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File:whatever.jpg (87.67 KB,688x650)


I'll do whatever this guy says.


Miku sure has fallen from grace from her Project Diva days...


File:F9LcKVxaMAAbORy.jpg (334.21 KB,2126x2268)


Mii, nipah~☆
Faito ooh, nipah~☆

Nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah~☆
I'm 100% nipah~☆
Nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah~☆
I'm 200% nipah~☆
Nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah~☆
Why do Yamainu hate nipah~☆?
Nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah~☆
They hate us 'cause our school club's bigga
Nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah nipah~☆
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File:[SubsPlease] Kisaki Kyouik….jpg (111.97 KB,1280x720)


In a world where Britain crashed into the continent to merge with Belgium, Italy conquered the Balkans by superimposing itself onto them, and the Swedish-Lithuanian dam was built to reclaim the eastern Baltic Sea... the French are still a bunch of stuck-up assholes.


Is it meant to be a real world or is it another isekai thing?


File:[SubsPlease] Kisaki Kyouik….jpg (127.7 KB,1280x720)

It's not a fantasy world, but it doesn't use real world nation names. It's just a generic setting for a plot about nobles and princes doing romance shit as far as I can tell. I also think it's just a sketch of Europe from memory by someone who took geography in school 20 years ago and isn't meant to be consistent because the next cut show Britain magically back in place and also Catalonia is a land bridge to Sardinia and Anatolia is a huge lake. Oh, and it's clearly Victorian-era but the borders are modern(-ish).

It's a real shame the show isn't going to delve into this at all because I find that map way more interesting than anything else it did.


There are TWO Denmarks...


File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (94.4 KB,1280x720)


¥ be me
¥ walking down hallway
¥ girl flashes her thighs and panties at me
¥ immediately lament the loose morals of today's youth
¥ walk away in despair at the debauchery of modern society
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File:1508134238622.jpg (96.8 KB,850x819)

cute pink panties!!


It's succumb to one shab now or attain nirvana and receive infinite shabs.


File:[SubsPlease] Kuroiwa Medak….jpg (81.69 KB,1280x720)

kyaaa~ haa~zuu~kaa~shiiiii~
Please forget you saw that~


You're thinking of Islamic heaven. Nirvana is when you achieve release from the cycle of shabs.


Nirvana is becoming a shab


File:[SubsPlease] Zenshuu - 01 ….jpg (100.09 KB,1280x720)


Doc, my medicine...
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File:1562079973249.jpg (294.69 KB,1024x576)

Arigatou, Sensei.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

That kind of puke can't be healthy


I just bit this puke


What's the healthy kind of puke?


the one that looks organic and homegrown


File:1702000839466049.jpg (697.11 KB,2073x4096)


Easiest trick to slimming down is gaming
Always forget to eat while doing it until I'm starving


File:Sadtyping.gif (1.83 MB,365x329)


I type like this whenever I lose an argument online and have to resort to ad hominems.
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File:sanae pc.png (888.62 KB,965x738)

The winning move is to stay neutral and insult both sides of the argument.


File:mahiro question.jpg (46.8 KB,494x772)

Don't you mean ad homini?


I want to ad homoni Mahiron


that's still gay


Ad hominid. No ape left behind.


File:1701997946101114.jpg (972.61 KB,1376x1626)


Always find that when I'm not feeling so good Miku can always bring a smile back to my face. She's such a great source of comfort when things are bad.



Miku is a true internet angel.


cute miku


Panty kiss


File:0e07bad0005eed552edf143047….jpg (2.77 MB,1920x2715)

oooooooooohhhh mikuuuuuu ;_; ;_; ;_;


File:disco 1.jpg (325.46 KB,1920x1080)



File:[SubsPlease] Kinomi Master….jpg (501.49 KB,1920x1080)


A shame nice designs like this get wasted on isekai slop


something has to carry it


File:[SubsPlease] Sorairo Utili….jpg (201.87 KB,1920x1080)

really need that word filter


good idea, isekai should be filtered to "new rock"


File:mpv-shot0356.jpg (145.66 KB,1024x576)






File:[HorribleSubs] Shakunetsu ….jpg (52.46 KB,1280x720)

I'm not trapped at home with the holidays,
the holidays are trapped at home with me.


File:1529098074484.jpg (103.09 KB,1280x720)

No I love home.


being home is great


File:[jiggly.webm (2.53 MB,1920x1080) [play once] [loop]


100-1 oppai to body movement ratio


You don't get that kind of movement with natural boobers


File:[ASW] Momentary Lily - 01 ….png (8.46 MB,1920x1080)

in-anime reference


¥ GoHands
Can't focus on the boobers over the sound of me going blind.


File:[ASW] Momentary Lily - 01 ….png (6.37 MB,1920x1080)

¥me introducing myself


File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao n….jpg (302.2 KB,1280x1440)


What d'ya think, doc?




File:[SubsPlease] Ameku Takao n….jpg (235.27 KB,1280x1440)

Correct! In fact, this patient was eaten by a T-Rex.


File:Eric_Foreman_(House).webp (27.54 KB,720x720)

I think you need to lay off the Vicodin, it was Lupus.


do we know when miss autist is gonna have her prison arc


Did you try the medicine drug?


File:124374706_p0.png (1.16 MB,1440x1080)


Remember to say "rabbit rabbit" when you wake up for a month of good luck!
(should have made this thread earlier...)
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I said it 5 times....


File:6563923_p0.jpg (300.12 KB,600x839)

Rabbit Rabbit


File:1687967104078738.jpg (74.17 KB,930x844)

How do you remember to say rabbit rabbit?


you make your maid wake you up while wearing >>84581
works like a charm


File:trumpet tewi.mp4 (2.86 MB,1280x720) [play once] [loop]

buy bnuy fumo, set alarm to bnuy song, think bnuy thoughts, and go to bed at a reasonable time


File:S01E06-Pied Piper of Hamel….jpg (224.33 KB,1920x1080)


>I like him because he knows how to farm


he knows how to green


File:S01E06-Pied Piper of Hamel….jpg (668.2 KB,1920x2272)

... and how to treat a woman.


make shabs afraid again


He knows his way around a hoe anyways.


File:R-1735626018114.jpeg (873.78 KB,1080x1637)


I have contamination and mutants
In my brain
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I'm 100% black



Maybe you should join Majestic-12


No... not yet.


File:lain jc.png (221.83 KB,454x1113)

I got some good news for both of you

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