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File:[SubsPlease] Fugukan - 11 ….jpg (215.24 KB,1920x1080)


Containment for political gacha talk in a /jp/ thread. Just two posts, but better to stomp it out now than later


typical conservative talking points


le attardé politique....


If you want to get political then gacha is probably the furthest thing from communism/socialism in how it’s a tool to funnel wealth from the working and middle classes into the pockets of the rich elite that own the highest grossing games.


>They killed VNs and plenty of real games which I care about
This is literally just "immigrants took my job" and "immigrants took my house" put through an acceptability filter that's easier for yotgo to digest than just outright saying it


And socialism is not the only philosophy apposed to policies based arounx strengthening the power of nobility


dumb argumentative shitposter


dumb argumentative shitposter


dumb argumentative shitposter



solid take


File:Utawarerumono_Mask_of_Dece….jpg (420.8 KB,2560x1440)

You can't just compare unrelated things like that. It's a very twisted and inauthentic way to have a discussion.
I think it's true that gacha greatly harmed VNs since they're like watered down VNs that generate 500000x the profit by replacing long stories for exclusive JPEGs or jiggly Live2D boobs. Nasu, Key, and even Aquaplus attempted to make the jump. Key's gacha was so successful in China that they were bought out by some Chinese conglomerate (probably Tencent but I don't care to look) and are now otherwise dead apart from requisite re-releases.
Aquaplus in particular had a "Come read a VN instead of playing gacha" campaign for Utawarerumono 2 and 3 in Japan, but eventually they attempted to milk it with Utawarerumono's terrible dimensional-warping and time travel gacha that invalidates Utawarerumono's story.
Nasu does get credit for using filthy gacha money to release actual games like Extella and remakes of Tsukihime.


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compare this

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