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Archived threads: /jp/

Displaying 19 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
76774 Something that comes up here and there is largely straight men slowly getting into shota in good part because of how some of them look a lot like lolis, not unlike what happens with traps. But can you imagine the opposite, a largely gay man getting into loli because they look like shota? Of course, the dynamics aren't symmetrical so it's hard to tell what this person would be into, exactly. Maybe crossdressing lolis? Futa lolis? Hard to tell. [View]
76880 Happy five years of independence, Kissu! Here's to another 5 more! [View]
76845 >>>/qa/126919 >>>/qa/126920 >>>/qa/126921 >>76843 >>76844 the avatard [View]
76791 https://captown.capcom.com/en/super_elections/1 Dino Crisis/Onimusha remake/sequel fucking WHEN CAPCOM??? [View]
76574 I want the guy who said Hitagi would not go deredere towards the series to personally apologize to her now if he watched Tsuki yesterday. All 'Gatari girls are good. Yes, even Nadeko. Koyomi-oniichan admitted it was his fault she turned into a psycho snake god in Koyomimonogatari and Shinobu had it coming. [View]
76787 BWEH! [View]
76735 Oyasuminas-...... [View]
76780 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyuBkX-BkN8 When you appreciate moe you appreciate K-ON because K-ON is at the pinnacle of moe and Mio is the most moe of the moe so you are appreciating Mio. Mio is also the best singer and the cutest and really she's just moe perfection. Yui's ok too I guess if you like that retard moe. [View]
76359 When it comes to individualism it is said by some that it is as simple as "I think therefor I am" but what thoughts must be thunk in order to think the thoughts that make you think "therefor I am" as not all thoughts one thunk up can be the types people think that would deduced the desired thunk "therefor I am" thought like if one is dreaming your still thinking but its very random we also have the issue of this thought being one thats absolutist because all humans think, if we dont we would be [View]
76734 What's the matter, /jp/? You suddenly turned away while we were in the middle of conversation? [View]
76677 This is my cafe. We serve coffee, tea and hugs. [View]
76519 A SILKSONG JUST FLEW OVER MY HOUSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZzia5NrMuU [View]
76607 bad singing [View]
76555 I hereby renounce my elf ways. One (1) half-foot, please. [View]
76552 [i]*licks cutely*[/i] [View]
76612 [s heading][s glowblue][i]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/i][/s][/s] [View]
76606 My corrupt private investigator/divorce lawyer in her 30s can't be this cute [View]
76491 Are there any foods that you could eat every day without getting tired of them? [View]
74823 As a reminder, /cry/ will be opening up again for the month of June so if you've been procrastinating about finishing up reading stuff or whatever, do it in May! [View]