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/xmas/ - Merri Christmasu!

tis the season

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Merry Christmas !

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File:Norway Green Spruce Artifi….png (3.41 MB,2400x2400)


It's time to decorate the Kissumas tree! Let's add ornaments!
I think we should save the 'star' at the top for last, although I don't know what we should use for it, and a background will be added for the finalized image unless someone has something great in mind for it. (maybe the placement of the tree into scenes can itself be a thread)
Let's get decorating!


File:ka99703_hol02_bearornamen….webp (107.02 KB,1040x1294)

Edit or draw a string onto things so it's attached to the tree preferably


File:Untitled.png (3.34 MB,2400x2400)


File:El4tx0qVcAYdB5B.png (492.73 KB,776x775)

I saw this on the patchy artist's twitter and I'm debating how to turn it into an ornament


Obviously you must draw the rest and put it on


File:tree.png (3.39 MB,2400x2400)

Not the best place to start changing if you ask me


File:1607557102861.png (3.36 MB,2400x2400)

Got some of them ball thingies.


Do either of you still have your image open? That left /qa/-tan won't be working well as-is


File:yome.png (3.47 MB,2400x2400)

Fixed the overlap.

I can't really move mine because I didn't draw the covered parts.


I'll move the -tans.


File:1607566329786.png (3.28 MB,2400x2400)


File:ball.png (306.58 KB,776x775)


Add the little thing at the top and it's perfect.


Going to add this one and also one I'm working on... I'll upload it in a few minutes when I'm satisfied


File:tree.png (3.31 MB,2400x2400)

golden lala riding a banana doesn't look as good as I thought it would...


File:tree.png (3.3 MB,2400x2400)


File:Tree.png (3.33 MB,2400x2400)


File:tree.png (3.32 MB,2400x2400)


Thats a cute megumin pic, can I have the original?





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File:1.png (3.5 MB,2400x2400)


gift Sachiko seems so obvious now...


We're so close now.


File:1608520644027.png (3.52 MB,2400x2400)

Nobody added one yet, so I suppose it's ok!


File:1608598331100 copy.png (3.49 MB,2400x2400)

Come on, nerds. Just a couple more!


File:DRfrngUV4AIYQM4.jpg (127.18 KB,662x945)

...or nominate things and give me an image to work with. Ideally it would be something we talked about or enjoyed on kissu in 2020, but old 4/qa/ stuff can work too


File:tree.png (3.62 MB,2400x2400)



dang the nekomimi should have been obvious


File:1608623095944 copy.png (3.61 MB,2400x2400)

I'm not sure what else we can fit.. it needs to be something fairly small, but still recognizable


File:rena is irresponsible.webm (402.82 KB,854x480)

yeah, it definitely needed something related to kemono friends in there. i was so distracted by the hypnotic renaball that i forgot to suggest it.


Add asuka


File:1608623095944 copy.png (3.71 MB,2400x2400)

No Flans were hurt in the making of this tree.
Did I make them too big?


Damn, the flandre wings were obvious.


I think we can go ahead and give it a background. Any suggestions?


File:1608848327018-1.png (3.74 MB,2400x2400)

little late but I added her


Oh. I'll edit the image, I have a photoshop of the scene


hmm still kind of an opening above her though...
I'll try to think of something


cool cause i was trying ti fiddle with getting the right size for the tree and it wasn't working

wanted to still leave room for other people if they wanted


well, I mean... it's already Christmas in a whole lot of timezones...


ok I made a new thread with updated tree!


File:1608871269240 copy.png (3.72 MB,2400x2400)

full size tree

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