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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (216.57 KB,1920x1080)


taking a pic for /jp/


if you squint hard enough it looks like pastries


Well I don't appreciate it! >:(


File:077d57de8c209782df6d54ac98….jpg (301.43 KB,1000x1250)

Jaypeepee's gonna love this selfie!

File:[ASW] Atri - My Dear Momen….png (Spoiler Image,5.39 MB,1920x1080)


GOD I wish that were me
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who do you think MADE that junk in the first place you're not addressing the reasons behind it mr ludd


Meatbag girls should try being more high-spec if they don't want robots to steal their men.


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (294.98 KB,1920x1080)



How do you know her high specs don't include breeding capabilities?


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This looks interesting, the idea of an anime Lord of the Rings is cool.

Though whether it's actually anime is debatable. It's animated by a Japanese studio and directed by Kamiyama Kenji but it's written and produced by westerners and made for a western company.

There is an English trailer too of course but I like this one more.
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^ this is bait


West anime reminds me of fighting game or video game anime. Marred with lack of good directors.
Is this one from rezero author as well?


File:[SubsPlease] Spice and Wol….jpg (182.94 KB,1920x1080)

I try not to be a negative person, but I don't have anything positive to say about this.

LotR as a "franchise" like Star Wars is ugly. There's not a set world but instead one which will twist and change for each new company that pays the fee. The LotR multiverse!
As for this particular one, unfortunately I think it looks mediocre. The CGI is ugly and choppy and looks hindered by the move from live action instead of gifted by the new options it should bring to the table. They did a better job of masking its Westernness, but the very fact that this is a known strategy shows you the amount of deserved distrust and disgust people have towards Western studios. They put the Japanese director's name front and center because a Western name would immediately turn people away, and yes the promotional material in English makes sure to call it "anime". It's like "Chocolate Flavored Syrup" that contains no actual cocoa in it. The Japanese studio that's part of the equation here seems exclusively built for this kind of thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sola_Digital_Arts
Maybe the music will be good.


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I am mostly indifferent to it; my only gripe with it so far is that it looks way too cheap for a movie. You'd think that WB would throw a ton of cash at this project and make it visually look good since it's a zillion dollar franchise.


I haven't watched western anime before. But from what I have seen of the staff behind them often they seem to be mostly driven by westerners which I think would be the issue. It doesn't matter how good the studio behind it is or how good the direct is if the writers and producers are all terrible. So who knows how this will turn out, but I think it will be okay at least.

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Was about to drop this with prejudice, but now I think I might be in love.
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File:Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [E….jpg (1.12 MB,1685x1200)

The norms took Osanai, they must suffer.


>Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans].zip-Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans]-Fukushuu Kyoushitsu -v5

Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [Easy Going Scans]


Sure hope there's a good wiki for this bcause I'm not rading a book


File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (393.7 KB,1920x1080)

It's definitely more intriguing than twins. Twins is just lacking any energy and the media references have started to feel more like a crutch than any meaningful part of the story.


The references are to show that Naori and Jun are the same kind of incorrigible nerd to explain why Rumi is so convinced they're a better match. Its biggest problem is that it got to that post-volume 1 LN status quo partway through the season and is spending the rest wasting time with some random boobslut instead of wrapping up the main story. Norm Series has much better progression as the mysteries get more and more trivial.

File:[SubsPlease] Make Heroine ….jpg (80.86 KB,1280x720)


We're going to take it all back. Everything they took from us.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (180.55 KB,1920x1080)

Steal Mehmeh????


We're taking the fight to the norms.


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Make Heroine go "Oo Sugoi!"

File:[Judas] Kuroshitsuji - S04….jpg (220.65 KB,1920x1080)


The idealization of Western cultural modernity in Kuroshitsuji (and in other postwar Japanese popular culture texts that manifest the shōjo Gothic style) articulates the enduring desire of contemporary Japan to "catch up" with the West and become fully "modern" in Western terms. This desire can be traced back to the final Tokugawa years (1853-67) and the Meiji era (1868-1912), which constituted the turning point in Japan's history when the country first came into contact with Western imperial power in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
In the years before and during the Meiji era, Western artifacts and customs, and the aesthetic disposition or "taste" these artifacts and customs implied, became objects of idolization. According to Kitahara Michio, this "Europeanization fever" (ōkanetsu) was the cultural expression of Japan's Oedipal identification with the West in response to the "shock" of possible colonization (which Kitahara reads as castration) engendered by the arrival of Commodore Perry's warships in 1853 and, I would argue, by the increasing awareness of the realities of international geopolitics in the years that followed.

The Japanese public's almost fanatic desire to possess both Western goods and the Western knowledge needed to consume and appreciate these goods led to intense interest in Western languages, art, apparel, hairstyles, and even the eating of beef. The Meiji writer Natsume Sōseki observed that "men would show off by dangling gold watches, wearing Western dress, growing beards, and interjecting English phrases when speaking ordinary Japanese." Japanese art and culture, on the other hand, were seen as inferior and treated with contempt. For example, woodblock prints by prominent artists were used to wrap fish and vegetables. As I have shown, Japanese identification with Western cultural modernity as a national ideal-I" first arose out of Japan's traumatic historical encounter with Western imperialism just before and during the Meiji period; as the product of that traumatic encounter, it has arguably become rooted in the collective unconscious of the Japanese nation and finds expression today in Kuroshitsuji and other shōjo Gothic texts.

The shōjo Gothic style, as we have seen, is a signifying practice that involves a number of paradoxes. As a postmodern practice of simulation, recontextualization and reinscription, the shōjo Gothic style ironically idealizes the modern. It nostalgically fictionalizes aPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
10 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it's funny that you originally accused the author of stroking their own ego because that's all you've done


I'm not though.

And also that's a silly thing to say anyway. These posts don't benefit me at all, I don't make money from them, I won't get a job through it, this isn't helping me to sell books, I'm not going to be invited for interviews with the media, this isn't getting me connections with important people and businesses, this isn't going to help me publish articles in the media, this isn't getting me views on Youtube or whatever.
This brings no attention to me at all, you literally have no idea who I even am and we are on an anonymous forum with maybe a few dozen people, most of which probably didn't read this thread anyway.


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saying you're more knowledgeable than historians or sociologists is very much stroking your own ego, whether you benefit from it or not
i doubt there's anything to discuss if you're just gonna go
¥akshually you see this half-sentence here of a full text i didn't read? it means the smart people aren't smart they're WRONG and I'M the smart one


It depends on the Historian or Sociologist in question and what topic they are talking about. Historians do have biases and don't know everything.

Well I already made my point, I don't really care if you object to it but are unable to rebut it nor do I care what reasons for that you hide behind.


not trusting any of these "historians" or "sociologists" until i see their mal profile and anime reaction face folder

File:[ASW] Mob kara Hajimaru Ta….png (4.74 MB,1920x1080)


One down, two to go...


Is she having her mouth period?


You clearly don't understand what 75MP means...


75MP doesn't matter if you have 0HP!


File:Fukushuu Kyoushitsu v05 [E….jpg (635.33 KB,841x1200)

Killed that shab


shab just killed me

File:[EMBER] Heavenly Delusion ….jpg (240.77 KB,1920x1080)


I've been watching a Pokemon speedrunner on the side of the screen as I do stuff and for the past 3 hours I'm not sure if he's ever made it further than 10 minutes into the game until now. He seems to reset a lot when he's a minute into it, but I haven't paid enough attention to know why. Being an RPG It's full of random stuff outside of your control, and I don't know how people can subject themselves to this kind of punishment.
I like seeing the completed runs or the stuff at events, but man... fighting against RNG for hours at a time every day for weeks or months... I don't know how they do it.
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I imagine a speedrun likely revolves around an overleveled starter and, depending on the generation, getting the right nature and IVs is important for minmaxing them. There's probably some optimization based on what moves get used in early battles too, plus rng with wilds appearing before you can buy repels.


The RNG for pokemon has to be the worst RNG to try to game, on the grass every step you take you're on the mercy of the RNG gods...


I greatly enjoyed the commentary on Wavewarrior's Sapphire WR
Some runners don't know how to explain themselves as well as he does so that a layperson can really appreciate the small details.


File:[SubsPlease] Atri - My Dea….jpg (255.61 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm thanks, this seems like a great thing to watch. This is definitely something far more entertaining to watch, but I also enjoy watching people learn stuff or just do the live speedrun stuff when they accept mistakes and still aim at fast times.
When watching various 'history of __ speedrun" stuff there's a surprising amount of mistakes in world record stuff that leans itself towards such streams. Remarks like "he lost 20 seconds in World 2, but kept going because he knew the world record lost 30 seconds in world 6" and so on.

Oh, and I learned the reason the guy in OP kept resetting: the random Pokemon stats. It was Red/Blue so it didn't have a personality thing yet. Competitive dice rolling.


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I don't really like RPG speedruns; stuff like Half-Life I find much more interesting, there is very little RNG and it depends solely on knowing the movement mechanics and executing them flawlessly.

File:[Erai-raws] Code Geass - ….webm (1.5 MB,1280x720)


How to pick up a chick


He just wanted some color in his life...


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rushing to bake that choco cake


File:Code.Geass.Roze.Of.The.Re….webm (2.41 MB,1280x720)

My brown now...


File:[Drag] Utawarerumono OVA -….jpg (265.17 KB,1920x1080)


Autumn is only a month away! Soon humans will be able to inhabit the outside world again!


and thank god for that


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This would also mean less boys wearing shorts though.

File:[Erai-raws] Atri - My Dear….jpg (311.26 KB,1920x1080)


When you think about it, gaming and the world worsened as instant-death-upon-touching-water stopped being a game mechanic
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Can't go wrong with any Genesis Sonic game, really. As water levels are concerend I like the first game's labyrinth zone the most, but it's apparently common for people to hate it. I just love the visuals and music of it so much.


I would like Labyrinth much more if it weren't so covered in spikes. As it stands, I absolutely cannot stand it.
My favorite slow, very underwater stage in all of Sonic is Tidal Plant in Sonic Triple Trouble. It should be everything I hate in a water level, but it somehow isn't.

Hydrocity is so good. Easily the best water stage overall in Sonic as a whole. I'm still mad at how much less fun they made the Sonic Mania version of it.


File:Chrysler_Motors_Exhibit,_C….jpg (110.93 KB,824x519)

Уеан, тнеу stepped on tin eyes. On the other hand, hovercraft do exist and well as hydroplanes, they basically can wander waters. And if ya gain super speed u too can wander waters like a throwed stone does flip flip ifsomeone throws ya strong enough.
In sth universe everything went kukarachaland exacly in a times of belowed sonic x/ adventure and stuck into peterpanian well hole, they still can get well.
Sonic cd is best installment.


>Sonic cd is best installment.
I never played that one, but I remember listening to its soundtrack. Sonic music really was the best.


US ost is waaaay better than japanese rare thing to happan

File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Boso….jpg (125.53 KB,1280x720)


¥ mfw my incest ship gets blocked by some basic bitch
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Well pick up the slack then.


Huh, is this like cleavage for foot fetishists? Kinda clever


i dont like those gross socks


File:[SubsPlease] Tokidoki Boso….jpg (207.76 KB,1920x1080)

So.... when is anything getting revealed.............


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Taken out of context she look slike a buttmangled fujoshi in that pic. She definitely has the looks of one.

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The pro is that you have a cute brown SHAB wife that will love you and take care of all the 8 (EIGHT) kids she wants. The downside is that when you want to meet her parents you must go to Brazil. Would you do it?
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that was mrs. snowqueens icedragon


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darkie, meet coalie


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (273.67 KB,1920x1080)

Personally I get my romance fix from VNs and the rare anime or game that takes it seriously enough. I wonder if romance books aimed at me men exist. I don't think I'd be interested if they do, but I suppose they exist in LN form.


You could try the self-published amazon works where its called "men's fantasy" or something like that.
Hellhound wife.................


>self-published amazon works where its called "men's fantasy" or something like that.
Most men's idea of fantasy romance would probably vary from mine. It's nice if it exists, though.
Stories defined by romance in a category seems like it probably wouldn't be that interesting, as romance feels shallow if it's specifically a romance story instead of something that happens in a fleshed out story and world.

File:[ASW] Atri - My Dear Momen….png (2.66 MB,1920x1080)


Move over tanned tomboy, there's a newer, more superior belly in town!


File:[SubsPlease] Katsute Mahou….jpg (62.89 KB,1280x720)

fuck ponkotsu
human tummy is where it's at


the "ponkotsu" clearly has the better, more detailed tumtum


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These aren't bellies! but they're certainly higher quality than this adaptation...


Anyone playing the monkey game?


Can't say I am. I'm interested to hear about it or see clips, though. I still need to do the Elden Ring DLC one of these days...


It kinda looks fun from what little I've seen of it. It's been compared to souls in most of its marketing, but I think the people saying that are misguided. Too mind poisoned by Souls to see it for what it really is, a more traditional hack n slash game more akin to God of War or DMC than anything Souls.


File:[Serenae] Wonderful Precur….jpg (177.27 KB,1920x1080)

>God of War or DMC
That could be good. I haven't played a good action-y game in a while, but I'm a bit distrustful of AAA games these days.
I'd like to play a good 'tank controls' game like Godhand again someday

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