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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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What does Kissu wish for this holiday season?


A long, long pandemic.


That's not a happy Kissumas wish! You're getting coal this year!


Nooooo, why.


A cute boy in a box. (No relation to the song by Corey Hart)


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Apart from the boring "health and family" thing, I want next year's Precure to not be awful


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a cute girl in a box (preferably with cat ears)


the will to achieve my dreams


my kind of spirit


A hot japanese fujoshi girlfriend..


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I wish Andy could be happy...


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rika chama gf


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That's not fair, I want Rika-oujosama gf


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a good board to call home without roasties, soys, discordfags, zoomers, or any other flavor of normalnigs with active mods to gatekeep the place for once(Find another)


don't know why but i've got a real good feeling you probably won't be able to get what your wishing for


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Unity among truwota.
Dispersion of the niwaka hosts.
And to avert the fate of destruction that befell /jp/.
As before, these remain my Christmas wishes.


death to all teenagers


Cozy clothes.
Why don't you try making one?


I can explain why. There are many boards where the mods are obsessed with removing "roasties, soys, discordfags, zoomers, or any other flavor of normalnigs." But these are not the reasons boards become shit. They are coping mechanisms invented by people who can't handle the concept that people much like themselves are shitting up the boards they like. When mods are obsessed with enforcing demographic requirements, they ignore a board's real problems, and the board becomes shit, and the board degenerates even further as users accuse each other of being "roasties, soys, discordfags, zoomers," etc. So >>230 can have every one of his desiderata except "a good board," or he can have a good board, but not both.


I would imagine it's pretty obvious why but what you said doesn't sound like the most likely cause most of the time and definitely not here.
>They are coping mechanisms invented by people who can't handle the concept that people much like themselves are shitting up the boards they like.
That sounds like a weak attempt at redirecting blame.


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a nintendo switch and discord prime hehe


The reason >>230 won't get what he wants here is because this isn't one of the hellholes where the mods believe in his philosophy of removing "roasties, soys, discordfags, zoomers, or any other flavor of normalnigs."


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That my mom gets cured of her depression. She started taking anti-depressants because of this pandemic stuff. I hope she doesn't need them anymore by the time it ends.


Hope you're mum gets better
Go tell her good luck from me


Be careful about what kind of antidepressant she's taking. I hope your mom gets better and that she's taking those for trivial, easily solvable issues.

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