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File:gel_7406bbfabf7491f1b1cf88….jpg (1.68 MB,2002x1448)

 No.24825[Last50 Posts]


Is Asa supposed to be a meta critique of how MCs always get a character way out of their league? Specifically the plain Joe beta mc?


I don't know but I do hope this is the new daily Asa thread, that was nice.


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You asked for it...




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Happy New Year. I can't believe its been as long as it has. I do not work on the site so I won't go on a long diatribe about it, but I'm glad we're all here. I hope for many more years


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Who did it better?


this ass can't be beat


Gotta bury my face in her ass after she's sweaty from working out


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now this is a superpower


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Smug after landing the himbo


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Asa concurs


i hate this artist so much, his palette choices look quite literally like vomit. the whole shtick of hiding dogwhistles in his artworks or making anime girls act out ebin memes is so overplayed too


Sorry I thought it was cute and funny


sugoi chisai


dw, artists like that will have their relevance taken away by AI making the same uninspired stuff


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You're using that word wrong. A drawing of a gacha girl posing with a blank background, that's what uninspired means. That's generic, dime a dozen, and easily replaced. But for this guy, for him to even have a shtick and a recognizable palette that anonymous managed to recognize without any watermarks or signatures, it must mean he's doing something that sets him apart. The opposite of generic.
Personally, I'm fond of the way he tells short stories without using any dialogue, and all the silly details he lays around. Saitama's shirt here is just stellar, like come on you gotta give it to him.


am I just retarded or do most women not care about dick size? I hope that's the case.


poor daily Asa thread...


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very spankable asa


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Don't know why she became the butt character of the 2nd part but I don't think anyone's complaining


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Uh, Asa?


i like 2P color asa better


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Incredibly cute.


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Who's the second girl with black hair? I only ever saw the anime and I don't think there were two girls with long black hair? Although it might just be that I don't remember


The War Devil.


neither of them show up in the anime
left one is asa and she has autism
right one is the war devil aka yoru and she's asa retarded headmate


>neither of them show up in the anime
Wait really? Huh. I guess I really didn't like it much at all if I can't even remember what characters were in it. I thought I remembered a girl with black hair


You're probably thinking of Kobeni. The second part of the manga is very different than the anime


What I read of part2 is like a high-school romcom


I would have been perfectly happy if CSM shifted completely into being an SoL comedy series.


Most fans of csm treat it like that


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Wookiees—cheaters, all of them—seize the body and start to play an impromptu game of grab-ass. They know this is a crime, that what they're doing is wrong in the eyes of the Mandalorian authorities, that to his people this is desecration and acts of atrocity. Worse, it is the destruction of a valuable blaster, the preferred weapon of the Mandalorian infantry and scouts. Their king might put out a fatwa over this; excommunication from the culture has been on the table for eons now for members who find themselves violating Mandalorian law.
That Asa's head has been blown clean off only adds to the general mirth and tomfoolery. An accidental shooting at point-blank range, when the trigger mechanism is malfunctioning, or so the authorities will say. This seems kinder to his friends and family than the truth: that he was mauled and eaten by a pet Wookiee named Balko, who was all too happy to get a taste of free Mandalorian flesh. Now the Wookiee is covered in gore. Gore his owner will have to clean, leaving behind fingerprints that can't be wiped away, found alongside fibers from a Mandalorian uniform and the dander of a canine. He is practically begging for capture.
It may just come to that.
The game grows rowdy. Some suggest tossing Asa's corpse into a pen of frightened banthas and then shooting them as they stampede. Others want a competition. Last one standing gets bragging rights and an honorary dinner put together by the Quenk philharmonic—a smorgasbord of the best delicacies the moon can provide, prepared by the finest artists. Muscle and brawn may win more fights and earn greater spoils, but that is not the strength of these people, and yet, they live amongst the fiercest beings in the galaxy. They are like art. They are worth something.
The Wookiee howls. His eyes go bloodshot with the thrill and pleasure of the game. He has already eaten his owner, the pilot and Mandalorian warrior Rula'an. There is still an arm, headless, that remains in the cockpit.
Rumors say, though, that there are rumors that this isn't the first time. The first two members of the scout squad discovered on the blue hell planet below have gone missing, their fates unknown. There is even, so the krayt says, talk of a long-haired creature whose teeth are much like the ones found at the murder scene—another "accident" or so the reports read.


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Today's post was cancelled due to budget cuts






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yellow is an odd choice, or is that related to the story at all?


its the color of gluttony and that shab likes to bite


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Kind of, its a play on the manga occasionally using strong colors here and there


I also think people think the contrast between her personality and the guady microbikini is hot, even though I'm sure yoru could easily goad her into wearing it


yoru goading asa into increasingly erotic scenarios would be really hot


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Are there any serious relationships in this or is it the standard "I wonder if they'll ever get together" fare?


Yes but none of the main characters


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That's an honest to goodness really good image.


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love bunny outfits


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Wassup niggas


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Due to chapter hiatus, a Yukari post will take Chainsaw's place today


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Real hot girl shit


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Alright, the Assa thing is officially out of hand to the point where some of the art is unappealing.

God, a character can't have a nice tushy anymore without artists going crazy with it, can they?


hmm how so? Western artists do generally have an issue with body proportions, which I think is fine on its own but on established characters ehhh


It's not only western artists, I'm not gonna post it but some of the recent art has it way too big. Complaining about this, I feel like those anti-boobhu people but some of it came off as gross to me.

I do like the trend of yoru having larger breasts though


would be nice if asa's boobers became bigger every time yoru took over


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what exactly is happening here? is she having sex with a ghost?


She's watching Asa have sex


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may I request a pic of her eating, preferably a burger?


File:gel_f3acfa397dbbb748e77eb….jpeg (127.88 KB,1920x1380)

There's more burger pix than I thought


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Nice. Good burger pics, although the second image only contains the implication of a burger!


Shouldn't it be I instead of [i]we/i], since they both inhabit the same body?


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Would you like to sign our petition?


What do people have against pickles? Honestly.


I think the joke is that people with autism often have an aversion to foods with a strong taste or smell


It's possible, but it seems like more of meme to me. Maybe I'm just mixing it up with that old Spongebob episode where that cheating faggot hid the pickles under his tongue.


I think it's texture more than flavor or smell. Pickles on burgers are definitely a bizarre texture on what is otherwise a smooth and consistent food. It's kind of strange that I like them since I share the aversion for "mixed textures", but it must be since I grew up on them


I hated the taste of the pickes as a kid, it was nothing to do with their corrugated cut. So I'd always ask for them taken out at the Hungry Jack's drive thru.
The funny thing is now I hate the disgusting fake orange cheese that fast food burgers have and refuse to eat them for that reason.


The weird orange cheese is good on kebabs


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I just don't like the taste of vinegar.


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is there an origin story for the Russian doll-looking version of that orange-haired character I forgot the name of? It IS pretty funny


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post fat assa ass flipen duck


sounds like this guy overdosed on ass


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Well, you asked for it


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I want to smack her butt and feel her up


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Last Assa for a sec


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simple but still good outfits


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No cap.


V's accounts



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Old school crossover


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the good ol' seizure monitor effect on the background


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dumb buttard


huge ass


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asa after >>27787


Poor woman, I will wipe the cake cream off with tissues and put her to sleep.


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Daily Darjeeling post in honor of Das Finale 04


I think about this image a lot. It is a nice image.


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a wild power appears




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Awwww yea guess whos back


power! she's back!!


i want to naizuri nazuna


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Maybe she needs some character development


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Devil Ass


she got some and then she died


The daily asa post has been postponed to allow for mourning


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We now return to our regularly scheduled programming


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Yesterday's post was missed due to the author discovering a gacha game


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it really is a force of evil


VERY meaty thighs


Can't believe Asanon died..


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He is more dedicated to a gacha than his own waifu. Shame on him.


Truly gacha is one of the great evils of our time


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Sorry about the hiatus, the death of Power was hard on all of our staff


I don't know if what you said was a legit spoiler or not so I played it safe and edited it to add a spoiler tag


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saw an asa image recently, and it made me think of OP, but I forgot to download it... gomen.


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Daily mio post


i like this one a lot


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Dont ask, I dont know either


looking at the source there really isn't any further context to it
it looks like yoru being stubborn as hell over a weird competition the others don't even care about


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denji won


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I return


I saw the splash this made, but does it really count as winning? What were the circumstances? Seems suspect to me.


It's not a total win yet, but Yoru helped him to take one step towards his end goal.


there's something extremely hot about yoru taking over asa's body and using it to do sexual things without her input


oh oops didn't think to spoiler that


I was just playing it safe. I'm a bit anal about spoilers and the other staff sometimes/often disagree


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Is it wrong that I feel almost totally apathetic about this? It seems like yet another thing that's just going to get brushed off and not really go anywhere.


Yeah it is wrong. Because this is the first real true sexual interaction with a female Denji's really gotten after having screamed about it the whole manga.


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but i thought all the certified media literacy experts said it was rape and asa/denji were going to be traumatized....


the reading comprehension devil bows to no one




weird-ass sushi wtf was that


girls' pussies smell like fish

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