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File:[SubsPlease] Dainanaoji - ….jpg (245.56 KB,1920x1080)


Would somebody mind explaining how some random shota isekai comedy managed to secure a good studio with a high budget that is competing with some of the better anime this season in entertainment value? Seriously it's got great comedic timing, and a setting that values its magic and breaking it in so many creative ways while not feeling like the author's personal wankfest over themself. Lloyd's quite the mischievous and charming creature, he sort of sucks you in and has you wondering what kind of bs he'll pull out of his ass next. It's more comedic than serious though so I'm more laughing with it than with something like Mahouka where it's played completely straight.
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As if to confirm the isekai was nothing more than a setup for Lloyd to be a shota with an amazing interest in magic, there was some expansion on his prior life in a later chapter. In which we see him and Prince Albert playing together and the new baby they're talking about ends up being Lloyd after he dies. So it's not another world or even reincarnating far into the past/future, it's just reincarnating right after you died just with a better vessel for magic.


Wasn't that already obvious from the first episode? I always thought it was a magic obsessed commoner who got reincarnated into a noble (i.e. people with an aptitude for magic).


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Well, Dainana is over and it's apparent no one was particularly interested in its final showdown. Bit of a shame, but at least it remained superbly colorful and well animated to the very end.


I never got around to watching it, but my anilist notifications thing had shown that a season 2 was already announced, so that's pretty cool.
I still find him and the visuals too creepy and uncanny valley-y.


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Still cute.

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ITT: Characters who did nothing wrong.
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How do you think Oral Hygiene Bro and his imouto are doing after all these years?


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Wasn't OHB Monogatari later revealed to be completely made up?


Was it? I know many doubted its legitimacy, but I don't recall if it was ever confirmed as being fiction.


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He was just trying to save everyone from their own bad decisions.


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Nothing wrong with a little tough (yuri) love.

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You know I get a feeling that guy on the left isn't as reliable or altruistic as he appears.
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You guys are making me feel really insecure about my mastery of the English language. Am I truly this bad at communication?


stop caring.


dumb mastard


this was actually a really emotional moment along with the voiceless scene where they tell the news to the maid afterwards. really drives home the gravity of what happened and the impact on rudy as he realizes that his recklessness cost his father his life


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Yeah, that episode was really good. It reminds me of why I liked Mushoku Tensei so much in the first season (or cour, whatever it was before the big event happened, 24 episodes?)
But, It also reinforces my belief that the previous 20 episodes could have been condensed into about 5 without losing much. Did the college really need 8 episodes? I did like the Sylphie stuff but so much of it just seemed like filler, but it wasn't actually leading to anything so it filler in an empty sandwich.
The past few episodes have been a nice return to form.

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 No.76615[Reply][Last50 Posts]

FRIDAY 6/14 AT 7:00 EST

Owarimonogatari: Final Season
96 posts and 55 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


The manga had no gay, no Nanami, no incest, no NOTHING. It was basically Utena with all its soul ripped out.


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This is true for Monogatari as well though. The author is Ogure Ito and he does change some things Nisio wrote. Still good though.

Anyway, I haven't watched Utena yet, but I had the misfortune of reading the manga thinking it would be good, so it soiled my whole experience on it. Not much I can do about it now. I wasn't aware that it wasn't the original (is it really not though? it says it came out in 96 and the anime in 97).


it's kinda like evangelion when they were planned side by side but the anime is the main one


It takes longer to produce an anime than it does to start drawing a manga. Utena was a project by Be Papas and the anime direction was done by Ikuhara while the manga was done by Chiho Saito. It's like saying Devilman wasn't that good because of the anime and that you don't need to read the manga to see different even though they're entirely different things.


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It's a bit hard to tell here, so it's not exactly my fault. I know that I'm never gonna touch the Cowboy Bebop manga because it's a shoujo, so it must be completely different from the anime which has a seinen vibe.

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Is darjeeling supposed to smell like cigarette ash? It tastes fine but the smell is a bit off putting.
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are you drinking a kuso brand? twinings' lapsang souchong knockoff tastes like that in my experience.


darjeeling in the franxx


Just imagined Darjeeling from GuP in Zero Two's outfit.


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The brand is Ahmad Tea. I have no clue if it's a kuso brand or not but some of the other teas they have are pretty good.


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Have no idea, never had it? I’ve never had lapsang souchong either, athough supposedly that has like carcinogens in it lol like that matters
That’s a good brand, my parents drink it.

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Are you good at showing your emotions outwardly, or do you tend to keep them hidden?
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File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (193.66 KB,1920x1080)

I'd say I'm pretty bad at hiding them, especially things like anxiety. I still try to hide them, though


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When I was a kid I was really bad at expressing my emotions. I noticed that was a problem and started to try to exaggerate my emotions as much as possible, but not to the point of being loud. That actually made people overreact to my emotions, but it still was better than just getting ignored. Eventually you just start getting better at controlling your reactions. Nowadays I try to always talk calmly and with a smile; it's the best way to let people know that I don't want to talk to them.


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Behind my wide smile and positive attitude there is a mass-murdering psychopath hell-bent on annihilating your world!


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FUCK smiling. It gives you wrinkles. Sarcasm and deadpan comedy is the only way I can be playful with people.


Fine until i get stressed. Get your eyes off me when that happens.

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Feel like being unable to enjoy anything, sleep properly, exercise, are probably byproducts of stress. How are you supposed to lower your stress levels when it gets to the point that it's debilitating?
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but LITERALLY every 2d character that smokes is a badass


it's purely aesthetic they're just lighting candles


idle games
thrashing stupid AI in lichess, hex empire, fighting games
eating peanut M&Ms but you need to look at each M before you eat it
finding some short anime like umayon or henkei shoujo or ueno-san and watching those when you need a pickmeup


>How are you supposed to lower your stress levels
What's generating the stress?
If you can't deal with your work without slowly dying inside, perhaps you should find another job, or ask for a reduction in work hours.


Problem is I like my work just I made a misstep so it was weighing on me. And working less doesn't really help.

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If possible...


If you don't fuck up and download a toaster-release with hardsubs, you can just deactivate the subs in your player's settings and in this manner turn the anime "raw".


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

can't believe I'm behind a few episodes
I need to rectify this soon


I need to bite this shab soon


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You know, as I look through and crop and organize images I'm reminded that there was a study that found men subconsciously felt happier and more relaxed when looking at breasts.
It makes me wonder if there's something like it for looking at cuteness. I feel like it has a definite effect on me even when I'm not thinking of it.
And then there's sexycute stuff which is like a double whammy of mental healing. With so many people embracing the endless rage of the modern internet maybe they should schedule some healing sessions.
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File:[MTBB] Owarimonogatari S2 ….mp4 (1.67 MB,1280x720)

Another example is when Kisshot playfully bullies Yotsugi. She was originally her rival, but as Kisshot, her maternal instincts are activated and she sees her as something in need of protection. It does seem like you experience this more often as you get older, which is why moe anime like Yuru Camp and the like is only really popular with 30+ adults in Japan.


>but I guess a lot can happen in millions of years.
Kami programmed you to be fruitful and multiply.


In "millions of years", your species will be dead and forgotten, human.


This winter outfit is incredibly cute.

It's a good thing I'm immortal


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>This winter outfit is incredibly cute.
!!! Good eye! Yes it is, it's very cute! It has an interesting hybrid style of traditional Ainu clothing as customary of Tuskuru inhabitants, but her capelet hood thing also has the straight line near the edge that's reminiscent of a schoolgirl collar. Very interesting and cute!

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Day 386: I have successfully taken the witch's virginity. Her magic power has fallen dramatically. I believe it is now possible to kill her. Preparations for the assassination proceed as planned.


Just give it back, you asshole.


she deserves it
two tone hair witch


File:[Pizza] Do it Yourself!! -….jpg (395.65 KB,1920x1080)

completely forgot about this show
but her two tone hair makes her an ally of kissu since everyone loves it here!

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Won't forget Elle
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noisy post


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its bedtime tape so that she doesnt turn into a mouthbreather


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and then... when kissu needed her most...

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Dropping a figure into an aquarium might be cool. You'd still need to clean her every once in a while. But your fish aren't likely to eat her, and they'd give her some company.


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I do not think this is proper care! I'm someone that thinks dust collecting on them is fine, but I think submerging them in water will erode the paint and that might also be bad for the fish.


the algae growth on aquarium things, especially in sunnier places, is really unwelcoming to this idea


as the foot reviewer, I endorse this figurine


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it's nekomimi modo
nekomimi modo
nekomimi modo

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64 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I wonder how many people on kissu are legitimately aroused by funny faec.


So uhhhhh no one wants to talk about how this thread was created by a real archwizard......


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>calls you onii-chan


I used a mod edit to adjust the text since adding the css image broke it, but anyone can make big text since kissu supports, uhhhhh.... what was it called... html or something?

[s glowgold|font-size:50px]BIG TEXT[/s]


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You will know the radiance of 1000 suns; as the name, MEGUMIN, is seared into your ignoble soul!

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whats she so happy about


Sakuya has realistic pads obviously


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Her massive remiween. It's a WIP game where she is a futa and the other residents try to rape her.


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God bless japan.


The land of the dreamers.

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Desiring to sound intelligent in English leads a person to invariably use a term originating from Latin/French alternative to the Old English equivalent.

I will construct this sentence using equivalent Old English terms for you to compare and deduce which one sounds more sophisticated:
"Wanting to come off as smart in English makes someone to always use a word coming from Latin/French instead of the Old English twin.". As you can observe, it's impossible to utilize the word "term" in this case despite the fact that it's more appropriate. The Old English equivalent is nonexistent.
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To me, the grammar looks more like a skeleton than a Frankenstein's monster. Most of the interesting bits are gone, but it's edgy and cool.

Stuff like the "used" weirdness is more like orphan grammar, or, to import it into my established simile, it is like a finger bone with the rest of the finger missing, leaving you to guess how it might connect to the rest of the hand.


>grammatical tenses in English are retarded
I tried to help back then, but now I'd like to make things worse by inviting you to watch this video.

I'll just say that I really like skeletons, as a side comment that is not metaphorical.


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This is so confusing. It turns everything I know about it upside down. Fuck you English. There's no way to adequately learn about this other than simply parrot what other people say.


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It's kind of like how in Japanese the auxiliary いる is taught as a marker of the continuous aspect, but has a wider usage and particularly in a scenario where you want to say that you know this or that and employ the verb 知る you MUST use the te-form+いる as 知っている (except in the negative form where you don't), contrary to how in many other languages verbs for knowledge are stative and continuous by default, see how "I'm knowing that" simply doesn't exist, it doesn't make any sense.
But it does, doesn't it? It does do that.


I find English's "I forget" strange in the same way.

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