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Have you ever gotten any money from class action settlements? Even though most of them would be pocket changes, it would still be free money to buy a new game or figure for the many hikineets here.

I have found $43 from current opening settlements just in the food category alone which don't require any proof of payment.
17 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I do live in a nice country, but I invested my welfare and sold to buy a place to live and moved out. Housing is a right in almost every country in the world except third world countries. It doesn't mean you're entitled to good housing though.


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>Housing is a right in almost every country in the world except third world countries.
Not in the Land of the Free.


Depending on which state you live in it may as well be a third world country.


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According to Wikipedia, there is not a single US state that guarantees housing as a right. The only exception they noted was Massachusetts, which notably excludes homeless people from receiving housing, and instead only covers families. Maybe there are some cities that have housing policies, but pretty much every city I've been to more or less criminalizes being homeless and actively makes public amenities like park benches worse so that it dissuades homeless people. The only thing I can think of that's vaguely pro-housing is that cops will pick up homeless people and take them to a homeless shelter, even against their will, if it's at or below freezing outside and they would otherwise die from exposure if they stayed outside.

I guess that makes the US a third world country...


I am a n*rm with a j*b.


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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
702 posts and 320 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.



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Catblog: After being bitten on the tail we thought she was fine at first but then developed an abscess that we discovered the morning we were supposed to fly overseas. After rescheduling all of our arrangements by one day we took her to the vet and she had to get a cone around her neck and a drain, and my aunt looked after her while we were gone. She had the cone off and had more or less fully recovered by the time we arrived back.


Cat's been annoying in the cold temperatures. Wants to play like all the time and doesn't put up with a day where I'm busy


NO! That cat's too BEAUTIFUL to deserve being bit.
If you work from home you work for the cat.


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Winter is coming... is kissu ready?
40 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


My building puts the heat way too high so I leave my window open a lot even in the middle of the winter and today I woke up with a pile of snow on my windowsill. I've been leaving the window open here for a few years and this is the first time snow came inside like that.


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now tomorrow, will be cold


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oops so used to ignoring it in the winter i forgot to turn on feels like


That's pretty cold, huh


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It's getting really dry


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I wanted to create a scam crypto whose purpose and design was to be rugpulled at an indeterminant but publicly announced point in which a random number generator that generates a new number each day landed on a certain number. At first I was thinking purely cynically in that I wanted to pull an open scam on people that they would willingly buy into knowing its a scam but try to beat each other out to cash out when the number hit anyways, but then I started thinking about it some more and someone on #qa linked me litecoin's github and I started wondering more than that too.

What resources would one need to create a cryptocurrency entirely from scratch? Obviously some coding knowledge would be beneficial, but what languages do people use to make them? Also I think it'd probably be good to read up on cryptography since the security of mining and transactions is built around that, but don't know what books are good reads for that sphere of math. That's what I think the two things one would need to make a coin are, but is there more to study up on? I was also thinking that a coin in which there was a way to figure out how to just mine infinitely by cracking the algorithm would be cool too, but not sure what that would even entail or if it's possible without making mining entirely meaningless.

I'll probably spend a year on this and then at some point finish when nobody cares about crypto anymore. But I think understanding crypto at a fundamental level would be fun.


>when nobody cares about crypto anymore
nobody cares about shitcoins now unless it's endorsed by multiple super famous celebrities, it doesn't matter how original your idea is


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Yeah but now I just want to do it for fun


Well... If you do it, you should see if you can launch your scam coin on Coinbase somehow. Every now and then they do "learn and earn" things where, for completing simple quizzes about the coin, they'll give people some of that coin for free. Could give temporary liquidity and convince retards to buy it and then you can rug pull and cash out.


>launch your scam coin on Coinbase
Exchanges are pay to play. It costs millions.


or at least a market cap of a million. the initial holders have to put in a lot of initial money to make it seem like a real hype coin.


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Always find that when I'm not feeling so good Miku can always bring a smile back to my face. She's such a great source of comfort when things are bad.

1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


cute miku


Panty kiss


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oooooooooohhhh mikuuuuuu ;_; ;_; ;_;


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You know I've never seen someone try to make an AI Miku cover for a song. Must be that she's just too perfect to ever replicate with AI.


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 No.67883[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I want to nakadashi *girl* has become a popular phrase on imageboards (mostly 4chan). But it's a mix of Japanese and English. If I was going to say "I want to cum inside Holo" fully in Japanese, how would I go about doing that? In the English sentence, nakadashi is a loan word and it is the action being done, but in Japanese I don't think 中出し is a verb. Can it be verbified by adding する to it? And then you conjugate it to say you "want" to do it. So the end result would be 私はホロで中出ししたい which would translate to I want to cum inside Holo. Am I correct?

Japanese is fun to learn.
362 posts and 88 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


English isn't that much easier apart from the writing system.
As a generic advice, consume more Japanese and contexts will make sense and patterns emerge.




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¥ 2:56
>Later hiragana took over katakana's function in mixed writing, and by later I mean less than a hundred years ago
>and katakana was repurposed to encode loanwords.
There were already instances prior to then of hiragana being used in mixed writing and katakana being used for loanwords.

But overall, this seems like an okay overview.


solid vid


I'm going to be taking a Chinese class this spring. It seemed like a fun idea, but I will probably suffer.


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I dream of a world where you can buy inches...


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There's probably something like gigolos in your area. Don't let your dreams be dreams


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When will they learn?


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You can though, it is called high heels or platform shoes...


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Aren't those for girls?


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 No.136312[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Kissu's Palworld server is now online!


We last played in January and there's been some big patches since then. For those who don't know, it's a third person building/Pokemon capturing game. I think the term is "open world crafting survival" or something, but it's Japanese so it's cute and quirky. People called it "Pokemon with guns", which is kind of true for the atmosphere but it's more than that.
For those that did play last time, here's the patch notes for the second major patch: https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1623730/view/518574472406499342
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this poor pal...

I'm still playing, although I just got sick so I might be refraining from playing too long depending on how I feel in the next few days.


There's not much for me to do outside of the oil rig and I've already vented my frustration about it.

If anyone is level 60 and wants to help me kill Xenolord let me know and I'll log on again. I built a base next to an area that will glitch his AI and we can spam laser gatlings to his face. Will need full vanguard gobfins, vanguard(optional) ice mount, and probably like 5-8k gatling ammo.

I tried it solo and got him to half HP with the timer running out.


Shit man ill probably be ready in like 1 week or so (I smoke weed)


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Ehh, glitching him sounds boring. I'm going to see what he's like later since I have a ton of slabs from expeditions and stuff.
This game is feeding my OCD about preparing for stuff, with breeding abilities and getting souls to enhance and doing the essence merging thing. Then you feed each one before the raid the +25% attack (or defense) food and a regen potion if needed. Oh, and skill fruits to better abilities and probably swap in the enemy's weakness if known. (not sure what Xenolord is and don't tell me)


It is boring but so is fighting him. His HP is bloated to shit and the fight sucks ass. If nobody wants to do the cheese strat then I'll just wait until the next update comes out and use whatever new weapons/mats they have to take him down.


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pls don't eat fried chikin, pls think of the birbs


that's amazing chicken, chen!


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Have you tried figuring out good ways to warm up?


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It's pretty average January


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Perhaps you need a blanket?


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blankie warm


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100-1 oppai to body movement ratio
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this is great


It still boggles my mind that the studio that made Hand Shakers, almost a decade ago, is still somehow in business. I've got like 600 entries on my anilist and I purposefully avoid rating anything I've ever come across as a 1 out of 10 because it's a special spot I left to hand shakers. I can't even describe my feelings towards it, its not hate, its a lot closer to pure bafflement.
It's like every person in the studio took some mind altering drugs or is drunk or both at the same time while making or directing it, it's bad, but not in the traditional boring style of bad, there's some form of alien passion that went into making questionable decisions and dialing it up to eleven. I really should rewatch hand shakers


I dropped Hand Shakers after the first episode but was somehow tricked into watching the entirety of the stealth sequel. I will never forgive gohands for this.


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For those who aren't watching it, it seems to be going in the Madoka direction, although I haven't watched episode 3 yet.
My main issue is the talking they do around the table for 8 minutes isn't particularly interesting, even with all the crazy angles and animation. Although to be fair, you need an exceptional style and skill to make those scenes visually appealing.


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Wow! Will she promise to go on a diet? She's a bit...


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...lacking in the belly department


NO! She’s just fat enough


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But I'm not single? I have a 2huwife.


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She's so plump


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 No.129768[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
296 posts and 106 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


it means you're the target audience for once


All of the stuff in Fortnite is like that.
That's just what the kids like these days.


i need a game to waste all of my time on to escape reality but I can't think of a single one i want to play
what's wrong with me


probably a lot because there's like a billion games out there you can do that with


super smash bro's melee
mario kart wii
tf2 sorta
any resident evil or silent hill game.


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Why did they design the Switch 2 like this? Are they stupid?
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if you're brave enough to walk around with your laptop in your hands while playing a game, why not lmao


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There must be something we're missing. It's such an oversight that it must be more sturdy than expected... somehow. Or maybe it's uhh... actually I don't know.
I hope it's backwards compatible with switch and someone is able to crack it. Oh, and somehow Nintendo stops allowing the mountains of shovelware released to its digital store every day.


>it's backwards compatible with switch
It is *with exceptions.

>crack it
Probably, the rumors that Nintendo has been on a suing spree shutting all the Switch stuff down lately because the Switch 2 will be super similar are looking true right now. If this really is just a Switch with a bigger screen and better resolution/fps, then they're competing directly with emulators.


Think about this for a bit


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i am

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