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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:20221224_214319.jpg (149.38 KB,1013x1800)


H-happi kurisumasu horidays!


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All I want for Kissumas is...


File:__kurashina_asuka_ao_no_ka….jpg (1.01 MB,3000x1896)

Merry Kissumas!!!


to sniff dat butte.

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Santa is a fae

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McQueen's Christmas Miracle!


what do they munch on? some kind of christmas carrot?


What is she reacting to in the background?

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Does anyone want to watch any anime on the night of the 25th?
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What anime?


OPs movie


thread full of grinches


late to seeing this but that sounds great


There's probably a /qa/ thread you can bump, or I'll do it when I wake up

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Short haired brown girls celebrate christmas too, y'know.


big if true






true, therefore big


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Be sure to look for /secret/ santa this evening, in a few hours, /qa/!
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Well, if you won't be too busy traveling in 4 minutes you may not miss it...




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3 left!

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To match the old UI's /xmas/-specific board theme the new UI now has a selectable Christmas theme! Please try it out and give me any feedback you have.
The quick reply background and RSS background is brought to you by stable diffusion's AI thingie, a helpful tool to the creation process!
16 posts and 5 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File:dba112d4f1.png (943.96 KB,1082x714)

The theme is surprisingly good now


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (170.66 KB,1920x1080)



how did you trigger this?

There are still some things that are sort of strange. The QR post queuing and post selection. Otherwise fine.


>gradient patterns
Oh, no, sorry, I was talking about the Kuon, not the background. The mascot, forgot the word then/there.


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How dare you besmirch a Kuon drawn from the heart and not a soulless automaton!
Well, it's not included so people could have their own mascots if they choose. I already force Kuon enough as it is (maybe)

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I... I love Emilia!


Merry Christmas "I... I love Emilia!" thread!

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Merry Nenechimas!



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For me its Fischl


File:[Serenae] [CommieRaws] Tro….png (3.46 MB,1920x1080)

We have an /xmas/ board that needs activity!


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I'm dreaming of a white K- no that sounds perverted..
The Christmas girl of whose legend is sung


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Every time someone posts that girl I see this SA:O side character from the Fatal Bullet game (which is really fun by the way)


Kuon's lips

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Fuck christmas, and fuck santa
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But what about Christmas?


If Christmas is cancelled because of Santa's pregnancy, then I guess you could say that Christmas also got fucked.


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Santa is a fool.

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merry christmas
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it is ok it was replaced with a cute girl who is eating i do not want to disturb her while she is eating


File:you have to sip.jpg (317.82 KB,2048x1152)

thanks, it was fren


It is She Who Eats


wow that is a coincidence i am currently drinking asahi i buy it because it is very cheap


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'Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house,
every creature was stirring because it's too warm what the heck where is my nice winter
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Pictured: what it SHOULD look like outside


File:__lillie_and_selene_pokemo….png (1.57 MB,1378x2039)

Pictured: what it actually feels like


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Glad to hear you Northerners can finally celebrate a proper Christmas too, without all the miserable cold and snow and crap.


what you mean. It's -8C ...


It still isn't snowing...


Hoping for snow next year!


I love how it turns the world quiet like rain, but unlike rain it keeps the same effect when it's on the ground. People far North must hate it, but I really need it here more often

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How are you enjoying yourself this Christmas season?
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That kyouko gif is helping


File:[FFF] Hidamari Sketch Sae ….png (1.35 MB,1920x1080)

What a sad thread


Life is sad.


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Here's to a better Christmas next year.

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