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File:GTDCghdbIAAO1nu.jpg (908.97 KB,2500x4096)



Anyone watching? I'm just tuning in because I noticed it was on and they were announcing new stuff for games including how they nerfed the hell out of dizzy for strive
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if you're connecting (as opposed to hosting) you don't need an open port usually
at least i never heard of a case where you do


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>Your ISP could have changed something with your router. They log-in remotely to customer's routers now and fiddle with settings all of the time.
Well that was just really unpleasant to read.


Just wait until your ISP leaves that ability unsecured


There is no true "host" in GGPO and most other rollback enabled games. Both machines are running calculations and making adjustments based on network latency and must be able to communicate with the other end to keep game state in sync.


I forgot to mention. If you're behind double NAT/CGNAT this is actually one of the few valid reasons for using a VPN. If you can connect to a VPS/server with a public IPv4 (or v6 in some cases) address from your home connection you can by-pass the issue of not having open ports. Since it can translate the port the game wants to one of the few your ISP has open on your end. So basically, you can route your connection through a third party server and connect as if you weren't behind closed ports/double NAT.

With the understanding that you're adding some more latency and another hop (or three) to the connection between yourself and the other player of course. But it's better than nothing at all.

I wish we were all blessed with the kind of internet connection the Japanese have. They have some pretty strict and stupid laws. But the privacy law isn't one of them. Nor is their super low ping times to any other computer in-country. They have no need for software like GGPO because straight p2p works like you're sitting in the same room as each other.

The set-up they have in arcades now is really interesting. You can run those games on a standard Windows PC (or VM with GPU passthru) and the netcode works. I'm surprised more people aren't porting GGPO over to NESiCAxLive ROM dumps. It would be really neat to build up a Xbox live-like network around them that kept up with your progress and allowed for network play with anyone else connected to the network. It would be like Fightcade but with modern games instead of games 15+ years old.

I used to be a big fan of Fightcade and played on it a lot. But then v2 came out and started adding restrictions behind a pay wall. I haven't played on it in a few years but last time I did v1 was still better in almost every respect. It wouldn't surprise me if v1 can handle some network situations that v2 can't.

There are also ways around the port problem using port knocking. But things can get complicated fast if you attempt it and it's less reliable than using a man-in-the-middle server.

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now that's just rude


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That type of uncouth behavior is just what you expect from the Pretty Rhythms

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there's a lot of talk about drawing a girl and calling it a boy, but imagine drawing a couple of characters so androgynous that it's tagged as both yuri and yaoi


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Built for surprise hugs.


That face is not nearly wide enough for that board


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you better not be a fattie you know

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me on the left


tall women are great, they are like women, but taller

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I know people here would prefer the brat, but Sylphy is the better one if you ask me


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>I know people here would prefer the brat
Sylph is the CUTEST!!


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This really is just like the Unique skill show from a few seasons ago. The story is a huge 'meh', but the girls (Sylphie) are so cute and enjoyable that it's worth the watch to me. Truly cute is justice

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What is it with these DEX fags.....


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/jp/ is a DEF board


twink x shota


grrr... dodgy DEX brats... try to stealth kill a tank... need STR correction...


new gobou
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Totally worth it


The original video used Galaxy Man's music from Megaman 9. One of the best songs from the entire series from the best game in the entire classic series.


From all of Megaman this is my favorite stage song. Hard to believe this game is over 15 years old. I remember being so hyped for its release and bummed I didn't manage to snag one of the psychical limited edition copies. I don't even want to think about how many hours I have in this game.


Never played 9. Actually I never played a 'mainline' Megaman past 5 or so. I should probably do that one of these days. No wait, I think I played a bit of the one that was on Playstation because I remember a circus area or something.


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Could the screenshot anime of the season be... a VN adaptation?
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No, it's an LN adaptation.


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hmmmm that does seem good, but...


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Gremlins > toasters


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ROBOT DISCRIMINATION! No human girl can compete with a robot girl!


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Low functioning, childhood friend stealing, piece of junk.

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anime of the season
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Every single shot in this anime is beautiful, Ep2 being no exception. I'd highlight parts of it that were most amazing in webms since it shines even more when animated, but then I may as well just upload the entire episode.

Cloverworks really proving themselves to be a kami studio moreso than ever before.


I do feel like at some point Yorishige has to die, otherwise he's far too powerful a character.


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Possibly, though he could do a hands-off approach to allow things to happen because of fate or personal growth stuff. It could be that there's a timeskip and he just becomes too old, but I'm not sure if that will happen since everyone being kids makes it kind of interesting.


Yeah, but it's much later on.


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Also, Yorishige has a bunch of limitations. He's at his most powerful around the shrine, and reading volume 5 I can see that in this episode we saw him at his strongest for now, he's far from all-powerful and in later events will have a far smaller role. It's also nice to see that they cut background explanations and lore in favor of focusing on the matters at hand, the events. It's a good sign.

As an aside, each manga volume comes with 8-10 pages at the end of historical information about the setting written by Matsui's consultant, Kazuto Hongo. A lot of what it contains is real events, such as bringing up the shortcomings of the Kenmu Restoration, with an interesting comparison to the Qin and the H- OH SHIT I JUST TURBO SPOILED MYSELF BY THE READING THE ACTUAL HISTORY OH WOW.
Alright, I-
Hmm. Hmmmm.
Hmmmmmmmmmm. I'll see what I do with this tomorrow.

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Was about to drop this with prejudice, but now I think I might be in love.
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it's... ehh
hard to say


I wouldn't have minded an anime with casual mystery solving accompanied with a platonic relation between the MCs, but the latest episode has certainly piqued my interest. Was Osanai a wicked person back in her middle school days? Obviously, as the story progresses, we'll get more info on how they were before the change to normhood and what made them make the change, but hopefully we also get to see them slowly returning to how they were before; with the conclusion of the story being that trying to be a norm is useless and you should instead embrace your non-norm-ness.


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I hope she pulls a knife and the moral of the story is that you need to embrace normalcy.


it's important to question their claim to normhood, because if they're merely pretending, and especially if osanai hasn't changed much as this DANGER DANGER DANGER red would telegraph, then the developments and conclusion may go for something entirely different
kobato certainly changed, but without definitively knowing why or in what way we also can't know to what degree he truly has become normal, as his detective tism isn't really norm material either


We gotta get revenge on the tart smasher

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Spray the tum.


impressive amount of detail there


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It's an important scene, after all.




oh wait, this is the guy that did the rejected cartoon thing, isn't it?


Yeah it is, and I think the absurdist humor on display in those was a great fit for the theme of this short where it's a child subjected to the depressed lecturing and life story of its 3rd generation clone from the future. Usually it's hard to find good child actors for characters as young as this but it's quite ingenious the way this uses that towards its strength as the child can't possibly comprehend what it's being told.

>Dead bodies
Had me bursting out laughing.


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Alright, I watched it. I thought it was going to be something funny.
It was kind of cool, I guess. Eh.


I just sniffed this cat


I thought it was pretty funny

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Master put a chastity belt on my sword...


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Why is this a bad thing? You can still use the sword, can't you?


A sword that can't cut is just a hunk of iron.
It yearns to bathe in furry blood and is being denied satisfaction by this vile curse.


So is this one of those anime with a protagonist who can't kill


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Hmm, what a weird story. Some parts are kind of ehh, but overall the story seems interesting enough to continue. Some cliches and some novelty. Heard some new music tracks and they're good. Some of the visuals are also very nice, particularly the scenery.
Stuff being centered on swords seems quite strange. People grow their swords? God is a sword? Or part sword? Or god lives in a giant sword? Huh.
Her curse is kind of a gimmick thing, but it seems more interesting than a simple 'kill everyone weaker than me' story. Probably not going to be the best show ever, but seems nice.

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My only friends were a stuffed animal and a frog.
I took them on a trip to the ocean.
Now I'm sad.
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i already bit this shab


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the hell is her show about.


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It's just some basic SoL stuff with minor stories with simple resolutions and some idol singing. The idol part is very minor or I wouldn't have any interest in it. A girl feels bad about ___, so there will be a concert thing about feeling better about ___. Well, the songs don't really change for each individual problem, but it's inspiring and helps them anyway.

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Hi I am Alice. Hi am from Makai.

Your site is cute. Many many cute photo. I am in your site for many many time, but I no understando all.

What you talk? What is the favorite discussion you say please?

Sorry for my question. Bye bye America.



File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (256.59 KB,1920x1080)

Alice, have you always been so wide?


many time... many time


holy flip it's alice!!!

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