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File:20240708_115201.jpg (343.15 KB,1130x2048)


Helpful guide I found for teaching anatomy
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>the roundness of the body
the body is round


feet tips are apparently a trade secret


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File:1719488131680985.jpg (58.03 KB,512x341)

This thread is Nep approved


this one's better

File:[SubsPlease] Shikanoko Nok….jpg (191.43 KB,1280x720)


You're a virgin, right? Everyone here wants you to be a virgin? You wouldn't betray our expectations by not being one, would you?
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I don't like the CGI deer.


deer are the dullest mammal i can think of


The CG adds to the surrealism.


File:[SubsPlease] Shikanoko Nok….jpg (333.2 KB,1920x1080)

did anyone else find it weird when the op came out and it turned out to have multiple voices saying shikanokonokonokokoshitantan because it was pretty jarring for me


Yeah, also I was under the impression the loop of Koshi dancing was a part of the OP but the OP was completely different. The dance was better than the 1 hour loop though.

File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (502.65 KB,1920x1080)


Is "P" the cutest sound in music? It seems like it's a sound that comes up a lot in "cute" music.
Pa, Pi, Pu and so on. I first noticed this when Star Twinkle and Endro were both airing at the same time, but since then I notice it whenever it pops up.
Do you have a favorite P song?
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Did you know? There were a number of English words ending in /k/ that used to be written with <ck>, like politicks rather than current politics. This is not because of etymology but because before certain vowels the letter <c> by itself represents sounds other than /k/, such as in political vs politicking, but was nonetheless simplified graphically in final position. Today we have weird cases of this principle causing trouble, such as synchronize -> sync -> syncing, where <c> by itself generates new inconsistencies.


guess that's where magick comes from
or majick




is wrought a fossil word yet


I forgot to reply to this but that's actually pretty well explained so thanks.

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Slime? I don't get it.
I know the umbrella is the real Kogasa but not sure what's being implied



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But Banki is the one who said no to Moriya...


File:__kochiya_sanae_and_tatara….mp4 (388.2 KB,1280x986)

Sanae is a bit too "fond" of Kogasa-chan, that's all

File:police, japan.webm (19.65 MB,1280x720)




Oh no... she's got eyes for /jp/ and /jp/ only...


thought this was funny subs until I turned on the audio...


where is the belly prostitution ring
no wait this is illegal


I think it's wrong to shoot at child prostitutes.

File:nyan.webm (132.74 KB,1920x1080)




File:[DmonHiro] Ikoku Meiro No ….jpg (414.56 KB,1280x720)

          ( ´∀`)
        /    |
       /       .|
       / "⌒ヽ |.イ |
   __ |   .ノ | || |__
  .    ノく__つ∪∪   \
    ̄ ̄ヽつ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | | ̄


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (449.48 KB,1920x1080)

Improve any show with this one simple trick! Directors hate him!

File:0ileycno5zz61?width=520&au….gif (1.44 MB,520x293)


I'm gonna get the commie subs. I'm gonna do it!

6PM EST. Normal place
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Streaming in 30 minutes!


Starting in ~5min!


Starting now!


Psycho pass movie2 will start soonish


starting in ~2min

File:yaayy a bird.webm (3.57 MB,1920x1080)


Very important webm, please make sure to open it.
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File:[Erai-raws] Monogatari Ser….jpg (233.36 KB,1920x1080)



If they can just show pictures of birds when they're talking then maybe this season will get my interest


File:[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatar….jpg (145.07 KB,1920x1080)

Shaft characters are owls because of their neck motions, so that means they are all birds and therefore important.


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File:SHAFT goat.gif (953.65 KB,400x225)

Wrong, they are goats and therefore not to be underestimated.

File:0StgYgozUQoSYz7U.mp4 (6.95 MB,1280x720)


I like it when people go so far for a cosplay
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cosplayer makers make so much fucking money...


Yeah, never really understood why you would buy a costume if you don't care enough to throw something together. They don't need to be good, just fun. When people would share pics of con stuff the people with the homemade costumes always seemed the most fun to hang out if I were to ever enter that world.


Ok, I will help lubricate Aya!


I'm sure the Bangladeshi children who sew costumes together for aliexpress make a killing!


Homemade costumes show true passion. Not that someone who buys can't be passionate about their character, but people who go out of their way to learn how to sew, mold, and paint in order to make costumes they like have a kind of passion that just hits differently.


Help, mind melting in chocolat
Only your catchiest animated music videos can save it from the loop
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File:[Aria] Nurse Witch Komugi-….png (575.23 KB,720x540)

more like sexual bouryoku




Moriya steppu!





File:[ASW] Spice and Wolf (2024….jpg (172.35 KB,1920x1080)


Me looking at written Japanese for one second


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genuinely this is just a japanese person trying to be relatable with other japanese people

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Can you believe there's actually people who live like this....


File:[Erai-raws] Megami no Cafe….jpg (218.44 KB,1920x1080)

I used the DS browser a couple times and it was certainly an interesting experience. The trick was to manually stop pages from loading so just the test would display. It worked for gamefaqs and stuff


File:[SubsPlease] Seiyuu Radio ….jpg (218.62 KB,1920x1080)

I used the DS browser to masturbate when I was a kid.


File:1543582121613.png (579.32 KB,1440x1080)

Must've been one sexy DS you had.


I used the wii web browser to watch youtube as a kid and did the same thing as >>77981.
I also had friends in middle school who would watch porn on their xboxes and whatnot.


I recall a few odd tales from wayyy back in the day of early adopter kids doing the same with the Dreamcast's browser.

File:[DmonHiro] Ikoku Meiro No ….jpg (496.56 KB,1280x720)


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File:[DmonHiro] Ikoku Meiro No ….jpg (328.96 KB,1280x720)

*dies from paris syndrome*


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i recall not liking this anime that much

File:goodisekai.mp4 (17.25 MB,720x480)


These isekai really are changing up the formula, did NOT see this coming.
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This happened because you thought the tractor isekai was funny.


File:[SubsPlease] Kaminaki Seka….png (1.64 MB,1920x1080)

I didn't think that, I know Kaminaki was funny.


funny faec


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Did they died?


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File:Tsukuyomi -MOON PHASE- - C….jpg (64.95 KB,720x480)

Isn't she Lunarian?
Unless... are you saying the moon rightfully belongs to America?


does this mean yuri in gensokyo is considered straight


File:ec6031ae5543248d0aa465edb4….png (419.14 KB,754x597)

it just aint right


File:reisen-junko.gif (6.04 MB,498x413)

I'm surprised too because at the surface Junko look like another Yukari but appearently lots of people aren't that shallow to pick up the "angry mom in space" gimmick underneath to the point it became a cult.
As for LoLK as a whole, I think people agreed it's one of the more well-crafted game along with its unique difficulty compared to any recent official Touhou games

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