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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:EoZ7ktxU0AAL9_b.jpg (416.93 KB,2048x1150)


Don't forget to enjoyee your christmas
8 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I actively refuse to eat duck because they're too cute but man duck tastes so good. as much as I don't mind about rabbit because it's bland not eating duck kinda piss me off. can't back down now though, it would make the whole ordeal meaningless


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I just don't care for the greasyness of duck


Never ate duck how does it taste like?


quite round and mature

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Star Twinkle Christmas Star! It's a Christmas miracle!

(strangely all the google links for this are TV station affiliates)

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Happy December guys
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was gonna remake this thread but its still here, nice.


really liking how the time capsule boards are working out


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Sugoi~! Granted, Kissu at night is noticeably dead.


Better start changing it then. Activity is exponential

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Are you full of holiday spirit yet?


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Oh yes~


Is this the oldest post on Kissu?




there's an older one, but xmas has it

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Santa Clara


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but Santa is a saint and not a demon


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Clara is a Saint among Demons

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Merry Christmas!


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meri... oh wait it's over...


Happy boxing day!

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Replace the number after p= to change to the numbered page and post something! (it goes back to at least 1000) I guess you could add a second term, too, if you want something more specific
So what are you doing for Christmas? I'm posting on kissu and eating rice


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eating sweets and doing nothing


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mostly same as >>135


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hopefully gonna play some xmas oj!


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Playing OJ, eating din din, listening to Report of the Week food reviews.


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trying to learn how to rice the Debian
there's so much to learn....
not sure what this has to do with Christmas, but I like it

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posting a christmas image on a christmas board on christmas!

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What do you want for Christmas?


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I'd like some new computer parts or rather the money to buy them.
But it's okay, the current ones are still working


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I want a loli!


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its christmas in TWO days!!!
are you hoping to get something from father christmas?
will you be giving something to a special someone?


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sir i bring good cheese

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flan boobie


i prefer my Flans to be flat thank you very much


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Merry Christmas!


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hoin the flat club flan

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the last fridey before christmas!! how is everyone celebrating? I have some whiskey and eggnog and am playing christmas music while i post on the /qa/


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by forgetting it was friday


played some OJ!
posted on kissu!
ate some waffles!


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hoping to masturbate


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Merry /qa/risumasu


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Guys, get a load of this christmas cake.

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Should we try to do something for Christmas or maybe New Year's?
I wonder..
4 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Sure. Might as well make it last until the end of christmas or even new years.


better make a thread about it on /qa/ so people actually see it


Ohhhh yeah, the Secret Santa drawing things sounds great. Hmm....


time ticks away. i think ill organize something if nobody else has said anything by tonight


please do!

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Reindeer Satania!

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