who gets all the women because no sane woman is going to do that sort of thing unless they're a slut.
Literally be yourself and establish good casual relationships with others. Then it escalates trough a casual relationship into a romantic one. Having an attractive girl like you is luck of the draw. People look attractive to attract attention and if you're not the person's type you can't help it. Bad luck try again later.


Or rather never. If a person doesn't see you romantically you can't change it unless you continue being casual friends and they change their mind which is unlikely. It's like being gay and hitting on a guy who is straight. It's just not going to work. Sure a woman might eventually see you differently, but you might as well consider romantic rejection as if the girl is gay.


guess that's to say, instead of worrying about that sort of thing it's more important to be friendly. Other people's body language doesn't matter if yours is good. And I believe that an autistic person can learn more about other people's social signs(body language or spoken language) by studying how it works and implementing it in themselves


He is ogling her. That is completely different than just coming off creepy


look at yourself in two mirrors and you see how you look to others
works even better if it's candid, accidental, rather than you looking at yourself in the bathroom after setting up mirrors


most women will respond to creepy people with the word "kimo". if women are regularly saying "kimo" to you, then you know you're being a creeper.


I struggle a lot with this - "kimo" sounds very similar to "kemo" to my ears, so I find it hard to tell whether women actually think I'm creepy or merely a furry.


They think your ears+tail are nice+cute.


If I get an "ehhhhhhh?" does that mean I vomited out imperceptible speech that vaguely sounds japanese

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