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File:[SubsPlease] Koi wa Futago….jpg (407.86 KB,1920x1080)


Hear me out on this one. "Blah blah blah, polygamy against what I believe in" whatever.

Twins. Name a better case for it.


Fraternal twins are just regular sisters.
Identical twins are like having two Gamecubes: they do the same thing and trying to use both means you have to jump through hoops to keep your save data synchronized.


identical twins are one of the WORST cases imaginable polygamy is something that requires balance and if you can't tell them apart it becomes impossible to account for disparities
better case: all of them

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shota killed my perfect yuri world
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Shotas are basically honourary girls anyway, so I see fail to see the problem here.


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Reminder that the deer is MALE.


Hold the fucking phone.


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Because the shota was allowed to exist, there are now men walking around and women can't compete anymore.

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how retarded can a person be...


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (207.91 KB,1920x1080)

First the Shikkaku show and now someone else watched a show and made a thread about minutes before I'm about to watch it!
And the answer is that smart people don't get isekai'd!


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What a pretty show. Every time I see a ferris wheel like this I think of that one Inuyasha ED


>that one Inuyasha ED
Oh, I know the one


Posting this without context. But you'd be surprised how stupid you can be when something unexpected happens to you for the first time. Every I know that's been shot at before says the same thing. They knew they were being shot at but they didn't attempt to run. They just froze.


Pretty fuckin' stupid, apparently. I mean, it should be obvious that the whole appeal of magical girl romance is the age gap but somebody decided to make one with a hag anyway.

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how the flip do you plan on eating all that


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How many EDM music have you heard that use this sample clip?


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When you think about it little sisters are basically perfection
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Oh yeah what if you're half-siblings?


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Is this some kind of fetal alcohol syndrome fetish?


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MC-kun is too handsome; I can't self insert.


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Holding onto reality quite strongly, aren't you.


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Russianism is recessive so she wouldn't be Russian.

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You've been entrusted the task of allocating resources for the development of a videogame, and have thirty points to use. How will you spend them?
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Best I can think of for a good balance in the style of a JRPG like The Legend of Heroes but with shotas.
I can't make up my mind on adding traps trading in one point of modablilty.


Traps could be modded in BUT it's better if they're well integrated into the plot and cast of characters, so I'd say yes, it's a good trade.


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The perfect game


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Probably like a bethesda-type open world game where the main quest is relatively short (like 6-12 hours) but its very mod friendly.

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found a meower
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So how is it? The sidescrolling stuff I saw in clips reminds me of a vanilaware game, but I have no idea what the farming is like or if there's an depth to it at all.


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kissu public enemy #1


Huh.. why Alf... why is there a Higimari image with Alf? Did I miss or forget something or is this completely random?


he's gonna eat nyanta

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Today I learned that PEANUTS can cause cancer. Yes, you heard it right, peanuts. Facts about health and nutrition can be shocking and surprising.
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are stale almonds spoiled?


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>To date, no outbreak of human illness caused by aflatoxins has been reported in the United States
Cancer doesn't develop immediately, so of course there's no "outbreak": https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7013914/
>Repeated exposure to low doses of aflatoxins over a lifetime causes chronic diseases, the most frequent and severe of which is cancer.
I think this is exclusively talking about high doses that have a more direct effect, but not low doses which are silent killers.

Anyway, I'm not taking any chances and I'm going to roast my peanuts with lemon juice from now on. I live in a humid region, so they could be vulnerable to this.


yeah, rancid, i've seen people use the terms interchangeably but it's not like i'm an expert
you should just read this and look up more stuff on the handling and prevention of aflatoxins if you care this much
it's not even limited to peanuts, it's in other nuts and corn too


I want Nico to r*pe me


My cum can cure cancer

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Hey wait a minute this is just less-ero more loser-otaku mc Bisque Doll on a budget without the special link that made the two reliant upon each other....


That's a really cute outfit that I wish I could pull off IRL. I don't even try because I know they'd look awful. But I can't help but be jealous of female cosplay options. They don't know how good they have it.

Wouldn't even want to show it off. It'd just be enough if I could enjoy it myself in private.


File:[Erai-raws] Tensui no Saku….jpg (280.92 KB,1920x1080)

So this season has a vtuber anime, a youtuber anime, and whatever this "2.5D" show is. I think I'm too old and lame for this stuff


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Times may change and trends will come and go, but I don't think that just because something is new means that it'll not appeal to me at all. I can appreciate a nice highschool romance anime despite having never experienced it myself or really having any longing to do so. So I think of stuff like this as similar to that. If someone can pull off a good concept for a story using these newer trends then I can still enjoy a good story/anime for what it is. And I think I can certainly say that's the case for Mayonaka Punch. The mix with supernatural too makes me think you'd probably enjoy it as well since it's not all youtuber SoL stuff. The Vtuber one is a bit more tied to vtubers in general so maybe there'd be a bit more of a wall to climb there but I didn't hate the first episode and I've never particularly been fond of vtubers nor do I even see much of them anymore.

This 2.5D one is about cosplaying which isn't really something that I think anyone here would be "too old" for given how long it's been around. However, it's complete trash and not worth keeping up with.


You remember the mid-2010s explosion of people trying to get rich quick off youtube in the west? Same thing is happening in Japan right now. I recently watched an interview with a guy that became homeless because he was attempting to get famous by skateboarding across Japan.

Give it a few more years and it will pass.


Wonder if they'll face similar arbitrary moderation to what people in the US did or if JP is somehow safer since it's not the native language of the company heads.

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>Still no raw download/torrent for Digimon Tamers 2021
>The only fansub that exists is the crappy softsub one from [DATS-Wild Bunch] with their annoying watermark logo and their cringe trigger warning about the "alt right messages" of Digimon Tamers 2021

Where the hell can we find the raw! Also we need a proper fansub for it.
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“Alice, I’m worried that one day he’ll be more than angry. I know what he did at the Scarlet Devil Mansion. He’s capable of killing, you know…”

“What the hell are you talking about? He promised me he’d never go back there after I caught him fooling around with the gate guard.”

“You know those books he got you as a wedding present? He stole them from Patch’s library, may she rest in peace. I was there when the mansion burned down. After Anon stole the books, he let Flandre out of her room. He pricked his finger and shoved it in her mouth and said his blood was delicious candy. Being a vampire, she wanted more and flew into a furor. He said that she can get more candy from Sakuya. Flandre found Sakuya and began ripping her to shreds. She barely had time to yell for help before Flandre decapitated her and began to drink her blood. Meiling heard Sakuya’s screams, but because of all the abuse she suffered at Sakuya’s hands, she took off into the woods instead of saving her boss. No one has heard from Meiling since. By the time Remilia was roused from her slumber, Flandre had already made it into the library and had impaled a straw into Patchouli’s half-dead body and was drinking her dry. Remilia confronted her sister, and after a fierce battle that wrecked the mansion and set it on fire, Flandre was finally killed. Remilia, vowing to never return to Gensokyo, gathered up Sakuya’s head and flew off into the night. I confronted Anonymous about why he set this chain of events into motion. He said, ‘I did it for the lulz’. Don’t you see, Alice? He’ll hurt you without even blinking!”


Master’s face was bright red at this point. She’d heard enough, even if it was all true.

“You’re lying! How would you know all this, anyway? There’s a restraining order against you from going near the mansion ever since you assaulted Patchouli when she didn’t have a book that you wanted to steal!”

“I… I snuck back in to steal some more books. I didn’t want to report Anonymous to the police, since I knew he would be unstable if he thought he would be caught, and I was worried about you. I thought you would come to your senses about him and leave him by now…”

A cracking sound split the tension in the room like a peal of thunder. Master’s anger had finally reached its boiling point, and she slapped her best friend. Marisa-san, stunned at this outburst, gingerly felt the large red mark on her cheek.

“How dare you come into my house and insult my husband like this? Get the fuck out, right now!”

“Alice, please! You’re a victim, we can get you help-“ Marisa-san tried to plead with Master. Her golden eyes were full of worry.

Master would have none of it. She yanked Marisa-san up by her arm and shoved her towards the door.

“Shanghai, get the door!” Master ordered curtly. Not wanted to disobey, I swung the door open. Master pushed Marisa-san out. She landed roughly on the porch. Master grabbed Marisa-san’s hat and threw it in her face.


“I… I’m better off without her, anyway. I’m fine as long as I have Anon…”

Master trailed off as she noticed the black and white doll on the shelf. It was a perfect likeness of Marisa-san, and making it was a real labor of love. I remember how proud Master was when she completed it. She planned to give it to Marisa-san as a wedding gift. Picking up the doll, Master began to sob.

“Oh god… What have I done…”

She fell to the floor as she clutched the doll to her chest. Master began weeping loudly, tears streaming down her cheeks. All I could so was stroke her hair until she cried herself to sleep. I snuggled up next to her neck and fell asleep, too.

The sound of the door slamming woke me up. Oh no, Anonymous-san was home from work, and Master hadn’t cooked dinner yet.

“Honey, I’m home,” he said with a belch. He must’ve stopped at the smoked eel stand for a few bottles of sake before he came home… again.

“Where the fuck is dinner? Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?” he said, noticing Master sprawled out on the floor. She was just beginning to wake up when Anonymous-san snatched the doll from her hands.


“You’re still playing with dolls? How pathetic,” he said, before throwing the black and white doll to the floor and grinding it to dust under his work boots.

“No! Why did you do that? That was my favorite doll!” Master protested. That was a bad idea.

“For the lulz. Now I’ll teach you what happens when you don’t make dinner on time!”

Anonymous-san delivered a fierce backhand to Master’s face. Her nose exploded in a cloud of blood. She was on her back now, whimpering. Anonymous-san began stomping down on Master’s stomach, hard. She screamed in pain, digging her nails into the carpet in agony. I was powerless to do anything. I knew that if I tried to attack Anonymous-san, he’ll just blame Alice and make her suffer even more. I covered my ears until the commotion died down. Anonymous-san retreated to his bedroom. I looked over towards Master, who was coughing up fierce amounts of blood. I was worried for her life, until she rolled over on her side and passed out. It was all I could do to wipe up the blood around her mouth. Her breathing was ragged and irregular. I resolved to stay up all night if I had to, to protect my Master.

Sunlight streaming in through the blinds woke me up. Oh no, I fell asleep! Is Master alright? I can’t see her anywhere.

“Oh, Shanghai, you’re awake. Anon felt so bad about what he did that he must’ve gotten a new doll for me! I don’t know why it was covered in blood, but that’s alright. It’s the perfect size, too. I’ll start knitting some clothes for it right away! I’m so excited!”


Master walked in from the kitchen and placed the doll next to me. It was made of some weird pink material, like rubber.

Oh, god...

I may just be a doll, but even I know that this was no wooden likeness. Alice had a miscarriage during the night.

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Does anyone have the watch order for LoGH?
Do I have to watch the prequel movie first and then watch the rest of the show?


only watch the tv content


So you're telling me that I don't have to watch My Conquest is the Sea of Stars?


I meant to say the ova content... the main story

I didn't...


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Well that's good, I love that movie.
Also the novels are really good too, anyone want a copy of the ten volume set?

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What about Clownpissu?
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so she has diabetes mellitus?


I get tinnitus just thinking about her spellcards.


Gensokyo is also supposed to represent Japan. This is most clear on the PC98 games I think (where it wasn't called Gensokyo yet), but if you read Kwaidan it becomes pretty clear.


I dont think vampires can get diabetes


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Third Clownpiece thread in a week. I feel... free

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Does anyone here still visit blogs or have their own blogs? If so, share them at this thread. Here is mine:
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I prefer self hosted websites as well. It isn't hard to throw together some HTML or figure your way around an existing CMS set-up. Most people abandoned that long ago for the clout chasing.

I do have a little neocities website. But I won't link it here because the content isn't relevant. I should probably update it sometime.

What I really miss are the old webrings. I found so much cool stuff through things like the anime webturnpike back in the day. I really loved forums before the mid-2000s to. Back then they weren't filled with ads and overbearing moderation or annoying posters. I had to give up on forums and started using imageboards exclusively because of such people. Who followed up to the imageboards with their habit of constantly seeking attention. Most other stuff like youtube was the same way. I wonder what they'll ruin next. Most things don't even get a chance to have a fun period these days. They show up to ruin it within a few days or the place never takes off because it gets deplatformed for allowing the type of content and discussion I'm trying to abandon social media for.

Internet is a really lonely place now if you don't participate in the social media clout chasing or dox yourself. I don't understand these people. They claim to hate everything about the places I enjoy. But they always come to ruin them and attempt to turn them into the exact kind of places they're fleeing. Similar thing has happened here IRL. All the people flooding in from the other states bitch about the state they fled. Then turn right around and try to "educate" us and set-up the same policies and laws here. My state is changing so fast. We've have more people immigrate here than any other state in my country since about 2020. They've already nearly fully displaced the locals.


The problem is with exposure.
The modern web isn't set up in a way that many people are going to randomly stumble across small sites like that, and unlike in the BBS days people can't (unobtrusively) advertise their pages in their signature on an imageboard or Reddit or whatever.
No one wants to shout their lengthy essay into the void, and neither is it convenient for their audience to regularly check for new posts on dozens of different sites they follow. Posting to established communities provides an easy, if short-lived, way to get seen by a decent number of readers.


>neither is it convenient for their audience to regularly check for new posts on dozens of different sites they follow.
We created these cool things called RSS and Atom feeds a long time ago to solve this problem. Sadly, they don't generate profits and rage clicks for our overlords.


Back then the forums weren't filled with >ads and overbearing moderation or annoying posters.
Overbearing moderation is what killed/ruined forums for me. And generally power hungry mods that treat everything as a forum tos violating. And they do it for free.

I've been moderator for someone else's forum only one time and only because I loved that forum. After that I never became a moderator again even when friends asked me to for their groups.


>The problem is with exposure
You can use YouTube and social media to exposure your personal site/blog. That's how I've discovered some neat retro video games sites.

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I want to play more video games and yet I don't play more video games and instead sit on my computer doing other stuff! WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN?
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That kinda sucks. I have a few (online) friends that I play fighting games with and we'll pretty much play anything that people can afford. And even though I get my ass absolutely handed to me a lot by the one person who's exceedingly good at I don't bitch and claim they're cheating. I just rage a little bit and keep slamming my head against the wall. Can definitely understand the frustration of people that only want to play whenever they feel like it and then stop wanting to once they realize they suck because they never play.

Also is that "Smash" one that "Multiversus" game? Looked like crap when I saw gameplay for it and it had a popular phase for whatever reason that I could never understand. Maybe since it was pretty much Smash for PC was why it got popular for like a month or so.


I can't remember the game but it was the one with Looney Tunes characters. I personally do not like Smash that much but I will play it. What I don't like is playing a game that doesn't even have proper controls or frame data. I can't remember specifics about it now but I know it did stuff like forcing you to be online to play local multiplayer. You'd be playing together and suddenly it would lag like you were playing someone in another region. It just wasn't fun.

But it goes on sale or is free on console several months later and backed by a social media hype train then that guy will pick it up and get angry that no one wants to play or that everyone else already knows more about the game than he does.

This guy is like this with most games. That DBZ fighting game is a good example. He wanted to play it all of the time. I didn't really care for it so I hadn't put much time into it myself. He forced me to play with a bad controller and wouldn't let me spend a couple of minutes looking at the move list or learning basic movement in-game. So he button mashed his way to an easy win and talked all sorts of shit.

That got me angry enough that I downloaded it when I got home. Spent a few hours learning some combos and more importantly how to set-up the buttons to where I could play it with a stick (which I prefer).

A few weeks later I'm sitting around hanging out over there with about 5 other people. He boots up the game and issues open challenge to the room. He beats up on a couple of people that have never played before. His roommate leaves the room because he already knows the deal and doesn't want to play (he's not really into games with auto-combos and doesn't beat up on the guy to avoid drama).

It's my turn after awhile. I ask to hook up my stick (I always take it over there to play with the roommate). At first he refuses and claims I can't use it for that game anyway. Then he finally lets me plug it in when I say I won't play with the busted controller.

We go into a match. He might land one combo. I pretty much stomp him. Then he gets mad and starts up with the excuses
>That character you're using isn't fair
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in what world is elden ring considered slop


>It's so bad that lately if I put money into a machine and try to play someone they'll just stand up and leave. They won't even try. This is not exclusive to fighting games but they're probably the best example of what I'm talking about.
Yeah that's really odd and I don't know why it's becoming more prevalent. If I'm playing a fighting game it's for fun purposes of just playing the game against other people. Winning is more of a side thing that I need to start labbing hard in the game to do consistently.

My guess is that it's a result of of esports and them becoming the main way people know of fighting games now so they want to be their own local fighting game pro and not someone that gets walloped each game because they refuse to practice and want to be great despite that. Which sort of in turn ties into the proliferation of people that just want the feeling of victory without having to put in any effort to achieve it. It's pervasive in a lot of modern games now with extreme accessibility settings that will dumb down the games to a level that completely removes the "game" part from them while still telling the player they won. At least older games would sometimes at the end recommend people play a higher difficulty if they beat the whole thing on easy mode. Probably also the social media instant gratification mindset helps with spreading this too.


I guess that's what it is. I stopped going to tournaments a long time ago due to a surge of new people. So many flooded in that it didn't feel like the same environment anymore. This happened around the time SF5 came out (or slightly before). At the local place they sold off all the pinball machines around that time and removed half of the candy cabinets to make way for Smash set-ups (Nintendo consoles). Which were only used like once a month for children.

I used to travel to tournaments and they slowly became worse and worse as the years went on. 2009 was the flood of the so-called 09ers. But they mostly assimilated. But after them came the social media clout chasers and what would have been soccer moms a decade before with their brats. Then everything fun was banned.

No smoking. No drinking. No explicit cosplay. No using skimpy character outfits on stream. No trash talking. No telling someone to fuck off if they were annoying you. No Melty set-ups in the bathroom and parking lots. No betting or playing money matches. No vulgar t-shirts. No solid rules about what is and is not allowed. No saying the word fag or nigger.

Suddenly, people I'd never seen before were in charge and kicking people out for no reason that had been coming for 20 years. Prices doubled and sometimes tripled for hotel rooms, food, drinks and entertainment. Kids lined up around the corner to talk to people I'd never heard of before charging them $100 a pop for autographs (twitch streamers). People walking around with cameras in toe hogging all of the set-ups we were trying to practice or run friendlies on. Demanding that WE move so they could film something. If you told them to fuck off some moderator would come around and threaten to ban you for life. I could go on but I'll stop.

Basically, I watched something I enjoyed for many decades die overnight for Disney money. I also watched many people that most of us disliked for years spearhead this process. They were all too quick to cash-in.

The so-called "pros" that are still around won't talk about it because they don't want to risk losing the sponsorship money. Most people left forever and now exclusively play in their local arcades. Sometimes they might travel to another one a few hours away. But no one is traveling to the other side of the country anymore on their own dime. Most of the peopPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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how the HELL do you have a robot wife and she's NOT waterproof? did you have her made in china or something?
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File:[SubsPlease] Boku no Tsuma….jpg (293.3 KB,1920x1080)

she has a ton of exposed machinery after all


but she is waterproof...
she has level 8 water protection, enough to make rice underwater


it's a lie and he should sue the company for saying that


Why would she need to be waterproof? Neither my kitchen nor my bed are underwater.


but what if you had a waterbed

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