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Sometimes it’s beneficial to be able to come out and communicate a bit. For example, just today I held back vomiting when approaching a neighbor about picking up some brush on her curb. And she said it was fine to take! So I got myself a shitload of good firewood for no cost at all.

Now you may be thinking to yourself, “That’s impossible! I can’t do that!”, but trust me, you can. It’s pretty easy too, only took me a bit over a month to work up the resolve to ask!


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I just said "thank you" to the pizza delivery guy.


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I never have fallen into the hikki death spiral but I've been a NEET for 32 years and counting, never worked a single day in my life also just as a horrifying thought I want to point out that Misaki is older than most 4chan users now.


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Finally done organizing them all…
Now I need to wait for the shed to arrive so I can keep them safe from the rain so they can properly dry. Also got to cut them up. Hopefully they work…


I went outside and experienced nature. It responded by giving me a week of sneezing and coughing constantly so I couldn't even go in to work and became more hikki.

Also, you don't have to ask to pick up someone's garbage. Once they throw it out it's no longer their property.


>Once they throw it out it's no longer their property
that sounds like something that will differ depending on where you live


Nice faggot


cute vom


¥hikikomori failure
¥who wants to save a
¥a nice girl


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I have to go to the hardware/garden store to get stuff like dirt and I have to talk to the cashier or ask about the location of stuff and it's not too bad, I guess. It's not easy, but it's doable. It's easy enough because most people are either in their 60s and older or are there for work and go in and out.
Having a normal hobby like a garden gives me something to make casual talk about when I venture out into the world, so there's a hidden benefit there that I think I've mentioned here before. I never start conversions, though.
I still much rather be around plants and animals when I'm outside, but talking to people with similar interests is alright online.


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Thats a nice amount, well done.

Wish you success with your endeavors. Need to go to the hardware store myself to get seeds but procrastinated again.


i hate this meme

if i had to put it succinctly it’s portraying normal society as good and upright and the hikkineets as the bad and wrong because they don’t work and become normal the cause is uhhh video games and anime, and of course this society is miraculously free of all ills and problems
it frames what is really a systemic failure as a personal failure
no, the neet didn’t fail society, society failed the neet
it’s pro-establishment propaganda


Not wanting to work is bad though. And NHK is about escapism ultimately failing everyone


I only posted the preface to Welcome to the NHK.


Honestly I don't think you read the room deleting that. How is that political proselytizing? It's not my fault some guy calls me a jewish cia agent because he didn't like the preface.


File:Welcome to the NHK.pdf (3.43 MB)

The whole novel is here if someone wants to read it. It's a good read, not too long.


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In this world, conspiracies exist.
However, there is a more than a ninety-nine percent chance that the
plausible-sounding conspiracies that you hear about from others are
simple delusions or even intentional lies. When you visit a bookstore,
the books with titles like The Great Jewish Conspiracy to Ruin the Japanese
Economy! or The Super Conspiracy of the CIA That Hides Their Secret Pact
with Aliens! are all just trivial delusions.
Even so. . . people love conspiracies.
Conspiracies. We are hopelessly fascinated by the sound of that word
and its bittersweet echo.
Consider, for example, the process by which The Jewish Conspiracy
theory comes to be: The author has multiple, terrible complexes and
feelings, such as, "Why am I poor?"; "Why is my life not more
comfortable?"; "Why can I not find a girlfriend?" His mind and body
constantly are pressured, from both within and without.
Those pent-up grudges become endless feelings of hatred towardPreface
society. They become rage.
However, the largest source of rage is his own personal cowardice.
He is poor because he lacks the skill with which to earn money. He
has no girlfriend because he lacks charisma. But the process of seeing
this truth and acknowledging his own incompetence requires quite a bit
of courage. No human beings, regardless of who they might be, want to
look directly at their own shortcomings.
At this point, the conspiracy theorist projects his cowardice onto the
outside world.
He creates a fictitious "enemy" outside of himself.
Enemy. My enemy. Society's enemy.
"Because an enemy conspires to do evil, I cannot find happiness.
Because of this conspiracy, I cannot find a girlfriend. That's right! This
is all because of the Jews. Because the Jews are scheming away out there,
I can't find happiness. Damn you, Jews! I won't forgive you!"
Truthfully, this kind of thinking also inconveniences Jewish people.
All conspiracy theorists need to look a little more closely at reality.
"Enemies" don't exist externally. "Evil" does not exist externally. One
has to assume blame oneself for being a worthless person.
It's definitely not a Jewish conspiracy, nor a CIA conspiracy, and—
obvious as this may be—it's not an alien conspiracy. Before all else, one
needs to keep this fact firmly in mind while living one's life.
Even so. . .
A tiny percentage of people actually have stumbled upon a real
conspiracy. There is, in fact, one person who witnessed with his own
eyes a conspiracy that exists, at this very moment, in the most extreme

Who is this person?
It’s me.


ive been telling anyone who'll listen


>However, the largest source of rage is his own personal cowardice. He is poor because he lacks the skill with which to earn money. He has no girlfriend because he lacks charisma. But the process of seeing this truth and acknowledging his own incompetence requires quite a bit of courage.
Rewritten from the perspective of a rich bureaucrat: The poor are only poor because of their own cowardice, and lack of skill with which to earn a wage at a great company like mine. They often don't even have girlfriends because they're so incompetent and uncharismatic. If only they had the courage to work at my company 8 hours/day, 345 days/year I would graciously give them enough to live off of. Can't they see how much better that is than how people lived before the industrial revolution?!




I made it as far as Satou did, got the job so I wouldn't starve or need to move back in with the parents.


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If everyone gave you a right to live without doing anything then people would start reproducing more creating more kids and then at some point people would need to start working. The marxist philosophy you try to promote is just a feel good bastardization where you want to pretend to be nobility because someone will pay for your lifestyle.
A real human is trying to succeed, not escape. NHK is all about failures.


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I thought NHK was about not sticking your ween in cute menhera freaks.


You should always stick your ween in menhera freaks, you just don't marry them.


A real human wants to be happy, not a servant of rich capitalists, rich communists or rich socialists. Being successful means enjoying your life, not working all day so you can pretend to be nobility with lots of expensive luxuries for the few hours a day that you're not working. The vast majority of the population are dumb masochistic normalfags that will choose to slave their lives away no matter what anyone like me tries to tell them, so civilization isn't going to fall apart just because some people choose to be NEETs and enjoy our lives. Even if it did somehow fall apart because of NEETs that's okay because it's shit.


Retirement is earned, not given. People aren't that kind, no one will give you that using their dollars unless they're familly.


There are many ways to live without getting a job and I'm not going to try to list them as it depends on where you live and what opportunities are available to you, but I agree that becoming a beggar is a bad choice.


yeah. I'm not saying that what someone does has to be the best for society, and I think a certain youtube person said it best: You probably don't want to even be working with these people who don't want to work.
But in the context of NHK where the protagonist collects cash from his parents and watches all of his friend circle and their dreams fall apart... the idea is that having their financial needs fulfilled doesn't mean that things are solved.


actually, the more I think about it. NHKs message is that people's fulfillment isn't tied to their ability to earn money. The pyramid scheme arc reminds me of this messaging. You can debate if the arc was a happy end or not, but what I agree with from the author is that the happy end was not about the money

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