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File:[SubsPlease] Bye Bye, Eart….jpg (278.62 KB,1920x1080)


If there's a world where people are furries by default, does that mean humans are the anthropomorphic "(furry)" race?


Depends on whether humans are real.


They'd be the anthropomorphic ("human-shaped") race.


anthropomorphic ("furless") race


furrypomorphic ("anthro") race


it just means humans will be the default after we genocide all the furries, duh

File:R-1720748054967.jpg (326.61 KB,1920x1080)


finally an isekai about literally me
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File:1513387843015.jpg (77.94 KB,351x351)

VERY despair-inducing page!






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sounds like nanahira...
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It's alright, I probably would read like three more chapters and drop it but that's just me


It's not bad, but as my /qa/ post is about to elaborate on I'm already out of non-MTL translations...

File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (271.22 KB,1920x1080)



File:[EMBER] Megami no Cafe Ter….jpg (439.85 KB,1920x1080)


I don't think I like it when 2D stuff acknowledges aging and time passing. It's uncomfortable and depressing
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File:[EMBER] Megami no Cafe Ter….jpg (235.38 KB,1920x1080)


The steaks are set!


File:[EMBER] Megami no Cafe Ter….jpg (267.62 KB,1920x1080)

High stakes?


high steaks


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (532.99 KB,1920x1080)

High weights?

File:[Erai-raws] Nanare Hananar….jpg (123.86 KB,1280x720)


I was raped by a Brazilian Youtuber on my way to work today.
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File:[Erai-raws] Nanare Hananar….jpg (104.13 KB,1280x720)

I was raped by a Brazilian Youtuber in my own home today.


stop the slander HUGS ARE NOT RAPE


File:727f4bddbfac0a827d6795f1fc….gif (1.39 MB,640x360)

Blondes are quick to recognize weakness


File:[Erai-raws] Nanare Hananar….jpg (112.13 KB,1280x720)

Rape culture.


File:mpc-hc64_dOuJXeQwBn.png (3.31 MB,1920x1080)


File:[SubsPlease] VTuber Nandag….jpg (357.95 KB,1920x1080)


The only true freedom one needs


File:[SubsPlease] VTuber Nandag….jpg (196.29 KB,1920x1080)

how many blogs do you think she cracks daily


File:[EMBER] Megami no Cafe Ter….jpg (244.69 KB,1920x1080)

Isn't that a vtuber? I'll kick your ass

File:[SubsPlease] VTuber Nandag….jpg (288.78 KB,1920x1080)


Ah, there he is.
That motherfucker.
What a tool.
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File:[SubsPlease] VTuber Nandag….jpg (339.7 KB,1920x1080)



File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (278.77 KB,1920x1080)

Well, they know their audience. I assume it's a Japanese teenage meme being localized to something roughly equivalent


Is this show worth watching?


File:[ASW] VTuber Nandaga Haish….jpg (321.95 KB,1920x1080)

If you don't have much of a problem with (Japanese) vtubers I'd say so. It's better than what I thought it would be. No chance of it showing up on the stream because cg doesn't like tubers though.


File:[Erai-raws] Isekai Shikkak….jpg (250.93 KB,1920x1080)

While I do hate vtubers, the reason it wasn't in stream was that the uploader guy forgot to upload it. We'll probably have it next week unless episode 2 is really horrendous or something.

File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (116.73 KB,1280x720)


The Purple Phoenix will rise again!


It took me looking at the filename to realize that that is not Sakurako.


File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (221.35 KB,1920x1080)

I see...


the true heir of rome is japan

File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (248.2 KB,1920x1080)




so uhh how is it


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (298.44 KB,1920x1080)

How is it??? Does it look bad?


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (302.07 KB,1920x1080)

Does it?

File:[SubsPlease] Shoushimin Se….jpg (191.19 KB,1920x1080)


During this moment, unfortunately, it appears my euphoria has considerably diminished with a lack of multifarious indications of re-emergence.


File:Bleach - S17E03 - 1080p WE….jpg (303.5 KB,1920x1080)

I like those hats, they seem quite comfortable







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almost 2 million views in 12 hours...
now that's some effective marketing




File:[DeerGod] Shikanoko Nokono….jpg (269.83 KB,1920x1080)



File:[ASW] Shikanoko Nokonoko K….jpg (195.87 KB,1920x1080)

12.7 million...



File:[Thonk] Ookami to Koushinr….mp4 (8.53 MB,1280x720)


Learn about nutrition with Holo!
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File:what.jpg (96.65 KB,1280x720)

But rye bread tastes way better than plain white bread.


File:296407220.3000001_what-is-….jpg (193.09 KB,1600x1000)

I agree, but she's talking about some other kind of bread which I'm not familiar with, which is apparently tough and bitter. So it's not simply brown bread. It can even be charcoal colored. Like you're eating something burned.


looks like it was dyed with squid ink


File:[SubsPlease] Spice and Wol….jpg (167.84 KB,1920x1080)

bread eat


File:[Thonk] Ookami to Koushinr….jpg (207.47 KB,1920x1080)

File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (259.83 KB,1920x1080)


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More like she handed /jp/ her sloppy seconds after having her fun and thoroughly rubbing it in everyone's face that she was there first.


she actually looks rather thin in this page, no chub in sight


completely ignoring that belly aren't you


File:1720829854401.jpg (39.57 KB,274x215)

this tummy is flat as hell and that'd be easier to see if it weren't for the huge hips


File:[SubsPlus ] Plus-Sized Elf….jpg (272.76 KB,1920x1080)


It's insulting to call that a belly!

File:[ASW] Dungeon no Naka no H….png (3.24 MB,1920x1080)


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I've had times when I've had something for quite a long time, never used it, thought it was trash and reluctantly thrown it away to make space for something else, then ended up needing it somewhere down the line. Hoarding is not a joke!


File:[ASW] Dungeon no Naka no H….png (4.08 MB,1920x1080)



it's not garbage and that's why i'm leaving my ragged clothes outside for beggars to take away they can make better use of it


Just toss it and buy a new one if you end up needing it in the future.


just buy it again

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