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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:[AnonimOT] Star☆Twinkle Pr….jpg (332.49 KB,1280x720)


Not too sure how I feel about alien santa...


Well, he's bipedal at least?

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I am NOT a christmas cake you take that back


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what are you talking about, obaa-san


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you stop that right now!!


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You probably prefer it over the other name I was considering...

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stinking up this christmas party


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rude, Remilia isn't stinky! her butt smells great


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How do you know what her butt smells like


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it looks nice so it must smell nice too, just basic math

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Lala just destroyed a present with her carelessness!
ha he hi hu ho ho ho ho ho

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Christmas panties!

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Only two and a half more weeks!

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It's the eve of Christmas! Post if you're here!


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Here and ready for another exhilarating Christmas with /qa/!


Christmas fucking SUCKS


The further into Christmas we get the less and less enthralled by it I am


I’m here now.
Does that count?

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god I wish that were me


in the back?



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It's Christmas, can't we all just stop fighting and get along for one day?


I'll protect you cute girll

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I stole someone's Xmas tree


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It doesn't seem to have held up very well. Were you rough with it?

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We wish You a Merry Christmas
We wish You a Merry Christmas

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I hope you've been a good girl with an integer spin this year /qa/, or else you may find quarks in your stockings come Christmas morning.



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Celebrating christmas with /qa/


Christmas Cake!


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ho ho ho


just imagine the booming voice coming from her massive self

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Christmas party at /qa/'s!


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I got you a present!

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