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File:Screenshot 2023-09-24 1429….png (293.39 KB,645x770)


I tried to tell you cars were the problem and that the lack of walkability in cities leads to worse health outcomes, but you didn't listen. Do you really think people would still be obese if they had lived somewhere where they could get in a healthy amount of walking or biking, or otherwise take public transportation to get where they need to go? I'm sure the fact that most Americans get in their 4000 lbs vehicle to go to their local Walmart that is 1 mile away, and work in a job that is completely sedentary, and then come home and live a sedentary life in from of their computer has absolutely no impact on anything~.

>The number of U.S. adults who died of heart disease and whose death record cited obesity as a contributing factor was three times greater in 2020 than in 1999, according to research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association.



Yeah, me some random anon that finds you all annoying is the arbiter of American city design and is single-handendly preventing it



funny looking graphs


You cant outrun a bad diet. Thats the main issue


reading this makes me glad i run every day


Dont ERP boy


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When you guys post stuff like this it makes me even more confused why you hate summer. When it's summer and I'm at my beach house the town is so nice and small I can just walk to everything and be perfectly fine. Only issue is that whenever summer comes to an end a whole bunch of places close shop so it's not like I can enjoy the luxury of walking into town to get whatever I want which would make it nice enough to live in permanently if we didn't rent it out.

Also I think I remember hearing something similar about this on the radio about how people are considering setting up shops inside of residential neighborhoods such there's easy small businesses that people can walk to. If that's true I'd welcome it since I hate that the closest konbini to me is a mile away so I need to bike to it if I don't want to spend like half an hour walking there and back and don't even get me started on how awful the walk is in winter and there's not even a walkway all the way to it.


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EV cars look depressingly lame but I think I would still prefer them just because of how goddamn loud everything is. So much noise it feels oppressive wherever I go.


>Also I think I remember hearing something similar about this on the radio about how people are considering setting up shops inside of residential neighborhoods

I live in Texas and we already have this, where are you



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This summer it was regularly ~105-108F (~41C) outside for nearly an entire month where I live. I also happen to live in a suburban hell with no trees so going outside is begging to get heatstroke if you stay out for too long. I especially worry about my older dog with his dark coat of fur getting heatstroke if I take him on walks in that kind of weather.

EVs don't really solve the problem of Americans being morbidly obese.


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Why don't Americans just use more non-electric motorless vehicles?


I wouldn't know. I live in a country that doesn't try to reject European principles every other day


America is too spread out.


Your mom


Ironically, culturally the US is more similar to Brazil, China and Russia than western Europe


What are you even on about.


I don't see the chinese influence, and I'm not sure I understand what part of Brazil it's like.
I agree with some aspects of the Russian comparision, though


Yeah, realized this long ago.
It's why I lol when I hear some pretentious midwit extolling the values of places like Australia or Japan or Denmark then comparing America like we could or should be held to their standard.


Your mom is too spread out


Workaholic culture, young demoralized over the future of the economy, mass surveillance and digital censorship, unrest over dumb shit, superstitions leading to dangerous behavior, cutthroat social systems with few public safety nets etc. Extremist attitudes among the politically active and the state either being seen as a messianic force, the root of everything wrong with the world or a powerless joke.
Multiracial banana republic and everything that comes with it.

In all three I mentioned there is a deep apathy and powerlessness towards politics and related topics


The US population is apolitical?
I don't think we agree on the same reasons for the Russia part after hearing your explanation

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