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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

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File:[Azure-Subs] The Idolmaste….jpg (189.47 KB,1280x720)


Who is the /secret/ idol? Bumps = votes!


Nina has the best voice of the bunch, and she's also a very cute in how dumb she is... hmmmm


she was so cute in her episode



nina is really pure


why did they leave out rika.....


she is too cute


hi nina




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she's cute


stole your toes




kao akebi's voice


she has my vote




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best voice
best expressions
best wardrobe
best tard
overall the cutest thing i've seen in a while


best tard




Why doesn't Nina have more songs??


I don't think she's particularly short on songs, but they're all the same campy childish style.


Meant individual original songs, maybe I should check out the group ones as well. How many image songs do the most popular ones get?


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I like Nina not just because she's a tard, but because she gives me this sense of cheerful determination, enthusiasm, endless wonder, rewatching her episode just confirmed this. She radiates concentrated fun and always stands out because of it. Even without her kigs, besto de gozaimasu.


Most CGs only have 2 image songs. Even the "main characters" Shimamu/Shiburin/Mio only got 3-4 each. CG focuses more on quantity of girls and writing new songs for the girls that don't have one yet.


Also they tend to write group songs for existing characters. One of them is the center so in some ways you could say that it's that girl's song. Standard event song plot is "hey you 5 girls are forming a new unit, learn to work together and do a performance".


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The people have spoken


yay nina


Why is tard = cute?


/secret/ - Nina Culture


It's not just the tard, she's also super genki, earnest, has great kigus, and the best voice (this is a fact). One of the tiniest U149s as well, which is always cute.
But as for why tardness is cute... I suppose being dumb makes cute things become cuter when you see them try to do something in spite of their clumsiness, with the usual desire to protect, and you can have dumb fun with them. Endearing, iunno.


she's pure, not tard


why not both


once upon a time my cat was sleeping near the edge of a bed, so close her leg was poking over it, and slowly... slowly... the cat slid ever closer towards the edge
she fell off still asleep
tardness is sooooooo cute


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>and the best voice (this is a fact).
Definitely true. I would put Koharu as second.
I wonder if they have to strain their voices to make these voices, kinda like a pleasant version of Marge Simpson or Spongebob.


hi nina




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that's the joke


I was thrown off by the mouth


important thread, despite the creeps within


the creeps


the creeps within nina's panties


nina is the best


voting for nina again


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Don't forget Nina


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so how did the manga go


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nina....i choose you


won't forget nina


EXTREMELY cute Bulbasaur


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bzz bzz


what a lucky mother, i wish i had the opportunity to give birth to nina


wish i could feel nina inside me




don't forget nina


actually there's an idea, I'll just make Nina the sticky thread


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Been a year and a half, still the best.

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