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R:144 / I:99
post a pic, receive a free Kuonification (within reason)
it's time to test this stuff out
R:16 / I:11
Title: Quest-spawned Zakan Hoimoidragons get stuck walking into cliff face

Category: NPC-AI, Art-Terrain

Reproduction rate: 1/10

Impact: 4 - Low

Have the "Hoimoi in Luisa!" quest unlocked, token [quest:homoattack3]. (Can also apply the attached account state.)

1. Approach the cliffs south of Luisa village ([tp -31.2 80.7])
2. Wait for the dragons to spawn
3. Observe dragons chasing villagers
4. Wait for the villagers to fully retreat
5. Observe new hoimoi behavior

Dragon gets stuck against cliff face.
Dragon is able to patrol the area.

In the third part of the hoimoidragon investigation questline, the player follows an errant pack of monsters up to the outskirts of Luisa village on the western edge of the island, where they descend in a stampede against a crowd of villagers. However, after the villagers are gone and the dragons revert to their basic movement patterns, it's possible for them to try to return to their original position above the cliffs, causing them to endless walk into rocks they can't climb.

Labels: Pathfinding, Terrain, NPC-AI, HoimoiInvestigation

Attachments: CliffTard.mp4, CliffTard.log, Luisa.acc
R:2 / I:2
¥I got run over by an armored truck and was reincarnated into another world as the Fed???
R:12 / I:5
For some reason I saw that NatGeo was having their annual shark week and decided to watch a bit of it because sharks are the coolest lifeform out there. It made me think while I was watching about how if there's one thing I don't appreciate about Japan its their massive overfishing problem, especially finning. It just feels so wasteful for us to drive populations of species closer and closer towards extinction without at least trying to make an effort towards allowing them to grow out their numbers so it's possible to sustain fishing them for generations to come. Not blow our load now and then in the future be shit out of luck because we got rid of all animals we were eating/making goods out of.

Anyways, aside from that little bit of irking I was enamored by all the various different shark videos and they really cemented themselves as one of my favorite animals. Can't go backwards, just straight, but if you were to try and take advantage of that to try and outswim one you'd be sharkfood faster than your clever brain would be able to process getting chunked. These guys can swim over 20mph (Olympic swimmers can only hit around 5) so any disadvantage they have with maneuverability is easily made up for through turning around charging you extremely fast for a proper chomp if they were going for you. In a way it's what scares me about some of the better beach spots in the world since a whole lot of them have a good bit of sharks inside of them, Australia and South Africa in particular being quite populous. And the strategy of punching them in the face doesn't really seem like the best deterrent either unless you hit them in the eyes, but from what I've seen they actually have their eyes retreat into their sockets when feasting so it's not as easy as people would have you think.

Also what's /qa/'s favorite shark? Mine's the great white because it's just so utterly massive and emblematic of what you think of when people say 'Shark', huge teeth and way more aggressive than most of its genetic siblings. The colors on it and the more rugged look too earn it numerous cool points. If we were living some several million years ago though, I'd probably say Megaladon since it's basically a dinosaur shark which is the most epic you can get. Need some way to bring them back or resurrect them Jurassic Park style....
R:14 / I:8

It can't be helped

It can't be helped
R:15 / I:1
I just marathoned every skibidi toilet thing. It's not bad. I think the absurdist humor towards the beginning was better, but the 'serious' stuff is kinda neat. It just looks like a tech demo for SFM or something. I think people are too hard on it because kids like it, but it's just kind of cool to see mecha stuff and lasers, even if the toilet stuff seems like a vestigial part of its origins.
It should be made into a video game
R:19 / I:12
Glasses are a 3DPD trait, remove them to become a 2D angel.
R:4 / I:3
R:5 / I:1
R:2 / I:0
R:11 / I:7
Episode 11 fanservice callback
R:7 / I:4
R:13 / I:6
R:25 / I:15
Isn't it weird to think that there's a /qa/ belly anime airing made by a hentai studio with gratuitous jiggling and nudity? I can't even post most of the screenshots without the NSFW thingie
R:29 / I:3

EVO time


Anyone watching? I'm just tuning in because I noticed it was on and they were announcing new stuff for games including how they nerfed the hell out of dizzy for strive
R:6 / I:5
R:3 / I:2
there's a lot of talk about drawing a girl and calling it a boy, but imagine drawing a couple of characters so androgynous that it's tagged as both yuri and yaoi
R:2 / I:0
R:6 / I:6
R:3 / I:1
What is it with these DEX fags.....
R:10 / I:4
new gobou
R:6 / I:6
Could the screenshot anime of the season be... a VN adaptation?
R:13 / I:5
What shows that released somewhat recently do you find yourself missing? Not just "I liked this show and it was good", but a "I miss watching this and wish there was more"?
I feel this way with Salad Bowl which is kind of surprising to me. I guess the characters were just really enjoyable and it had a little bit of emotional stuff without making it a serious show.
R:53 / I:30
anime of the season
R:6 / I:1
Was about to drop this with prejudice, but now I think I might be in love.
R:2 / I:1
Spray the tum.
R:5 / I:1
R:4 / I:2
Master put a chastity belt on my sword...
R:7 / I:4
My only friends were a stuffed animal and a frog.
I took them on a trip to the ocean.
Now I'm sad.
R:3 / I:1
Hi I am Alice. Hi am from Makai.

Your site is cute. Many many cute photo. I am in your site for many many time, but I no understando all.

What you talk? What is the favorite discussion you say please?

Sorry for my question. Bye bye America.

R:5 / I:0
If there's a world where people are furries by default, does that mean humans are the anthropomorphic "(furry)" race?
R:15 / I:7
finally an isekai about literally me
R:25 / I:15
sounds like nanahira...
R:0 / I:0
R:7 / I:4
I don't think I like it when 2D stuff acknowledges aging and time passing. It's uncomfortable and depressing
R:11 / I:7
I was raped by a Brazilian Youtuber on my way to work today.
R:2 / I:2
The only true freedom one needs
R:15 / I:8
Ah, there he is.
That motherfucker.
What a tool.
R:3 / I:1
The Purple Phoenix will rise again!
R:3 / I:2
R:1 / I:1
During this moment, unfortunately, it appears my euphoria has considerably diminished with a lack of multifarious indications of re-emergence.
R:27 / I:9





R:12 / I:8
Learn about nutrition with Holo!
R:9 / I:4
R:7 / I:2
R:2 / I:0
Hear me out on this one. "Blah blah blah, polygamy against what I believe in" whatever.

Twins. Name a better case for it.
R:6 / I:3
shota killed my perfect yuri world
R:5 / I:2
how retarded can a person be...
R:8 / I:6
R:8 / I:6
When you think about it little sisters are basically perfection
R:24 / I:13
You've been entrusted the task of allocating resources for the development of a videogame, and have thirty points to use. How will you spend them?
R:8 / I:3
found a meower
R:15 / I:6
Today I learned that PEANUTS can cause cancer. Yes, you heard it right, peanuts. Facts about health and nutrition can be shocking and surprising.
R:5 / I:2
Hey wait a minute this is just less-ero more loser-otaku mc Bisque Doll on a budget without the special link that made the two reliant upon each other....
R:28 / I:5

Digimon Tamers 2021

>Still no raw download/torrent for Digimon Tamers 2021
>The only fansub that exists is the crappy softsub one from [DATS-Wild Bunch] with their annoying watermark logo and their cringe trigger warning about the "alt right messages" of Digimon Tamers 2021

Where the hell can we find the raw! Also we need a proper fansub for it.
R:4 / I:1
Does anyone have the watch order for LoGH?
Do I have to watch the prequel movie first and then watch the rest of the show?
R:10 / I:3
What about Clownpissu?
R:9 / I:1

blogs appreciation thread

Does anyone here still visit blogs or have their own blogs? If so, share them at this thread. Here is mine:
R:24 / I:10
I want to play more video games and yet I don't play more video games and instead sit on my computer doing other stuff! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?
R:8 / I:3
how the HELL do you have a robot wife and she's NOT waterproof? did you have her made in china or something?
R:11 / I:5
Helpful guide I found for teaching anatomy
R:8 / I:3
You're a virgin, right? Everyone here wants you to be a virgin? You wouldn't betray our expectations by not being one, would you?
R:22 / I:5
Is "P" the cutest sound in music? It seems like it's a sound that comes up a lot in "cute" music.
Pa, Pi, Pu and so on. I first noticed this when Star Twinkle and Endro were both airing at the same time, but since then I notice it whenever it pops up.
Do you have a favorite P song?
R:4 / I:2
R:4 / I:0
R:2 / I:2
R:70 / I:5

Psycho Pass Stream

I'm gonna get the commie subs. I'm gonna do it!

6PM EST. Normal place
R:8 / I:6
Very important webm, please make sure to open it.
R:8 / I:1
I like it when people go so far for a cosplay
R:13 / I:1
Help, mind melting in chocolat
Only your catchiest animated music videos can save it from the loop
R:2 / I:1
Me looking at written Japanese for one second
R:5 / I:3
Can you believe there's actually people who live like this....
R:12 / I:8
R:8 / I:4
These isekai really are changing up the formula, did NOT see this coming.
R:16 / I:8
R:5 / I:1
This company is still making quality visual novels
R:2 / I:2
hop in dude
R:3 / I:2
R:2 / I:2
R:7 / I:3
R:2 / I:1
Now that Dededede's out probably the next thing I'm really looking forwards to is the new Junji Ito adaptation. Maybe this time they finally do it justice instead of the awful attempts that promised so much and delivered nothing. At the very least the preview looks great.
R:6 / I:4
Remember to say rabbit rabbit when you wake up if uhhh... if uhh... you haven't slept yet... oops
R:11 / I:4
Remember to save energy by cuddling with your big brother instead of cranking the thermostat up. Let's save the planet one night at a time.
R:8 / I:3
So I finally finished TsukiMichi S2, and after all the terrible waiting for something to happen the payoff completely sucked. They needed 24 episodes for this? Complete kuzu at the end just everything wrapped up in a perfect bow and all going Kuzunoha's way by coincidence. Didn't even get him exposing his identity to the other heroes, I want my time back...
R:4 / I:2
R:8 / I:6


R:33 / I:14
Look, I'm just saying. If I HAD to bang a dude.....
R:9 / I:5
The face of a cutie.
R:49 / I:26
Choose your JK seiyuu.
R:10 / I:6
im based

im based

fuck yeah im based

based based based

oh yeah

based pissssss based

hell yeah fucking based

oh yeah fucking pissssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssssSSSSSSSSSSSsssssssssss
R:12 / I:7
Surprise buttsex!
R:13 / I:9
What amazing facts have you learned from anime or video games recently? I learned that 'himitsu' means secret in Japanese! I now know like 3 Japanese words!
R:28 / I:20
Sentai Daishikkaku is good!
It's nice to see a studio that previously only did mediocre gacha adaptations (including Blue Archive right now) is making a nice show this season with the Sentai one and is even assisting with Dungeon Meshi? One character reminding me of the guy in Gridman is not a coincidence apparently.
I don't know how this stuff works, but I guess at some point a studio gets enough momentum to make its own mark instead of just assisting. They don't have a massive budget, but I think you can see the passion and talent. It makes me wonder how it could have been if they were entirely focused on this instead of doing Blue Archive and Dungeon Meshi at the same time.

(ok third time is the charm in making the thread correctly)
R:12 / I:4
Eh? You're home along on a fridey nite?
R:8 / I:2
Only oldfags will "get" this one
R:4 / I:2
R:6 / I:4
What are the great mysteries?
R:6 / I:2
Ah yes, I know what we should put our minds to now. Invading Finland.
R:6 / I:3
face reveal
R:22 / I:20
What did her face look like again?
R:7 / I:3
>[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri - 08 [WEB AMZN 1080p h264 AC3 2.0]
R:9 / I:6
Ehh? Le mon cake-e?
R:14 / I:10
ai mai mii
R:5 / I:3

ITT: Greatest love stories ever told

R:31 / I:14
R:6 / I:1
Does anyone else have mixed feelings about the start of a new anime season? I'm excited for new shows, but it's so hard to start new ones and get used to these new 'worlds'. Episode 8 or so is the sweet spot when you know everyone, but then it's just 4 episodes and you have to say goodbye...
R:113 / I:46
that feelio when something gets flagged as "youtube kids" and you get too embarrassed to keep watching/listening to it anymore
R:5 / I:3
R:2 / I:1
Wife sent me back in time so I could seduce her when she was 13.
R:9 / I:3
R:8 / I:4
Look at this Jalter.
R:2 / I:1
R:7 / I:4
Theoretically, what would be the best and cheapest way for you to live on your own and mostly sustain yourself while having good internet?
R:5 / I:3
My tomboy JC gf grew up...
R:3 / I:1
R:3 / I:0
R:2 / I:1
It's good to instill proper morals and values on the younglings and help them avoid mistakes rather than throw them into the fire.
R:5 / I:0

Bruh, I just testing...

R:27 / I:16
What anime exist nowadays that ever give you a feeling like this?
R:63 / I:23
Would somebody mind explaining how some random shota isekai comedy managed to secure a good studio with a high budget that is competing with some of the better anime this season in entertainment value? Seriously it's got great comedic timing, and a setting that values its magic and breaking it in so many creative ways while not feeling like the author's personal wankfest over themself. Lloyd's quite the mischievous and charming creature, he sort of sucks you in and has you wondering what kind of bs he'll pull out of his ass next. It's more comedic than serious though so I'm more laughing with it than with something like Mahouka where it's played completely straight.
R:21 / I:11
ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong.
R:15 / I:3
You know I get a feeling that guy on the left isn't as reliable or altruistic as he appears.
R:101 / I:57

Owarimonogatari Stream

FRIDAY 6/14 AT 7:00 EST

Owarimonogatari: Final Season
R:11 / I:4
Is darjeeling supposed to smell like cigarette ash? It tastes fine but the smell is a bit off putting.
R:10 / I:7
Are you good at showing your emotions outwardly, or do you tend to keep them hidden?
R:9 / I:1
Feel like being unable to enjoy anything, sleep properly, exercise, are probably byproducts of stress. How are you supposed to lower your stress levels when it gets to the point that it's debilitating?
R:4 / I:2
If possible...
R:25 / I:12
You know, as I look through and crop and organize images I'm reminded that there was a study that found men subconsciously felt happier and more relaxed when looking at breasts.
It makes me wonder if there's something like it for looking at cuteness. I feel like it has a definite effect on me even when I'm not thinking of it.
And then there's sexycute stuff which is like a double whammy of mental healing. With so many people embracing the endless rage of the modern internet maybe they should schedule some healing sessions.
R:3 / I:1
Day 386: I have successfully taken the witch's virginity. Her magic power has fallen dramatically. I believe it is now possible to kill her. Preparations for the assassination proceed as planned.
R:11 / I:8
Won't forget Elle
R:12 / I:5
R:69 / I:36

Crimson Demon

R:7 / I:3
R:60 / I:31
Desiring to sound intelligent in English leads a person to invariably use a term originating from Latin/French alternative to the Old English equivalent.

I will construct this sentence using equivalent Old English terms for you to compare and deduce which one sounds more sophisticated:
"Wanting to come off as smart in English makes someone to always use a word coming from Latin/French instead of the Old English twin.". As you can observe, it's impossible to utilize the word "term" in this case despite the fact that it's more appropriate. The Old English equivalent is nonexistent.
R:9 / I:6
R:6 / I:1
dumb comfortard
R:9 / I:5
Does /jp/ remember the birthday of their favorite characters? I can only remember a few, but that's because my memory isn't good. Today is Hiro's birthday (6/15), say something nice to her.
R:12 / I:3
scientists are talking to whales
R:4 / I:1
R:4 / I:2
What's WRONG with you?!
R:14 / I:6
I wasted my spring indoors looking at sns feeds and writting code.
R:6 / I:1
take a break from seasonal isekai to watch something different
R:130 / I:69
Is this what people mean by "perfection"?
R:145 / I:28
What do you think about trains? Are they really that interesting to have an entire otaku culture centered around them?
R:15 / I:8
Ripping groups that call themselves fansubbers while setting the default audio track to the English dub and using "eng" for both signs+songs and full english subtitle tracks deserve to be shot. I can't begin to tell you how annoying this is when dealing with a large media server. There is absolutely no reason why the original language is always the default. English dubs are horrible and I wish the cast that does every show would burn in a fire.

It's so much work to strip releases of English dub+signs/songs subtitle tracks because there is no rhyme or reason to how these groups tag things. A task that could be automated requires you doing it manually because these ripping groups follow no standards and don't even have consistence between releases.

The worst part is these bottom feeders overshadow better groups because they control the trackers and release lists where they promote their own releases. They even run a website and several discord servers where they promote the idea that fansubbing no longer requires a translator or someone to check translation. All they do is take other people's scripts and badly edit them. Then they slap them together with an inferior encode for video/audio and call it the "best" release. Most of the time their edits amount to removing things like honorifics for no reason or claiming to fix a sign or something. They rarely give credit to the group that did the translation. They always opt for CR scripts over true fansub scripts when possible. They'll defend a CR script to the end of time even though they can't read/speak Japanese and are barely able to speak English.

Why is the English "fansub" scene flooded with ESLs now? Does anyone know? I didn't believe it myself until I tried to work with some of these people. Every last one of them was ESL and had never even visited an English speaking country. Why don't they fansub for their own region instead? The answer is obvious. They aren't doing this to introduce anime to new audiences or for their own pleasure. They're doing it for clicks, attention and money.

The state of the English fansub scene is sad.
R:6 / I:4
What would you do if your best friend started spending all her time with someone else? If she started coming home to your shared bedroom late after a day of rubbing foreheads with the new girl and teaching her your gang signs?
R:10 / I:7
Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed was a Hungarian noblewoman and alleged serial killer from the Báthory family, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia). Báthory and four of her servants were accused of torturing and killing hundreds of girls and women from 1590 to 1610. Her servants were put on trial and convicted whereas Báthory was imprisoned within the Castle of Csejte (Čachtice), where she died under mysterious circumstances.
R:11 / I:3
R:19 / I:6
According to this there isn't a single country in the West which isn't overweight on average. You're considered overweight if you have a BMI above 25 and obese at 30. Not even Italy and France which are renowned for being healthy are under that. It's quite shocking to see a few African countries in those numbers as well. Do you think this makes BMI a bad way of measuring if someone is 'healthy' or not? Bodybuilders use body fat percentage instead of it, but that requires a proper tool for it. BMI does not take into account things such as muscle and bone mass. People just use BMI because it's simpler to calculate. I'm nearly overweight according to BMI (24.6), but I'd say my bf is around 20% using some photos as reference.

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