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File:yakui lsd.jpg (177.94 KB,1280x910)


Happy Bicycle Day, /jp/!
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File:117297671_p0.jpg (286.29 KB,1457x1943)

There's no 20th month ya dummy.


4/20 is just a fancy way of writing o point two.


Happy Dude Weed day!


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Saturday morning...
How does jp gets over a hangover?


greasy food

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Can dolls physically age?


If left in the Sun they made degrade


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If they couldn't, why don't we see very many 4000 year old dolls around?
Are they leaving Earth?
Are they having an exciting dolls-only space adventure that we are not invited to?
What kind of sick joke is this?


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A tan would be considered a massive upgrade among certain individuals.


They would lose color.
Have you never heard of sun-bleaching?

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what's the best pizza
26 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This is the most revolting thing I've ever seen. I'm gagging just thinking about it.


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I often use soy sauce (and fish sauce) instead of salt.


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I like my pizza fancy.


If you buy 4 of those, will you get the rest of the car as well?


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I just ordered a beef and mushroom pizza because of this thread.

File:[Piyoko] Himitsu No Aipri ….mp4 (1.3 MB,1280x720)


What is it that makes a proper kissu girl? Is it this?


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That is not proper in and of itself, but the path to achieving properness.

File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….png (1.19 MB,1920x1080)


The time of Eru and Uru's execution... got changed


hi elle


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home along on a fridey night?
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i love my computer friends


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home alone every Friday night and living it up (´꒳`)♡


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>>74175 >>74177


Looking at the thumbnail I almost thought this was an anthropomorphic ("furry") image

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Hey jaypiss what novels are you reading? You do read right?
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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (185.67 KB,1920x1080)

WN = weighty novel?


Wuxing novels. Anon is clearly a fan of literature dealing with Chinese philosophy.


File:Go.Go.Loser.Ranger.S01E02.….jpg (233.27 KB,1920x1080)

Chinese philosophy novels? Good god....


Web novels, obviously


Web novel
This one I'm reading is called Monster Paradise

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How do I get my wife to stop being an itoddler? She's embarrassing me in front of my /g/ friends.
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File:1501199776402.jpg (335.66 KB,1280x720)

>installed Arch Linux on it...
There's your problem, how's she supposed to appreciate Arch if she wasn't able to install it herself?


basically everything bar games featuring kernel level anticheat just work on linux nowadays


There are a lot of things in games that don't work well. Like games(or applications) that use system fonts such as Arial rather than build them directly into the executable.
Everything else is pretty system interchangable...


Still the equivalent of buying a mountain bike despite living in the flats.


Unless you mean "just works" like "it just works™", I've come to realize that that's not really the case. Switching from Linux gaming to dual booting Windows to game, the experience is worlds apart; if you just focus on gaming though, everything else feels like shit. Games run smoother, higher FPS for lower/same temperature, etc. Really noticeable when you have a potato for a PC. Maybe not much of a difference if you have relatively newer (gaming) hardware though.

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Reverse character development should appear more often.


WAY too long. Knee level at absolute most


Looks like she's hovering next to the bed. What a lazy artwork.

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Why's his butt so red?


thank you for introducing me to this artist he draws a lot of funny stuff

File:[MATSU] Maria Holic Alive ….png (618.88 KB,808x880)


It's quite simple to recognize and make valid criticisms towards a bad anime, even for paragraphs at a time. But how does one go about writing long-form praise for media that doesn't get bogged down in repetition or dullness?
58 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wouldn't exactly consider the ever-changing jumble of mechanics and spaghetti code in Paradox titles to be art, but regardless you're confusing a toolset for a piece of art. Anbennar may be built on EU4, but it is not EU4. Even if every person who plays EU4 also plays Anbennar, that does not make them the same thing. They're distributed separately by separate entities who did not collaborate in its creation, one merely uses tools offered by the other, treating mechanics in the same way a fanfic would use characters from another story. Maybe you could argue that non-substantive changes like bug fix mods or UI improvements (which I'm pretty sure make up the majority of those HoI mods) are more like printing a book in a different font or fixing typos, but graphics in a game are generally more fundamental to a visual medium than the presentation of something purely text-based.

You can use ACE to add Tetris to Pokemon Blue, but considering that part of the game's artistic vision would be insane.


Does the codebase for a game really need to be neat and clean as well for it to be considered art? That feels like a sort of unnecessary requirement for something the audience for the most part will never see...


You know I bet paying more attention to english classes rather than sitting boredly awaiting the more exciting science/math ones would have helped...


Feel like I've seen this very same post in the past as well...


You now realize that March 23 is almost a month ago.

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Did you know that you can upload images without actually saving them? I like to temporarily steal images from 4chan archives and boorus with this strategy.
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File:C-1713403568280.png (12.84 KB,524x116)

yeah but did you paste the link here rather than the image itself? because you can do both


File:C-1713407290862.png (244.41 KB,419x551)

Yeah I pasted the link. But "copy image" instead seems to generate this "C-" filename. I didn't know that.


File:C-1713407535728.png (35.22 KB,133x175)

Why did it turn the transparency black though.


>>74085 >>74091
Both of these files were altered, clearly.
I guess that copying the image means that kissu regenerates it from the data.

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you cute stupid shab....
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Why are you listing horror movies?


im not listing horror movies, i only saw hellraiser but never saw saw, i read it also, i mean It, not saw. It was meh.


still need to read soremachi


i watched the anime, the girl had an annoying-cute voice


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You have to wonder sometimes just how much of genderbender was spawned by Ranma. I know that's how I originally was introduced to it and Ranma hentai was one of my earlier faps, she's just so hot.
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Oh, and Xchange far, far, FAR less influential of course. I just thought I'd mention something


File:104941309_p0.jpg (2.43 MB,2778x2690)

I don't like how Mahiro's toes are long. I just want to JO to stumpy toe Mahiro.


are they really that long?


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I have to finish this sometime.


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Just watch it weekly like it was originally intended to be watched.

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