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 No.28268[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
154 posts and 90 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


thinking about killing myself and ending it all.


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Keep in mind the lethality rates of the different methods. Especially women are prone to picking exit nodes that lead them to extended stays in the hospital, and not Gensokyo.

Of course, it's possible that you would prefer to turn your life around after a dramatic demonstration of your dissatisfaction with it. But if that's the case, perhaps you shouldn't be playing Russian roulette and instead seek out help directly.


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This kind of talk is not permitted on kissu, even on /secret/. To many people it's something they say on a bad day but imageboards have a higher than average concentration of mental illness and people who struggle in general and this subject must be treated far more seriously both for the poster and for anyone that will read it.


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i think i'm unironically a menhera but I don't know what to do. imageboards are one of the few places where you can have a voice without registration or the need to build an audience. having others validating your lifestyle doesn't help when you are in that emotional state constantly.


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If you need to vent, tohno-chan /so/ and shamiko.org /blog/ are good places, but the latter can be kind of harsh.
To balance this out I would probably suggest a gratitude journal and maybe during times like this leaning on your faith and maybe talking to a counselor there but considering you participate in divination I doubt you care anymore

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anya if she shab


anya no...

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AI can be so funny sometimes



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what the flip this is actual nightmare fuel


don't be rude to the fresh prince


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I know I've mentioned this a few places tonight so I wanted to post a thread to gauge interest and get some opinions on the matter. I don't mean to be all doom and gloom here I'm trying to be proactive. I've discussed this with some people through e-mail already but not I'm seeking other opinions as I value anon's input in all matters.

With that in mind I'm going to copy/paste something I wrote in an email a few months ago. I'd love to hear your opinions. I'd like to work together with some like minded people to make this a reality. It's a long email so I'll need to break this over multiple posts are usual.


The <TBA> Media Club Proposal. Requesting input from all possible
founding members. Please share with your friends that you think would
make good founding members!

Goal of this project is to replicate the feeling of the early comfy
anime/manga college clubs I participated in while living in America in
the 90s. Along with very early digisub community that spawned on IRC
in the late 90s-early 2000s before it went "mainstream".
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The short version of the above is: We'll grow it out feature wise slowly. The main goal of the original website is;

1) A way to share data together (torrent tracker)
2) a way to talk about said data (discussion forum/imageboard)
3) A way for us to create/modify/improve data together on-site. (git server)

After we've established that and a good number of members we can start thinking about things like offering features like mangadex or maybe a club-member only Jellyfin server where you could stream certain titles on a rotating basis. A server like that doesn't cost that much to run and keep going. But it isn't something we need out of the gate.

As for names yes. Once a name is burned it's placed on the wall-of-shame and never used again. I do not foresee us running out of names to use for a long time. I prefer to not have them at all. But we need some type of way to keep the bots out and associated riff-raft. Making up names and anime girl avatars to go with them seemed like a fun way to do it. This way everyone is starting with clean slate in the few places names might be used. The vast majority of stuff would be done totally anonymously whenever possible.


At <20 users, everybody would recognize each other anyway, with or without names.


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Heh, it's kind of funny how kissu has a lot of these so you could kind of use it as a framework of sorts if you wanted, or just use kissu's stuff itself if enough people including vern since he did most of it.

>Git repos / collab tools
This stuff I'm mostly ignorant of so can't comment on it

>Real time chat
We've talked about trying this on kissu itself and the compromise made was the existence of /chat/ that links to it. The last time this was brought up I mentioned how some old forums had chat boxes in them, but they were quite small and limited and mostly used for updates. You can see one here: https://residentevilmodding.boards.net/
But, I think kissu's implementation of /chat/ is pretty good. It does take a conscious effort to move conversations to kissu proper sometimes, but instant chat is also good at inspiring thread or posts.

>Image Gallery / Booru
Yeah, we have an old and essentially abandoned qa booru. The main issue with this is that the main site that allowed people to easily create boorus (even gelbooru used it) stopped accepting new ones a few years ago and it's just a matter of time until it dies due to the guy's lack of interest.

Warez stuff can be very tricky to host and it brings with it a lot of attention you may want to avoid. Sharing games with internet friends is good, sharing a link and then 50,000 unrelated people throwing the link around is a whole other story. This is similar to my opinion of /secret/ in that it allows controversial threads and it's harmless because it's reserved for kissu users that know of it as opposed to people visiting kissu specifically for it. I guess the question is whether you not you want people to land on the site when they google something like "naruto manga download free"
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>We've talked about trying this on kissu itself and the compromise made was the existence of /chat/ that links to it.
Er, that links to IRC that is, with a bot relay thingie.


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Given my high investment into kissu I often have some emotional reservations about this subject, but having read through the entirety of the posts, how much I feel my own vision aligns with your goals for the site, and the nature of content that require more secrecy I think that there's much more value in trying to help out than ignoring it.

My main worry is if you'll be able gather that group of 15-20 creators for the foundation of the site that align themselves enough with the site and have patience enough to work together to build things from the ground up. The only real issue for myself being a part of that group is that I'm not really a 'creator' in the sense of making releases and such or have the know-how to hop right into being one. So I'd probably skip out on the first round of invites so that someone more in-the-know and useful could contribute to the site's foundation instead. If there's one thing I'd want to suggest though it's that maybe after the initial foundation and grace period for establishing the site, customs, and creation methodology of the core users maybe a second round of invites for those that may be interested in learning or missed out on the first round would be appreciated. Though maybe that'd go against the secret nature of things, but if it's restricted to still people that knew about the first round I don't think it'd compromise the site. Also if this is meant to be a bi-lingual group should getting a head start on that be a thing from the get-go by including members from the JP community into the core group? Or are you already planning on and have ideas for doing that.

Concerning functionality of the site itself there's some questions I have with the video streaming feature. Maybe I'm thinking too large-scale for it to really be an issue but I find that while streaming locally for kissu we can run into bandwith issues with relatively large files and enough people watching. So I have to wonder if this itself would be a fairly expensive endeavor to start out with for the site considering how much stuff like AWS and Youtube cost for their companies. The booru too seems like an expensive addition, but not money-wise like video streaming but instead time-wise since to make a fairly robust booru you need to have a lot of people adding to and tagging all the different art that gets put into it which doesn't seem of too much benefit considering existing alternatives but maybe there's something I'm missing there liPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


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 No.28830[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Having more tea.
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Having tea.


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I woke up. Having a cup of tea.


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Having tea alongside toast and fries.


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Can't function without my morning tea.


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Got tea.


Have you heard of ¨The world of Golden Eggs¨? A Japanese artist I follow jokingly said it was a kami anime and his source of inspiration.

I'm not sure how popular it is around imageboards but I've never heard of it until now. It's surprising how it isn't considering the DVDs themselves had English subs according to wikipedia. Looks like it's ad-libbed too.
I only watched one iconic episode he mentioned, it did get a laugh from me near the end with all that build up.
The character designs don't give the best first impression but I think they are harmless after watching it and seeing how the artist interacts with foreigners sometimes.




Reminds me of something you'd see on Adult Swim back in the day.

>it did get a laugh from me near the end with all that build up.

I don't get it. I watched it all, but.. huh?


Niggers stole my protein.


It does remind me animation wise a lot of something like Adult Swim, but the comedy itself is more reminiscent of sketch comedy imo. It's pretty funny all things considered and I can see how people would see it as a good influence.

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In this thread I post updates about fansub projects I'm working on and beg for free labor.

We started working on MahoAko yesterday. We thought the Chihiro TL would be good enough to use but we're going to end up making a lot of modifications and removing most of the styling they used (karaoke is awful). They did make some impressive signs. The 2nd episode's .ass file is 44.5MB.

Transformation scenes in episode 1 have bloated up file size to 900MB-1.4GB. We may attempt to make it smaller but right now we're more concerned with timing and the translation.

Will post public QC version soon if anyone wants to help. x265+Opus as usual. Anything beyond that can be done by request (like FLAC). Last time I asked no one spoke up so I've not been doing lossless audio or x264 releases anymore.

We had to slightly bump up requirements for play back devices to 4.1 high profile because transformation scenes kept running up against bitrate buffer. Will probably use that profile going forward. Since it gives us a little more head room and most modern devices support it just fine.

If anything bothers you about existing TLs of anime speak up now or forever hold your peace. We'll be back to working on older stuff soon™. Thanks to whomever provided some good raws for older stuff like BPS I haven't forgotten you. Just been busy.

Encoding notes: The JPBD for MahoAko is really bad. Horrible upscale by studio. Lots of banding. Did what I could to fix it. Can't descale to native resolution because it's a hodgepodge of different resolutions even within the same scene. Went with mild AA+minimal line darkening instead. That's it.
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Oh are you moving your discussion to here from the /qa/ thread? Well, I'll just link what I said there >>>/qa/122453




not much


Might as well move it to /qa/. I forgot I posted that other thread. I got really busy over the course of April-early May with IRL stuff.


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I replied to the thread on /qa/ for those interested. I'll move discussion back to this board if in the future it's required. I mainly posted it here originally because I wasn't sure if you guys wanted to attract any attention but it seems that isn't much of an issue.

I'd eventually like to re-release this series as well. I recently re-watched it after including it on our media server and the subtitles are frankly very bad even for season 01 in the more popular releases.

To whomever asked about this; I ended up doing my own custom builds for x265 after playing with the new AQ modes and some third-party patches (along with some of my own modifications). They are slightly better for some content but not as good as hevc-aq for others. I just wanted to say the guy linked at doom9 claiming the new AQ modes are just "finished hevc-aq" was wrong after looking at the source code some more. The new AQ modes operate very differently. They are basically just slightly modified versions of AQ modes 2 and 3.

At any rate going forward I'll be encoding most things with my custom builds as they support both and let me shitpost in mediainfo for the lulz. Current build is "Meat Banana Edition" as suggested by a friend I work on Onimai with. If you're interested in my builds and patches I'll try to upload them somewhere soon.

As per-usual I wrote some novels. You can find them here.
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What do you think about nightcore/breakcore? Why is it so strongly associated with 2D girls?
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embed doesn't respect starting time


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fun thing
meet fun thing


the left girl is dancing so silly
shes just moving her arms up and down


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you ain't seen nothin'


I love it. I used to hang around some scene kids about 10-15 years younger than me back around a decade ago. They all laughed at me when I asked them if they listened to it.

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spermed to asa
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Please stick it in me


rolled a condom onto my peepee and immediately filled it


spermed to femboy handsfree cumming (3d)


gushed over magical girls


godf i'm turning into a flipping fire hydrant cant stop spraying everywhere grgrgdykdfkdytktf

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I can do better than this.


Are you still in-touch with your inner-chuuni?



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