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File:Screenshot 2023-09-22 0546….png (160.11 KB,400x393)


I think the research thus far has been overly focused on subjects who have had surgical intervention to split the hemispheres of the brain, rather than subjects that have had no connections between the hemispheres from birth. To my knowledge, and very cursory searching, no similar studies have ever been attempted to be replicated in these persons. I'm personally inclined to believe that in absence of any direct connection between the hemispheres, the hemispheres are still able to communicate effectively, but at lower bandwidth through obscured pathways which might result in difficulties with more abstract perception. I'm personally acquainted with one person who has this condition and they're pretty normal, albeit with the caveats mentioned in the links below. The concept of "split consciousness" has always been questionable to me.



why didn't you post it on the thread itself!!


summer's almost over


I'm super biased on this, but I find the idea that the brain's two halves could start to behave as fully-fledged indepedent entities just because you cut a cord to be highly suspicious. It's not like the kidneys or the lungs, it's one whole thing with a bajillion connections. I read the papers though I can't say I fully understood them, but I agree with you.


scientific conclusions can be very sketchy.

Also can I move this into /aut/ now?






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