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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:1682457602627.png (792.36 KB,1169x745)

It sure is a shame, what happened to Christmas.


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (308.27 KB,1920x1080)

What happened?


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A lot, honestly.


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christmas came early this year and i got what i wanted the most
which was for that awful baby to be gone


Elle gained the power of invisibility! This is a huge win for the precures, thank you for giving a hand.


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (362.55 KB,1920x1080)

You cleaned the sheets? Wow! Elle will be so happy!


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It's an /xmas/ miracle!




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hmm actually that Elle should be a little smaller there, although I'm sure the scale is still inaccurate

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Merry Shabsmas

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She knows when you've been stealing threads
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Thats not my fault


You guys are such haters


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Gods, I hate vtubers. My grandfather hated them too.


mai grampa donated all his savings to a virtual entertainer during the dotcom bubble he never recovered

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Happy Saturnalia nerds
Merry XXmas


me on the tree


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Merry Kuonsmasu, Kissu!https://mega.nz/file/tWsk1QjA#KXanXmnr9xpkS-Dv-mg_7hq06LVkfS6ASGzIQfaL0T0

This year, let's wish for even more great years of funposting on kissu!
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anonymous, human trafficking is bad


I almost always only drink just a standard medium roast with some extra thick creamy milk based creamer. I'm not really into all sorts of other flavors of coffee. I used to drink it black from time to time when I was younger and I also used buy some pumpkin spice almond creamer during the fall months when it was stocked in the stores near me. Didn't get any this year as I had to take a few months away from drinking coffee due to getting very sick. Once it started getting pretty cold at night and I finally had fully recovered from being seriously ill, I couldn't resist and had to make some. Luckily I haven't had any negative results from drinking it again other than running to the bathroom a few more times which is normal while drinking coffee.


love how dumb-dumb ai gets the simplest stuff wrong
it's snowing indoors


File:05217-1boy,__gloves,_lace,….png (1.08 MB,960x1248)

He probably didn't prompt snow there.
That's actually a specific strange interaction between multiple LORAs and my merge which is already prone to noise. I think I've talked about this somewhere before, but as it concerns SD (or at least my merge experiments) as you increase the amount of small detail you increase the likelihood that the detail will somehow get "corrupted" and morph into unintended larger objects. Sweat drops are the other common form.
Or not. This stuff is a big black box even for experts that have spent decades doing programming stuff so I'm just going by my own anecdotes with experimenting.
Generating images without errors (or cleaning them up afterwards) is too much work, anyway.


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Dungeon Travelers 2-2 is taking longer than I thought to beat (which is awesome!) and my brain is focused on keeping its maps inside my brain, but I WILL read through this and make a thread for it with OCR stuff so non-Japanese readers like myself can also experience it without needing a gaming GPU setup.
I'll probably take over the Detective Nosuri thread since it's the same basic premise, although the font looks less stylistic this time so it should be far easier to do. (plus the text is in a single location)

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catching falling shabs with my face

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Nothing to see here...
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Is that regex?


the nep that stole christmas


File:__histoire_neptune_drawn_b….jpg (144.17 KB,960x1280)

Which Nep would you eat a bucket of KFC with on Nepmas?


Black Heart


Blanc. No particular reason. I just think she's cute.

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Have you been iiko this year?
If you haven't, I might click it~


Oh, dang. I completely forgot about the old vichan Christmas CSS thing...
I should go look at it again and see if I can re-learn anything from it


File:103809724_p0.jpg (5.98 MB,2591x3624)

H-Hey, I can be a... an ii-ko
Just don't disable christmas...


oh ya, I was supposed to readd the christmas theme


The font reminds me of some of the fonts I used to see on print-outs in elementary school.

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Belated Bocchi Bonzanza



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Edona Xmas


Tales of Christmas


Sex with Edona

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the cicadas


kill, marry, sex gently


Christmas: When they Cry (tears of joy from holiday spirit)


File:umineko xmas.png (352.95 KB,640x480)

"Merry Christmas, Battler!!"
"Ho ho ho ho ho hokyaaaahahahahahahaa!!!!!"

"....Uuooooooohhhhhh!!!!!! Thank youuuuuuu!!!!!!...."

File:kissumas 2022 start.png (54.36 KB,2000x1200)


It's time to start decorating and assemble the party guests for Kissumas 2022! Edit or draw or do whatever you want to add to the scene.

Maybe draw a table because I could not figure out the perspective thing...
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Punpun doing his best there not to look up Lala's lalas.
Merry Christmas frens!


she is too cute!!!!


Very nice
Merry Christmas Kissu


Kissu christmas meetup




th-thanks jannu...
*runs away*


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Nice legwear.


not sure if it counts as legwear. It's basically pants

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Present day!

Present time!


Santa LAME


gonna unwrap lain


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atheist santa brought me gifts!

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