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I made a thread here a few months ago in which I said the blog thread was teetering on the precipice of my tolerance levels due to the harm it was doing to kissu. People were beginning to treat it as an all-purpose general thread as if this were one of those /a/ boards with one active thread at a time.
Well, how have things gone since then?

Going back 50 posts (may have messed up counting) starting with >>>/qa/112367
Number of blog posts: 4.
Because of the following posts I did not lock that thread immediately, so good work on using the blog thread as a blog: >>>/qa/112384 >>>/qa/112428 >>>/qa/112459 >>>/qa/112534

It is my opinion as a mod/demi-admin/whatever that the time has come for kissu to spend some time without the blog thread again. And yes, we've done it before, although I can't remember when.
There are multiple discussions that could have been new threads and multiple posts that would have been good additions to existing topical threads. I don't want to fight against people and spend each day moving a dozen posts into existing or new threads. Contrary what you may think, your new thought or opinion of something does deserve a new thread. Don't sell yourself short. You can even make a new thread on /jp/ with no comment at all if you want, or no file at all.

The blog thread persists so long as it is not actively detrimental to kissu's functionality as a site with multiple boards dependent on people creating new threads, and people seeing them and commenting in them. Once people start congregating into one thread the rest of the site starts to atrophy. The sooner action is taken to curb this behavior the less betrayed people will feel when it's gone. I already worry that people have become accustomed to creating non-blogs in it because they think it's better than making a thread.
So, at some point in the near future I think kissu will be spending some time without the board-within-a-board thing known as the blog general.


i made the catsnuggle blogpost does this make me one of the good kissuposters


There are way more than four blog posts, what the hell are you talking about.


And what's your vision for how the thread should work anyway, that everyone makes their own individual blog posts and carefully avoids acknowledging the existence of previous blog posts lest it cause a reply chain that "could have been its own thread"?


ate banana ysterday


Most boards nowadays are centralized in a few threads, its a terrible habit I have I'm sorry


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The blog thread's needed to die for like 4 years at this point. I'd point out to where I said it on /qa/, but from perusing the archives I think I only really ever expressed my desire to kill it off on IRC and everyone hated it.

I started it as a sorta inane hima parody and then it eventually became an unironic thread that was beginning to suck up other potential threads way back in 2018. Although I do think that more than killing off the blog thread it'd be best for us to just be vigilant in moving everything that develops into more than a blog into its own thread elsewhere since some people seem to have a hard aversion to posting random thoughts if they don't think it'll get many replies as its own thread.


considering how the blog thread is just done by one person, if he stops then it's just that. Which I guess is pretty much the point of the thread. OP saying he doesn't want to make them anymore


File:[MTBB] Oshi no Ko - 03 [E0….jpg (255.35 KB,1920x1080)

The vision, at least mine, is that it's a thread about mundane blogging and not a catch-all "make a post about anything" thread because kissu is a "make a thread about anything*" board.
Blogging is contained there because by its nature it's not particularly interesting to other people, but it's something that many people enjoy and find therapeutic. Typically I sage any posts of mine I make in there because even when people are blogging I don't like it sticking to page 1 every single day when people have interesting things to say elsewhere.
The "free thoughts" thread that cropped up on a seasonal board was also quite damaging, but it did have longer discussion in it so people felt more free to make long posts instead of letting discussions die before they were born, but I still didn't like the effect it was having on kissu in regards to thread centralization.
A little off-topic, but during the lockdowns 4taba briefly came back to life but it was almost entirely contained within a single 'random thoughts' thread. People stopped posting in that one and so did 4taba's activity itself die out. I wouldn't be surprised if people just had that thread bookmarked.

Going into the general meta about kissu's functionality, I want people to be able to have discussions over the course of minutes, months, or even years if they so desire. The way those blog boards like the aforementioned hima and meguca, smug's /kohi/, doushio and many other boards function is that if you weren't there for when someone said something then it's as if it was never said at all. They're chat rooms of emotional and informational death. One of the reasons kissu stands out is that we are not a general board, we are a board board. I don't know why boards with a 2D theme seem destined to collapse into such forms, but it can't be allowed to happen here. We must resist entropy.

Vern has done a great job making things like the thread links thing at the bottom of every thread and the RSS feed and there's even a search function if you can't find the thread you were looking for. We're still searching for some miraculous way to get the average person on the average day to browse past page 1 of index (and I'm guilty of this too), but that's a fight against human nature. I've thought about making a "Kissu Index" thread on /b/ linking older threads about stuff, but ehhh...
Anyway, kissu has evolved quite a bit from its early days. It's hard to imagine, but we didn't start with a /jp/ board that can be filled with nonsensical threads. We want people to make as many meaningless threads there as they want. If you don't think your comment is good enough for a thread, well, look at the threads on /jp/ right now. Some of them are good, but some of them are really stupid (like mine). You can also use the seasonal boards if your comment is related to real life in some way and you feel that it doesn't belong on /jp/. Or, of course, /secret/ is here for all your garbage needs. You can even spam /secret/ if you want.

It's also worth pointing out that kissu.moe/chat exists (https://kissu.moe/chat/thread/1) for when the blogging thread goes on hiatus (it's in the sidebar below the misspelled Theater) which is linked to sageru's #qa which is fully anonymous. People can use that as a blog thread substitute if they wish, but it's worth noting that IRC was another thing we've worried about in the past being an activity vacuum from kissu.

It may be an unpopular decision to close the blog thread, but we must look at the big picture.

*within limits of course, no politics and such


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And since I was already getting kinda meta-y about my ideal kind of kissu- I'd like people to feel free to make multiple threads about the same subject as well. The "condense your threads" thing is not something we have here on kissu. Don't think something like "What if I make a thread about ___ and then learn that there's already a thread about ___"?. Well, then we'll have two threads about it and it's fine. Or, if you were to desire it, a mod could merge your new thread into that one by request. Don't ever prevent yourself from creating a new thread over such worries. We're also fine with moving threads between boards if you were to later realize you wanted to make it on another board.
I know making new threads can make people nervous, but I really want people to feel comfortable doing it.


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Would it be possible to have a system in place that automatically moves posts with over X replies and/or with reply chains over X posts long into their own threads? I'm not sure how advisable it is in the long term, but it would definitely help combat thread centralization.


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>I made a thread here a few months ago
Yeap, and I've got it right here: https://archive.ph/jZuod
Since then, seasonal cafés have fallen into disuse, /megu/ thread was successfully killed, al/qa/hol continues to be a non-issue. Everything I wrote in 13156 still applies today.

Now, here's the problem: if you define "blog" as a post about a mundane experience related purely to the poster, as it seems to be implicit, then only two of the linked posts are actually blogs. >>>/qa/112428 is actually not about the poster, it's about their neighbor, same for >>>/qa/112367's concert, and >>>/qa/112534 isn't a trublog unless the poster is from Central Asia. Timezones don't seem to work out otherwise.

There's a very thin line between experiences that are about oneself (internal) and those about one's surroundings (external). If the neighbor post is a blog, then so is >>>/qa/112434, since it's about the poster's mother. And there are some musings that are implicit blogs, I wrote >>>/qa/112423 in response to seeing the scene often. Worded differently, the post would read "i've been seeing gundam wing's i'll kill you in a lot of videos, it's such a great meme." Doesn't make much of a difference. >>>/qa/112444 and >>>/qa/112449 are incontrovertibly blogs, it's literally what they did, and the reply about its comments is about the surroundings when they read the doujin. I'm pretty sure >>>/qa/112497 is a blog too since it's clearly a statement about their experience with staying up late. So is >>>/qa/112523, and a bit less so >>>/qa/112531.

The point of posting on a message board is to interact with people, so it wouldn't make much sense to discount general replies made to the above. If you simply wanted to write down something that happened, you'd use an offline diary, not a thread. That's why the /megu/ blog died so quickly as it slid down to page 2, I felt that by then there were like three people left counting myself, and didn't want to post there anymore. That activity wasn't replaced, it just went away.
Going back to the main thread, the ones left that are 100% non-blogs are the serious and joke posts related to moving the relationship thread, and the questions made in >>>/qa/112385, >>>/qa/112388, and >>>/qa/112390. 112406 (now deleted) I've crossposted to the Jap thread, it was a mistake on my part. Basically everything else is a blog or blog-tangential.

In terms of the cafés' death, I can only see four threads from recent months that could've gone into those: >>>/qa/111313, >>>/qa/111320, >>>/qa/111649, >>>/sum/2329. (First one is kind of a joke /jp/ thread.) The type of discussion that used to take place there hasn't reappeared, because it covered the kinda borderline topics that are limited to seasonal boards, and people aren't making threads about it. There were no architecture or youtuber business threads, because those chains spun off a tangent, like >>>/sum/2291. Another nice thread that got moved is >>>/qa/108304.

Basically, it's hard to find solid evidence that these threads do in fact vacuum activity away from other places, or that their contents would be relocated. >>>/qa/110387 mentioned commitment as a key element in their thread creation, and I continue to advocate for moving as a workaround measure.

>People stopped posting in that one and so did 4taba's activity itself die out.
Well, that's not a very good thing, is it? There doesn't seem to have been any benefit.
The role of #qa has been debated since even before /chat/ was a thing, but what I think would be an interesting and important direction to take is asking the triumvirate why you post on #qa to begin with. I personally avoid making any kind of opening statement there and put all my blogs on kissu.
>browse past page 1
I do this, but reading through a conversation I've already been to find something to add takes effort, and in the overwhelming majority of cases I can't come up with anything. It's only when someone else adds something new that I can rethink it.
Minor thing, -re and -er are both valid. Like armor/armour, flier/flyer. English do as English does.


*would be relocated were they to be deleted
Little bit I forgot there.


Kimo blog was good as a catch all to talk about shit half the user base didn’t want to see


Ok. Then I can see how a blog/"general" thread is antithetical to kissu's atmosphere and I would have no objection to the kissu leadership getting rid of it.
What I don't like is when you (general you) are overly prescriptive of how I should post in the blog thread. Like, shit or get off the pot. Don't leave it open for posting and then be like no no i said you could post but dont post like THAT!! Either just allow it or remove the thread entirely.


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I've been of the "kill off the blog thread" sentiment for years, only now has cool really agreed with me.


I thought blogs/generals was the whole point of /qa/ though?

With /jp/ being the place for niche/specific topic discussion.


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Well, I don't want to nitpick over everything I labeled as a non-blog, but the main thing that irks me is stuff like this: >>>/qa/112367 >>>/qa/112423 >>>/qa/112385 >>>/qa/112388

These could easily have been the start of new threads that people would see upon loading up kissu instead of something buried in a thread labeled for blogging. Maybe they would have died after 1-2 replies or maybe they could have received 10-20 or even 50. The thing is- they would have had a chance. By creating them in the blog thread any potential discussion was dead on arrival. (or if it did get attention at the right time I'd have to awkwardly move them somewhere if there were enough replies)
These are examples of why I want the blog thread gone, but I guess I'm open to more aggressively moderation of non-blogging in it.

>(Cafe/etc stuff)
Those are good threads to me and I enjoyed seeing and participating in them. The fact that you were able to easily find them and any of us here can choose to restart the discussion is something I strongly desire here.

You could try /secret/ for that? Maybe I was too vocal in condemning that /megu/ thread, but it is supposed to be a porn board...

Well, I've never really been adamantly in support of it, but I didn't think it was harmful

Hmm, maybe this needs to be better clarified somewhere other than the rules page, but no. Basically /qa/ is for slower and more serious threads whereas /jp/'s rules a lot looser and it leads to threads being a lot more expendable.
When I make a thread like >>>/qa/100566 I try to make it clear that I don't want discussion forced into that thread. It's just around if people don't want to make a new thread for something.


huh, I guess it is written in the rules section, but it's kind of confusing that you have to scroll upwards to get to that part from the start point of the global rules.

Even so, I would feel weird about making a thread for a specific anime or game on /qa/ unless it was an ultra popular title or for coordinating group play. I think the fact that you have to specifically state "this is not a containment thread" says a lot about the culture.


> I think the fact that you have to specifically state "this is not a containment thread" says a lot about the culture.

It's more that it's how people expect it to work on imageboards these days. You have to re-program people and the blog thread's current status is something working against it


>I guess I'm open to more aggressively moderation of non-blogging in it.


I'm the guy who made the random thoughts thread on 4taba. Sorry about that.


Stockholm Syndrome


Oh, no, don't apologize for that. You started a successful thread, it was just other people that kind of congregated around it. During this time (and even now) I still keep all my long-term posts and other conversation starters on kissu so seeing 4taba briefly come back to life was pretty cool. I had some replies in your thread there, but nothing big.
I focus all my activity on kissu and that means other places receive fewer posts- it's a conflicting feeling sometimes


I think this kind of thing is OK to go from one extreme to the other in order to find a balance that everyone likes.

>>>/qa/112583 I wanted to put this into a blog but I decided I wouldn't because of the conversation and it's true enough. But at the same time Ate corn today is not a very good thread on /qa/


Another thought is that the mentality of "THREADS ARE THE TRUE VIRTUE OF IMAGEBOARDS" leaves out a certain group of people who aren't adapted to the culture and don't feel comfortable enough with making something and being the center of attention.

Essentially a blog is onboarding for new users.


Her ears are cute


>The fact that you were able to easily find them and any of us here can choose to restart the discussion is something I strongly desire here.
That's a great point and very much true, we've talked before about how by default threads always have more visibility than replies do. I'm actually the one who bumped >>>/qa/111320 after that two-week interval and I was happy to see a conversation spring back up, wouldn't have been able to do that if it'd been a reply inside a general.
I also agree that those posts could've made for decent threads, it's true as well. Didn't occur to me that the Wing thing could've been a thread, honestly. But take this example: yesterday, I came across a Korean on Pixiv that makes characters into nazis. Normally I'd just leave that as a comment in the blog thread at most because I think it's a funny thing to share, I but really really really would not want to make that into a thread. Sometimes that's what happens, people want to share it but not make it a big thing.
Just remember to NOT hound others over this because as we discussed in the archived thread that factually generates ZERO results and bothers people quite a bit.

>people who aren't adapted to the culture and don't feel comfortable enough with making something and being the center of attention.
>Essentially a blog is onboarding for new users.
That's... ehh. The way one posts on the blog isn't really representative of the rest of the site, and it doesn't manage to bridge the thread gap. The situation in 4taba is an example of this, it lived and died by that single thread.


taba's problems weren't down to just a single thread.


And the thoughts thread didn't fix them, right?


Drinking milk does not cause or cure cancer


what about pilk

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