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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:[CommieRaws] Star☆Twinkle ….jpg (144.86 KB,1280x720)


I'm going to stay up all night on Christmas eve so I can watch HIkaru and her girlfriend Lala delivering my presents

even if I only get the tiniest glimpse of her perfect form out the corner of my eye it 'll be the best Christmas present ever!


Doesn't something bad happen if you catch them delivering presents?


when hikaru steps on the pressure plate below my window 50,000 volts of electricity will blast through her feet to stun her and a high tensile strength net will be fired by a C02 cannon to ensnare her
once ive captured her ill keep her all for myself!


Better hope Lala isn't there or else you're fucked


ill just claim its an accident and then pretend to help lala solve the mystery of who put it here
ill get to hang out with lala too!
win win


What do you plan on doing if she finds out, which she will since she's a prodigy from a planet of already geniuses?


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ill carry a large calibre handgun on me at all times and i think that Lala is about to figure it out ill quickly blow my brains out before she can react


File:__hagoromo_lala_and_hoshin….jpg (114.32 KB,575x900)

what are they doing?


Racing to get the last donut!


Why is Lala doing it nopan?


they've evolved beyond pantsu on Lala's world


can't believe its been a year!!!!!!!


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I didn't catch them last year, but this time it's a sure thing!

I've had the entire year to prepare. I've dug a 20 foot pit with spikes under my bedroom with my bed suspended by a welded steel frame to the wall. As soon as they're walking on my false floor they'll fall onto the spikes.
then a high pressure hose in the ceiling will squirt fast setting concrete into the pit to entomb them forever!

then ill sell them to the CIA


File:[AnonimOT] Star☆Twinkle Pr….jpg (209.41 KB,1280x720)

what the HELL?!

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