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File:GIRJkp3WYAADUxJ.png (507.32 KB,557x543)


1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


not a fan of the whole poverty thing


dumb povertard


File:Smokers-as-a-percentage-of….jpg (108.66 KB,693x461)

I'm not sure what's he drinking, but his meal looks pretty healthy actually; specially natto which, while it might taste and smell bad (I've never eaten it though), it promotes healthy gut bacteria. And it shouldn't be a surprise that there's a lot of smokers in Japan.


File:yande.re 4567 hidamari_ske….jpg (1.05 MB,4206x3466)

getting ready to watch some hidamari sketch


Big fan of being cool and unhealthy

File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (3.53 MB,1920x1080)


Does anyone else have mixed feelings about the start of a new anime season? I'm excited for new shows, but it's so hard to start new ones and get used to these new 'worlds'. Episode 8 or so is the sweet spot when you know everyone, but then it's just 4 episodes and you have to say goodbye...
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I love new anime seasons. I look over a bunch of anime and find maybe one or two that make me really want to watch them and then I ignore everything else. The first few episodes are the best because it's a complete mystery where things are going, but around episode 8 or so you have a good feel for what will happen the next 4 episodes.

I'm not so excited for this season so I'm planning to just watch some old show I haven't seen yet as a replacement for my weekly seasonal show.


>The part I have mixed feelings about is the start: having to look through lists to pick out a new series that I don't know if I'll end up liking or not.

Exactly. And you just know that you're probably overlooking a good one!

>The first few episodes are the best because it's a complete mystery where things are going
You seem to have the opposite opinion of me. Although, sometimes the first few episodes are the best ones and then it falls off a cliff, so I can understand that part.


>overlooking a good one
I trust my kissu and #qa frens to fix that mistake for me; seeing what I didn't watch gaining traction in either of those places makes me re-consider watching them, at least the first episode.


File:[Zafkiel] Urusei Yatsura (….jpg (609.12 KB,1920x1080)

This is true, although some nice shows just don't inspire much discussion. I guess it's just mentioned here or there or you can see it in screenshot selection


The part I like is getting to see all the shows I'm watching end.
The part I don't like is needing to watch a bunch of garbage to find out what's going to be worth sticking with.

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 No.77321[Reply][Last50 Posts]

that feelio when something gets flagged as "youtube kids" and you get too embarrassed to keep watching/listening to it anymore
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>Individuals under the age of 18 must not view, use or post on Kissu


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his little sister is a delinquent.


Don't let your sister post on kissu, it's bad for her development. I never let my niece use the site because it makes you stubbornly argumentative and self-important.


bratty argumentative imoutos!!


are you a kid? kids-su is for kids!! did u eat ur brocolli? is it past your bedtime? good bc kids-su is for bad guys (but not too bad)

do u want anime recs? there's pretty cure (lala and elle is my favorite) and there's akebi's sailor uniform i know uniforms sound boring and doo-doo but SPOILER ALERT she gets spanked

dont tell ur mom u're on kids-su or else she'll take away your nina animal jammies

anyways, be sure to ask your parents permission before going online and have fun posting kuon ( a girl from urramano)

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err I guess I hit some buttons accidentally before that post


the crazy markup system we live with...

File:[SubsPlease] Unnamed Memor….jpg (58.22 KB,1280x720)


Wife sent me back in time so I could seduce her when she was 13.


File:[SubsPlease] Spice and Wol….jpg (210.41 KB,1920x1080)

That's probably already the name of a romance novel


Girls turning into lolis seems to be a theme this season.

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File:lXww9SX2woyZnQB4.mp4 (4.43 MB,960x720)

Sanae's Ten Desires?
shikanokonoko koshitantan~


It's just going to be impossible for it to live up to the expectations implied in a 10 second clip


teen desires


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The deer did not fulfill sanny's ten desires.


Nice desires

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Look at this Jalter.
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File:__jeanne_d_arc_alter_jeann….jpg (226.06 KB,2048x1512)

look at this other picture of Jalter


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Why is Miya dressed like Hitler?


Nonsense, Hitler's mustache was much narrower.

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Theoretically, what would be the best and cheapest way for you to live on your own and mostly sustain yourself while having good internet?
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File:[Asenshi] Heya Camp - 03 [….jpg (87.4 KB,1280x720)

Actually as part-plant you would probably be hermaphroditic


Best and cheapest are mutually exclusive. The cheapest is to become homeless and bum wifi off of local restaurants/libraries. The best is to buy a mansion and not let any of these other nerds in.


Save up and move to Romania.


Rent an apartment and find a roommate using your superior social networking abilities.


Impregnate you're mum and move in with her as your new deadbeat stepdad.


File:[ASW] Akuyaku Reijou Level….jpg (199.63 KB,1920x1080)

>Become some sort of dryad creature that can convert sunlight into energy and that will settle your food needs
You really think NEETs/hikkis are good at getting sunlight? Most of us are deficient in vitamin D. I have to supplement it.

File:[New-raws] Ooi! Tonbo - 12….jpg (149.62 KB,1920x1080)


My tomboy JC gf grew up...


What happened to Ageha...........


she got burned out...... no more teaching for her..........


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And became a JK? Oh baby!!


File:[New-raws] Ooi! Tonbo - 09….jpg (195.96 KB,1920x1080)

Yeah, but she got like a foot and a half taller and doubled her hair length in the span of a few months. It's crazy.

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saw the deleted froag


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wtf happened there


his face has some weird 3D-like rotation... strange

yeah it happens sometimes, seems to function normally otherwise



File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (274.18 KB,1920x1080)


It's good to instill proper morals and values on the younglings and help them avoid mistakes rather than throw them into the fire.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (303.24 KB,1920x1080)

It's survival of the fittest


miss the mewkles...




uhh hi?


hi reynold


Our new friend is named Reynolds, with an S.


sounds better without it


skibidi skibidi


What anime exist nowadays that ever give you a feeling like this?
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File:731ec1c7487c24fd4efe31c860….jpg (37.64 KB,480x600)

Do you know the gorillions that it costs to make a game like that? Modern gaming development is literally unsustainable. Just because there's a few ultra high budget titles that look better than SH3 it doesn't mean it looks bad by modern standards.


that's an entirely different argument


File:SH3-4.png (1.22 MB,700x1000)

The argument is that it still looks good by modern standards. Just because there are a few games that look significantly better it doesn't mean it looks bad. Those games are few and far between now due to their high development costs. "Summer Game Fest" or whatever the fuck they call what's supposed to be the E3 replacement was almost nothing but low effort indie games.


i agree with that, but my point is that the tech has significantly improved even if it's not being used due to its ridiculous cost, and that the AAA games that do employ it prove the considerable gap between them
yes, ultrakill and dusk look great, but their choice to use minimal graphics doesn't mean we're at the same level as quake 2 was

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