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File:[LoliHouse] Tensei shitara….png (5.31 MB,1920x1080)


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seven vajonyas?


File:[SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - ….jpg (274.23 KB,1920x1080)

I don't want to imagine. Maids without their uniforms just isn't right.


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File:[EMBER] Dungeon Meshi - 24….mp4 (4.1 MB,1280x720)


dumb comfortard
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Ran out of sausages


File:oh nein nein nein nein ich….mp4 (415.11 KB,1280x720)

i wish there was a dub where everyone had their original voices but Maricielle had the German dub


Her attack on Poland ended in failure.


i am hurt by these stereotypes


omg that ear flop interrupted by marcille's head in the way

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Does /jp/ remember the birthday of their favorite characters? I can only remember a few, but that's because my memory isn't good. Today is Hiro's birthday (6/15), say something nice to her.
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Possibly the only birthday I remember (yes, even including mine) is London's.
Though, she doesn't have a "birthday" birthday, just the date she was built/launched (because she is ship).
And we got married on 2020/06/03 (in-game) :)


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None of the characters I like have official birthdays.
That said, I do celebrate 9/9 every year.


No, there are too many of them and I am fairly bad with dates anyway. I remember my own birthday, my mum's birthday and that's about it, I don't remember any public holidays apart from Christmas and New Years either(well I don't have a job so it's not like public holidays matter).

I want to compile the birth days of my favourite characters into a calendar or something like that at some point so that I can be reminded of them.


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Yeah, lots of characters simply don't have birthdays due to the whole fantasy world thing. I guess idols would be the one type that pretty much always have birthdays.


I never remember...

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scientists are talking to whales
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Scientists are finally speaking my language


yeah I just talked to your mom last night lmoa


What's your field of study?


something weird is happening here
I think whales are posting but their posts are invisible


shabes are eating all the posts

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cute squish


I like the heat


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If Koruri can handle the heat, so can you!


My car doesn't have AC I'm not going anywhere

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What's WRONG with you?!


Do you want a list?


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im RIGHT!!!


hi akebi


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Nothing, I am Perfect Cell.
Akebi-san is so cute.

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I wasted my spring indoors looking at sns feeds and writting code.
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Time you enjoy wasting isn't wasted time.


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I did not enjoy it.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (292 KB,1920x1080)

Well... did you learn anything? LIFE IS ABOUT LEARNING THINGS!


stupid joey go attack yourself with time wizard


I learned not to waste my time on 4chan or playing videogames that aren't fun.


take a break from seasonal isekai to watch something different
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this guy drew nice dickgirls/traps
not a fan of the vhs filter stuff so I won't watch it, but people do like the faux retro stuff like vaporwave for some reason.


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For some reason even though I saw that got a second episode I haven't watched it yet.


He's a good comedian


yeah okay i get its nostalgia pandering and it's an artistic choice but are the yellow vobsub imitation subtitles and 4:3 aspect ratio really necessary

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 No.75116[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Is this what people mean by "perfection"?
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Anything that isn't that dogshit of a series


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I bet you think you're special for having this 'hot take', but not really. Monogatari is only really popular in Japan. It doesn't seem to be popular with this new generation of anime watchers for example, much like Haruhi.


No, I don't feel special, I just don't like it and I hate the fact that it keeps getting paraded around as if it's the best anime ever because the nips like it.


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Hmm so after having seen everything I guess my personal rankings of what I like the best:
The Kaiki one as first place
The one we just watched as second place
Third would be, ehh... kind of starting to blur together in mind but I guess parts with Shinobo gaining her powers back? Ehh... not sure. Was that also when he had that battle against the vampire hunting guy? If so, definitely that one as third. Other parts had good moments, but overall just didn't like them as much as the aforementioned stuff.


er Shinobu. I'm really bad at typing names

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 No.76722[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What do you think about trains? Are they really that interesting to have an entire otaku culture centered around them?
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>i don't understand
You've made that readily apparent.


damn owned


I doubt that somebody who would prefer navigating a city in a car over public transport has ever been in a city with semi-functional public transport.
I know you hold this stupid position that public transport doesn't work out in rural areas. But cities are actually urban environment. Even you should be able to understand that public transport can work quite well there.

The idea that getting stuck in traffic for half an hour, getting angry at other drivers and irritated at traffic lights before searching for another 20 minutes for a parking spot somewhere in the vicinity of where you want to go might be a pleasant experience when you can just have public transportation drop you off 5 minutes worth of walk away from your destination is insane.


What are you even trying to argue here?


The news just said that my country can no longer afford to maintain its road network.
It appears that the libertarian finance minister would rather see the country slowly turn into a de-industrialized forest than permit even a single cent of debt.
He's also anti-rail though.

Perhaps I really should buy a horse.

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Ripping groups that call themselves fansubbers while setting the default audio track to the English dub and using "eng" for both signs+songs and full english subtitle tracks deserve to be shot. I can't begin to tell you how annoying this is when dealing with a large media server. There is absolutely no reason why the original language is always the default. English dubs are horrible and I wish the cast that does every show would burn in a fire.

It's so much work to strip releases of English dub+signs/songs subtitle tracks because there is no rhyme or reason to how these groups tag things. A task that could be automated requires you doing it manually because these ripping groups follow no standards and don't even have consistence between releases.

The worst part is these bottom feeders overshadow better groups because they control the trackers and release lists where they promote their own releases. They even run a website and several discord servers where they promote the idea that fansubbing no longer requires a translator or someone to check translation. All they do is take other people's scripts and badly edit them. Then they slap them together with an inferior encode for video/audio and call it the "best" release. Most of the time their edits amount to removing things like honorifics for no reason or claiming to fix a sign or something. They rarely give credit to the group that did the translation. They always opt for CR scripts over true fansub scripts when possible. They'll defend a CR script to the end of time even though they can't read/speak Japanese and are barely able to speak English.

Why is the English "fansub" scene flooded with ESLs now? Does anyone know? I didn't believe it myself until I tried to work with some of these people. Every last one of them was ESL and had never even visited an English speaking country. Why don't they fansub for their own region instead? The answer is obvious. They aren't doing this to introduce anime to new audiences or for their own pleasure. They're doing it for clicks, attention and money.

The state of the English fansub scene is sad.
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File:GHLuiOUaEAA9t5l.jpg (121.32 KB,1424x2048)

Damn three-letter acronyms!!!!1


ZOG CIA using ESL MtFs to make MAG DoA


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>They always opt for CR scripts over true fansub scripts when possible.

I have some guesses that aren't as cynical.
They could simply assume there aren't any fansubs out. It's quite rare, isn't it?
Maybe it could be a permissions thing, too. Maybe they don't want to step on other people's toes or bother asking? The path of least resistance is to just grab what's there and avoid risking conflict since people can be very anal about this stuff and people love getting in fights over trivial things.

>Why is the English "fansub" scene flooded with ESLs now? Does anyone know?
Well, the internet itself is, but in this regard I think it's more recognition and perceived clout. I don't think anyone gets into this stuff for money because I don't see anyone paying. I think companies like CR that pay translators (poorly) are probably more likely to have all the English positions filled so I don't think there's a career path there.

Please don't bring low quality terminology like "-oid" here.


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Are there any more good groups i should know about?

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What would you do if your best friend started spending all her time with someone else? If she started coming home to your shared bedroom late after a day of rubbing foreheads with the new girl and teaching her your gang signs?
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Clone her.
Keep the copy for herself.


Too late, I already bit her.

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Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed was a Hungarian noblewoman and alleged serial killer from the Báthory family, who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary (now Slovakia). Báthory and four of her servants were accused of torturing and killing hundreds of girls and women from 1590 to 1610. Her servants were put on trial and convicted whereas Báthory was imprisoned within the Castle of Csejte (Čachtice), where she died under mysterious circumstances.
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Don't look at me like that, dogfucker. I swear to Mary I'll put you in an iron maiden.


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1v1 me in the Forest of Abandoned, hag.


nai desu


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You sure you don't want help? I doubt you can win single-handedly.


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yeah desu

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you're the kimo one i bet you're just thinking on all your kimo actions in AA2 and projecting it onto this instead of thinking about the pure vanilla relationships you'd be getting into


Oh... meh. I saw outdoor areas and a beach so I thought AG. AA is alright, I guess, but AG was better. No menus or transitional areas like it's a JRPG, just one world where all events happen. Lots of personalities and voices and traits that give fun combinations, like [Older] and [Sister]. Far better to have more depth with 1-3 girls than 30 of them running around. AA must be far more popular, but I was never able to get into it much.


Well it's not confirmed what it'll be yet, just that something is in the works and will be announced at midnight June 14th, probably JST so I guess around 11-12EST?


Oh, well now that I look at it more all the girls shown means it has to be AA. AG was much more personal which is why is was better...



>Summer Vacation Scramble!
Might just be anothe Koikatsu or something, probably nothing as expansive as AA or AG

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According to this there isn't a single country in the West which isn't overweight on average. You're considered overweight if you have a BMI above 25 and obese at 30. Not even Italy and France which are renowned for being healthy are under that. It's quite shocking to see a few African countries in those numbers as well. Do you think this makes BMI a bad way of measuring if someone is 'healthy' or not? Bodybuilders use body fat percentage instead of it, but that requires a proper tool for it. BMI does not take into account things such as muscle and bone mass. People just use BMI because it's simpler to calculate. I'm nearly overweight according to BMI (24.6), but I'd say my bf is around 20% using some photos as reference.
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I think one of the contributing factors to this is the ageing nature of most modern societies. People often put on weight over time so that by the time they are 30 they a bit chubby and by the time they are 40 or 50 they are fat.

I do agree that BMI isn't the best form of measurement but it's quite easy to use.


It is interesting. I'm guessing that the countries where women tend to have higher BMIs than men are in countries where most women do not work outside of the home. Countries that have equal BMI for for men and women probably reflect that both men and women work outside the home. And then countries where men have a higher BMI than women is maybe related to things like drinking rates being higher among men than women.


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They slather everything in kewpie mayonnaise, eat ramen fried dumplings and fried rice all in one sitting and yet manage to stay thin. The Japanese metabolism truly is one of life's greatest mysteries.


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Uhh, no it's not. They eat mostly rice, noodles, fish and vegetables and in small portions. Those things aren't caloric. Fish is the leanest and least caloric type of meat, 100g of white rice has only 129 calories, vegetables are low in calories, a plain dumpling has only 40 calories, noodles don't have that many calories, etc. One cup of the "Japanese junk food" (cup noodles) has only 270 calories. They might have non-ideal quantities of sodium in their diet however, due to their custom of dipping everything in those high-sodium sauces, the sodium found in ramen, salty fish, etc, but it's still the healthiest country in the world.


Western countries are fat because they eat processed food which is garbage. Glorious Nippon is not fat because they eat locally grown radioactive fish.

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