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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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I decided that I'm to be hosting a relatively short Christmas stream on Christmas day!
I've been trying to think of Christmas episodes that don't rely on knowledge of the show itself or spoil anything and this is what I have so far:
-Star Twinkle Precure
-Yuru Camp
-Di Gi Charat Christmas Special
-Azumanga Daioh

If you're going to be free on Christmas, what time is good for you?
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No no, on Christmas day!


It's going to start in about 70 minutes!


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Get in here nerds!


Added Lucky Star and K-On! to stream!
Currently halfway through Yuru Camp episode 11 and then will watch 12. Then Lucky Star and then K-On!


Mahoromatic added at the end. Probably don't want to watch the Christmas episode if you haven't watched the rest

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Merry Kissumas!
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everyone gets pokky


merry kissumas friends


I guess I should mention that /xmas/ will be locked for another year starting the... 27th I guess?

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It's a kissumas miracle!


Girls getting married? In MY anime?
It's more likely than you think.

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It's time to decorate the Kissumas tree! Let's add ornaments!
I think we should save the 'star' at the top for last, although I don't know what we should use for it, and a background will be added for the finalized image unless someone has something great in mind for it. (maybe the placement of the tree into scenes can itself be a thread)
Let's get decorating!
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hmm still kind of an opening above her though...
I'll try to think of something


cool cause i was trying ti fiddle with getting the right size for the tree and it wasn't working

wanted to still leave room for other people if they wanted


well, I mean... it's already Christmas in a whole lot of timezones...


ok I made a new thread with updated tree!


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full size tree

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Oh shit it's my wife and her sister birthday today.


merry christmas eve birthday!


Happy birthday Junko Enoshima!

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What is Christmas lun?


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Christmas Lum

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Are you all by yourself for Christmas this year?




dunno. I never plan anything but I usually end up seeing some friends once everyone is done eating with the family.


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Just me and my mom this year...
It's quite lonely even though I'm not alone


My kissu friends are here!


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Of course!

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I'm going to stay up all night on Christmas eve so I can watch HIkaru and her girlfriend Lala delivering my presents

even if I only get the tiniest glimpse of her perfect form out the corner of my eye it 'll be the best Christmas present ever!
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Why is Lala doing it nopan?


they've evolved beyond pantsu on Lala's world


can't believe its been a year!!!!!!!


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I didn't catch them last year, but this time it's a sure thing!

I've had the entire year to prepare. I've dug a 20 foot pit with spikes under my bedroom with my bed suspended by a welded steel frame to the wall. As soon as they're walking on my false floor they'll fall onto the spikes.
then a high pressure hose in the ceiling will squirt fast setting concrete into the pit to entomb them forever!

then ill sell them to the CIA


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what the HELL?!

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All I want for kissumas is chuu


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Don't you mean candy?

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Looking for some /qa/ boys to spend kissumas with~


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Too many perverts on /xmas/! We must purge it with cute!

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The questions which shook the kissu philosophers community to its core.


A pocket full of lies


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The right way to celebrate Christmas is with your kissu friends!

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So that's why Mio pulled a gun on OP


did the creepy uncle give a kid hitler's diary...


oh, I think I get it... He asked for Mine Craft and the guy gave him Mein Campf... This is staged right


The dialogue basically goes something like this:
"Oh my, look at all these presents"
"It's Christmas, it's like this"
*Notices book*
"What's this?"
*looks towards father*
"I said Minecraft"
"Yeah, Minekampf"
"No, Minecraft"
"Dad, it's a videogame."

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Found a snowman.


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That's a Portuguese name. Where is this?


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North-eastern Bugerland.


History will remember the Portuguese explorer Tiago that found America in 2020

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What does Kissu wish for this holiday season?
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a nintendo switch and discord prime hehe


The reason >>230 won't get what he wants here is because this isn't one of the hellholes where the mods believe in his philosophy of removing "roasties, soys, discordfags, zoomers, or any other flavor of normalnigs."


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That my mom gets cured of her depression. She started taking anti-depressants because of this pandemic stuff. I hope she doesn't need them anymore by the time it ends.


Hope you're mum gets better
Go tell her good luck from me


Be careful about what kind of antidepressant she's taking. I hope your mom gets better and that she's taking those for trivial, easily solvable issues.

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