i mean yeah it's a nice song reminds me of its gatari amv
>>34091oh wow, she's making her own amateur film about the song
this lady is really owning that song
>>34088I don't watch AMVs.
>>34091>>34092>>34093Bleh... That's terrible.
It's interesting in it's own way too. Often a person on Youtube will make a single video that gets lots of views and is the only successful video on their channel and so they end up baseing their whole channel around it no matter how ridiculous that is. There was a video of a person patting a sleeping fox that did the same thing, it's just a man patting a sleeping fox which is nice and all but hardly something to base a channel on but he did, he made merch for it he made a video where he went back to the same spot where he patted the fox, he did all kinds of stupid things like that to try and milk that one video for everything he could. Because it's all he had.
It's sad.
But then often I wonder if regular Youtube channels are really that different. Most do seem to be known for one thing and/or to base themselves around one thing and they end up forcing themselves into being a Youtuber of that one thing. Like video game Youtubers who only cover one game, are they really doing that because they just absolutely love that game and there is no other game or topic they care about or is it just because that's what their channel is built on and they are unable to do anything else?
Youtubers are sad people. People on Youtube are sad people too, Social media is a sad place and the internet is a sad place. The world is sad.
>>34094here you go
non sad
>>34095I said I don't watch AMVs!
You don't listen to me at all, you obviously don't care about me or you would listen to me...
I'm sad now.
>>34096it's important to give new things a try
>>34095Thank you! This is the video I was thinking of.
Many years ago I remember reading the Wikipedia article on Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and I remember it saying that she was half white. I checked her Wikipedia article again today and it doesn't say she is half white, the talk part of the article doesn't mention anything about it either. I didn't find any mention of her being half white on google search either.
Hmmm..... Was my memory mistaken in this or was there an error on Wikipedia or something? Weird.
Often times I will see a dumb picture or video on the internet of somebody doing something weird and think that's all a bit of fun but then find out later on that this person in question wasn't actually just a guy having some fun but it was a guy whose entire gimmick revolves around that and he does that professionally. In this case I was looking at something on Wikipedia and came across this, I am pretty sure it's the bearded guy in a school girl uniform that there are some memes off. You'll know what I am talking about if you look at it. kind of thing disappoints me. Because it means that it's not just some random guy doing a random prank for fun once and so it makes the world seem both smaller and also less fun. Because random people aren't playing pranks like that, the people playing pranks like this are known individuals who make that their life.
>>34099I can kind of see it, but maybe she just has some of that, uh, what's the term, the subgroup ethnicity that most of them don't have over there. Ainu? Maybe she has some of that blood in her. Ainu men can grow beards rivaling that of a Northerner, it's pretty interesting.
But it's also obvious that she uses that eye tape and makeup to make her eyes look far larger than they actually are. It can give a bit of a hafu-like appearance when you combine it with other stuff associatied with European-ness. It's possibly the hafu thing was a rumor meant to make her seem more interesting or appealing to people outside Japan when she becamse semi-famous on the internet.
>>34149Ainu aren't white, they look Polynesian or Austronesian but I am not sure if they are. I don't think it would make her look like that.
But yes, she obviously uses a lot of makeup and also many Japanese people do naturally have fair skin so it could be that.
>>34164>Ainu aren't whiteDidn't mean to imply that they are, but I was trying to think of reasons why people would think she was a hafu.
Maybe I was thinking of these people:>Liu et. al (2024) stated that Jōmon admixture in contemporary Japanese people varies depending on region, with admixture being the highest in southern Japan, especially Okinawa (28.5%), followed by northeastern Japan (19%) and western Japan (12%)
>>34168Ainu seem to have some connection with the Jomon people.
>Jōmon-associated ancestry is commonly found throughout the Japanese archipelago, ranging from c. 15% among modern Japanese people, to c. 30% among Ryukyuan people, and up to c. 75% among modern Ainu people, and at lower frequency among surrounding groups, such as the Nivkhs or Ulch people, but also Koreans and other coastal groups, suggesting that the Jōmon were not completely isolated from other groups.[2][29][57][59][21] Wang and Wang (2022) noted that peoples with Jōmon ancestry during the Three Kingdoms period significantly contributed to the genetic makeup of modern Koreans. But this ancestry was 'diluted' over time due to subsequent arrivals of northern Han Chinese.[58]There was also a group of people called the Emishi which are the previous inhabitants of Japan(so the Jomon) and where the Japanese get their Jomon ancestry from. The Nihon Shoki talks about them sometimes as the colonisation of Japan was a long process and there was frequent conflict between the Yayoi and the Emishi. There has been speculation about the connection between the Emishi(Jomon) and the Ainu for a while and I checked Wikipedia and they had this to say.
>It is generally accepted that the Emishi were ethnically related to the Ainu people, with both descending from the Jomon people of Northern Japan. The exact relationship between the Emishi and Ainu however remains disputed; they may either share a common "pre-Ainu" ancestor or Emishi tribes are ancestral to the later Ainu via the Satsumon culture.[1][2][20] Both Emishi and Ainu were historically referred to as 'Ezo', with this name written using the same kanji characters[clarification needed]. The Esan culture of northern Honshu is associated with this population and later gave rise to the Satsumon culture which is ancestral to the modern Ainu people of Hokkaido including some Okhotsk culture influence.[21] Unlike the Ainu, the Emishi were horse riders and iron workers, pointing to cultural divergences between early Ainu and the Emishi. While there is evidence for some agriculture (millet and rice), the Emishi were mostly horse riders, hunters, fishers and traders.[22]>The Emishi of Northern Honshu primarily spoke an Ainu-related language.[2] The Matagi are suggested to be the descendants of these Ainu-speakers, which also contributed several toponyms and loanwords, related to geography and certain forest and water animals which they hunted, to the local Japonic-speaking people.[23][24]
Something else to think about. In Japan there was historically a difference in appearance between classes, this is not race based but class based.
The upper class were taller, had finer features and fairer skin whereas the peasants were short and stocky with ugly blunt peasant features. This is why people call Hideyoshi a monkey, because he was a peasant.
But this difference in appearance based on class is not only found in the Japanese it's in most peoples including Europeans. European peasants have blunt ugly features and darker skin too.
This is also mentioned in the Norse sagas.
I was thinking about Gyarus and it made think about my own school life and the subgroups there and I realised there were none and thinking further about this it seems that there are no cultural subgroups in the west now at all really.
There used to be goths, mods, hippies and such but now people don't seem to organise themselves into subcultures like that, instead they seem to identify around interests and political ideologies which have a lot of overlap and mean that these people often dress and act the same and have even the same interests anyway,a 'gamer' and a Far-right person might both wear a hoody and jeans and both play games and both have the same political ideology or a far-right person and a far-left person might dress the same, act the same and play the same games. Most differences in how people dress seem to be based on socio-economic background and not subculture.
I wonder if these is due to the increase in political polarisation in society but also I wonder if this is caused by the widespread adoption of branded t-shirts and hoodies and the widespread adoption of Tattoos. When I was in school I wore a pentagram and a Thor's hammer necklace and called myself a witch but now I have mostly grown out of that, mostly. But my brother who wears normal every day clothes and acts quite normal has Norse Tattoos, so instead of changing what he wears to show his identity he gets a tattoo instead and that seems to be what pretty much everybody does now, they either will get a tattoo or a hoody or t-shirt with their favourite band on it or something meaning that in the end everybody is covered in tattoos and wearing t-shirts, so they are not really any different to each other.
I should clarify. I'm not a girl, witch is what practitioners of witchcraft are called regardless of gender. Sort off, I think some people call them warlocks as well.
>>34313>I'm not a girlBullshit
>>34313>warlocksYeah, that's because it's originally an insult made up of two obsolete Old English words, wǣr (truth/agrement/etc) and loga (liar/deceiver), whereas witch doesn't have that overtly negative meaning, not at an etymological level at least.
>>34317Yeah, it's part of their secret ritual's forceful feminization. My friend was never the same...
Wicca(modern witch craft) is made up which is why I don't follow it anymore. It was developed by a guy in the early-mid 20th century who claimed to have this knowledge passed on to him by a still existing coven(that he never proved actually existed).
Witch is not a gendered term itself but most witches were female and in the popular imagination witches are female, the guy who invented Wicca was trying to link it to Witch hunts and trials so that's probably why he choose witch, he was trying to say that his new religion was a continuation of those people who were targeted(it's not). Apparently in Scotland male witches were called Warlocks, I did a quick search of my copy of Demonologie which war written by King James the 1st to see if Warlocks are mentioned by they aren't, he uses the term Witch to apply to men and women but he says there are 20 female practitioners of withcraft for every one male and he says the reason for that is because women are weaker as can be seen in the Bible in the case of Eve and the Snake. But as I said, I only briefly looked through it so the word warlock might be used in it somewhere, I just could not find it.
>>34312When I was in highschool, a decade ago right when all the politics shit was starting, there were still a bunch of sub culture or cliques. Most of the sub cultures I saw were ones related to band or "honors" courses but their was quite a diversity in there and they had members from outside of band. Weeaboos, wolf girls, wannabe popular kids, stoners, preppy kids, computer nerds, jocks, the memers, ect.. were all there. I think the classic goth sub culture wasn't visible to me but there were emos, or maybe just alt kids, definitely in the "regular" classes; there weren't really emos in band from what I recall.
I've got a younger brother whose only a couple years removed from highschool, he definitely experienced more of the political stuff. One of his english teachers was blue haired asian millennial that had an open disdain for her male students. It probably didn't help that my brother and his friends were troublemakers but she was also the only teacher that complaints ever came from. There were also incidents with dyed haired students accusing specific male students of groping them in the hallway while my brother was there. My brother was a baseball player and hung around more of the jock/partier kids so I'm sure what I hear is skewed but it does seem like highschool was getting more politicized while he was there; particular with respect to the stereotypical feminist sub-culture.
All this said I would be concerned that any observation you or I make about school sub-cultures is distorted by us not being "in the know" and thus not being able to recognize what marks someone as being apart of a specific teen sub-culture; especially when you consider how much social interaction is online these days.
>>34321>wolf girlsHuh?? In Highschool? I remember pretending to be a wolf in primary school and maybe middle school but not high school, that's weird.
Those groups aren't really subcultures in the same way that mods and goth are, they are just people that have an interest in something but they still act and dress the same and there is a lot of overlap(aside from Wolf Girls maybe but I don't know what they are). We had interest groups like that too, minus the weeaboos and Wolf girls, nobody in my high school even watched anime, not that I know of anyway and certainly nobody ever talked about it, not even the guy that was on 4chan and talked about 4chan all the time.
I finished school a bit over a decade ago and yes, it has changed. Nobody at my school talked about anime or seemed to watch it at all but my brother would talk about there being weebs at school when he went and that there was a transgender boy(ie. girl pretending to be a boy) there too.
I wanted to know if girls at my school watched anime the other day so I asked my sister(younger than me, older than my brother) if she knew what Cardcaptor Sakura and Precure were and she had no idea, I asked if she knew what Sailor Moon was and she said that people at school did watch that and she seemed to be aware that it was an anime but then told me that her fried (who is a Bricklayer) watches Dragon Ball so I should talk to him about it because he probably would watch Sailor Moon too, so she clearly has no idea what one or both of them are beyond that they are anime.
When I went to High School social media was fairly new thing, Facebook and smart phones were becoming sort of common but not really common during the time I was there. Now I have a 6 year old cousin who owns a smartphone. People are online much more than before and they are online from a younger age. So yes that changes things a lot too and it's also probably why things are more politcal.
this wolf girl just bit me
>>34322Yes in my highschool, there were a group of girls and like one guy that were exactly the girl in this video. They didn't walk on all fours or say their eyes changes color but they did the hissing and barking and wierd speech. Also they dressed sorta like this girl, a tad bit of an outdoorsy look with muted colors and the occasional wolf graphic tee.
Weeaboos were big in band class, trying to remember it now, it was probably a bit like a of a cabal of weeaboos that would "infect" other people into watching anime. Talking to other people in met in college, it seems like band is just filled with all the wierdos and had a similar concentration of weeaboos.
>>34360That video is titled 4th grade and the people in the comment section are mostly talking about elementary school as well. So it seems like it mainly is an elementary school thing.
In some children their eyes do change colour a bit and children can over react to it and make it a bigger deal than it is and attribute some kind of deeper meaning to it, I know I did that.
>>34320i blame theosophy
by managing to tie every crazy belief into a single mess while claiming she got it from tibetan masters, blavatsky ended up transferring this to everyone influenced by her
you know, i'm reading about ancient aliens and wow it's fucking theosophy, reptilians and it's fucking theosophy, hyperborea and it's fucking theosophy
i'm reading about fucking evola and the left-hand/right-hand stuff comes up oh and GUESS WHERE THAT CAME FROM it's fucking blavatsky
also aleister crowley comes up here and there
now kuon, kuon knows what's up, she understands both real herbalism and the divine
Nothing happened... Oh well. I might make a new one tomorrow given that Tomorrow is Halloween and so it's probably a good time to make magic items.
Kuon would know. Oh and I just realised that I forgot to mention Kuon in my last post... Please don't ban me I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm a good boy I promise. Kuon would spare me, she would know that in my heart of hearts I meant no wrong.
>>34503>>34516WHERE are you getting this magic from, WHAT is that book, and WHY didn't you include kuon?
>>34519The Galdrabok. It's an Icelandic book of magic from the 17th century.
I didn't intentionally not include Kuon I just forgot.
They emailed me but it didn't work. The department of Finance and I seem to have differing ideas on the relevant legislation...
Oh well, I argued my differences with them and I hope they reconsider. If they do not then I will have to try something else.
It's Australian rocks that go into the things that China makes and sells to the USA, so then tariffs from the US will mean less demand for Chinese goods and that will mean less demand for Australian rocks and that will mean less demand for Australian dollars and that will mean that anime figures will cost more and also the decrease in rock exports will mean that Australia's economy will not do as well so we won't have as much money to buy anime figures in the first place.
I'm starting to think America is not our fwen. Fwens don't do this to their fwens....
A report came out regarding the workplace culture of Rio Tinto, it says that some positive changes have been made but that racism and sexual harassment are still wide spread.
Phew. I was going to sell but now I think I will stay invested in the company.
The implication is that scaring off minorities and women benefits productivity rather than actually hiring people who do the fucking job for money
Like why the hell do you think women get preferential treatment when signing contracts for services... Because some actually do the fucking job unlike most lazy ass men who have greater visions of themselves being something amazing when they're just sacks of shit
>>34991It was a joke...
But on a related note, women do have advantages in many fields in many ways. One of those advantages is that one average they are much less likely to speak in such disgusting and vulgar ways as men like you do.
I just felt my sisters arse. I shouldn't have done that and I might be in big trouble now....
What happened was. She was lying on her bed on her stomach in a short dress with her butt facing the door and I could her butt and it looked like she was not wearing underpants, I saw that and left, then I came back and left again, then came back and I awkwardly went into her room and asked if she was wearing underpants she said she was, I awkwardly said it didn't look like she was and asked her to show me, she did. I couldn't stop myself and awkwardly groped her butt and awkwardly said I was sorry and she awkwardly said that was okay and then I went back to my room and touched my self inappropriately.
I went back to apologise again and she said it was fine but that's all she said about it, she clearly didn't want to talk about it.
I don't know. I don't think I am flipped but I don't know that I can rule that out either. I just have to hope she doesn't tell anybody.
I was very stupid.
Ohh and to avoid making this look even worse, she is actually 27.
I just remembered that there is a spell in the Galdabok for just such a case, there is a spell to keep women quite that makes it so they cannot talk about you or reveal anything. But that would be using magic for bad purposes and I don't know that I want to go down that path, particularly not when it involves using it on my own family.
>>35009No that is a pretty good purpose anon, don't be a flippin' cocktease.
>>35007i'm sorry anonymous but you're gonna have to lay off the incest doujins
I wondered why she didn't really mind it so I asked this morning about that and if I could do it again(It's too late to hide now I think so I may as well). She said that was because she had been drinking and that she wouldn't let me do it again.
>>35012This has been an issue since before then. I won't go too far into it give that we were minors but I have done other stuff like this a long time ago but I assume she probably forgot it. This was before I even watched anime and actually anime and things related to it stopped me doing things like this. It gave me a different perspective on the brother sister relationship, one that showed how important it was and how it isn't something that you should ruin over something dumb like this. It also made me value sisters more and want to nurture and protect them.
I don't think she understands my feelings and so she thinks I did what I did for a different reason, I think that is the problem. So I am going to write her a letter that will tell her my feelings.
I wrote it and I gave it to her. This is probably even stupider than what I did last night, I'm in big trouble if mum sees this letter...
She got in her car and drove off... I think I am in big trouble.
Oh no...
She went to our sister's house(I have two other sisters that live together).
That's not good. I didn't commit any crime but I obviously can't stay here now. I'm going to pack up and flee the state.
I didn't expect this to happen.
They have not told anybody else but I still don't think this looks good. Well I am going to go to bed and deal with the situation in the morning.
what did the letter say
hmmm i think a bit of proofreading could've helped
i also think you may be precipitating things by acting too quickly
>>35028wish a shab would make this face at me while i confess my sister arsegroping sins
>>35027I didn't think it said anything that bad. I thought that she assumed that I wanted a woman and not actually her so in the letter I said that it was her that I wanted, I said it was because it was her and because she was my sister that I did what I did. I think this was the mistake.
>>35028That's what my other sister said...
>>35039admitting to incestuous desires is a BAD move
Well she should not have been toying with my sensitive otome no kokoro.
Yesterday when I woke up mum was acting weird and asked if I something was wrong.
I had communicated with my other sister through telegram. The sister I gave the letter too doesn't have telegram and I did not know what to say to her anyway. She said I needed help but we could sort through this and not to do anything stupid. I told her that I think my mum might know and she said that they had not told her.
The other sister said the sister I gave the letter too was confused and scared and needed trusted the other sister and that's why she went there and she said that she would stay there another night and the next day(so today) the sister I gave the letter too and I could talk about it and clear things up.
Then this morning as I was making a coffee my mum said that she knows about the letter but had not read it, she said that I am a young man so it's natural and that she is worried about my sisters safety but she that didn't think I would do anything. I just said I was going to leave anyway. Then she walked off and I was still making my coffee, as I had just about finished it she passed the kitchen again and said I was not evil. And then I went back into my room and that is where I am now.
I'm going to talk to my sister when she comes back and depending on that conversation I will decide whether I will stay or go.
>>35051>I had communicated with my other sister through telegram. The sister I gave the letter too doesn't have telegram and I did not know what to say to her anyway. She said I needed help but we could sort through this and not to do anything stupid.I had communicated with my other sister through telegram. The sister I gave the letter too doesn't have telegram and I did not know what to say to her anyway. The other sister said I needed help but we could sort through this and not to do anything stupid.
She is back now but I'll have to wait until there is an appropriate time to talk to her.
She said she wants space and that she does not want to talk about it yet.
okay, from all the possible outcomes it sounds like it's going relatively well
just don't rush it and keep your spaghetti tight
wow, now this is a thread I need to read
You just had to apologize and tell her you were being a dumb man controlled by horny urges and leave it at that. You can salvage this by just stopping where you are and let other people correct it and just go along with what you they think you should do.
like seriously, you are a retarded male. You can't solve this.
I think that I have realised what part of the issue is. She is never going to accept my feelings and she doesn't ever want to talk about them or acknowledge them, this is also why she is saying she needs space. She just doesn't want to talk about it.
So then our feelings are incompatible. She refuses to accept that I want to touch her butt and then she refuses to even acknowledge or talk about it then that hurts my feelings and makes me feel rejected. But she is operating from the position that it's not normal and that she will never accept it...
>>35060I'm not going to. Because that itself is a rejection of my feelings and if she won't let me touch her butt then what's even the point of being part of this family?
I don't know, I think I am going to have to leave at some point.
I mean this in the most polite way possible but dude what the fuck is your malfunction.
>>35064If she's not into it, then that's that. Don't push it or it's gonna go badly.
>>35066I'm not going to. I think I should just leave home.
Ohh. I think the issue is that I am such a talented writer that in my letter she thought it was more serious than it was and that I meant more than I did.
She thought I was going to kill myself or kill her or r word her when I was just sad that she wouldn't let me tough her butt.
>>35070I meant touch her butt not tough her butt.
Oh no, she didn't forget about the stuff we did as minors... She got into an argument with mum saying that she doesn't feel safe because of it and mum didn't believe her so they yelled at each other and my sister drove away. So then on Telegram I told the other sister everything that was sexual that ever happened between.
When she was probably about 12 or 13 and she was growing breasts I did touch them some times and she let me, then at some point around that time I did try to have sex with her. I think I said it was a school experiment or something and I got her to come with me to one of the sheds at the property we lived on and I got her to turn around and get on her knees and take her underpants off. I didn't know anything about sex and I was incredibly scared and anxious so I just kind of ended up rubbing it against her for a few seconds and then climaxing. It didn't go in her. I tried this a few times and with her lying on her back too and I would take off all her cloths but put her shirt on her face so she didn't know what I was doing and some of the other times I did things like try to lick her to make her feel good but again I didn't know anything about that and she was clearly not going to be in a receptive mood so it didn't work. Then one day when I asked her to come with me to the shed she ran away from me so I never asked again. Then when she was 15 or 16 maybe I got her to take her clothes off in exchange for a phone, she then lied down on a her stomach on a bed, I asked if I could touch her, she said no so I(fully clothed) awkwardly kind of lied on top of her(because I guess I felt that was not touching) but that was stupid so I got off. The when she was probably 22 or 23 I asked if I could see her breasts and she said no.
I told her all of this and I said for her to tell this to my mother and my sister and now I am going to leave the state.
>>35072>everything that was sexual that ever happened between. everything that was sexual that ever happened between us.
This motherfucker is LARPing.
>>35074I really wish I was but I am not.
Leave Ohio as soon as possible and move to Alabama
>>35080I'm South Australian. I'm going to go to Tasmania but I might travel around regional Victoria and the Australian Alps a bit too, I think there are nice and cheap places to live in those regions too.
My other sister didn't tell them last night and she was working today, so she showed mum the message just then but the sister I gave the letter too didn't want to see the message.
I asked my mum about what happens now and she said she doesn't think there is anything that can be done or that can be worked out. I thought this would happen.
At least I have my soft t-shirt.
Serious question, why do you want to do eroi things to her in the first place as opposed to someone else.
>>35098Because she is my sister? I don't quite understand what the question here is...
you said you had other sisters but it sounded like this was specifically about her
>>35100She is the middle sister at 27, the other sister is 29 and the youngest sister who lives with her is 22.
The oldest sister left when we were about 12-14(I am about one and a half years older than her). We lived on a rural property and it wasn't enough for her, she was demanding, always wanted more than a single mother was able to give and always wanted to be part of the cool urban life I guess. She ended up living with a friend in town. So because of how she left and because she left when we were young I never really had as much of a bond with her, she has only just come back into our life in a serious way in the past few years.
The youngest sister I actually have even more of an affection for than I do for the middle one, but she doesn't live with me.
by the way, did you at some point try to join the foreign legion in the past?
Also just for the record, I never touched or tried to touch the littlest sister, she was too young and anime taught me to protect imoutos.
>>35106wwww so it's really you
it's so nostalgic stumbling upon old /jp/sphere posters here
i do recall you mentioning you having sisters but i never knew you were this much of a siscon....
anyway you really messed up in a spectacular way didn't you.. aren't you a neet? how are you going to support yourself now..
>>35107I often think there are more of us here than we realise, just that it's hard to spot them. Which poster were you? Or would that be inappropriate to ask?
Yes, I did mention I have sisters and I was actually even more of a siscon back then. It might not seem like it but I actually care about them less now than I did back then. I guess that is part of why I have done this in the first place, I would not have done it back then.
Yes I am a neet, eh, I have $100k in stocks and cash and I will still get welfare payments. I'll be fine for a while and I had to leave for OCD reasons anyway, probably another reason I have done what I have done.
>>35097Why can't you just put them all in a big bag/box and bring them with you?
>>35108i didn't really post in a way or with frequency where i would be perceptible as an individual poster
anyway lol imouto must've have a butt out of this world to make a man lose his senses to such a degree to do something so monumentally.. unwise.. .and then just keep doubling down despite obvious signs the most logical thing to do would be to desist.. i mean.. a freaking love letter? why did you then admit to the sexual experimentation you did with your sister to the older sister? i'm failing to see what did you hope that would achieve in salvaging the situation
>Yes I am a neet, eh, I have $100k in stocks and cash and I will still get welfare payments.must be nice living in a country where you can be a neet and still save up so much money from government handouts
>and I had to leave for OCD reasons anywayexplain
have you ever been away from home?
i really hate change so i can't help but to feel vicarious anxiety over this...
>>35109I don't want them to be stolen. Besides, I will come back at some point anyway, even if it's just to pick them up.
>>35110Yes she has a nice butt. The reason I admitted it was because my middle sister, the oldest sister and my mother were having an argument because even at that point they did not believe her when she had said that I had done that. So I had to own up to it so that there would not be issues with their relationship. I was leaving anyway after all.
The reason I have saved up so much is partly due to OCD. Because everything is contaminated and will need to be replaced when I move out anyway I don't spend much money.
My OCD is pretty bad, which is weird because it was barely even a thing back not so long ago, it's not something I even knew I had back on the old /jp/sphere. OCD is bizarre to talk about, because it sounds so insane even to me when I talk about it. But basically I feel like the house and the environment I am in are contaminated and it's impossible for me to do anything about it and it's imposable for me to afford a new house that would not be contaminated and public housing is contaminated as well(because that's where the poor people live). This has been the case for about 4 years, about that time a number of things happened, I live in a garage and mum got paving outside of it, the paver used paving grit which I feel got into my room and contaminated it and I feel nothing can be done about it, so anything that can't be washed IE books and electronics is forfeit.
My sister(the middle one) also started working with disabled people(though she has been unable to work for bit due to an eye issue she is getting fixed) and my brother got a disgusting wife(she is fat, covered in tattoos and smokes). Because it's mum's house my brother and his wife often come up and I can hardly tell her not to let them nor can I tell my sister to work somewhere else. Those are the biggest and easiest issues to explain but there are more and more pile up over time as well. So I've been trying to get a house and get the situation fixed for years but nothing ever works.
That's why the image I took is so dirty, because of OCD making me think things are going to have to be washed or replaced when I leave anyway. And because I have felt hopeless and like there is no point in doing anything for so long.
I feel like maybe what's happening is a good thing, it might force me to adapt and go outside of my comfort zone and I might find a new and nice area to live in for a reasonable price. But if not, this situation wasn't going to last much longer anyway as I was already nearing the end of what I could live with.
I lived with my grandma for a bit(my uncle lives there now and he is disgusting) and I lived by myself in France for a bit when I went to join the legion, but that was just a few weeks.
I don't like change either, which is the issue. I should have done something like this a long time ago.
>>35112this shab is NAUSEATED
>>35111hope things work out for you..
toasting in epic bread
I finished today's journey. I'll post a cool picture tomorrow as where I am has some interesting geological features. $99 for a motel though. I did buy a tent so I think in the future I might camp in a forest or something.
Thread did not bump. Interesting. That's fine though. I should probably be saging anyway.
When I said it was fine I did not actually mean it was fine. I don't care if my thread isn't bumped but it feels like Kissumin only did this to me so it feels like he doesn't love me either...
>>35126how are you traveling
what does your family think about you leaving so abruptly
did you say goodbye or did you just leave without a word
/secret/'s bump limit is 100, that other blog thread mentioning writing was just given zombie status because otherwise there would be 80 blog threads
>>35129I'm driving. I talked to my mum before I left. She doesn't want me to camp because she thinks I will be murdered. Other sisters I did not talk too. Apparently youngest sister cried when she heard about the letter. They didn't tell her about the confession. She will be difficult to try to make things better with. Maybe actually the hardest.
Other family members just think I am on a holiday.
>>35131I didn't watch Eromanga sensei. I tried watching Oremou but I got bored and gave up on it.
>>35136Ahh okay.So you still love me then?
Nakama doko??
>>35149fucking BIG is it even a rat
>>35162They call it a possum.
The past 24 hours have been awfull. It took longer than I expected to get to Melbourne and when I did all the traffic and stuff scared me so I drove out of it into the outer suburbs and by that time it was late and I tried to get a hotel or motel but apparently they close at night so I had no where to sleep. I drove out of Melbourne and down a dirt road. It was to late to set up the tent. As I was about to go to sleep my dump phones sim came losse so I could not contact my mum or use the internet. I slept terribly in the car. Got the sim put in properly again at a phone store the next day. Went to get a motel. Chinese guys machine was nit working so I had to take cash out. I was so tired that I forgot my pin. Card got declined. Phone was flat so I could not ring bank. Went to motel and Chinese man said he didn't have a spare power point for me to charge it. Went to McDonald's to use a power point there and rang bank. Bank said they reset the card. Went to a different motel because the Chinese man didn't help me. This one was run by a middle eastern man. I got the pin wrong again but the middle eastern man got me to pay for the hotel in 2 transactions so it went through and I can at least get some sleep tonight.
>>35164I meant dumb phone not dump phone.
what are your plans after all this. You can't just stay at motels and wander the countryside
>>35166Not sure. I am going to se
I hate phones.
I'm going to see if there are places that are nice and affordable in the countryside that I could live. From Melbourne I am going north to the Australian Alps. I kind of suspect that there will be no such place however.
So not sure.
How much money do you even have? Are you going to get a job there or something?
You're not coping with this logically. Just get a job somewhere and get a real place to stay. You can abandon the past in a more productive way than walking to nowhere.
Another thing I am going to do is tell the Treasurer and other relevant ministers about my situation(excluding the parts about my sister obviously) and see if that somehow helps me with the dispute I am having with them. Maybe they will take pity on me or something.
>>35169I have about 100k. No I am not getting a job... You die if you work.
you gotta just stop thinking for a sec dude. You're on a downward spiral. Anyone from the outside can see it.
I think it's good to get in contact with your family. I can't claim to know the situation outside of the thread, but I imagine they'd prefer you to stay safe.
Barring that, get in contact with Australia's equivalent of human services. There should places where you can simply walk in and receive advice and assistance. In a quick google search it's called either Centrelink or DSS. You could also temporarily stay at a homeless shelter, although that might be offputting.
Not sure what else to say...
>>35172I need to think more I think. Hoping when I get to whatever national Park I a am going to that it will clear my head.
>>35174I am in contact with my mum.
Nothing that the government offers would work due to my OCD. But who knows, maybe ministers will come up with something when I contact them.
>>35171so let's get this straight, you're going to contact your government ministers and tell them..what exactly? what dispute do you think will they help you resolve?
Holy flip!! I just came across a Neo Nazi, an actual real one. I didn't think that was actually a thing.
I'm not even in a bad area. I am at a quite nice tourist town at the foot of the Victorian Alps.
I was going to get a drink and go camping in the mountains but I saw this man with a weird hair style. He was bald apart from a small patch on the back of his head. Kind of like a Manchurian que but with no tail. So I thought that was weird and I looked at his head and saw he had a bunch of tattos. One said 1% and the at the base of his skull it said East Side.
But the s in both East side where the runic SS s.
It scared hell out of me. I thought he was going to assault me and I'm white
He seemed to be in his late 30s or early 40s and was hanging around a bunch of younger men. They were all white apart from one guy who looked brown which I thought was odd.
Anyway. I really hope he doesn't murder me while I am camping.
>>35176Yes. It's complicated.
>>35177This happened to me randomly on the bus once there was a guy and he had tattoos as well and his SS was on the neck
>>35178Hoping for the incantations to work
>>35188that's really beautiful
i'm very averse to travel (or leaving my house for that matter) but i'd really like to go nature sightseeing, i'd just wish it was doable without the whole bugs and sleeping in tents and no immediate access to running water or plumbing thing...
>>35177A Neo-Nazi with a black guy is probably just a sociable /pol/ poster.
Which would be funny if he saw your Darjeeling and commented on knowing her
>>35193I can't really enjoy it given the state of mind I am in. Plus I hate Australian flora and fauna anyway. But the flora of the mountain looked interesting so I backtracked so I can have a look at it.
>>35195He was brown not black. I think he was Indian or maybe an Arab. Indian could make some sense as I think some Nazis see them as Aryan.
They see Persians as Aryans technically
how are things looking now
>>35163coming back to this it looks like it's called a bushtail
>>35208the geographical range of iranic languages from kurdistan to pakistan has quite the varied population
some of them could pass as white with their light skin, green/blue eyes and blonde/ginger hair
anon needs to stop and smell the flowers, look at nature... escape from the civilized world...
>>35218Ehh. Still not good.
>>35219That's what I thought I would do. Doesn't help much really.
I just set up camp about 10m away from a wombat borrow. If you do not hear back from me I was eaten in the night.
Survived but tent leaked...
joy of camping
I'm giving your plight a bump. But you should start considering a real place to stay. You can remove yourself from your family and not live in a tent at the same time.
>>35231I know I can't live in the tent, it's broken. I had to sleep in my car last night.
Ahhh!!!! I climbed a mountain today but my dump phone took images in a different format for so.e reason and now they won't post...
Also I forgot to say a prayer to the gods when I went up there so I might have to go back or go to another mountain.
Fixed the issue. It takes photos in JPG again now.
>>35253What format was it?
>>35255Some weird .heic format. There was an option on my phone asking if I wanted to use a format that saved file size. It was on and when I turned it off it went back to jpg.
How blue is your shirt bluey. The drunkards(drinking wine mid day lmao) are staring at you before they waste all their money on slots and
>>35250ah, you have a car. I thought you were just hiking
Also I got a lava cake and Ice cream for dessert.
>>35261I'm not hiking... Hiking to Victoria would be very difficult.
>>35259It's sky blue but I think the design would also bother them.
It was about 7pm. We are in summer now plus they probably have daylight saving(we do in SA). The son sets after 9pm here and then rises after 5am. Which is a pain for me as it means there is not as much night time to sleep in when in tent or car. I am at a hotel tonight though(the same place I had the meal).
>>35260??? What is did you do to make my image 20mb? Internet here is terrible so I won't be able to open it. It took about 1 minute or more to post each image I posted.
Anon noooooo
>>35264png'd it
>>35266Us blue shirt wearers are a persecuted minority.
So is this the exiled brother nature blog now?
I was worried about droving too far from home so I didn't want to go further north. So I wanted to go south to Gippsland instead. To do that I saw two roads that go from Jamieson to Gippsland. One had towns on google maps and the other did not. Both are a bit over 100km. I was going to use the one with fewer towns but a sign on the road said that it was not suitable for 2wd so I took the other road. The other road turned to gravel and the towns were not actually towns plus it was way more mountainous than I thought meaning that because of the roads and terrain it took much longer to travel through than I thought it would. I wanted to turn back but my OCD would not let me because I kept thinking I had to have a good place to turn around so for example I couldn't turn around at a turn around at points next to certain things like Victoria water management signs or whatever so I had to keep going to find another point. This got worse and worse and fuel got lower and lower. I knew I had to turn back but I couldn't. I finally found a spot and turned back but by then it was too late, I would not have the fuel to return to a petrol station.
I stopped near a mountain man and luckily he used unleaded petrol to run a generator for electricity. I brought some from him and he put it in my car. He was a nice guy.
Then I went back too a state park near Mansfield and slept in my car(it was after 10pm by then). Now I am in Mansfield and will have to rethink how to get to Gipsland.
Okay. So I am going to have to go back the way I came. Ther are no good roads to Gippsland near here.
>>35271I don't even know what this is or what I am doing. With my thread or my life.
So anyway. The other day I got an email from the Finance Minster's office saying they would look into the dispute we are having. Today a services Ausralia Worker(Centrelink basically or they work for the same department or something) said she would forward what she knows of my situation to the Finance office and advocate for me in this case. Though it is outside her department so it probably does not matter what she things or says but still.
Maybe things will be okay.
>>35281you still haven't explained in what way will they help
>>35273>I brought some from him and he put it in my car. He was a nice guy.Phew, a lucky break
What's there in Gippsland specifically? What are you looking for
>>35286>>35288Exotic shared complex
>>35290There is nothing in Gipsland I want to see. I just didn't want to go to far into the mountains and into NSW. I don't want to go to far away.
They also have a Balinese guest house. It's a strange place. Plus it costs $1700 a night to stay. I didn't stay.
Also. The man in black who is groundskeeping in one of the images is actually an American who served in the US military for 20 years. I started talking to him for a bit when I noticed he was wearing a Chinese army hat, he says he collects them and that he knows a guy in China who sends them too him.
>>35308man that looks like a really nice desert...
what was the drink on the side?
>>35310It wasn't as nice as what mum makes.
The drink was a Chardonnay.
wow i didnt realise the other south australian kissuer was like this
>>35331Huh? There are two of us? That makes sense I think. I have found that Victoria is an uncivilised place and that is probably due to their convict nature. I don't think they would use kissu.
your eating well for a NEET
>>35270Important encounter
>>35338Not really. It's literally rations. It's the kind of lasagne the British would have had during the blitz.
let me know when you are back in SA because against my better judgement i kind of want to meet you and talk sisters
Damn... I wish I ate this well. Guess that's the difference between being a NEET on a small budget and being a NEET with lots of money
>>35343Sorry but I'm not very social and don't want to meet people. I wouldn't be very good company anyway.
>>35362>Sorry but I'm not very social and don't want to meet people. I wouldn't be very good company anyway.the same is true of me....
well ill have to talk sisters in this thread then. i've only got one sister, an older sister (by 13 years). she looks really good for her age and fatness and i would totally do her. however it would be a terrible idea even if she was up for that because shes very neurotic
australia is so nice at this time of year. i like pine forests because they always seem to have low humidity so you avoid the terrible wet heat that's common in aussie summers. makes the boogers in your nose dry up and then you give them a good pick
the reason i got into incest is from holding hands and hugging my cousin in poland when we were both 11 ish years old
it didnt go any further than that unfortunately and when she got older she grew up into a normal person so that was the end of that
ahhhh.. wincest stories from /b/... those are so good
>>35382I hate Australia at this time of year. It's too hot and the sun is oppressive. Pine plantations do seem to be cooler than Australian forests though.
dumb sistards
we have at least THREE people on this site who want to fug their sisters i'm shocked
you have just exited the coze zone
>>35383I had a crush on a cousin who is about 4 years older than me but that was when I was young. She moved and now I never see her. She gave me the pentagram necklace that I mentioned in the thread at some point.
>>35389I left that place a while ago...
>>35429That was taken from the point I got too just before the Chinese came down. Then after I got up that gap but it became quite scary afterwards.
Also today I tried playing golf. That's how bored I am. I hit a bucket of balls down a range but they never went where I wanted them too. Golf is hard.
do you have a laptop or is this all from mobile
has the wandering given you any ideas
>>35439No. I thought about buying a laptop but I don't actually want to live like this and I hope it ends soon.
Still no ideas.
no one likes golf. It's just an excuse to talk with people
>>35440oh well
still going to gippsland?
>>35441People say that about everything.
>>35442I already went. That's where I took the image with the sun setting. That was at the estuary of the snowy River. The Ukranian rations were from a pub on the way back.
Ehh. I didn't expect much and I got what I expected.
I worked my way back to Mansfield because if I get a response from the Ministry of Finance that fixes things Then I will have to go back up mount Buller to say thanks to the gods anyway. So I am hanging around this area.
>>35443oh right.... thought you'd gone for another detour and were going to return there
hoping the response comes quick
I found out that most campsites are free and don't require a booking and I hoped they had soft ground so I used a quite site that had no people last night. The ground was still hard so I brought a camping bed but it's too big for my tent so I will need a new tent now.
But anyway. Tonight there is a guy with a carton of beer outside his car who came over to me and said he was deer hunting and that if he gets any he will give me some. So I don't know how this will go. Will he murder me in my sleep? Who knows. I guess it's luck that the anime face I drew in the dust on the back of my car is gone now.
I don't think he will get anything. Yesterday a man in an open topped Jeep with two border collies drove past the camp site, opened the door for the dogs to get out and then drove down a track that leads of the camp site. That's the same track hunting man went down.
>>35469Bleh. Forgot to mention. Twodogjeep man came back this evening at the same time and went down the track. That's why I don't think hunting man will get anything.
Well I am still alive. He invited me to drink some beer by his camp fire. I don't drink beer but I didn't want to be rude. He talked about how the government is too controlling because it does things like fine people for not picking up after their dogs, he thinks the earth is flat too.
He gave me 4 cans of beer as I went to bed, I don't know what to do with them. I don't want to drink them but getting rid of them would be rude. I'll probably get rid of them anyway though.
you never know when you might get mugged and the beer could be the thing that saves them from doing something worse
>>35486beer should distract creatures at all levels of intelligence with 90% chance
I bought a new tent. I also got rid of the beer.
Camping is weird. Some parks seem to have camp sites dotted along the road for miles on end and in one such park that I camped in yesterday they were all full of people. Had to pick one that was quiter but still not quite.
But the other park is pretty much empty apart from Hunter man. But I wanted to avoid that park while he is there.
I think the reason for the difference is that one park is along a river and the other one is not.
Still. Camping with other people is annoying. It destroys the peace of nature.
Though I guess another reason for this park being busy is that it's the holidays. Things should quiten down afterwards.
Regarding holidays. I don't think I will be spending Christmas with my family this year. Not unless the minister responds today which is unlikely.
dumb ministard
Found a spiky rat. It assumed this defensive position when I got too close though.
>>35499Thanks. There is still room for more.
>>35500remember to give it lots of hugs and love so its not as scared next time
>>35505I tried patting it with a stick but it didn't work.
I'm not going to camp there though. I found another place that has no people.
I would like to camp in a field so I don't have to be in dump Australian vegetation. But it would be awkward I think.
I thought I would be alone but two hikers arrived and they offered me a beer as well(this is getting annoying...) they said that they are going on a 50km hike through the mountains soon. One of them plays Genshin Impact!!! But somehow he didn't know it was on console or PC... He just plays on his phone.
other sister anon here, thinking of going on a long walk today
sigh its already 9:40
>>35526Why are you awake so early?
Today went quite badly. I was going for a drive in the mountains and was 2 or so hours in. I got to the start of a track to the summit of a place called the Bluff. But I kept going because I wanted to see where the road went. I gave up after a while and went back to climb the Bluff. On the way back I damaged the oil sump and lost all my oil. Then the engine sized up and I was stuck. Then I called the RAA who got the RACV(Victorian RAA or something) to come and help me. They told me that I was way down a 4x4 road and that they don't have a 4x4 tow truck so they can't help me. They said I would need to hire a private one which I did and it cost $1000(which was less than what it would have, he was being generous) and he towed my car to the RACV depot in Mansfield. But it was past 11pm by the time we got there. Nothing is opened and I cannot find a place to stay so I am going to have to sleep in my broken car outside the RACV depot mechanic.
that's rough....
>>35498 is actually your car?
It's going to cost about $5600 to fix. It needs a new engine which is $2900 and then there is labour and other bits and pieces that would need to be done. I bought the car for $3500. Though that was probably a good price for it.
On top of all this the new engine would not arrive until the second week of January.
Sad but I think my car's journey ends here.
>>35548Yes. Here is where it broke down. I rolled it back so people could still get past.
The anime face washed off in the rain over the night. Sad. But it probably doesn't matter now.
>>35539>On the way back I damaged the oil sump and lost all my oil.did you drive over a rock
>>35549why the hell were you driving on unpaved mountain roads in a freaking city car
it's a wonder it didn't break down sooner
Decided I will fix the car and I also paid for 2 weeks at a hotel. I am also looking at getting armour plating on the bottom of my car and a new radio that would have a use port and aux port.
>>35550I drove over many rocks.
>>35551The roads you see are actually quite good and not the issue. The issue was further along where it gets to part of the road that is closed seasonally.
>>35554I meant USB port not use port.
>>35555What a terrible get
fuck you anon.
dumb GETard
the USB porter
>>35554>I also paid for 2 weeks at a hoteli was going to suggest that just to stay in one place and wait a bit and see what happens
better yet if you get some usable stable internet
>>35559it's emblematic of the bumpy road the ups and downs
>>35554shouldn't you look into getting a used 4wd car at this point instead
Since I will be here a while and need something to do I went to the boom store to look for random fantasy novels. I was going to get Brandon Sanderson but they did not have the first book of the series.
Anyway the book I got is The Pariah by Anthony Ryan.
>>35564In many ways it is for the best. But it cost a lot.
>>35577They would be expensive and would encourage me to get into situations that are even worse than what I got into. Imagine where I would end up if I actually had a 4 wheel drive.
Plus it adds unknowns. I know my car is reliable. I don't know how reliable 4x4s are. Particularly not second hand ones. Oh and there is fuel efficiency to think about too.
With any luck the minister will contact me while I am stranded anyway.
>>35580I meant book store not boom store. I really hate phones.
I really can't say anything good about the book so far. There really isn't anything interesting about it and the characters are fairly simple and boring and it also has swearing and things like that in it. The plot is boring and I just don't care about it or the people involved. The motivations of people either are non existent or just stupid. I still don't even know what the ambitions and motivations of the protagonist even are. He doesn't seem to have any.
All the shops are closed. Guess I will just starve to death then...
And on top of that Santa didn't come... He must not now where I am now.
Thai restaurant is open. Looks like I won't starve to death.
Little sisters need to be a mainstream subgenre of fantasy novels
>>35594boson thai christmas
Bleh... The book is still bad. I thought it would pick up and the world would open up but it has not. The world building is terrible. It's barely even there.
The protagonist still has no real ambition other than revenge for reasons that barely make sense. Even then he has no agency and he just gets pushed along by random events.
>>35597There are no little sisters either so far... This book is a complete disaster.
Oh. And the chapters are all simple and boring too. I don't like any of them. The author is also bad at creating descriptions of things and that's when he even bothers. I am halfway through the book and alk I know about what the protagonist looks like us that he is tall. But pretty much every even somewhat important character is tall in this book.
>>35616I meant characters not chapters. Though that is true as well.
>>35615funny because I recently saw a certain RPG blogger also speak very negatively about a brandon sanderson book
>>35624Honestly I don't think I would have liked his books either. Weirdly that's the whole point.
Fantasy as a genre is often mediocre and it seems to be getting worse. But I just want something to pass the time and I don't want to watch or read something I actually care about because my experience of it would be ruined by the situation I am in.
>>35629can i shill this story to you then
its something like 1.7 million words long
>A teenager struggling after the death of his best friend finds himself in a fantasy world - one which seems to be an amalgamation of every Dungeons and Dragons campaign they ever played together. Now he's stuck trying to find the answers to why he's there and what this world is trying to say. The most terrifying answer might be that this world is an expression of the person he was back on Earth.
>>35630The synopsis isn't bad but it's not the kind of thing I would be interested in. Plus I don't have access to a computer or anything like that. I would have to read the entire thing on my phone and I hate phones.
After over a month of being on the run I have come to an interesting realisation. I don't think I actually like coffee. I usually have breakfast at a cafe, I will have a peice of cheese cake or something like that and because it's a cafe I will usually get a coffee. I have been trying different kinds but they all taste bad, I have asked for sugar but I think asking for more than 2 sugars would look weird and 2 sugars is not enough.
It's weird because I drink instant coffee at home and I make ice coffee at home. But somehow I don't mind that but the barrister made stuff, which should be better is somehow worse. Maybe a higher concentration of sugar is part of the reason given that barrister coffee is served in larger portions particularly as I ask for a large because it's part of my breakfast but that can't be all of it. I think I have to find a cafe that has sugar packets that customers can grab and then just use as many as I have to to make it palatable and see how that compares to the coffee I make at home.
Also, on a related note. I don't actually like wine. I must confess I got it to look fancy and impress kissu. Also because in the same way that if you go to a cafe you should get coffee I feel that if you eat at a pub you should get alcohol. White wine is okay, it's not so strong tasting. But red wine just tastes like vinegar.
A few places I went to have ginger beer so that is okay. And one place had cherry cider which is drinkable at least. Maybe I should just stop caring what the people at the pub think and order a non alcoholic drink though.
The Chinese restaurant is good because it has tea so I just drink that. I don't think pubs would make tea though.
>>35664>I don't think I actually like coffee.>2 sugars is not enough.>I don't actually like wine. I must confess I got it to look fancy and impress kissu.cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
>>35664hmm well maybe try with smaller portions of coffee and see if the sugar is more effective then
yom now i want some cofee
>>35664wine is a rich man’s drink because unless you have an excellent bottle that’ll set you back at least a couple hundred it’s not going to be anything remarkable, most of the time
>>35666Thanks. I'll have to do some research into what kinds of coffee their actually are and what kinds of coffee I ordered even were.
>>35669Maybe. People say that about many things however. Also most people don't drink wine that expensive.
Hmmmm. Regarding coffee it seems that most of them are mostly a shot of espresso with the rest being milk.
I only use a dash of milk at home. But that seems counter intuitive. I should want more milk if I want the coffee to not be as noticeable. Hmm... I think sugar is the answer.
I had a small cappuccino with around two teaspoons ofsugar. They had a pourer of raw sugar and I had to use the spoon they gave me with the coffe to measure it but it was not exact due to the shape of the spoon so I put in another half spoon to be sure.
Anyway bleh. It wasn't very good and I didn't notice the sugar much. It had a sweet after-taste but that was it. Upon rumination perhaps a darker coffee is actually the answer. Maybe the issue is that coffee with lots of milk just tastes like bitter milk but with less milk it might be more like what I make at home. Or I need more sugar but 2 is the limit before I look weird I think and 2 is not enough.
just get a hot chocolate jeez
also happy new year
>>35676I often do that but for some reason they are not that good either. Hmmmm.
>>35677Thanks. To you as well.
I had a small flat white with two sugars but it was from somewhere else so they were normal packet sugars this time.
Still bleh.
It's just bad tasting milk but even the milk itself is bad for some reason. I think it's because they steam it or whatever. Might have to try black coffees at some point.
I finished The Pariah by Anthony Ryan.
It ended getting even worse than I thought it would.
All the things I said about it before are still true only even more so.
The protagonist is an outlaw who is the son of a whore who died in childbirth and he gets kicked out of the brothel as a child and gets picked up by forest outlaws. They are not robin hood types, they are evil. But not evil in an endearing way. I do not like them and the protagonist barely likes most of them.
I had thought the story and world would open up, that the protagonist would develop ambitions of his own and go and do something and that would bring him out into the world. This really doesn't happen. The outlaws get betrayed and most of them are killed in an ambush of Kingsmen and ducal soldiers but he escaped only to then be captured later and sent to a pitmine. So not much room for world building there. Then it gets even more annoying as he happens to just instantly be accepted by a condemned cleric and brought into her escape plan and taught to read and write better than everybody else even though he only just learnt and he learns in a pitmine prison. He learns during a 4 year time skip at which point he is also scribe to the garrison, writing love letters for the lord and writing the testament of the person that taught him. It's annoying how unearned and dumb it feels. The tunnel they were digging to escape took years but he escaped and runs off to a religious sanctuary city. Again it not being his idea. He just follows what other people do. Then the people there are amazed by his writing skill too and he becomes a scribe there for a bit. Then he ends up having to flee so joins a religious militant unit and so again he has no agency or plan. He just follows along for the rest of the book. And there is still barely any world building and the characters are still bad. I just do not care about any of the characters or anything that happens and it's made worse because the author actually writes it that way. He writes the church and the king to be oppressive and the protagonist to be a cynic. So if the protagonist doesn't care and the church is poorly fleshed out and oppressive. Why should I care? Why should I care what the church unit does? Why should I care if they all die? I want them to all die. I want the protagonist to leave and go and do something for once. I don't like him but I still want something interesting to actually happen in the story. I want an arc of some kind. Finally at the end it looks like him and a friend might leave, that they will go on a treasure hunt together but at the last minute he leaves her there and goes back to the church unit. So she might have some kind of a story next book but he won't. The leader of the church unit literally went insane and started a jihad, a jihad which the protagonist thought was insane and wanted to flee from and yet he didn't and now I am somehow still meant to care what happens? I didn't care before the leader went on a jihad and I don't care now. I wanted him to leave not to stay there. I just don't care about anything about the book or what will happen in the next book at all.
I don't know if I will get the next book or not. I'm still stuck in a hotel with nothing to do apart from rate my morning coffe so I'll probably have too....
I bought the second book in the series. Sigh....
Also I had a small long black with two sugars. Still not very good. I couldn't really taste coffe and it taste kind of burnt. Maybe the coffe maker was incompetent, this is Victoria after all, I have come to the conclusion that they are barely human. Well I will try one from another Cafe to test. Maybe that was the issue all along, they are all just incompetent.
Buy also. I couldn't really taste the sugar which is strange and an issue with all the coffee I have had. Still not sure why that is. A small coffe should be equal to a standard mug and two sugars should be two teaspoons. It should be the same as at home.
There is a car parked at the hotel that has a custom number plate. Instead of Victoria it says Bikutoria in katakana. Maybe there is an otaku in Victoria somewhere. Most likely not though.
The word Victoria is interesting because in Japanese Victoria the state and Queen Victoria are actually spelt differently for some reason. I have no idea why.
The number plate says WRXVA and the car is a Subaru WRX. Also the driver is on his green p plates. Victorians have 2 p plates, red and green, green is the next level up from red so he is probably around 18.
Actually I don't know if other countries have p plates so maybe people will be confused.
They show that the driver is on their provisional license. They are no longer learner drivers and so can drive by themselves but they still only just started driving on their own and have some restrictions.
Also the plates do still say Victoria. They say Bikutoria in katakana up top then there is the plate number and then it says Victoria in Latin script on the bottom.
Huh. Latin script. Romaji. Of course Roma ji, Roman script. That never occurred to me until now. I'm an idiot.
>>35694yeah and the o is long because japanese does take length from latin and ancient greek
so it's Rōma, Mārusu (the god, not the planet), Arēsu, etc
im accustomed to drinking instant coffee at home and job so anything i drink at a cafe tastes fancy schmancy to me
>>35695Yeah. That's something that embarrassed me before in a discussion about v in Japanese where I also mentioned the victoria fact. But I was saying that Von in Japanese is spelt fon not Von and the other guy said why would it be Von when in German it's pronounced fon and he is right. I think we assume that Japanese would follow English but why would it?
Japanese has some long vowels as well so could easily do that. I guess we don't do it because it's not really part of the way we speak. I think if we tried we could though. We could spell Roma as Rohma or Rouma or Roema.
>>35696So am I(minus the work part). But that's why this bothers me so much. It should taste fancy but it doesn't. I get more of a coffee taste from the instant coffe I make at home.
I tried another small long black from a different place. I asked for a long black and they said it was a long black but I don't think it was. It only filled half the cup but it was busy so I has takeaway and maybe that is why. Maybe a full cup of boiling hot water would melt the paper cup or something.
Anyway. It was still bad. I'll go and try again from a third place tomorrow.
I had another small long black but from the place with raw sugar dispensers which is also Italian themed. The coffe had crema on the top which is what long blacks are meant to have but the first one I had did not and the second was in a paper cup so I am unsure.
It might have been a bit better but it still was not great and sugar still did nothing. It tastes bad and not really like coffe or at least not like what I think of coffe as being.
the best coffee is the coffee your sister makes for you
I really hate the ground here. It's too hard. Everywhere I go It's hard. Even the park has ground that's hard. I hate it.
When this is over, I'll have to do some research into the geology of this region to find out why this is and if it's just where I am or if it's all over Victoria.
I had another cappuccino this time. Still just bad tasting hot milk and sugar still does nothing to better it.
Are you close to your destination yet
>>35706I'm still waiting for my car to be fixed. The businesses that supply engines closed over the holidays but they open this week so I should hear more soon.
I don't have a destination anyway though. I think I will just wait in this area for the minister to contact me.
Just got more information about car repair. It looks like it will take a few days for parts to arrive and then the mechanics have to fit job into schedule and then it will take a day and a half to fix. So it looks like it will take until Wednesday for my car to be fixed.
Until next Wednesday I mean.
Nothing about this environment or this state inspires me at all. I thought some of the mountains and there biomes would but they have not.
If I end up making the game I want to make, there is nothing from here that I will add to it. I don't want a zone based on this area in my game.
are you still reading that fantasy sequel
i picked up Prince of Nothing and it's pretty good, i'd recommend it
>>35717Yes. It's at least doing something more interesting now but I still don't like it or where it is going.
The selection of fantasy at the book store here is limited and it seems to mostly be recently written. So I don't think they would have that. But I'll check.
Actually. I might see if I can order it in. That and the first book in Brandon Sanderson's series. I'll be here for at least another week after all.
i remember liking the mistborn trilogy quite a bit
No. The distributors they use are out of stock for both mistbourne and the prince of nothing.
>>35721I don't know what to expect. I hear good things about it but what I have seen of Sanderson on YouTube cause me to have doubts in his abilities. But I will have to read it one day.
I had a cappuccino again and it was still bad. I'm thinking of giving up on this. Maybe I will try a chai latte or whatever it was I got from the Liyue restraunt when I asked for white tea. It was very milky tea but I am not sure it was a chai latte as it did nit have the frothy milk that I would assume chai latte has considering everything that coffe makers make with milk seems to. It was alright though. If not what I actually asked for but then she is from Liyue so probably can't speak English very well.
I would ask for regular tea but it comes in a pot and it takes too long to drink it all.
>>35722mistborn has a very nice post apoc ash-ridden setting, a hard magic system of the type that made sanderson famous, and a solid plot with several good twists
i reread some forty pages of the later parts of the first book and enjoyed it a fair bit
shame they don't have it, if you don't have any fantasy you trust you could try some other classic like moby dick or nabokov
Got a cappuccino from the Italian themed cage. It's certainly better but still.
At some point I am going to need to buy proper coffe beans and sort look into this myself. But that will not be anytime soon.
>>35728I'll try to get it at some point. Right now I'll probably keep reading the second book in this trilogy at which point I may as well read the third.
I didn't look for classics. But there are things there I can read if I get desperate and there is some more fantasy just not much.
>>35743I meant Italian themed Cafe not cage.
italian themed eroge
I got a Chai latte this time. It's not what I expected.
It's got cinnamon in it which is quite over powering and means you can't taste anything else.
I'm not terribly fond of cinnamon so I didn't like it much but I can see how other people would like it. Unlike coffe.
One of the things I dislike about Victorians is how disgusting they look. Most of them have tattoos, even the older ones do and even many of the more normal looking ones do. They have terrible hair, particularly the men. There is this really ugly hair style that's quite common here that is a mullet(that's already bad enough) but with the hair around the temples shaved. They frequently have facial hair too.
Victorians dress terribly too. Most men were sleevless tops and short shorts. Some if the sleevless tops have huge gaps in the sides as well. It's revolting.
Also men often walk around topless here.
Women dress terrible as well. Often wearing very tight and revealing clothing. Often enough they also don't wear bras.
This kind of thing carries on to stop staff as well. It's fairly common for the girls behind the counter at a bakery to be wearing short shorts or even spats. It's not a good look.
I have also heard staff swear which I never hear in SA. It's not like people in SA don't swear but they have the decency to avoid it in public and certainly to avoid it in front of customers.
I don't like these 'people' at all.
I finished the second book. This one us called The Martyr.
It's not as bad but it still is bad. I don't think I will bother writing a review.
Well now I have to read yet another of his books...
At least it will be over then. He has other books but I am not reading them.
The minister responded. We still disagree...
sister, barrister, minister... you're not having very much luck with the 'sters
>>35817I think the problem is that the magic I am using is to make powerfull men like me but the minister is a woman. So I would have to use some other forms of magic but alas I am separated from my grimoirs.
Maybe I should see if the book store has any.
I think part of why these books by Anthony Ryan are so bad is because he doesn't seem to have a consistent idea for how the story will go. That's probably part of why things are so stupid.
There is stark evidence for this. Two characters(at least) have had there names change from the second book to the third. Also in the second book a character is described as being covered in scars but then later in the book is described as having no scars. These are the easiest parts of a story to keep consistent so who knows what else he changed his mind about over time.
Another thing I hate about Victoria is the architecture. I thought it would be more historic than SA and have lots of nice old buildings but it actually does not. I think the reason for this like the reason for many if Victoria's faults lies in the fact that it is a convict state.
Most old buildings here are either cheap looking wooden buildings or cheap looking brick buildings that look like Victorian(the era) warehouses.
Whereas SA has many old sandstone and brick buildings that look nicer plus nicer looking old buildings in general.
Victoria really is an uncivilised place.
>>35910I quite liked the sandstone brick buildings in the university of queensland campus in brisbane
>>35911They do look nice.
Not sure if Melbourne itself has much like that. I got scared driving there and left. It's much denser than I am used too driving in.
I more mean the buildings outside of the city. Like in Mansfeild where I am and also in every other town I have been too. I keep coming across plagues that proudly tell me the history of some dumb ugly building.
Ahh. Mansfield does have one vaguely interesting construct that I have thought of posting a picture of but it's not quite interesting enough too.
There is a monument to the three policemen killed by Ned Kelly and his gang. The place where the fight happened was near here and the Policeman came from here I think. They are also buried here.
Interestingly, they all were born in Ireland.
Another inconsistency in the book.
This time a character tries to kill another character but a third character steps in the way and gets his throat cut open by a sword(which is stupid when you think about it as the attack must not have been able to actually reach the intended target to do that or else it would cut the interposing characters head off and also the character behind him) then a bit later a character is about to fight a battle with another character and he says 'did you cheer when character hung character? The man you served for so long' or something like that. So his death was completely different. Really weird mistake to make.
I came across a second Bikutoria plated car.
I don't know if this car was Japanese or not. The emblem was a Z and I could not find a model name anywhere on it. So I have no idea who made it or what it is.
Anyway. It had writing on the windscreen. It said Supa Love and order that in katakana it said Supa Rubu.
On the rear windscreen in said Gameover on block old video game style writing and it said Supa Rubu underneath that in Katakana again.
The car also had some stickers on it. Like a cute cat and things like that. It one if those Japanese good luck charms attached to the rear view mirror. I actually have one of those on me and tried to do that but the string would not fit around the mirror.
>>35917I meant under that not order that.
it said sister love
Phew. I finally have my car back.
I had an ice coffe and it was yuck. Way worse than what I make at home and that is just milk with two teaspoons of coffe and two tablespoons of sugar. So how do they even mess that up?
Other than that I am just camping in a pine plantation again. It's a long weekend for Australia day so camping grounds are very busy.
It has just occurred to me that camping on Australia day is probably the most Australian thing I have ever done. Not that I did it because I want to though.
Oh yeah. I forgot to mention the rare creatures I saw yesterday.
I was at a forest park visiting place thing and I saw a small figure with shoulder length pink hair in a black tank top and jeans at a park bench with two men. The men were setting down facing my general direction but the pink haired figure was standing talking to them so it's back was towards me.
I didn't pay it any attention, I just assumed it was a woman and walked to the park map to get my bearings. I wasn't close enough to fully make out there conversation but I was close enough to here them talking. After a while though I noticed that I was only hearing male voices. Wasn't there a woman? I thought.
So I turned around and thought it looked like a transexual but I was to far away and I didn't want to look directly at them because that would look weird.
But later on they walked passed me at a different point in that park and yes. He was a transexusual. He was a very short man with breasts. The two men he was with also might have been transsexuals. They both had long hair and looked like they were wearing make up but other than that it's hard to tell. One was fat and might have had fake breasts but that could just be fat. I also saw the pink haired one talk as he passed and yes he definitely sounded like a man. They all did. Like nerdy men but still men.
Anyway that was the first time I saw a transexusual in real life. Victoria is a weird place.
>>35985do you plan on going anywhere now
what does your family think now that it's been some time
>>36037I am looking for a good camp ground to wait at until minister responds. The above image was from the camp ground on the way to where my car broke down. But the camp ground has no reception. I guess the road past it had reception becuas3 it goes up into the mountains whereas the camp grounds are in the valley below.
>>36109>but then hid in this spotbut then he hid in this spot
>>36106but... what if the minister doesn't respond
I wanted to walk up the hill near the river I am camped at so I waited until it was cool and started my walk but the issue is that every time I thought I was near the top I would find out I still had more to go and this kept happening for a while until I reached a mountain road and I walked up that for a bit but this road just hugs the edges and won't get to the top so I turned around but it was getting dark and by the time I reached the wilderness again it was dark so I walked down in the dark and got list and ended up in a gully and then I fell in a black Berry bush and I did get back in the end but now I have a prickle in my finger and I can't get it out.
And there are too many people at this camp site and there are people near me playing dumb music. It's going to be hard to get to sleep.
I had a macha latte this time. It was nice.
The camp site I am at was empty yesterday and for m9st of today until two mini buses arrived. After they didn't leave and started setting up tents I went over to investigate and they are actually from the Luariston girls school I mentioned
>>36114 I did some research and it looks like it's a campus for a private school where year 9s are sent for a year to live in the wilderness with no limited technology.
>>36202>with no limited technology With limited technology
>>36204She's getting a bit chubby there.
I got a solar panel to charge my phone. It's pretty good.
I might get some portable speakers as well.
I am having an ice matcha latte now which is also nice. I noticed they make an ice matcha strawberry latte which sounds nice too. I'll have to try that another day.
he's started liking coffee
>>36217No. Matcha latte is like milk tea but with matcha instead. It's not coffe.
Ice matcha strawberry latte is quite nice. It's a shame I can only find one place that sells matcha in this area.
also god damn youre in the middle of nowhere
>>36225I'm on the edge of nowhere. The Australian Alps are surprisingly sparse and underdeveloped. There is basically nothing there.
I came across some 🦌!!!But it was dark so I could barely see them. I heard a loud duck like noise and then an animal ran past me. I looked and saw a second animal standing by and when I looked at it with binoculars it had the silhouette of a 🦌 bit it ran off when I went to take a photo. Not that I would have been able to get much in that light anyway though.
But later on I noticed a light and looked at it with my binoculars to see a man with a gun. He looked like he was spot lightning on foot. So I probably saved the 🦌 from him.
It was a group of Sri Lanka who invited me to there camp and offered me beer this time. It's weird how many ethnics there are out camping.
Two of my cats have died since I left.
One got some kind of fluid build up in the lungs and had to be put down. It was sad particularly since I did not expect it, it came out of nowhere and he was not that old.
The second was old, fat and diabetic with other health issues that would pop up every now and then too. An issue did pop up and he finally had to be put down. I kind of expected him to die in not that long. But there was a dispute with my uncle and cousin who live at my grandma's and they wouldn't let him be buried there even though his brother and mother and the other cat are there. Grandma was not happy about them saying that. One of my sisters said it was the angriest she ever saw her. But she is old and they walk all over her now.
So now he is buried at our house and I am worried for him because he is all alone and separated from his mother and brother.
We live there now(we'll I guess I don't anymore) but we won't always. It's just a suburban house, one day it will be sold whether that be if mum wants to upgrade or if she dies it would have to be split between 5 children so it would be sold.
So the cat might be alone forever there and that and the fact that he is separated from his mother and brother really upsets me.
I accidentally left sage on.
O!! That's terrible news...
they were a bunch of dears
>>36432>>36433RIP catters, they look like they were really good friends
>>36436They were. The red one used to always want to go outside at night so he peed everywhere to try and get mum to open the door so she would often joke about killing him but she was quite sad when he had to be put down.
The grey one was a nice cat but he did get grumpy and bite people if they annoyed him too much(which mum always did) and his brother was the dopeiest cat I ever saw. He didn't much, he didn't meow much, he just sat around peacefully mostly but then sometimes played with his brother but he would also wash other cats fairly often for some reason.
>>36450>he didn't muchhe didn't do much
Sorry for your loss. Losing pets is awful and losing two in a short period especially so.
>>36451he didn't fly so good
I was just brushing my teeth by the river in the dark and afterwards I shone my torch around a bit and as I was doing so small bird like creatures would zoom past. I could never get a good look at them though.
I think they are 🦇 but I can't be sure.
>>36475you ever see the bat colony in the adelaide botanic gardens? i saw a tree full of bats on every branch once
>>36476No. I only went there once and that was a while ago. I'll have to go again at some point.
>>36479oooh, is that brownie with fruit and macha tea? looks like a nice snack
>>36485It's a mud cake and Matcha latte.
Unfortunately the Cafe that serves matcha latte doesn't serve Cheesecake😞
dumb importards
>>36494What do you mean by this?
>>36496i believe he means the birds, who are important