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File:s_Tarm7enxxgLYop.jpg (173.33 KB,1200x675)


I'm on Threads as @echibiki. Install the app to follow my threads and replies. https://www.threads.net/@echibiki


Sorry, but I have zero interest in ever using a social-media site that can only be browsed via a mobile app.



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File:1689092130325.jpg (389.97 KB,595x668)



File:bocchi-the-rock-dino.gif (2.64 MB,640x360)

Please give me likes


People who reject the modern web don't use phones


>Sorry, but I have zero interest in ever using a social-media site that can only be browsed via a mobile app.
Ohh is that why it didnt load


no, the site's just unstable from traffic. It is app only though


File:083f5a58d9.png (57.1 KB,1055x589)

fediverse soon


post crossplay trap pix


File:untitled.png (50.14 KB,900x937)

can't give you likes if you don't make any posts


When it has a desktop client I'll be blog there and link them up here.
Hopefully it has an API so I can mirror


Why do you feel the need to microblog? I dont get it... I never got it


You mean to tell me that Verniy hasn't just been blogging, but he's also been microblogging and megablogging too?
Truly a scoundrel and a fiend.


need some megublogging


gonno crack some blogs


microdosing micropenis


Got out of zuck's ecosystem over a decade ago and i'm not going back,
especially since Japanese artists still seem to be giving Twitter a chance.

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