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File:a-toronto-dominion-td-bank….jpg (98.17 KB,620x349)





i still don't get what this thread was supposed to be about


TD is the worlds most shorted bank and the only real reasons for it are an acquisition of FHN and stake in SCHW. So they've scrapped their 2billion dollar acquisition at a loss of 2.25mil. So it should start doing a bit better than other Canadian national banks with large US stakes.


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look at my stock


P/E 554.29

You're gonna have to sell that at some point. In meantime a 30 year hold of a Canadian bank stock nets 6$ per unit per year


File:C-1687491097351.png (174.78 KB,1760x1011)

sold itself
now what's the proper price to buy back in...


Actually should I put some of the profits I gained from AMD into Intel...


There are so many silly stocks that have no value to investors


They had their IPO, now time for everyone to pack up




File:7e716a08c3.png (1.06 KB,319x59)

Investment into them is finally starting to pay off. Unlike NVDA or AMD who might be beat out by competition, this company will continue to give returns for a long time to come and I got it down to a low number yielding 4% dividend on my investment.

Sure, I may have sold NVDA too early to put it into TD when it was low, but come a year or two I will be the one laughing

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