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Archived threads: /jp/

Displaying 30 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
72025 Well, /jp/? [View]
72121 [s glowgreen]Zundamon~[/s] [View]
71708 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
69610 Whenever I look at Alice I just feel like I have to go to Alice and be with Alice and see Alice smile and be there with Alice when I go to Alice and see Alice smile I will be will Alice and Alice will smile and I will go to Alice [View]
72055 Post stupid looking girls ITT. Nayuta looks stupid. [View]
72069 Patchouli is fucking tired of Marisa attempting to steal her books... [View]
72007 Marry Arisu and raise genius children with her. [View]
68168 hehehe pasted mc [View]
72019 /qa/ won kek [View]
71917 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
71992 What would /jp/ do if a cute girl came up to you with glasses like these and looked at you through them? [View]
71839 Sigh Chair is DYING, guess it's time to get a new one. What's the best kind of chair out there for comfy hikki relaxation? [View]
71893 How do you improve your eye staring skill? [View]
71947 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
71961 Hey little champ, catch! [View]
71273 There's been a recent increase in serious and/or elaborate threads being made on /jp/ where long-form replies and slow discussion compete with other threads designed to be stupid and disposable. This is sort of going against the general idea of kissu having multiple boards to begin with, so we're going to move some threads to /qa/. Going forward, people should use the report system if they think a /jp/ thread is really nice and impo [View]
71853 Why is underwear so much more arousing than bikini? It makes no sense. This pic gives me a raging bone but bikini barely even makes me tingle. [View]
71913 This is the funniest example of an "I thought something like this might happen" moment I've ever seen. [View]
71068 What's the most /qa/ anime out there? [View]
69573 Fern has been posted on kissu for 4 months now and [View]
71755 What are some /jp/ tips for improving your life? (no gay ones) [View]
70387 There were a couple charts translated on 4chan about a poll in Japan asking men and women of various ages about their favorite media. The source is this: https://xtrend.nikkei.com/atcl/contents/18/00960/00001/ This is the first chart. If it's to the left of the middle it's more popular with men and inverse for women. The Y axis is age. The size of the blip is, uh... popularity in regards to how many people gave that response or something. [View]
70788 ignore this [View]
71782 This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like. [View]
71776 キタ───(゚∀゚)───!! [View]
71735 Yeah, uh-huh, Yuno what it is [View]
71677 キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! [View]
71698 Nobody tell /jp/... https://www.dragonsdogma.com/2/ja-jp/officialpawn/ [View]
71676 Pidgey with a hat [View]